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Thong Lo Police Still Conducting Their Stop And Frisks


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As for claims of crime prevention. Thats bullshit, its tea money.

:) crime prevention... cripes it was me who said that....must have drunk

but where there are alot of farangs there are also over stayers, wanted people by other countries and generally naughty people so stopping and searching people in these area makes sense to me. You may not like it but its the truth and also makes sense.

I'm sure the tea money is an occupational hazard and crime prevention is the reality and you and the OP must look like real cartoon baddies

Get a grip on reality mate. It's pure and simple harrassment in the hopes of earning extra cash. Nothing to do with overstayers. Thonglor area is one of the most expensive / desired places to live and hang out in Bangkok - frequented by professionals with Work Permits.

The kind of people getting stopped don't fit the low life / criminal / thief profile that fit under the umbrella of your generalisation.

Cross over to Nana district and see the difference in Crime Prevention as you imply.

Agree...get a grip on reality.

I suppose that if you start with the belief that most farangs are bad and up to no good, then you can rationalize such aggressive, intrusive behavior as being good cop work.

I have, fortunately, never had a problem with the police in Thailand. Some are my friends. But I live in a very small town in nowhere Thailand.......probably a different cop situation than one finds in Bangkok.

I do not doubt what the OP and others are saying about that particular area in Bangkok. I, too, would be concerned that they would attempt to plant something on me.

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I understand the OP, it's not a very nice experience, but doesn't it happen everywhere in the world ?

When I was a student wandering Paris' streets, I used to be stop by the police almost every week, they checked my id, also checked me for drugs and weapons, checked on the radio that nobody was looking for me and usually let me go. I know it's annoying but it's a fact of life in a number of cities and suburbs all over the world. On the bright side, it's usually get better when you get older :) .

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I understand the OP, it's not a very nice experience, but doesn't it happen everywhere in the world ?

When I was a student wandering Paris' streets, I used to be stop by the police almost every week, they checked my id, also checked me for drugs and weapons, checked on the radio that nobody was looking for me and usually let me go. I know it's annoying but it's a fact of life in a number of cities and suburbs all over the world. On the bright side, it's usually get better when you get older :D .

ohhhh, then i take it all back. apparently the TL group is just looking out for everyone's interest and safety. perhaps we should be complaining that the other districts are not keeping us safe and secure.

perhaps a mod can change the name of this thread to something more appropriate in light of this new evidence. :)

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I was stopped by the traffic police on Sunday at Thong Lor. I was on my way to the Bangkok masters at Pattana school and had to swerve on my motorbike into the second lane in order to avoid a nutter in a Toyota Vigo.

The police stopped me and I got done for being in the second lane. The police officer took my Thai licence (5 year one) and had a look and explained to me I had 14 days to pay at the cop shop there. I pleaded my innocence and bullshitted him by saying I had a meeting with Team Thailand and Peter Reid at Pattana and that I needed to keep my licence as it was the only photo ID I had on me. He smiled at me, gave me back my licence, saluted and then asked me for 200 baht.

Guys, I lived in France for 24 years and it is the same over there. Jai yen yen and keep some f###in ID on ya at all times. In Europe you have to in every country except the UK

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Get a grip on reality mate. It's pure and simple harrassment in the hopes of earning extra cash. Nothing to do with overstayers. Thonglor area is one of the most expensive / desired places to live and hang out in Bangkok - frequented by professionals with Work Permits.

The kind of people getting stopped don't fit the low life / criminal / thief profile that fit under the umbrella of your generalisation.

Cross over to Nana district and see the difference in Crime Prevention as you imply.

I'm wondering how look the people "harassed" by the police. Again, based on my experience, usually people living in the most expensive/desired places have zero tolerance for young (and older) punks and police are under strict instruction to keep them away. Again, nothing specific to Thailand.

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Get a grip on reality mate. It's pure and simple harrassment in the hopes of earning extra cash. Nothing to do with overstayers. Thonglor area is one of the most expensive / desired places to live and hang out in Bangkok - frequented by professionals with Work Permits.

The kind of people getting stopped don't fit the low life / criminal / thief profile that fit under the umbrella of your generalisation.

