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Upcountry Officials Ordered To Shut Up About Swine Flu

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And what about if the tourists don't come. smiley-happy118.gif

Swine-flu cases in Thailand will still be caused by farang backpackers, it's a tradition ! :)

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Swine Flu IS man made, a bio weapon and there is loads of arguments to prove this!

sorry... but thanks to the board you have to take out the spaces to use the U R L s here :) great feature, or bug?

"Swine Flu Was Cultured In A Laboratory", Dr. John Carlo, Dallas Co. Medical Director says

youtube. com /watch?v=1LcKoiTEJKc


excerpt from a 2008 dossier, look how long this is in the making! healthfreedomusa. org/?p=755

Newly "discovered" strains of the H5N1 Avian Flu virus are found in Nigeria. There is no way that bird migration could account for the appearance of a strain of the virus found in Iraq, Afghanistan and Italy in the absence of this year's migration.

worldpoultry. net/home/id2205-55311/nigeria_new_bird_flu_strain_detected.html

Garba Sharabutu, professor of veterinary medicine and president of the Nigerian Veterinary Association, disputes claims that the virus is a new strain or that it is highly pathogenic.

voanews. com/english/2008-08-13-voa32.cfm

Transmission of the disputed "new strain" of Avian Flu in Nigeria to a human worker who developed a fever did not occur despite fears that the strain could cause humans to get sick.

irinnews. org/Report.aspx?ReportId=79805

The new African strain is not H5N1 at all, but H9N2, according to Public Library of Science Journal, PLOS One. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), there are hundreds of strains of avian influenza viruses, four of which (H5N1, H7N3, H7N7 and H9N2), however, can be transmitted to humans.

presstv. ir/detail.aspx?id=66523&sectionid=3510210


The vaccine might actually be the REAL killer, especially when you NOW get the OLD stuff to prevent you from the new virus! I see them ads allover the place for hospitals who wanna cash some 900Baht for their old crap which they have to 'phase out' because nobody will want it as soon as the REAL vaccine (toxin full of mercury, alluminium et al comes & might gift you with parkinson syndrome in the long run)

from: advancedhealthplan. com/vaccination.html


"Proclaim Liberty throughout all the land unto all the inhabitants thereof." (Leviticus XXV.10)

Swine Flu WAS created in a bio-weapons lab!

Even the Mass Media is beginning to reveal this truth.

NEWS BRIEF: "Swine Flu Was Cultured In A Laboratory": Dr. John Carlo, Video, The Intelligence Daily, April 27, 2009

"This kind of swine influenza has been cultured in a laboratory, something which has not been seen in the United States or the world. A new strain of influenza has now been identified. Even though the current strain is relatively mild, what is disconcerting is that no one has seen this particular strain before."

NEWS BRIEF: Ret. Army General Russell Honor? On CNN: Did Swine Flu Come Out Of a Lab?", Prison Planet, April 27, 2009

"Ret. Army General Russell Honor? on CNN: 'How did it start in Mexico, where did it eminate from? We've been able to find that out in all previous pandemics, the question now is to get at the heart of how this started - did it start from the occasion of viruses coming together or did it come out of a lab?"

In the News Alert for Monday, April 27, we reported that a former Israeli intelligence head had just called Swine Flu a "bio-weapon"!

We concur: this particular brand of Swine Flu -- a nasty mash-up of swine, avian, and human viruses -- had to have come from a sophisticated bio-weapons laboratory! Such a virus simply does not occur in nature; in fact, such recombined viruses have only occurred in the past 30 years, since scientists cracked the genetic code!

I knew when I read the story in my local newspaper about 30 years ago that scientists had solved the genetic code and could now start building their own, that only evil could come from the hearts of these scientists who are spiritually unregenerate individuals; after all,

Then, once I started studying the specific plans of the Illuminati for the staging of their New Age Christ and his New World Order regime, I realized that the ability of genetic scientists to create global pathogens which could kill globally, had to figure prominently, for I knew that God's Judgments in the Book of Revelation foretold of deadly diseases being loosed upon the world.

