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New Police Scam - Got Set Up Today


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13/2 on Beach Road did me in today.

I was coming down beach road on my bike, helmet on, and as I turned into 13/2 I had to come to a stop because of a police truck and a small van blocking traffic. I pulled up to wait, stopped my bike but did not kill the engine, and some beach hooker comes out of nowhere and leans her butt against my bike and asks, "where you go?" Almost instantly a cop blows his whistle and runs out around the police truck.

He tickets ME for HER not having a helmet.

I kindly explain to him that I have no idea who she is and she is not with me, she just came up to me. He tells me I am lying because he saw me drive up the street with her on my bike. Then in a stroke of Thai genius, he tells me all the moto bike taxi drives saw the same thing. Of course, he never asked them what they saw. So I asked them, the all said in almost perfect sync, in broken English, that she was riding on my bike. The dirty bastards.

From there it turned nasty on my end as I knew I was being set up. I probably didn't help matters any by losing my cool, but as he took my keys and said he was going to take my bike, for nothing, I lost it a little. I then called the tourist police as I keep their number in my phone. They told me that they do not mingle in such affairs and that I should pay the fine or talk to his boss at Soi 9 station. Though, I've never had to call the tourist police before and I won't bother calling them again. I foolishly thought they were there to help protect us or at the very least help in assisting us with run ins with the locals. Thanks for nothing guys, you just became the ultimate joke to me.

So, after some nasty words with the dark buffalo of a policeman, I ended up at Soi 9 where I tried to plead my case to a higher up there. As you can guess, it quickly fell on deaf ears so I stopped wasting my time with it and chalked it up as a loss.

I paid my 400 baht and left.

I then went back near the soi, walked up to the area from the beach side and waited. Not surprised, I saw them do this EXACT thing to a few more falang. I tried to record this with my video phone but the quality is too poor to see as I was across the street.

Tomorrow I will be going back with my real video camera to expose this crooked f*** to anyone else who wants to watch it. Maybe if at least one Thai TV channel pics it up and exposes him, he will lose some face for getting caught. Then maybe he'll kill me if he sees me again, who knows?

So keep an eye on your back seat when having to stop. These cops are getting more and more desperate as tourism dies a painful death. There is no telling how low they are going to get to earn a few baht as tourist (and some expats) completly clear out of Pattaya.

You have been warned.

P.S. If I get this footage, I will post it here first. That is of course, unless the mods delete it.

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It's OK, they're underpaid and need the extra cash and white guys are loaded -- the visa rules practically ensure it! :)

Too bad about your incident.

I wonder if they'd consider jailing you if you told them simply, you aren't paying.

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Upload it to youtube instead, with some appropriate keywords.

Yes, I think if you confront the BiB you make them lose face and all bets are off. Better to just pay and bite your tongue for 400 baht.

So, was the girl in on it, i.e. same girl doing it over and over?

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This is just wrong there should be a web site dedicated to problems Falangs have in thailand and people report there problems on there .

As we all know the police don't have a good record of abiding by the law and it will take along time to turn it around.

A Royal Crime Commission would never end.

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If this is true then all i can say is what a wanke_r he and the others are......they gotta get there beer money from somewhere but thats ridiculous. I like the video idea as thet will really show them up and might even put a stop to this happening a lot more.....dont let him catch you videoing!!!!

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Maybe the beach road freelancer was working off a potential 'ticket' for this wanke_r MIB or they were off-duty <deleted> buddies? Either way, live and learn. The key was you "losing you cool" which played right into his hands. It cost you 400 baht and the lost time. Don't even think about making a movie of this but thanks for the warning. It is really appreciated.

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Wow...brutal...but be careful about video taping..maybe consider just letting SLEEPING DOGS LIE..they all believe in KARMA..let KARMA do its work..I rented a jeep in Phuket, got pulled over by the Police and fined because the rental company had not bothered to update the sticker on the windshield..because my wife's sister is in a tourist company and arranged it all, the company reimbursed us for the 400 B.

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While I doubt he would touch it and jeapordize his situation, speak to Carl or whatever that scandanavian fellow's name is that hosts that around Pattaya tv show and is always talking about the Expats club. Funny I can't think of his name after seeing him on the TV so many times there.

