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21 New Cases Of Influenza 2009 In Pattaya

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Bloody Farangs coming here with your desease and destroying our tourists inductry.

Thais don't need farangs or swine flu to destroy the tourism industry, they do a pretty good job already closing airports and having stupid protests during Songkran

Right on the money!!! :)

I was thinking more like Resident evil and the Umbrella corporation... sorry, I'm a gamer :D ... anyway, let's hope this doesn't mutate, I enjoy killing zombies in my Xbox and PS, but I wouldn't enjoy seeing a lot of people dying because of this.

In any case, I've seen people saying they might cancel trips and stuff like that, I have myself a trip to Latin America for business, and I'm planning to cancel that, if you're due to catch something freaky, it will happen here in Thailand, in Australia or even in Michael Jackson's special air bubble... don't live with fear, but don't be fearless either :D

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Bloody Farangs coming here with your desease and destroying our tourists inductry.

Thais don't need farangs or swine flu to destroy the tourism industry, they do a pretty good job already closing airports and having stupid protests during Songkran

Right on the money!!! :)

I was thinking more like Resident evil and the Umbrella corporation... sorry, I'm a gamer :D ... anyway, let's hope this doesn't mutate, I enjoy killing zombies in my Xbox and PS, but I wouldn't enjoy seeing a lot of people dying because of this.

In any case, I've seen people saying they might cancel trips and stuff like that, I have myself a trip to Latin America for business, and I'm planning to cancel that, if you're due to catch something freaky, it will happen here in Thailand, in Australia or even in Michael Jackson's special air bubble... don't live with fear, but don't be fearless either :D

dam_n I need to correct myself, I meant to say I'm NOT planning to cancel my trip, and I also replied in the wrong message, I was meaning to reply to the guy that made a mention to a movie about a virus... :D

Bloody Farangs coming here with your desease and destroying our tourists inductry.

We're destroying the tourist industry which we created!

they ickt it uo in mexico another tourist industrie


At least three US federal laws should concern all Americans and suggest what may be coming - mandatory vaccinations for hyped, non-existant threats, like H1N1 (Swine Flu). Vaccines and drugs like Tamiflu endanger human health but are hugely profitable to drug company manufacturers. The Project BioShield Act of 2004 (S. 15) became law on July 21, 2004 "to provide protections and countermeasures of Health contracting flexibility, infrastructure improvements, and expediting the scientific peer review process, and streamlining the Food and Drug Administration approval process of countermeasures." In other words, the FDA may now recklessly approve inadequately tested, potentially dangerous vaccines and other drugs if ever the Secretaries of Health and Human Services (HHS) declare a national emergency, whether or not one exists and regardless of whether treatments available are safe and effective.agents.


This is terrible news............OMB............I will be in Pattaya in 5 weeks. I hope the place isnt deserted. Oh and Ive had the fluvacs this year, then got the flu 2 days later and spend a week off work.

90 minutes ago

The World Health Organization's (WHO) latest A/H1N1 update as of June 10, 2009 at 06:00 GMT shows 74 countries worlwide have officially reported 27,737 cases of influenza A(H1N1) infection, including 141 deaths


Oh no a whole 141 deaths? Not to be crass but it has been more dangerous to fly Air France than the dreaded Swine Flu..

That's not even mentioning Songkran. Be hysterical go stock up on Tamiflu and lock yourself up in your house. Live scared 24 hours a day..

Meanwhile I'll be enjoying myself and laughing my ass off at all of the idiotic hype surrounding this "pandemic"

90 minutes ago

The World Health Organization's (WHO) latest A/H1N1 update as of June 10, 2009 at 06:00 GMT shows 74 countries worlwide have officially reported 27,737 cases of influenza A(H1N1) infection, including 141 deaths


Oh no a whole 141 deaths? Not to be crass but it has been more dangerous to fly Air France than the dreaded Swine Flu..

That's not even mentioning Songkran. Be hysterical go stock up on Tamiflu and lock yourself up in your house. Live scared 24 hours a day..

Meanwhile I'll be enjoying myself and laughing my ass off at all of the idiotic hype surrounding this "pandemic"

yer I am sure the relatives of those that have passed away are laughing with you.

