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Pensioner Tells Of Thai Prison hel_l


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Of course, we're only hearing one side of the story, so I'll reserve any opinion about how right or wrong this person is.

I'm still shocked at the fact that a 62-year-old man from the UK couldn't put 2,000 quid together for his own bail. Are there a lot of people in the UK who (at age 62) are in such financial straits?

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"I will never come back to Thailand. I used to love it here, thinking that the Thai's were such a nice people, but the way that they treat foreigners who have been caught up in their legal system is apalling."

Are they suppose to treat foreigners different then Thais? Weren't most of the other 70 people he was packed into a cell with Thais?


Foreigners are treated differently than Thais - or haven't you noticed.

PS please note the use of than as oppossed to then: more than, better than .... then he said no, then I went out, then she stood up ..... please Americans stop bastardizing the English language,

Edited by deprogrammed
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So british !


Yes, that's what I am thinking too!

Whenever you read about these violent drunken episodes 99% of the time it is a Britt!

What is it with these people?

Unlike the Aussie that just shot someone in cold blood after a drinking session in Chiang Mai :D :D

True, true but they are very few and far between :D

But come on you gotta admit...The vast majority of these drunken violent incidents are perpetrated by the British.

And one constantly reads the main reason the Britt’s move to Thailand is to escape the exact same thing!!

Go figure. :)

Few and Far between or not, I'd rather get punched than shot.

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This is the exact type of behaviour that was one of the main reasons my family and I left the UK.

I could accept this but you've moved to the most violent country in SEA one that if statistics are to be believed is far more violent then the UK, where rape is feared by all women.

Could you please share the source these statistics. I find it very hard to get facts about anything in Thailand.

And if rape really is feared by all women in the UK, wouldn't that tend to day something about the violent nature of that part of the world, rather than Thailand? Seems a little irrational of all UK women to fear being raped.

Read the comment again i said in probably an overexagerrating way rape is feared by all women in LOS.

Stats can be found online.

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Why should the thais treat foreigners any different, in fact imprisioned foreigners are costing the thais,.me if i had was sent there im sure i would find it " as described " horrible, however im sure we are all aware its not like a uk open with weekend release, and what did he expect a penthouse suite with thaksin !.".It was there that he was forced to share an over-crowded 15 by 30 foot cell with more than 70 prisoners as a member of the lowest echelons of the prisoner hierarchy." :)

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Maybe if prisons were more like this in the UK people might be less inclined to beat each other up every night at pub kicking out time.
Too right,...now they get a fixed penalty fine and a free pair of flip flops ! .the uk has had a wekend brawling/drinking problem for 30 years that i know of, why do they tolerate it ? :)
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Why should the thais treat foreigners any different,

No my friend the question is - why do Thais treat foreigners as 5th class citizens


I meant in the prison,all are equal.and i think should be,. ,outside of it we are aware of the differences , :)

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This is the exact type of behaviour that was one of the main reasons my family and I left the UK.

I could accept this but you've moved to the most violent country in SEA one that if statistics are to be believed is far more violent then the UK, where rape is feared by all women.

Could you please share the source these statistics. I find it very hard to get facts about anything in Thailand.

And if rape really is feared by all women in the UK, wouldn't that tend to day something about the violent nature of that part of the world, rather than Thailand? Seems a little irrational of all UK women to fear being raped.

Read the comment again i said in probably an overexagerrating way rape is feared by all women in LOS.

Stats can be found online.

Perhaps you intended to say that rape is feared by all women in the LOS, but read your post again and see how you actually say the the UK.

And I've looked online for the info but can't find it. Once again, could you please cite your source. I'm serious -- I can never find any facts like this online.

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Bar fight on Dec 31st, while on holiday, but not arrested until Jan 16th? Perhaps too busy boozing and chasing skirts instead of thinking about getting the heck out of the area or better yet, out of the country? Something's not quite right with this picture, other than apparently never seeing an episode of "Banged Up Abroad."

Brit, Taffy, bar fit, Pattaya (?), New Year's Eve, guests in a foreign country ... no sympathy vote here ...

Based on what I've seen of Welsh bar drunks and family ties, this guy oughta be more worried about payback in the UK.

No he probably had til the 16th to come up with "the fine " but pissed it away more like, Come on you lot we have seen the lowlifes of all ages in Thailand and we dont know the circumstances here, it may well be they were fighting over a bg,.Jealousy/stupidity has no age limit in thailand it appears,lets get taffys comments on the forum. :)
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He should just plead guilty, That Aussie who shot and killed the American in Chang Mai got 2 years and the aussie sheila who pinched the bar mat ran from police, then abused them, got an apology. Both pleaded guilty. He should should get off fairly easy..(edited bit) Just an observation, but it seems the more you fight the thai system the harder the penalties.

:) I read in the paper that it has come out she did abuse the Thai police and its all on record.