The Youtube idea is good too. Remember a few years ago Thailand blocked Youtube because <snip>.

Posting here is good too. But names and copies of documents would be handy in case somebody asks you to substantiate what you claim. A few snapshot photos might be useful too. Camera videos usually have poor quality as you stated.

Edited by soundman
Removed Royal reference.
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Tape it, upload it to youtube, THEN the newspapers. Don't bother talking to the higher-up policemen, let the media sort that one out.

This is one of the meanest scams I came across so far and I might have freaked out as well.

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Maybe the beach road freelancer was working off a potential 'ticket' for this wanke_r MIB or they were off-duty &lt;deleted&gt; buddies? Either way, live and learn. The key was you "losing you cool" which played right into his hands. It cost you 400 baht and the lost time. Don't even think about making a movie of this but thanks for the warning. It is really appreciated.

Losing his cool was the key to what???

He'd already been ticketed.

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Tape it, upload it to youtube, THEN the newspapers. Don't bother talking to the higher-up policemen, let the media sort that one out.

This is one of the meanest scams I came across so far and I might have freaked out as well.

I agree. Post it on youtube and let the whole world see the type of things that the Police do here!

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I thought only the driver on a motorbike was required to wear a helmet :)

True in Cambodia but not here. At least I don't think so, but then it's up to them anyway.

When I was stopped (wearing cap) with Thai GF on the back with no cap, she got the ticket and not me. He wouldn't accept 200 and it cost her 400 in the station (same as farang) so, yes, why did the driver get a ticket - for what?

Edited by mickba
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Sorry to hear about what happened to you and kudos for exposing it here to warn others. However, I would think twice (and a third time) about you contemplated video news expose. Of course no one likes to be scammed like this and the urge to "strike back" can sometimes be overwhelming in the heat of the moment. However, if you are a resident here (I think that is the case) it might be better to write it off as "road taxes." You can never predict the outcome when issues of money and face become involved (expecially with people authorized to carry guns).

On the other hand, if you are a visitor, feel free video away and post it online.

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I would further suggest that, if you are able to get a decent video of this indecent behavior by these "servants and protectors of the people", you should try to get an appointment with the Mayor, or Deputy Mayor; and show the video him or her. That, of course, in addition to the other media already mentioned here, including U-Tube.

This is really disgusting! It's one thing for the police to "favor" Thais in disputes, or to fail to enforce laws. But this is out and out fraud. The officer involved should be both fired, and prosecuted. ... But ... TiT! :D:)

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they are desperate, they have been taking girls off beach road at night to try and get cash but now they have scared them all away so I guess farang are next

Funny you should say that, I went to McDonalds last night around 1am and watched the BIB round up another big group of street girls. They were literally jumping off bikes and out of trucks and chasing them down on foot. Sad really. I mean honestly, what bother are those girls doing at 1am?

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I would further suggest that, if you are able to get a decent video of this indecent behavior by these "servants and protectors of the people", you should try to get an appointment with the Mayor, or Deputy Mayor; and show the video him or her. That, of course, in addition to the other media already mentioned here, including U-Tube.

This is really disgusting! It's one thing for the police to "favor" Thais in disputes, or to fail to enforce laws. But this is out and out fraud. The officer involved should be both fired, and prosecuted. ... But ... TiT! :D:)

The officer involved should be both fired, and prosecuted. ... But ...he'll probably get promoted.

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This is really disgusting! It's one thing for the police to "favor" Thais in disputes, or to fail to enforce laws. But this is out and out fraud. The officer involved should be both fired, and prosecuted. ... But ... TiT! :D:)

I usually have pretty thick skin and let the little issues roll off my back, trying to stay out of everyones way and not cause any problems. But this one was just over the top and uncalled for.

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they are desperate, they have been taking girls off beach road at night to try and get cash but now they have scared them all away so I guess farang are next

Funny you should say that, I went to McDonalds last night around 1am and watched the BIB round up another big group of street girls. They were literally jumping off bikes and out of trucks and chasing them down on foot. Sad really. I mean honestly, what bother are those girls doing at 1am?

They're keeping all those "quality tourists" away. How the heck is Pattaya ever going to become the rich kids' playground if cute girls hang around by the beach making themselves available for a bit of fun? (he said, sarcastically)

Edited by Beacher
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