This is terrible news............OMB............I will be in Pattaya in 5 weeks. I hope the place isnt deserted. Oh and Ive had the fluvacs this year, then got the flu 2 days later and spend a week off work.

So you had your fluvacs like a good little sheep and you got the flu - anybody in there :)

What exactly happens to these people after they have been diagnosed with Swine Flu?

They sneeze, they cough and on the third day transfer into a pig and get shifted to the slaughterhouse.

Or may be I have got that mixed up with a Harry Potter tale and those diagnosed just get quarantined. :)


The two from Taiwan, who were infected in Pattaya. We were supposed to have been told, where they visited. No info given out. The Disco -No name. the school -no name. If people are not given information why bother reporting it. Is it some sort of public health censorship?

Lack of information just breeds speculation and rumour which does far more damage in the long term.

I am more worried about surviving when crossing Sukhumvit on a motorbike than of ever getting bird flu or swine flu or katoey flu :)

and if you spend the night with a Pattaya girl with swine flu... What then?

I am more worried about surviving when crossing Sukhumvit on a motorbike than of ever getting bird flu or swine flu or katoey flu :D

and if you spend the night with a Pattaya girl with swine flu... What then?

HIV-H1N1 deadly :)

I am more worried about surviving when crossing Sukhumvit on a motorbike than of ever getting bird flu or swine flu or katoey flu :D

and if you spend the night with a Pattaya girl with swine flu... What then?

Then you're double pigged ... :)

well thats my trip to Patts cancelled! But maybe as I am bound to get it ( I always have in the passed) I suffer very badly.I have had the flu jab for the last 15 years and have not had it since..No flu jab for this one yet..My point is better i go get the flu there in Pattaya where they have Tami-flu to take..her in Chiang rai they do not have it! I've checked and for sure it will come up here sooner or later.......So maybe best to have a few flu parties so as to get it while you can get the medicine!!

CANBERRA The inventor of the flu vaccination, which is given to 15 million Britons each year, said that he feared a severe outbreak of the virus and that he had never been very impressed with its efficacy.

Dr Graeme Laver, former Professor of Biochemistry at the Australian National University in Canberra, said: “It is better to do nothing, and I wouldn’t want to advise people not to take it, but you can’t rely on it doing any good.”

Ok my point being that as a child I suffered badly virtually every year from the flu..As an adult I was advised to have the flu jab every year.I'am a Brit. Since taking having the flu jab every year for the last 15 or so I have not had the flu again. I of course have no resistence to this new strain, so maybe as I live in Chiang rai where they have no Tami-flu medication it may be better that I go to Pattaya get the flu and have done with it! At least there they have the Tami-flu there at the moment...So as my mother used to do when we were kids if any one had the mumps or chicken pox we were sent to play with them so we would get the illness while we were young and therefore be safer when we were adults(reference my flu party joke!)..Now this flu is more dangerous than what we have encountered in the past because if we have a strong emune system we effectively can kill ourslves by flooding our own lungs....So please I miss your point...

This is terrible news............OMB............I will be in Pattaya in 5 weeks. I hope the place isnt deserted. Oh and Ive had the fluvacs this year, then got the flu 2 days later and spend a week off work.

The place is deserted now so the flu wont have that much effect

But during these times I would not travel and wait till its over

At least three US federal laws should concern all Americans and suggest what may be coming - mandatory vaccinations for hyped, non-existant threats, like H1N1 (Swine Flu). Vaccines and drugs like Tamiflu endanger human health but are hugely profitable to drug company manufacturers. The Project BioShield Act of 2004 (S. 15) became law on July 21, 2004 "to provide protections and countermeasures of Health contracting flexibility, infrastructure improvements, and expediting the scientific peer review process, and streamlining the Food and Drug Administration approval process of countermeasures." In other words, the FDA may now recklessly approve inadequately tested, potentially dangerous vaccines and other drugs if ever the Secretaries of Health and Human Services (HHS) declare a national emergency, whether or not one exists and regardless of whether treatments available are safe and effective.agents.

Since when has the flu vaccine been dangerous! Unless you have a allergy to eggs?( As the vaccine is grown in eggs) Its a totally dead virus and harmless only promoting anti bodies to protect you against an infection..Or do you think the new flu has been produced to control the masses by the CIA!! lol lol lol


That news should change a few people's plans about coming to Thailand.

