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Desktop Computer - Basic Set Up ..


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Look for some advice on some basic things i should be looking out for when buying a desk-top computer which main purpose is for 2d(photoshop, illustrator)and 3d arts (Maya).

I also like to run Maya and photoshop simultaneously, so i need a computer than can handle switching between two programs ongoing quickly and easily.

I am hoping to find out the minimum requirements as I already have a high end computer in storage in the UK (only 3 years old and was custom built..so shouldnt be too out of date (i hope)..and cost a small fortune. So, if i decide to stay in Thailand, i will bring it over. Just do not have that kind of money for another comp :) ). Anyway, since being in Thailand I have been using a Sony Vaio laptop for all my graphics work, and im taxing it pretty hard and it times it freezes/crashes, so considering buying a desktop comp that will cover my basic needs.


One problem i did encounter with my other computer (in the UK) was with the graphics card (i think was nvidea G-Force). The graphics card was more for the gaming end (at the time i did some testing too..so i needed a good graphics card for gaming), but, when i wanted to use the paint tool in Maya for laying out some guide strokes before importing into photoshop, my computer would crash. Apparently its because Mayas inbuild paint tool wasnt compatible with nvidea G-Force. ..(?)However, this was Maya 6.5.. im not sure if the problem has been overcome in the new Maya (anyone with any idea about that..would be great!) So..recommendations for a set up focusing on design rather than gaming would be appreciated (or, a possible way around the Maya paint tool problem..as i havent found one yet.)

I do also like to play a couple of games to wind down...so a set up that is compatible with gaming would be great..however, this isnt so important as a set up with design in mind first.

Anyway, computer fair coming up next month..so any tips on the key things i should be looking out for would be great! Im really clueless in this area. :D

Thanks so much in advance! :D

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Maya (rendering) and Photoshop will require a lot of memory and I would never dare to do that with a notebook -

even if multi-tasking is possible. But this is not the focus of your post.

I trust it is much easier to give advise if you set your spending limit. How much are you willing to spend?

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Ive rendered Maya sequences on my vaio laptop webfact. Its just hellova slow, thats all. I can also switch/multi-task using Maya and photoshop, but again, slight down time between switches, but, if too much going on, will lag out/crash. So, i have to constantly save or risk losing work...so of course its pretty frustrating.

As for spending limit, thats why i worded my question as "basic setup"/"minimum requirements". As in, then i can work out what I need to fork out, so to speak. As I already have a high end computer packed away, i am not looking for something to rival that. Im looking for usability, whilst im here. So really looking for advice on what my minimum set-up would be, to do what I would like it to do.

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1. Look for some advice on some basic things i should be looking out for when buying a desk-top computer which main purpose is for 2d(photoshop, illustrator)and 3d arts (Maya).

2. I also like to run Maya and photoshop simultaneously, so i need a computer than can handle switching between two programs ongoing quickly and easily.

3. I am hoping to find out the minimum requirements as I already have a high end computer in storage in the UK (only 3 years old and was custom built..so shouldnt be too out of date (i hope)..and cost a small fortune. So, if i decide to stay in Thailand, i will bring it over. Just do not have that kind of money for another comp :) ).

4. Anyway, since being in Thailand I have been using a Sony Vaio laptop for all my graphics work, and im taxing it pretty hard and it times it freezes/crashes, so considering buying a desktop comp that will cover my basic needs.

1. Basic things. Fastest 2x quad core CPU's (Intel Core i7), Mainboard for 2x quad core CPU's, maximum RAM, biggest and fastest HDD, latest Nvidia Quadro VGA card, professional grade LCD's with color calibration at minimum 24" and at least 2 of them (probably 3 is needed) and a 64-bit operating system.

2. You need at least 2 big LCD's with color calibration. This enables you to run Photoshop on one screen and Maya on the other at the same time. No switching needed. A 3rd LCD would enable you to put all the "tools" from photoshop, maya etc and all the other open programs like browser, IM and more on one screen.

3. A 3 years old PC is not high end, not even close. If you think you spent money on it, you made a huge mistake putting it in storage.

A midrange PC would out-perform your "highend" today.

If you list the specifications of it, then there might be a part or 2 that can be salvaged.

4. The laptop is probably overheating and shutting down. Normally consumer grade laptops are not built for heavy work according the manufacturers. They simply do not put enough thought into creating good quality and reliable stuff (eg. not enough cooling).

Based on your initial post, this is the best information I am able to offer.

PM me if you'd like to discuss in more detail.

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Thanks for your post filingaccount. Really appreciate you taking the time to write that.