How funny that at the time it was reported that she wasn't drunk, didn't run away or abuse the police :D

and people believed this BS... :D

This is so OT but I must defend this ( again )

I'm sure you're quoting the local Phuket rag , that printed a letter to the editor

Quote: " Dear Editor, I HEARD ...blah blah , she's guilty..."

The editor has made it clear in an edtorial , that he supports the witchunt on this woman.

Dont you think the police would have charged her with abusive behavior IF she actually HAD been?

Alibis and the Phuket Governor vouched for her...

But you choose to persecute her, ..

And may I say those smiliey faces, all 5, are really obnnoxious- Ask yourself why are you so happy to denigrate this individual?

HOw does it make feel? Think about it

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May be you are treat better back home. But I think if you really see much the Thais treat the Thais you may not feel like 5th class citizens. Moreover, I doubt if you are a "citizen" after all.

Some case for sure foreigners have to pay more but SO MANY Thais complain that the Thais serve foreigners better than the Thais, ecpecially on the TG.

Anyway, you are always entitled to your belief.

PS: I am sure that the circles of TV posters who at least have access to the net are treat much better than unfortunate foreigners like the neighboring country people who are treat really bad. They may be entitled to the 5th class expat.

Edited by oldsparrow
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Of course, we're only hearing one side of the story, so I'll reserve any opinion about how right or wrong this person is.

I'm still shocked at the fact that a 62-year-old man from the UK couldn't put 2,000 quid together for his own bail. Are there a lot of people in the UK who (at age 62) are in such financial straits?

I suspect this is more a reflection on the low-life filter feeders that Thailand allows to come into this country and spend long periods here than your average ageing Brits financila status. Bravo for the immigration department tightening up the rules on visas. Bravo on the increase in savings people need to secure a retirement visa here. The guy couldn't raise 2K pounds to pay his bail - well how much was he contributing to the Thai economy? Bravo. Lock him up or better still send him home to sell his story to The Sun newspaper so his lager-lout mates can go to Cambodia next time instead. And just so nobody gets the impression that I'm anti-Brit they can syndicate his story in Australia, Germany, Canada and wherever else it needs to be read - assuming of course that most of these cellar-dwellers can read.

Ok, I have now securely fastened my motorcycle helmet - let the brickbats fly! Hoo Haa!

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Of course, we're only hearing one side of the story, so I'll reserve any opinion about how right or wrong this person is.

I'm still shocked at the fact that a 62-year-old man from the UK couldn't put 2,000 quid together for his own bail. Are there a lot of people in the UK who (at age 62) are in such financial straits?

I suspect this is more a reflection on the low-life filter feeders that Thailand allows to come into this country and spend long periods here than your average ageing Brits financila status. Bravo for the immigration department tightening up the rules on visas. Bravo on the increase in savings people need to secure a retirement visa here. The guy couldn't raise 2K pounds to pay his bail - well how much was he contributing to the Thai economy? Bravo. Lock him up or better still send him home to sell his story to The Sun newspaper so his lager-lout mates can go to Cambodia next time instead. And just so nobody gets the impression that I'm anti-Brit they can syndicate his story in Australia, Germany, Canada and wherever else it needs to be read - assuming of course that most of these cellar-dwellers can read.

Ok, I have now securely fastened my motorcycle helmet - let the brickbats fly! Hoo Haa!

If you express your views like that in front of Thais I can understand why they look down at expats.

No proof. Taking everything from a media source. No thinking.

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Some expat who have been here for 20-30 years can tell you the changing of Thais' attitude toward expat.

In the age of easier transportation and internet. All spectrum of expat stays here, in the city, in the town and in the jails.

Nowaday the expat is view by the Thai like we view our own kind. And you know that Thai society is not equal/democratic in the degree of the west.

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Anyone else notice a trend here?

1) more people acting like idiots in a foreign country and expecting their government to use the full force of its diplomacy to get them out of jail?

or is it:

2) Backwards little brown people getting uppity with big superior white people?

EXACTLY! If you can't do the time than don't do the crime. Simple isn't it?

I mean really, what do you expect? The guy to have his own private room with TV and toilet? C'mon this is not America.

Haha I think you should go live there for a couple days and you might change your mind. It might not be the western world but it is dam ridiculous and against human rights.

Lets say a thai person had fractured this mans skull. All he would have had to do is say this farang was being a dick and the cops would of looked past it and told him to get out of there.

Its only seroius when a falang does it. The charged seem to be double in proportion. Do you think it would of cost a thai person 2000 pounds to bail out? THe law is different between foriegners and thais. Totally corrupt and unjust. But its probably never gonna change.

From someone that has been there

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Anyone else notice a trend here?

1) more people acting like idiots in a foreign country and expecting their government to use the full force of its diplomacy to get them out of jail?

or is it:

2) Backwards little brown people getting uppity with big superior white people?

