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Sissy Franc will crash out of the rising wedge shown with a violent downside breakout when USD severs her jugular with a single stroke -- anytime during the course of the next few weeks.  Count on it!

:D  :D  :D

In the next few weeks!!! :D In the next few weeks or so... I expect the USA to be doing some 'niggling' stuff re. Iran and/or Syria. Now they have straightened out a few wrinkles in the European and Russian shirts. I expect then, there will be a little nervousness about the near future of the USD. I think it will then slip a little down the slippery slope..... Any other unforseeable negatives will only worsen the slip. I do not see the USD rising to any great hights in the 'near' future... Unless of course something drastic happens in China, India, or Europe :o

Do you still have the USD 100K? :D:D

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Sissy Franc will crash out of the rising wedge shown with a violent downside breakout when USD severs her jugular with a single stroke -- anytime during the course of the next few weeks.  Count on it!

:D  :D  :D

In the next few weeks!!! :D In the next few weeks or so... I expect the USA to be doing some 'niggling' stuff re. Iran and/or Syria. Now they have straightened out a few wrinkles in the European and Russian shirts. I expect then, there will be a little nervousness about the near future of the USD. I think it will then slip a little down the slippery slope..... Any other unforseeable negatives will only worsen the slip. I do not see the USD rising to any great hights in the 'near' future... Unless of course something drastic happens in China, India, or Europe :o

Do you still have the USD 100K? :D:D

Nope! I only got $9,000 now in US... the rest in Euro, still hanging on to my diamond, and some antique/classic cameras <---- one of the better earners over the past 10 years... up and up and up... took a bit of a wobble because of digital... but there will always be collectors... :D

I see in the news today.. "When the United States and France say withdraw, we mean complete withdrawal, no halfhearted measures," Bush said speaking of Syria. I love the way he stuck FRANCE in there :D

Next it will be Iran... keep 'em all nervous, keep the dollar down... for now... and forget 'charts'. :D

Hehehehe .... remember the "Help me, 100K USD is ALL I have & I got canned & am moving to Thailand!" thread?

Flaky, flaky, flaky! Flitting from kitchen work to condominiums to Casino Funds (with kreon!)

So here's my take and advice, long overdue:

Do an entire overhaul of your modus operandi ..... OR .... do the exact opposite of what you've been doing for the last 40 years.

Corollary 1: start using charts, hehehehehe

Corollary 2: Forget about the hocus-pocus about the Americans, Chinese, Indians and Israelis -- they don't give a squat about you, especialy so the Israelis, hehehehe.

Corollary 3: Don't move to Thailand -- you'll be separated from your meager life savings in less than a month, that is if kreon hasn't already done the honors! Ouch!

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There has been a lot of talk about investing in currencies such as the USD or the Euro but I was wondering what people thought about the Thai Baht. The economy here in Asia and Thailand has been quite strong as opposed to the rest of world.

I was not thinking of investing directly (bank account), but more so in an indirect fashion such as the purchase of property.

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There has been a lot of talk about investing in currencies such as the USD or the Euro but I was wondering what people thought about the Thai Baht.  The economy here in Asia and Thailand has been quite strong as opposed to the rest of world.

I was not thinking of investing directly (bank account), but more so in an indirect fashion such as the purchase of property.

Now is the time to sell Baht and property.

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There has been a lot of talk about investing in currencies such as the USD or the Euro but I was wondering what people thought about the Thai Baht.  The economy here in Asia and Thailand has been quite strong as opposed to the rest of world.

I was not thinking of investing directly (bank account), but more so in an indirect fashion such as the purchase of property.

Now is the time to sell Baht and property.

On what do you base this judgement, Harmonica?

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"Switzerland lies landlocked in Western Europe, ... Even Adolph

Hitler's Wehrmacht, which

conquered all of Europe in the early months of World War II, chose not to attack

Switzerland despite the fact that the small country was in the

crossroads of Western Europe.

Switzerland is, of course, neutral, but it was not mere respect for

its neutrality which

kept the Nazi armies and others before it out of the tiny country. It

was the determination

of the Swiss people to defend their neutrality and the credibility of

their means to do so.

That determination remains alive today ... Within 48 hours, the Swiss

can field an army of

more than 600,00 men ... War supplies, medical supplies and food

supplies are meticulously

stored in more than 100 kilometers of tunnels ... obstacles ...

barriers ...demolition

devices ... In short, Switzerland is an armed bunker. Yet, there is _no_ standing

Army, no ... enormous drain on the Swiss economy ... How the Swiss

have achieved this

credible deterrent to invasion is the subject of this report. The

Swiss security system is

unique as well as an example of what a democratic nation can

accomplish by applying reason

and logic to problems which have been realistically and carefully analyzed.