Sure glad I got married and moved up country. I sure wouldn't come here today. I sure wouldn't be going to discos like I used to do in Pattaya. Maybe the Bht will devalue a bit more now with less falang here.

This is terrible news............OMB............I will be in Pattaya in 5 weeks. I hope the place isnt deserted. Oh and Ive had the fluvacs this year, then got the flu 2 days later and spend a week off work.

Hi bud...if you got the flu 2 days after having the jab then you already had the virrus!! Its incubation period is up to 10 days....take it from me the vaccine never gave you the flu..also get the next one when it comes out.All the best....It won't be desserted as the flu will be all over thailand by then and no where to HIDE!! lol..have a good hol..


well thats my trip to Patts cancelled! But maybe as I am bound to get it ( I always have in the passed) I suffer very badly.I have had the flu jab for the last 15 years and have not had it since..No flu jab for this one yet..My point is better i go get the flu there in Pattaya where they have Tami-flu to take..her in Chiang rai they do not have it! I've checked and for sure it will come up here sooner or later.......So maybe best to have a few flu parties so as to get it while you can get the medicine!!

CANBERRA The inventor of the flu vaccination, which is given to 15 million Britons each year, said that he feared a severe outbreak of the virus and that he had never been very impressed with its efficacy.

Dr Graeme Laver, former Professor of Biochemistry at the Australian National University in Canberra, said: "It is better to do nothing, and I wouldn't want to advise people not to take it, but you can't rely on it doing any good."

Ok my point being that as a child I suffered badly virtually every year from the flu..As an adult I was advised to have the flu jab every year.I'am a Brit. Since taking having the flu jab every year for the last 15 or so I have not had the flu again. I of course have no resistence to this new strain, so maybe as I live in Chiang rai where they have no Tami-flu medication it may be better that I go to Pattaya get the flu and have done with it! At least there they have the Tami-flu there at the moment...So as my mother used to do when we were kids if any one had the mumps or chicken pox we were sent to play with them so we would get the illness while we were young and therefore be safer when we were adults(reference my flu party joke!)..Now this flu is more dangerous than what we have encountered in the past because if we have a strong emune system we effectively can kill ourslves by flooding our own lungs....So please I miss your point...

Simple point :) The guy who invented the flu vaccine (read above) states it is better to do nothing. Nobody has resistance to new strains :D

At least three US federal laws should concern all Americans and suggest what may be coming - mandatory vaccinations for hyped, non-existant threats, like H1N1 (Swine Flu). Vaccines and drugs like Tamiflu endanger human health but are hugely profitable to drug company manufacturers. The Project BioShield Act of 2004 (S. 15) became law on July 21, 2004 "to provide protections and countermeasures of Health contracting flexibility, infrastructure improvements, and expediting the scientific peer review process, and streamlining the Food and Drug Administration approval process of countermeasures." In other words, the FDA may now recklessly approve inadequately tested, potentially dangerous vaccines and other drugs if ever the Secretaries of Health and Human Services (HHS) declare a national emergency, whether or not one exists and regardless of whether treatments available are safe and effective.agents


Per the World Health Oranization's last update:


Of the 141 deaths, 106 were in Mexico. 27 in the US. So in all the rest of the world, there's been 8 deaths so far. There were 8,800 cases outside of Mexico and the US. Mexico has the highest reported fatality rate but it was under 2%. It is likely that more than the reported number were infected, but recovered on their own. The US fatality rate is 0.2%, so very low so far.

Per the US Centers for Disease Control:


The hospitalization rate in the US is 6.7% so not even double digit hospitalization rate. Seems that older folks (over 65) may have seen a similar bug before as they're faring better in both the US and Mexico.