My other pc was a gift, its in storage because i havent returned to the UK in the last couple of years. Trudging a big pc about without being sure if i will remain in Thailand would not have made sense. So no regrets (although of course sad that its devalued so much). Just that im starting to miss having a bigger pc. No idea what can be salvaged, the specs for the other pc are (this is info taken from an email confirming specs, but to be honest i dont quite understand it all..so im just putting down anything i think is relevent):

CPU:amd x2 4800

MOTHERBOARD: asus a8n-sli premium

GRAPHICS CARD: e-vga 7800gtx 256mb ddr3 ram + a sli (adding a second graphics card)

HARDDRIVE: 2 times 250gb western digital sata 2 in raid 0 mode

POWERPACK:high quality targen 650 watt powerpack

RAM:1GB of branded very high quality ram


Something also about SATA 2..which i dont understand. :D

Are these things pretty much out of date now?

My old monitor was bliss. Dell 24" widescreen, so plenty of space, but, id be happy enough with one monitor half the size whilst here.

I think the laptop im using is getting to be on its last legs now. Sony Vaio FS115s. Added memory. Use a cooling usb fan thing that it sits on..but its not a happy bunny.

With the specs you gave filingaccount, dont suppose you would have an idea of what the cost would be also (i realise youre not a shop! :) Its just if you had a rough figure. :D)

Of course, would be great to hear advice from others also.

Thanks so much. :D

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Thanks for your post filingaccount. Really appreciate you taking the time to write that.

My other pc was a gift, its in storage because i havent returned to the UK in the last couple of years. Trudging a big pc about without being sure if i will remain in Thailand would not have made sense. So no regrets (although of course sad that its devalued so much). Just that im starting to miss having a bigger pc. No idea what can be salvaged, the specs for the other pc are (this is info taken from an email confirming specs, but to be honest i dont quite understand it all..so im just putting down anything i think is relevent):

CPU:amd x2 4800

MOTHERBOARD: asus a8n-sli premium

GRAPHICS CARD: e-vga 7800gtx 256mb ddr3 ram + a sli (adding a second graphics card)

HARDDRIVE: 2 times 250gb western digital sata 2 in raid 0 mode

POWERPACK:high quality targen 650 watt powerpack

RAM:1GB of branded very high quality ram


Something also about SATA 2..which i dont understand. :D

Are these things pretty much out of date now?

My old monitor was bliss. Dell 24" widescreen, so plenty of space, but, id be happy enough with one monitor half the size whilst here.

I think the laptop im using is getting to be on its last legs now. Sony Vaio FS115s. Added memory. Use a cooling usb fan thing that it sits on..but its not a happy bunny.

With the specs you gave filingaccount, dont suppose you would have an idea of what the cost would be also (i realise youre not a shop! :) Its just if you had a rough figure. :D )

Of course, would be great to hear advice from others also.

Thanks so much. :D

No problem at all.

As I suspected. Your system is at least 2 generations removed from the current.

It is a decent PC and will run games ok.

I suggest trying to sell the parts of the old PC and buying new parts here. Do not expect much though. Maybe the VGA cards could fetch a little.

The only salvageable part would be the sound card, and possibly the 2 HDD's (to be used as temporary storage for your renderings and images).

If you are on a budget, but need the power, below are my suggestions (not a full set, but the main parts).

CPU: Intel quad core. Maybe Intel Core i7-920 2.66GHz. 11,000 Baht

Mainboard: Any really, as long as it can handle DDR3 RAM, without built-in VGA. Around 4000-6000 Baht.

RAM. At the very least 4 GB. I suggest 8 GB. 1500 Baht per 2 GB.

VGA. Any decent professional workstation VGA card will set you back at least 30,000 Baht.

If you do not need a professional grade VGA card you can basically use any old VGA card (not from 1995 or anything though)

LCD. at least 2x 22+" . If you are not concerned with very accurate color reproduction, just pick 2 standard ones. 6000+ Baht per screen.

HDD. Maybe a Western Digital Green power 1 TB, or Seagate 1TB. Any new large HDD will do. Pick 2 if you want to do RAID or need more storage. 4000 Baht or so per drive.

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Thanks again. Will print out your recommendations to work from when looking around.


VGA. Any decent professional workstation VGA card will set you back at least 30,000 Baht.
:D :D

edit: VGA card rough cost is the basic cost, then add in the extras right? (im sorry, as i said, im pretty dumb at this :) ).

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Thanks again. Will print out your recommendations to work from when looking around.


VGA. Any decent professional workstation VGA card will set you back at least 30,000 Baht.

edit: VGA card rough cost is the basic cost, then add in the extras right? (im sorry, as i said, im pretty dumb at this :) ).

A decent professional VGA card for rendering 3D images would cost you 30,000 Baht or so.

In your case, maybe, the work could be done 100% by using CPU processing power only. I do not know enough of your work, and what you produce so my suggestions are very general and quite vague.

If you are unsure, then I suggest NOT to invest in a professional VGA card at this time, and do some serious research first.