Cross over to Nana district and see the difference in Crime Prevention as you imply.

I'm wondering how look the people "harassed" by the police. Again, based on my experience, usually people living in the most expensive/desired places have zero tolerance for young (and older) punks and police are under strict instruction to keep them away. Again, nothing specific to Thailand.

well, I am 42, short hair, no facial hair, dress professional / very smart casual, have a wedding band, no tattoos and so...perhaps that's it. I should dirty myself up a bit...to look like i have no money. Thanks Pierrot!

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I have made a note to always carry a copy of my passport+visa. The bigger worry, is the feeling powerlessness and the paranoia in regards to having something planted on you.

Agree, they can be intimidating and you always here the stories of planted drugs and big bucks involved to get one out.

Then again i would doubt they go after normal guys in the afternoon with a scam like that in downtown Bangkok. Propably you need to do something else than just take a walk in afternoon to get pulled on that one. But one never knows so better to be safe than sorry. One good way is to empty your pockets yourself and show them the content of your wallet etc instead of letting them to do it.

Trying to do this in front of cops in any western country n u r dead.... right on the spot...... :)

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For the person who said to record it, I have actually taken photos and asked for names when I was being searched as I was pissed, when I took the photo they asked what it was for I told them "Facebook nekrub" and the immediately let me go.

I consider myself harassed by police, take a look at my profile image. Aside from my hair which was only at that crazy angle cause i was laying down and a female friend of mine had been playing with it, i look normal other than slightly pale. Yet I expect to be searched at least 1 time every 2 months or so, its almost routine. Luckily I had my most recent search a few weeks ago so I am good for a bit. I hope.

I was discussing this issue at lunch with some colleagues of mine today and one of the younger french guys (about 25ish) said that he had 2 officers actually stop and search him as he was leaving his apartment a few days ago on sukhumvit 16, just after leaving the gates. Said it scared the hel_l out of him as he has heard too many stories about Thailand and corruption, he was even considering getting his wallet out just in case.

Its a problem if you ask me.

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I go through Tong Lo on a motorbike everyday since 2 years and no cop ever stopped me.

Not that I doubt the veracity of your stories, it's just not my experience.

Edited by orchis
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For the person who said to record it, I have actually taken photos and asked for names when I was being searched as I was pissed, when I took the photo they asked what it was for I told them "Facebook nekrub" and the immediately let me go.

I consider myself harassed by police, take a look at my profile image. Aside from my hair which was only at that crazy angle cause i was laying down and a female friend of mine had been playing with it, i look normal other than slightly pale. Yet I expect to be searched at least 1 time every 2 months or so, its almost routine. Luckily I had my most recent search a few weeks ago so I am good for a bit. I hope.

I was discussing this issue at lunch with some colleagues of mine today and one of the younger french guys (about 25ish) said that he had 2 officers actually stop and search him as he was leaving his apartment a few days ago on sukhumvit 16, just after leaving the gates. Said it scared the hel_l out of him as he has heard too many stories about Thailand and corruption, he was even considering getting his wallet out just in case.

Its a problem if you ask me.

When I lived on soi 16 a couple years back, same thing, walked out of my apartment at Lake Avenue, got on a motorbike taxi to head to the top of the soi, just as i got on two boys on a bike road up beside me, gave me a long look and thought about it.

One night while coming home from foodland full of groceries and soon as we turned onto soi 16, roadblock. made me get out, asked a bunch of stupid questions, looked through my groceries for what I don't know, searched my pockets....

One would like to think they were checking for Drunk Drivers at that hour but I guess that isnt very lucrative.

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Lol they went through your groceries. No seriously they are just either retarded and shouldn't be doing that job, or are after money and then shouldn't be doing that job. Love this country, makes me laugh. Why leave?

No shit, pulled out some fish I bought for the next day and looked at it, I said, you fry that up mate, with a little chili and some lime, aroi mak mak. come by tomorrow at 7pm and i will save you a piece.

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Get a grip on reality mate. It's pure and simple harrassment in the hopes of earning extra cash. Nothing to do with overstayers. Thonglor area is one of the most expensive / desired places to live and hang out in Bangkok - frequented by professionals with Work Permits.

