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There are also the cases of the Canadian man shot dead on a taxi one year ago and the Welsh girl who was raped and murdered at the Arrie guesthouse about 10 years ago. None of these murders were ever concluded, as far as I can remember, but correct me if I’m wrong.

It’s mostly down to the incompetence of the police and bad journalism.

The Thai police don’t seem to have the incentives or the enthusiasm to perform thorough investigations and unless a case contains some sensationalism, the press quickly lose interest and the story fades away.

Knowing Thailand as I do and now I’m thinking as myself, not as a Thai or any other national, the deceased family and friends may benefit by visiting and prodding the police up their backsides, so to speak, in order to push through a result with these cases. This of course being Thailand, a few bob under the counter may also help, because that’s the way things are done here. Not my way of thinking but is the facts. But perhaps this has already been done, if so, let us hope that there is some sort of breakthough in the foreseeable future.

I sincerely hope that in my case, my family and I never full foul of the law or become a victim of crime in Thailand; as to obtain any sort of justice here can be a costly long winded battle.

My heartfelt condolences and sympathy for the tragic victims and the suffering caused to those close to them.

The Thai police don’t seem to have the incentives or the enthusiasm to perform thorough investigations or the brains.

People can say what they like about our Muslim neighbours but they had identified two of the suicide bombers involved in the recent Jakarta bombings withing 48 hours. AND they have arrested others who were involved.

They (the Thai police) have still not closed out the Saudi gems murders but then that was only 15 - 20 years ago wasn't it. :)

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  • 1 month later...

Thanks for the update.... strange to think that David has been gone for such a long time.... still miss him often. I was wondering the other day if the world was going to lose his music forever, but it looks like his brother is going to try to ensure that that will not happen.

Meanwhile, no, the madrigal group is not back together. I was in it for one season and loved every moment of it.

The way I think is that it is difficult to keep something alive when the heart is gone. David was very much the heart of the group, he was so encouraging, so talented, so kind, so bossy... so many things. I think he taught us more than we thought we could learn and then some.

Perhaps in a while something new will spring up from the ashes, we shall see.

  • 8 months later...

I feel part of the risk of living in Thailand is being on the losing end of most legal battles. I think it's part of life here for foreigners. Avoiding risky behavior is about as much as you can do to lower the chance of having to defend yourself in court or hope for justice if you are an unfortunate victim of circumstance. Farangs don't always loose, but I don't hear too much about them winning.

Í recently read that the Pai police officer is back working in Pai and carrying a gun. Wonder if its the same gun he used previously....... Pretty sad, if true!

My brother has friends who have lived in Pai for years and they told him that the policeman is back on duty. Needless to say whenever he comes into a bar or restaurant everybody clears out pronto....


What sort of rumours? Please be more specific. There are plenty of rumours going around about almost anything, most of them with no basis in fact (witness all the unfounded speculation that was written on this topic on Thai Visa after the murder). Do the rumours you are talking about come from a source who might actually know something? My understanding is that this is an open and shut case and the accused are not people with any sort of influence who might be able to affect the justice system. What have you heard that is contrary to this and that is credible?

During a Tourist Police training seminar this case was used as an example and we saw all the crime scene photos of the murder and a case study and how they arrested 2 of the 3 perpetrators which was not hard since they were associates of the deceased and there were pcitures of each of them on his camera.

2 of the 3 were arrested with piles of evidence and the other one was on the run seemed like an open and shut case.

I will say though these guys looked rough and dodgy as hel_l and seemed to have the run of the deceaseds home based on the evidence presented. either way seemed like a easy case to procecute as none of these kids had any money nor were from the right ride of the birdge.

I think the British authorities are waiting to DNA test a certain Thai Tourist Policeman but unfortunately the Thai authorities can't find him!!!

Are you talking about the one who calls himself Tony? He was back predating on people a few years ago. There was a thread about his antics on TV. The only reason they can't find him is they don't want to.

