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Leave Mr Leather Be !


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No offense intended , but it strikes me odd that most posters have not read his books , yet he is a bestseller Author.

He is most certainly not. A best selling author is a Stephen King, Dick Francis or a Tom Clancy who regularly top best sellers lists all over the world. Men with the ability not only to write stories but to write them in such a way that millions around the world want to read them. Stephen Leather does not fall into this category.

The comparison to recorded music in order to get some perspective is a false one and a popular mistake which is made. It would be more accurate to liken it to live music. The above authors are your Springsteens, U2s and Queens (popular modern rock music entertainers - for Boris' benefit) who would pack stadia the world over. The Stephen Leathers of this world would be no more than club level entertainers with a solid but small fanbase.

I find it interesting and encouraging that the topic of literature has raised such a debate (barring Boris' trollish highbrow nonsense which he has only written to get a rise)

I had actually expected more people to leap to the defence of CG Moore than Stephen Leather as I have met more than a few expats who see themselves as characters from CGM's books (and even met one buffoon who claimed to have been the model for one of his characters.)

At the end of the day there are no right or wrong answers, only perspectives.

Apart from the usual "troll" references to myself (well at least I'm not being accused of class war this time), this is a very sensible post.The points on Stephen King,Tom Clancy and Dick Francis are very well made.I personally would place Stephen King on a higher plain because in his own strange way the man is an artist.

I do however disagree that this is only a question of perspective although it is obviously partly so.No allowance for subjectivity will turn a third rate hack into someone of talent.

By the way although U2 and Springsteen are great,I have always failed to understand the appeal of Queen.Actually these days I am listening more to Travis,Air,Scissor Sisters,Franz Ferdinand and Keane.

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No offense intended , but it strikes me odd that most posters have not read his books , yet he is a bestseller Author.

He is most certainly not. A best selling author is a Stephen King, Dick Francis or a Tom Clancy who regularly top best sellers lists all over the world. Men with the ability not only to write stories but to write them in such a way that millions around the world want to read them. Stephen Leather does not fall into this category.

The comparison to recorded music in order to get some perspective is a false one and a popular mistake which is made. It would be more accurate to liken it to live music. The above authors are your Springsteens, U2s and Queens (popular modern rock music entertainers - for Boris' benefit) who would pack stadia the world over. The Stephen Leathers of this world would be no more than club level entertainers with a solid but small fanbase.

I find it interesting and encouraging that the topic of literature has raised such a debate (barring Boris' trollish highbrow nonsense which he has only written to get a rise)

I had actually expected more people to leap to the defence of CG Moore than Stephen Leather as I have met more than a few expats who see themselves as characters from CGM's books (and even met one buffoon who claimed to have been the model for one of his characters.)

At the end of the day there are no right or wrong answers, only perspectives.

Apart from the usual "troll" references to myself (well at least I'm not being accused of class war this time), this is a very sensible post.The points on Stephen King,Tom Clancy and Dick Francis are very well made.I personally would place Stephen King on a higher plain because in his own strange way the man is an artist.

I do however disagree that this is only a question of perspective although it is obviously partly so.No allowance for subjectivity will turn a third rate hack into someone of talent.

By the way although U2 and Springsteen are great,I have always failed to understand the appeal of Queen.Actually these days I am listening more to Travis,Air,Scissor Sisters,Franz Ferdinand and Keane.

I always had you penned as a Will Young fan , Boz.

Edited by chonabot
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No allowance for subjectivity will turn a third rate hack into someone of talent.

thats because you insist on imposing your own standards on everyone else.

its a form of snobbery and intolerance.

you think that your standards are higher than those of others.

because you consider him third rate you automatically assume he is third rate in everybody elses eyes too.

since when have you been the official arbiter of taste and standards.

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No allowance for subjectivity will turn a third rate hack into someone of talent.

thats because you insist on imposing your own standards on everyone else.

its a form of snobbery and intolerance.

you think that your standards are higher than those of others.

because you consider him third rate you automatically assume he is third rate in everybody elses eyes too.

since when have you been the official arbiter of taste and standards.

I cannot and would not want to "impose" my own standards.The point of a forum like this is to make a proposition and debate it.So far you have failed to make a case.At the risk of repeating myself, I have nothing against Stephen Leather who is obviously a professional writer with a loyal fan base.I can see exactly why one of his books might be purchased before a long plane journey (although I personally found them unreadable).This doesn't mean others won't find pleasure in them.Frankly this discussion is pointless and although you have made a fool of yourself, this is really because you have sought to elevate SL to an echelon where he simply does not belong.

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How would you rate Stephen King then?

IMO Mr King is a fine Author of the Thriller/Horror/Supernatuarl genre. His films made the leap from book to screen with ease.

My favourite would be Salems Lot.


David Soul, James Mason, and The Master. Never read the book, but saw the movie when it first came out. I was only 10. That was one ###### of a scary movie, split in two parts for tv viewing. The kid floating and scratching at the window! :o

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Yes mate , you and I are probably the only 2 here that have read any of his other published works. The reason Stephen's publishers didn't want to release " Private Dancer" is because it was so out of tune with his other works. I believe they were worried that people ( ignorant of his previous catalogue) would label him as a " Sexpat trashy novellist" etc .

Hey look what has happened here!

I doubt Mr Leather gives a toss either way , his loyal fanbase know the truth.

I never stated that his books were in the same league as Dickens or even the same flavour as the esteemed travel writers that Dorus Day keeps harking on about. But I feel they stand up to Grisham/Deighton et al.


I have read two of his books… Solitary Man (which he gave me) and the Bomb Maker. I enjoyed them both.

Spent close to a year studying Thai with him at AUA. My impression: An intelligent and upstanding guy. He certainly does his homework for his novels. As I recall, the last time I saw him, he had just returned from Cambodia. He was spending time with land mine disposal crews there. For which book, I'm not certain.

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By the way although U2 and Springsteen are great,I have always failed to understand the appeal of Queen.Actually these days I am listening more to Travis,Air,Scissor Sisters,Franz Ferdinand and Keane.

I could never understand why Springsteen was so popular, but I always thought queen were great.

Funny thing personal taste isn't it Boris? :o

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How about 'You're a <deleted>' by Lampard 10

Autobiography by any chance?

I alway wondered why people add a number to thier handle, whays yours for IQ or age?

People never seem to amaze me. The last time I heard those two'jokes' was giggling behind the bike shed at school,after I told them. And you question if MY age or I.Q. are 10. And of course you are now the laughing stock of Thai visa

'4 baht'

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How about 'You're a <deleted>' by Lampard 10

Autobiography by any chance?

I alway wondered why people add a number to thier handle, whays yours for IQ or age?

People never seem to amaze me. The last time I heard those two'jokes' was giggling behind the bike shed at school,after I told them. And you question if MY age or I.Q. are 10. And of course you are now the laughing stock of Thai visa

'4 baht'

...and with a sad and immature avatar :o

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