"we are continuing to see this focus on younger people. 60% of the cases and 42% of hospitalizations have occurred in people between the ages of 5 and 24 years. hospitalization rates, that is cases per population, are highest in people 5 to 24 and next highest in children under 5. This is quite different than what we see with seasonal influenza where the highest hospitalization rates are in the elderly. We have very low rates of hospitalization in cases in people 65 and over. We tested isolates from a wide geographic area, America, New Zealand, and other areas and we're not seeing variation in the genetic testing we do here. "

well thats my trip to Patts cancelled! But maybe as I am bound to get it ( I always have in the passed) I suffer very badly.I have had the flu jab for the last 15 years and have not had it since..No flu jab for this one yet..My point is better i go get the flu there in Pattaya where they have Tami-flu to take..her in Chiang rai they do not have it! I've checked and for sure it will come up here sooner or later.......So maybe best to have a few flu parties so as to get it while you can get the medicine!!

CANBERRA The inventor of the flu vaccination, which is given to 15 million Britons each year, said that he feared a severe outbreak of the virus and that he had never been very impressed with its efficacy.

Dr Graeme Laver, former Professor of Biochemistry at the Australian National University in Canberra, said: "It is better to do nothing, and I wouldn't want to advise people not to take it, but you can't rely on it doing any good."

Ok my point being that as a child I suffered badly virtually every year from the flu..As an adult I was advised to have the flu jab every year.I'am a Brit. Since taking having the flu jab every year for the last 15 or so I have not had the flu again. I of course have no resistence to this new strain, so maybe as I live in Chiang rai where they have no Tami-flu medication it may be better that I go to Pattaya get the flu and have done with it! At least there they have the Tami-flu there at the moment...So as my mother used to do when we were kids if any one had the mumps or chicken pox we were sent to play with them so we would get the illness while we were young and therefore be safer when we were adults(reference my flu party joke!)..Now this flu is more dangerous than what we have encountered in the past because if we have a strong emune system we effectively can kill ourslves by flooding our own lungs....So please I miss your point...

Simple point :) The guy who invented the flu vaccine (read above) states it is better to do nothing. Nobody has resistance to new strains :D

At least three US federal laws should concern all Americans and suggest what may be coming - mandatory vaccinations for hyped, non-existant threats, like H1N1 (Swine Flu). Vaccines and drugs like Tamiflu endanger human health but are hugely profitable to drug company manufacturers. The Project BioShield Act of 2004 (S. 15) became law on July 21, 2004 "to provide protections and countermeasures of Health contracting flexibility, infrastructure improvements, and expediting the scientific peer review process, and streamlining the Food and Drug Administration approval process of countermeasures." In other words, the FDA may now recklessly approve inadequately tested, potentially dangerous vaccines and other drugs if ever the Secretaries of Health and Human Services (HHS) declare a national emergency, whether or not one exists and regardless of whether treatments available are safe and effective.agents

Simple point !! read my post again.....Nobody is resistant to new strains, hence for people who are in the group where the flu to them is a dangerous virrus to catch its best and proven( me as an example) to get a flu jab each year)...You have got to be American....Why are you distorting proven advice by saying this administration or that will make you do this..the post is about flu not the world order as you interpet it!! lol lol lol

At least three US federal laws should concern all Americans and suggest what may be coming - mandatory vaccinations for hyped, non-existant threats, like H1N1 (Swine Flu). Vaccines and drugs like Tamiflu endanger human health but are hugely profitable to drug company manufacturers. The Project BioShield Act of 2004 (S. 15) became law on July 21, 2004 "to provide protections and countermeasures of Health contracting flexibility, infrastructure improvements, and expediting the scientific peer review process, and streamlining the Food and Drug Administration approval process of countermeasures." In other words, the FDA may now recklessly approve inadequately tested, potentially dangerous vaccines and other drugs if ever the Secretaries of Health and Human Services (HHS) declare a national emergency, whether or not one exists and regardless of whether treatments available are safe and effective.agents.

Since when has the flu vaccine been dangerous! Unless you have a allergy to eggs?( As the vaccine is grown in eggs) Its a totally dead virus and harmless only promoting anti bodies to protect you against an infection..Or do you think the new flu has been produced to control the masses by the CIA!! lol lol lol

So just eggs - no mercury :) maybe thats why your laughing so much :D

Bloody Farangs coming here with your desease and destroying our tourists inductry.

Thais don't need farangs or swine flu to destroy the turism industry, they do a pretty good job already closing airports and having stupid protests during Songkran :D

Anyway, let's hope the virus doesn't mutate to something more dangerous...