The kind of people getting stopped don't fit the low life / criminal / thief profile that fit under the umbrella of your generalisation.

Cross over to Nana district and see the difference in Crime Prevention as you imply.

I'm wondering how look the people "harassed" by the police. Again, based on my experience, usually people living in the most expensive/desired places have zero tolerance for young (and older) punks and police are under strict instruction to keep them away. Again, nothing specific to Thailand.

well, I am 42, short hair, no facial hair, dress professional / very smart casual, have a wedding band, no tattoos and so...perhaps that's it. I should dirty myself up a bit...to look like i have no money. Thanks Pierrot!

I fit about your description, and the only problem I had for the past year was with a very unsympathetic custom officer at the airport. But I had a similar experience a few month ago in place you wouldn't expect : Auckland ! I never met people so "politely" rude. But same as Thailand, the place is nice and the people pleasant, so you forget quite fast the incident.

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Get a grip on reality mate. It's pure and simple harrassment in the hopes of earning extra cash. Nothing to do with overstayers. Thonglor area is one of the most expensive / desired places to live and hang out in Bangkok - frequented by professionals with Work Permits.

The kind of people getting stopped don't fit the low life / criminal / thief profile that fit under the umbrella of your generalisation.

Cross over to Nana district and see the difference in Crime Prevention as you imply.

I'm wondering how look the people "harassed" by the police. Again, based on my experience, usually people living in the most expensive/desired places have zero tolerance for young (and older) punks and police are under strict instruction to keep them away. Again, nothing specific to Thailand.

well, I am 42, short hair, no facial hair, dress professional / very smart casual, have a wedding band, no tattoos and so...perhaps that's it. I should dirty myself up a bit...to look like i have no money. Thanks Pierrot!

When I got stopped I was on my way to a fancy shindig, so I had on slacks and a button down shirt and nice shoes, close cropped hair, etc. Maybe they are targeting corporate criminals?

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Slacks and a button down for a fancy shindig eh pardner? They really should stamp falangs on the forehead when they get to immigration, take one look at you and stamp PATTAYA on your forehead, or ISAAN, or BANGKOK depending on the way you present yourself. Would save us all a lot of trouble.

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There is no irony - unless I am mistaken about the meaning of it. Facts please on the massive amounts of over stayers and naughty people please.

OP need i say more :)

TL police are gonna be busy then if posting under diffrent names and trolling are reasons for stop and searches. :D

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I've been stopped by Thong Lor Police several times in their precinct. Usually by two guys, a sergeant and another guy riding pillion on a motorbike. I am 53, always smartly dressed and clean shaven.

Once I had 5/6 DVDs I had bought from Panthip earlier in the day and they attempted to arrest me and took me to the station. I paid a bribe and they let me go after some negotiation over the amount. They were adamant they were going to charge me and probably would have if I had not paid the tea-money. Either way I wasn't going to press the issue.

Another occasion was outside in front of the Emporium in the early afternoon when I was waiting for a client to turn up and go for a spot of lunch. Highly embarrassing being treated like a common criminal and the client saw what had happened and I had to apologise profusely.

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What is the fine and potential implications for not having your passport on you (which I refuse to carry anywhere accept when I travel)?

Correct me if I am wrong, but I seem to remember if you lose your passport, you're issued with an emergency one and the only way to obtain a full one is to return to your home country (for the UK that is).

That is why I don't carry it around with me.

Is a photo copy of it and the visa suffice?

Is the passport the only real acceptable form of ID?

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What is the fine and potential implications for not having your passport on you (which I refuse to carry anywhere accept when I travel)?

Correct me if I am wrong, but I seem to remember if you lose your passport, you're issued with an emergency one and the only way to obtain a full one is to return to your home country (for the UK that is).

That is why I don't carry it around with me.

Is a photo copy of it and the visa suffice?

Is the passport the only real acceptable form of ID?

I should also point out that if you only have an emergency passport, you can not travel to any country bar the one on your passport.

So if you only had an emergency passport and wanted to extend a visa in Thailand, you'd have to fly home, get a new passport and go through the visa business again.

If anyone who knows otherwise......please do post.

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What is the fine and potential implications for not having your passport on you (which I refuse to carry anywhere accept when I travel)?