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This sure had gone way over the top.

Nvidia has about a $2B loss for crappy GPU, BTW - thats bee for Billion.

I use Liquid Maya occasionally in Linux, but mostly CAD.

I often run 10 apps, with 4GRAM and have never come close to slowdown, let alone crash Linux.

M$ does that sort of thing. Plus I am using the whole B+C+F video cube rendering framus.

I dont believe I have booted my Vaio 19' NB in 3/5 weeks. If ya want hi-end, ZDNET did a 4 x mobo that kicked.

About $1,000. It ran Linux - PCLOS MM08 I believe. 10 second install. Ya have plenty of options.


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No problem at all.

As I suspected. Your system is at least 2 generations removed from the current.

It is a decent PC and will run games ok.

I suggest trying to sell the parts of the old PC and buying new parts here. Do not expect much though. Maybe the VGA cards could fetch a little.

The only salvageable part would be the sound card, and possibly the 2 HDD's (to be used as temporary storage for your renderings and images).

If you are on a budget, but need the power, below are my suggestions (not a full set, but the main parts).

CPU: Intel quad core. Maybe Intel Core i7-920 2.66GHz. 11,000 Baht

Mainboard: Any really, as long as it can handle DDR3 RAM, without built-in VGA. Around 4000-6000 Baht.

RAM. At the very least 4 GB. I suggest 8 GB. 1500 Baht per 2 GB.

VGA. Any decent professional workstation VGA card will set you back at least 30,000 Baht.

If you do not need a professional grade VGA card you can basically use any old VGA card (not from 1995 or anything though)

LCD. at least 2x 22+" . If you are not concerned with very accurate color reproduction, just pick 2 standard ones. 6000+ Baht per screen.

HDD. Maybe a Western Digital Green power 1 TB, or Seagate 1TB. Any new large HDD will do. Pick 2 if you want to do RAID or need more storage. 4000 Baht or so per drive.

And a bigger power supply unit to support all these items.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Ok, after a lot of research recently im of the impression that although filingaccounts advice was very kind, its just way over the top for my personal use.

Thanks for the applemac suggestion too. Applemac does look super sexy, and always have admired their machines, however, i have always used PC. Even the post-production house i worked for in London used PC. Also, as my laptop is also PC, i think im best to stick with what i know.

So, i know for sure i need to go for Quadro (my old home pc crashed on paint fx in maya, the geforce card being the problem). I dont mind going for dual-core if cost effect, but quad would speed up my renders.

Does anyone know a VERY reasonable priced Quadro based workstation for home use that wouldnt burn a massive hole in my pocket, the electricity bill, or sound like a plane is taking off from needing a zillion cooling fans? Should i just get some kind of machine built (if so, anyone know a place in Chiang Mai?). Anyone spotted a lower end workstation around? Really want to find a computer that covers basic requirements that wont need a mortgage to cover it. Cheers!

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CPU:amd x2 4800

MOTHERBOARD: asus a8n-sli premium

GRAPHICS CARD: e-vga 7800gtx 256mb ddr3 ram + a sli (adding a second graphics card)

HARDDRIVE: 2 times 250gb western digital sata 2 in raid 0 mode

POWERPACK:high quality targen 650 watt powerpack

RAM:1GB of branded very high quality ram


Something also about SATA 2..which i dont understand. :)

Oh..and given the above specs, would it be possible / worth it to upgrade the graphics card to a quadro ?? And anything else? If so, i could have it sent over.

Thanks again for any help :D

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CPU:amd x2 4800

MOTHERBOARD: asus a8n-sli premium

GRAPHICS CARD: e-vga 7800gtx 256mb ddr3 ram + a sli (adding a second graphics card)

HARDDRIVE: 2 times 250gb western digital sata 2 in raid 0 mode

POWERPACK:high quality targen 650 watt powerpack

RAM:1GB of branded very high quality ram


Something also about SATA 2..which i dont understand. :)

Oh..and given the above specs, would it be possible / worth it to upgrade the graphics card to a quadro ?? And anything else? If so, i could have it sent over.

Thanks again for any help :D

You can add the quadro. It won't be as fast a newer system with a Q9550 or I7, but it would work. You should add more RAM though.

This page has benchmarks for CPU's, so you can see how your x2 4800+ would perform against a newer CPU.


Edit: My system is silent, and I can overclock the Q9550 to 3.6GHz plus on air, though I keep at stock speeds as I don't usually need the extra performance. It's plenty fast at stock for everything I throw at it. Not sure what you mean by "very reasonable", but I built my system for around 40,000 I think, with 8GB RAM, high end motherboard, high end power supply, good graphics, etc. Not sure what Quadro's are going for in Thailand, so it may run you a bit more or less than 40k for a quality system.

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