That time is approaching quickly; we are certainly seeing the scientific capability on the world scene right now.


Vaccine manufacturer is caught inserting live Avian Flu into vaccinations!

In the News Alert for Monday, April 27, I reported the fact that part of the New Age plan to dramatically reduce the population of the world envisioned placing the pathogen into the very vaccine being touted as the cure for the disease.

Sadly, this next story informs us that this has already occurred! Please take note of the date of this report: March 3, 2009. The shipping of vaccines tainted with the live Avian Flu virus had been inserted into vaccination batches being sent around the world well before the Swine Flu epidemic started!

NEWS BRIEF: "Vaccines as Biological Weapons? Live Avian Flu Virus Placed in Baxter Vaccine Materials Sent to 18 Countries ", by Mike Adams, Natural News, March 3, 2009

"There's a popular medical thriller novel in which a global pandemic is intentionally set off by an evil plot designed to reduce the human population. In the book, a nefarious drug company inserts live avian flu viruses into vaccine materials that are distributed to countries around the world to be injected into patients as 'flu shots'. Those patients then become carriers for these highly-virulent strains of avian flu which go on to infect the world population and cause widespread death. There's only one problem with this story: It's not fiction. Or, at least, the part about live avian flu viruses being inserted into vaccine materials isn't fiction. It's happening right now."

"Deerfield, Illinois-based pharmaceutical company Baxter International Inc. has just been caught shipping live avian flu viruses mixed with vaccine material to medical distributors in 18 countries. The 'mistake' (if you can call it that ...) was discovered by the National Microbiology Laboratory in Canada. The World Health Organization was alerted and panic spread throughout the vaccine community ... Baxter is acting a whole lot like a biological terrorism organization these days, sending deadly viral samples around the world. If you mail an envelope full of anthrax to your Senator, you get arrested as a terrorist. So why is Baxter -- which mailed samples of a far more deadly viral strain to labs around the world -- getting away with saying, essentially, 'Oops'?"

"But there's a bigger question in all this: How could this company have accidentally mixed LIVE avian flu viruses (both H5N1 and H3N2, the human form) in this vaccine material?"

I will never forget the shock when I first read in my New Age research in the late 1980's, that the Illuminati planned to insert deadly live pathogens in the very vaccine which government agencies were touting as the cure to the disease. Then, as I reported in Monday's 4/27 News Alert, New Age researcher, Dr. Horowitz, and New Age author Bill Cooper both reported that the AIDS virus in Africa was deliberately spread by W.H.O. (World Health Organization) in "free" vaccines.

When the time comes for Seal #4 in Revelation 6 to actually occur, vaccines supposedly designed to kill the deadly disease ravaging the globe will, instead, be infected with the specific disease so that people who have not yet caught the pathogen will immediately die from it.

This event will occur only after Antichrist is on the world scene, so we have some years left. Scares like this Swine Flu are designed to produce the necessary conditioning to persuade people to quickly accept the vaccination solution, thus guaranteeing their death.


my advice:

- reject all vaccines or Tamiflu treatments, there IS NO PROVE THAT IT WILL PROTECT YOU!

- watch out for news of MANDATORY VACCINATION - France is thinking about it seriously, WHO PROFITS?

- live healthy, if you get some flu use PROVEN STUFF THAT WORKED FOR AGES, ginger, broth, high doses of vitamins etc.

- PILLS and the PHARMA MAFIA never cure, they just wanna make PROFITS, think for and trust yourself

- whatever you do, GOOD LUCK, we all need it with this coming along for the second time



Gaddart chet toot pang.

Whatever this means, I totally agree.

Isn't one of the rules here that all posts should be in English?

Gaddart chet toot pang.

Whatever this means, I totally agree.