All in all, one of the nastiest stories I knew of in my 14 years in Thailand (and that's saying a h*ll of a lot).

I think the British authorities are waiting to DNA test a certain Thai Tourist Policeman but unfortunately the Thai authorities can't find him!!!

Are you talking about the one who calls himself Tony? He was back predating on people a few years ago. There was a thread about his antics on TV. The only reason they can't find him is they don't want to.

All in all, one of the nastiest stories I knew of in my 14 years in Thailand (and that's saying a h*ll of a lot).

Tony is easy to find just head over to the TPD office


A lot of the stuff I’m reading here is hearsay, doesn’t amount to anything conclusive.

Legal systems are the same the world over, true swift justice is for the well off, where as peasants like us have to battle for it.

I doubt if these tragic victims of crime, such as David and his family will ever receive proper recompense, especially here in Thailand. It`s exactly how one poster has already mentioned, best to keep a low profile and hope we are never on the receiving end of a serious crime.

I think the British authorities are waiting to DNA test a certain Thai Tourist Policeman but unfortunately the Thai authorities can't find him!!!

Are you talking about the one who calls himself Tony? He was back predating on people a few years ago. There was a thread about his antics on TV. The only reason they can't find him is they don't want to.

All in all, one of the nastiest stories I knew of in my 14 years in Thailand (and that's saying a h*ll of a lot).

Tony is easy to find just head over to the TPD office

Tony Blair even asked questions about this case in the house of commons.



Tony Blair even asked questions about this case in the house of commons. So, his location is common knowledge to the farang tourist police but not one of them thought to inform the appropriate authority in the UK.

Its the same old story -- this case could have been solved long ago -- probably has been to the satisfaction of the BIB. The trouble is the culprit is among them, and that just won't do.

either way seemed like a easy case to procecute as none of these kids had any money nor were from the right ride of the birdge.

That depends on who else is on your side of the bridge :)

A lot of the stuff I’m reading here is hearsay, doesn’t amount to anything conclusive.

Of course it is. The actual evidence was destroyed long ago by the BIB. All anyone can do is remember that this happened to Kirsty and keep the discussion alive. Maybe one day one of the people who really know what happened will come forward.

This case, the Pai shootings and the Kanchanaburi shootings really turned me against Thailand. The realization that its police can, do and are permitted to get away with such horrific acts was a watershed for me. I left three years ago -- so those who were going to trot out the old 'if you don't like it leave' line can save their effort. Not too far a leap to see the mindset that led to the Khmer Rouge atrocities. Indeed, something dark seems to live in the jungle.


What this area needs is a good masked, caped Crusader.....

Where is Batman when you really need him ????

Its a wonder that someone hasn't taken things into their own hands and decided to fight fire with fire.... got the repeat offenders in the cross hairs and another one bites the dust......

The Lone Ranger rides again.....

...Where is Batman when you really need him ????...

When I used to hit the bars, many of the girls called me badman - close enough?

...Where is Batman when you really need him ????...

When I used to hit the bars, many of the girls called me badman - close enough?

....could be important..... cuz it depends...... before or after ????/


What this area needs is a good masked, caped Crusader.....

Where is Batman when you really need him ????

Its a wonder that someone hasn't taken things into their own hands and decided to fight fire with fire.... got the repeat offenders in the cross hairs and another one bites the dust......

The Lone Ranger rides again.....

What a load of inane trivialization. Obviously no IQ or compassion test needed to join up and post this rubbish.

What this area needs is a good masked, caped Crusader.....

Where is Batman when you really need him ????

Its a wonder that someone hasn't taken things into their own hands and decided to fight fire with fire.... got the repeat offenders in the cross hairs and another one bites the dust......

The Lone Ranger rides again.....

What a load of inane trivialization. Obviously no IQ or compassion test needed to join up and post this rubbish.

You must be the life of a party...... if you have ever gone to one.... Such wit....... I'll tell you terd54, about as funny as a fart in church.

probably have sand in your vaseline.....

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