Have a nice day everyone...

Maybe it will mutate into aliens or preditor types ooohhh thats scary :)



so we would get the illness while we were young and therefore be safer when we were adults(reference my flu party joke!)..Now this flu is more dangerous than what we have encountered in the past because if we have a strong emune system we effectively can kill ourslves by flooding our own lungs....So please I miss your point...

Simple point :) The guy who invented the flu vaccine (read above) states it is better to do nothing. Nobody has resistance to new strains :D

At least three US federal laws should concern all Americans and suggest what may be coming - mandatory vaccinations for hyped, non-existant threats, like H1N1 (Swine Flu). Vaccines and drugs like Tamiflu endanger human health but are hugely profitable to drug company manufacturers. The Project BioShield Act of 2004 (S. 15) became law on July 21, 2004 "to provide protections and countermeasures of Health contracting flexibility, infrastructure improvements, and expediting the scientific peer review process, and streamlining the Food and Drug Administration approval process of countermeasures." In other words, the FDA may now recklessly approve inadequately tested, potentially dangerous vaccines and other drugs if ever the Secretaries of Health and Human Services (HHS) declare a national emergency, whether or not one exists and regardless of whether treatments available are safe and effective.agents

Simple point !! read my post again.....Nobody is resistant to new strains, hence for people who are in the group where the flu to them is a dangerous virrus to catch its best and proven( me as an example) to get a flu jab each year)...You have got to be American....Why are you distorting proven advice by saying this administration or that will make you do this..the post is about flu not the world order as you interpet it!! lol lol lol

Stop taking the injections David - your ability to think has been greatly diminished :D

"How awsome would that be when a club has over 500 people and all are breathing the flue"

Not sure if you have been to Pattaya recently, but I think and 'disco' there would be lucky to have 5 guest from abroad.

Not sure if you are still drunk from the night before or do not understand what disco means!!!!

Insomnia is packed 7 nights per week-can not move around

Lucifers-packed 7 nights per week

Tony's half packed 7 nights per week

Marine- at least 200 after 2.30am 7 nights per week

Mixxx-almost full 7 night s per week

B52-Same as mix

Even some of the good gogo bars are full 7 nights per week

How do i know this? i live in Pattaya and out every night!

He didn't say they were not packed - He said there were very few foriegners in them.

Personally I've never been in them so I wouldn't know :)


So just eggs - no mercury :) maybe thats why your laughing so much :D

you are sad!!! what is your problem no one to argue with today?

Post some useful advice that may help people ..=You are just scare mongering why? get a life..

Has anyone heard which "disco" is was in Pattaya? Depending on which one it is, one can pretty much stereotype the kinds of bars these disco goers would be at in Bangkok, and avoid them.
disco, stereotype, like it, disco fever ! ? :)
Bloody Farangs coming here with your desease and destroying our tourists inductry.

I'm not going to insult you because it is probably against the rules of this esteemed Forum, but I deeply despise you and your unfathomable ignorance.

oh please lighten up just a little bit of tongue in cheek. I am farang but not a grumpy old man.

Remember a while back they were saying wearing face masks were ineffective in protecting against swine flu?

Well, watching coverage of the outbreak in Australia, I see that all the healthcare workrers and airport personnel were wearing them.....

I predict a new fashion statement is on the way for Pattaya!

......heading to the Pharmacy to stock up! :D

People wear face masks to protect others and not themselves, as a general rule.

Do you really think that is the case? :)

Indeed I do, unless of course they are of a type that is designed to protect the wearer and filter in bound air, most masks bought over the counter and used by medical staff are not of that type. surgical masks are designed to trap exhaled particles rather than filter inbound air. Google the subject and check it out.

I actually went to the 3M website a couple of months ago to learn about how well their masks would work. The masks they sell are not capable of screening out the virus, even the medical versions, because the wearer's breath will moisten the fabric and compromise the ability to screen. So yes, I know you are (probably) correct.

So why are all the Aussies in the front-line wearing them, was my actual point. :D

If it's good enough for them.....

But a room full of gogo dancers wearing only face masks is a picture I could make a bundle with...if I could only know who would buy those pics. Maybe the same ones who bought the autopsy photos of David Carradine. :D

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