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Last night at around 10pm I started to feel a very deep aching/burning pain in my right shoulder (to be specific the long muscle that runs from my neck to shoulder) I have no idea why I started to get this pain but it came on suddenly and was very painful. I lay on the bed to watch TV but couldn't find any position ti lie in without being in considerable pain, I was getting pangs of extreme pain every now and then. I had no pain killers or anything so I resorted to rubbing some tiger balm on it which helped a little but not much. Later I went to bed only to wake up later finding that the pain had now spread to my left side as well and I was also getting a deep aching pain in my spine at the base of my neck, as you can imagine sleeping was very difficult last night. It has subsided a little this morning but is still there and Im still getting the pangs of pain...what the hel_l is this???


A bit more info:

No swelling at all, nothing visible outside

I exercise at the gym around 3 times a week, last went on Weds but did nothing different or out of the ordinary and certainly didnt strain my self

I had a check up and blood test at the hospital also on Weds, a few hours after returning home I felt a bit run down as if I was getting the start of a cold. Went out that night with friends though and I was fine...


I have had the same thing under my arm and across my chest for the past three days. Medical doctors cannot help you. Sounds like you have a pinched nerve. If it persists after a good stretch i would go see a chiropractor and take a good look at your mattress and bed. Never let the "message people" crack your neck. Sounds like you have the same problems as me. Awkward sleeping positions and stress.


Not a Doctor, but the muscle between your shoulder and neck is the Trapezius (traps) that extends down towards your lower back in a diamond shape. I have often had a problem here which I interpreted as a cramping of the muscle sometimes brought on by exercise, sometimes not. Very uncomfortable and often hurts when you breathe in, "taking your breath away", with me usually lasted between 1 and 3 days then cleared up with no leftover effects. Have to say it never migrated from one side to the other though. Could be a pinched nerve, but if so would be VERY painful or numb/paralysed.


Application of heat may also be helpful, either hot soaks or a heating pad. Follow with gentle exercise (put arm/shoulder through range of motion) , stopping shoprt of the point of pain. Can take an NSAID (ibuprofen and the like) provided you dio not have history of any type of bleeding disorder, kidney diosease or ulcers. Be sure to take with food.

If it is just muscle strain/spasm, these measures plus time should suffice. If it persists, better see a doctor. Possible that an intravertebral disc has prolapsed.


Some times heat is not the right treatment sometimes you need cold and other times you need alternate hot and cold.

Could be a frozen shoulder now thats gonna hurt :)

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