Correct me if I am wrong, but I seem to remember if you lose your passport, you're issued with an emergency one and the only way to obtain a full one is to return to your home country (for the UK that is).

That is why I don't carry it around with me.

Is a photo copy of it and the visa suffice?

Is the passport the only real acceptable form of ID?

If you lose your passport then all you have to do is report it to the police. Once you have done that go to the Embassy and they will issue you a new passport whilst here, no need to leave the country.

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Correct me if I am wrong, but I seem to remember if you lose your passport, you're issued with an emergency one and the only way to obtain a full one is to return to your home country (for the UK that is).

Is the passport the only real acceptable form of ID?

If your UK Passport is lost or stolen it can be replaced with a new full passport locally, you need to provide a police report, fill in a loss form at the Consular Section, they will then cancel the passport electronically, and of course pay the fee for a new passport, which is more expensive than in the UK. You need to sort out any visas you may have.

The Emergency Passport which is referred to elsewhere is actually called an ETD, an Emergency Travel Document, and yes it is for travel back to your own country and can be used only once. It might be issued if you have lost your passport and need to travel home before a new one can be issued or for some reason the authorities do not want to issue with a new passport.

A passport is considered to be the preferred proof required as it not only confirms your identity but your status in the country.

Edited by theoldgit
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What is the fine and potential implications for not having your passport on you (which I refuse to carry anywhere accept when I travel)?

Correct me if I am wrong, but I seem to remember if you lose your passport, you're issued with an emergency one and the only way to obtain a full one is to return to your home country (for the UK that is).

That is why I don't carry it around with me.

Is a photo copy of it and the visa suffice?

Is the passport the only real acceptable form of ID?

I should also point out that if you only have an emergency passport, you can not travel to any country bar the one on your passport.

So if you only had an emergency passport and wanted to extend a visa in Thailand, you'd have to fly home, get a new passport and go through the visa business again.

If anyone who knows otherwise......please do post.

I had my passport stolen in Vienna, and I got an emergency passport in Frankfurt.  I flew back to Thailand no problem, and I was told I could go anywhere with it for the duration of its validity (1 year).  As soon as I returned to Bangkok, though, I went to the US embassy and got a new regular passport issued.

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I've been stopped by Thong Lor Police several times in their precinct. Usually by two guys, a sergeant and another guy riding pillion on a motorbike. I am 53, always smartly dressed and clean shaven.

Once I had 5/6 DVDs I had bought from Panthip earlier in the day and they attempted to arrest me and took me to the station. I paid a bribe and they let me go after some negotiation over the amount. They were adamant they were going to charge me and probably would have if I had not paid the tea-money. Either way I wasn't going to press the issue.

Another occasion was outside in front of the Emporium in the early afternoon when I was waiting for a client to turn up and go for a spot of lunch. Highly embarrassing being treated like a common criminal and the client saw what had happened and I had to apologise profusely.

i am curious as to what all these people who consider themselves smartly dressed are wearing. the term seems quite dated to me and always gives me reason to chuckle, especially when people are using it to describe themselves.

in my estimation, anyone referring to themselves as smartly dressed is either an utter nacrcissist or utterly cluless.

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I've been stopped by Thong Lor Police several times in their precinct. Usually by two guys, a sergeant and another guy riding pillion on a motorbike. I am 53, always smartly dressed and clean shaven.

Once I had 5/6 DVDs I had bought from Panthip earlier in the day and they attempted to arrest me and took me to the station.

Another occasion was outside in front of the Emporium in the early afternoon when I was waiting for a client to turn up and go for a spot of lunch.

i am curious as to what all these people who consider themselves smartly dressed are wearing. the term seems quite dated to me and always gives me reason to chuckle, especially when people are using it to describe themselves.

in my estimation, anyone referring to themselves as smartly dressed is either an utter nacrcissist or utterly cluless.

Would be interesting to know the race of this person who has been stopped a couple times. And that bust with the dodgy DVDs was completely legit...you were in possession of contraband goods.

I have lived in LOS going over a decade now and sometimes dress smart and sometimes dumb but never have I been stopped by the plod for any reason...I guess some people are just lucky or honest looking :)

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