Isn't one of the rules here that all posts should be in English?

Well, toot & pang are both English words, not too sure about Gaddart or chet though. :)


Rural Thai people are not smart enough to understand about this flu. It is better not to tell them anything.

Just like votes. They easily sell them for 200 Baht a piece.

Rural Thai people are not smart enough to understand about this flu. It is better not to tell them anything.

Just like votes. They easily sell them for 200 Baht a piece.

Neither do people here, judging by all the pages and pages full of scaremongering and crisis scenario`s

Rural Thai people are not smart enough to understand about this flu. It is better not to tell them anything.

Just like votes. They easily sell them for 200 Baht a piece.

If they're smart enough to turn on a television or turn the pages on a newspaper or read the brochures being prepared, they will understand plenty about this flu. :)

This isn't Thaksin's bird flu concealment of information.

Rural Thai people are not smart enough to understand about this flu. It is better not to tell them anything.

Just like votes. They easily sell them for 200 Baht a piece.

Not an especially surprising statement coming from a Farang in Pattaya. Never get outa the boat, stay inside the bubble. You and your world view will be much safer that way.

Rural Thai people are not smart enough to understand about this flu. It is better not to tell them anything.

Just like votes. They easily sell them for 200 Baht a piece.

Judging by the fact that the first major outbreak was a bar in Pattaya, I wouldn't do the rural Thai's down. Seems like the girls in Pattaya need a bit of education too. So far, rural Thailand appears the safer place to be. Maybe it is a combination of somtaam and bpla keeping them strong.

When the waitress coughs all over your beer in the supposedly civilised world of Thailand, just hope you don't become another number added to the list. Unlike other parts of Thailand I could mention, at least the rural Thai's only sell their souls every four years for 200 baht unlike some of the more salubrious parts of Thailand.


I have a few up country friends and they are pretty much oblivious to all this.

They don't see the papers much, nor have a TV, least soap influence group I know of here.

They work a legit, no happy ending, Wat Po massage shop, and are completely nice people.

And yet have little or know idea about this pandemic, even with all the farang visitors.

I think it is not a question of intelegence, but lack of regular access to information

as part of lifestyle. Nothing wrong with not being in the international loop so to speak,

no stress, no worries, good life.


It's a case of censorship, pure and simple. And a total lack of transparency. And the road is now paved for whatever cover-up they may want.

Two days ago, we had 11 students go home with flu-like symptoms. Yesterday, another load of them were sent home. One particularly hard hit class as of this morning has only a handful of students. We have a Registered Nurse and she was told the students would be tested and we would be informed. Two days later nothing, but the numbers of sick keep climbing.

I might add the sick room is full (but these seem to be students with headaches and who didn't get enough sleep last night). Those with fevers are sent packing.


Why wasn't the school shut down as of yesterday if more than 2 classrooms are effected?

With the thousands involved, I would imagine testing facilities are stretched to their maximum capability.

There's also no indication that any of the news is being censored.


The school wasn't shut down because the decision is apparently based on the information that the ministry provides to the school. No information, no closure.

So, yes, it is censorship.


The school can certainly decided to close by itself if it wants to. I would have thought it very reasonable to do so under their circumstances of a spreading flu out-break at their school in those numbers.

Other than the 8pm compulsory, all that Thai people ever gets from the box is Soap and Game show. TiT.

What is in the 8pm compulsory? Can anyone give me a clue?

Oh come on don't be so cynical. We the uneducated masses have no need for this information, it's far too complex for us simpletons to be able to understand and it only concerns our health, nothing important.

So, shut up, grow rice and if you get sick no one will know, the problems will disappear. We know what is good for you

The issue here is the principle of with holding information from the public, rather than the content of that information.

The point is that the Thai Gov't does not want a panic and overreactions

in the country. It has nothing to do with uneducated masses. I hope they still release information about having to prevent it and not being too restrictive on the information.

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