EXACTLY! If you can't do the time than don't do the crime. Simple isn't it?

I mean really, what do you expect? The guy to have his own private room with TV and toilet? C'mon this is not America.

Haha I think you should go live there for a couple days and you might change your mind. It might not be the western world but it is dam ridiculous and against human rights.

Lets say a thai person had fractured this mans skull. All he would have had to do is say this farang was being a dick and the cops would of looked past it and told him to get out of there.

Its only seroius when a falang does it. The charged seem to be double in proportion. Do you think it would of cost a thai person 2000 pounds to bail out? THe law is different between foriegners and thais. Totally corrupt and unjust. But its probably never gonna change.

From someone that has been there

This is what drives tourism away from Thailand. Unjust treatment of foriegners. Same rules should apply for everyone .

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I think the problem is that he was acting like he does in his country. :D

Everyone is entitled to there opinion, tell me why so many of the on TV are people so anti-British.

While I do agree sometime British guys here on holiday do get drunk and rowdy as so do Dutch, Norwegian, French, Russians Americans,etc etc so not only down to the British.

At the end of the day when you anti-British need help in wars were is the first country you turn to for help, Holland, Norway, France………NO to the good old British Isles.

I am British and dam proud of it. :D

I do live in Thailand when not working overseas sometimes taking me wife with me, When I return home I like the peaceful life doing all the things a good responsible man should unlike lot on TV, bitching about everything under the sun, complaining about Thai people, Thai culture , etc etc. If you would just sit back and relax and enjoy what life you have instead of bitching & complaining I am sure you would really like living in LOS :) but there again so people are just cut out for bitching and complaining as that’s all the no. :D

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I think the problem is that he was acting like he does in his country. :D

Everyone is entitled to there opinion, tell me why so many of the on TV are people so anti-British.

While I do agree sometime British guys here on holiday do get drunk and rowdy as so do Dutch, Norwegian, French, Russians Americans,etc etc so not only down to the British.

At the end of the day when you anti-British need help in wars were is the first country you turn to for help, Holland, Norway, France………NO to the good old British Isles.

I am British and dam proud of it. :D

I do live in Thailand when not working overseas sometimes taking me wife with me, When I return home I like the peaceful life doing all the things a good responsible man should unlike lot on TV, bitching about everything under the sun, complaining about Thai people, Thai culture , etc etc. If you would just sit back and relax and enjoy what life you have instead of bitching & complaining I am sure you would really like living in LOS :) but there again so people are just cut out for bitching and complaining as that’s all the no. :D

....and violent and messy and obnoxious and ugly and loud and abusive and racist and a down right embarrassment to the whole human race. :D

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I think the problem is that he was acting like he does in his country. :D

Everyone is entitled to there opinion, tell me why so many of the on TV are people so anti-British.

While I do agree sometime British guys here on holiday do get drunk and rowdy as so do Dutch, Norwegian, French, Russians Americans,etc etc so not only down to the British.

At the end of the day when you anti-British need help in wars were is the first country you turn to for help, Holland, Norway, France………NO to the good old British Isles.

I am British and dam proud of it. :D

I do live in Thailand when not working overseas sometimes taking me wife with me, When I return home I like the peaceful life doing all the things a good responsible man should unlike lot on TV, bitching about everything under the sun, complaining about Thai people, Thai culture , etc etc. If you would just sit back and relax and enjoy what life you have instead of bitching & complaining I am sure you would really like living in LOS :) but there again so people are just cut out for bitching and complaining as that's all the no. :D

....and violent and messy and obnoxious and ugly and loud and abusive and racist and a down right embarrassment to the whole human race. :D

NO wrong!!!!! all those people we sent in prison ships to OZZ long time ago :D

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He nearly bashed someone's brains out, and then he whines on about the way foreigners who get 'caught up in the Thai prison system' are treated. Like he was put in prison by accident.

Dunno why they let him out.

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Once again, I'm amazed at the way Thaivisa members can make judgments based on very little knowledge of what actually happened.

If he attacked another person and fractured his skull, then I say throw the book at him, but we don't know that.

Anybody seen this thread?


In this case, the farang could easily have a fractured skull, the way his head hit the bar. Yet the reaction of many posters? Som Num Nah!

Do people think it is ok for a group of people to attack 1 man because they are Thai and he is farang that incidentally never actually raised a fist against another person and only took an aggressive/defensive stance after being manhandled?

If the Brit accused in this topic did the same as the youth who threw the first punch in the video, I would say that he deserves what he gets, but some people almost revere this cowardly youth and the others that kicked the farang as heroes.

I don't know what happened in this case, I only know about the consequences, maybe the welsh guy had it coming, maybe the Englishman was totally at fault.

I guess most of the people here have access to more information than I do.

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