Niccolo Machiavelli, the 15th century Italian student of power,

remarked of the Swiss,

"They are the most armed -- and most free people in Europe." ... Today

Switzerland maintains its neutrality, but practices what it calls solidarity ...


"Historical experience shows that if a nation is not able to defend

itself and to protect

its spiritual and material values, it will become, sooner or later,

the target of power.


... The Swiss have no illusions about their ability to defeat a major

military power.

They could not have defeated the Nazi army which for a time considered

invading Switzerland.

They mobilized, however, and made it clear beyond a shadow of a doubt

that if the Nazi army

invaded, it would be fiercely resisted and that the tunnels and passes

into Italy would be

destroyed. In a classic example of dissuasion at work, Hitler's

general staff recommended

against an invasion on the grounds that the costs would be

disproportionate to the gains.

The Swiss military forces are composed almost entirely of the militia.

... The Swiss

militia system is unique and is not comparable to the present Reserve

and Guard forces in

the United States. The basis for conscription is the constitution, which mandates

military service for every Swiss male from age 20 to 50 (55 in the

case of officers). There

are no exceptions. Conscientious objectors are given a choice between

Army non-combat units

and jail. Those physically unfit for military duty but employable are

required to pay a

tax. Women are not included in the compulsory military service system, but small

numbers of them are accepted on a volunteer basis for non-combatant positions.

A third advantage is that every male, age 20 to 50, who is an elected

official or civil

servant in the government at all levels is also a member of the Swiss Army. ...

A fourth advantage is that Switzerland does not have a high proportion

of defense dollars

going to personnel costs. ...

At the age of 19, young men are given physical and mental tests in preparation for

military service. ... At age 20, recruits report for 17 weeks of

training. ... At the end

of the training cycle, the recruit, now a member of a militia unit

with which he will stay

in most cases for the duration of his obligation, returns home. He

carries with him his

rifle, an allotment of ammunition, uniforms, military pack, and CBR

mask. He is responsible

for the maintenance of this equipment and is inspected annually. Once

a year he is also

required to qualify with his personal weapon on a rifle range (300

meters!) or face an additional three

days of training. Once a year, he will report for three weeks of

military training in a

rugged field exercise set up as a problem the type of which his

particular unit would face.

... The Swiss Army is organized into four Army Corps. ... The Swiss logistics

system is a work of genius and is tailored to the requirements of ... These

underground facilities not only contain stores of ammunition and other

war supplies but

also ... They also practice the principle of commonality so that military, civil

defense, and police equipment are the same. ...


Once mobilized, the Swiss Army would fight as a conventional force.

Swiss military doctrine

calls for meeting the aggressor at the borders and waging total war. ... The Swiss

terrain -- ... This combination of powerful resistance by conventional forces,

continued resistance by guerrillas, and ...

The armed population is no bluff. Swiss militiamen are not required to

turn in their weapons

upon completion of their obligation. It is said that every Swiss home

contains at least

three weapons, ...


A unique component of the Swiss Army is the Territorial Service. ...


Some critics of the Swiss system have expressed the belief that the

possession of nuclear

weapons has made the strategy of dissuasion obsolete. These are, to be

sure, those critics

who view nuclear war as an offense for which there is no defense. The

Swiss do not agree.

Recalling on of their strategic objectives as protection of the

civilian population, the

Swiss government has realistically assessed that objective in light of

nuclear, chemical,

and biological warfare. Their answer was to embark on an extensive

civil defense program


Private shelters ... Public shelters are equipped with ... The Swiss have

spent, since 1970, 5 billion Swiss francs on civil defense and are

currently spending at

the rate of 210 million Swiss francs annually. ... Public support for

civil defense

is widespread. ...


Switzerland, a small country with limited resources, has

conceptualized, planned, and

implemented a rational security policy which provides maximum effect with minimum

expenditures. ...To a remarkable degree, the Swiss require private sector

participation in the defense effort. ... The Swiss General Defense system provides

a high dissuasive value and credibility to this small, neutral country

in the heart of

Europe. ... Thanks to Civil Defense as well as intricate economic preparedness,

there is a high degree of survivability even in a modern war of long duration. ..."

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There has been a lot of talk about investing in currencies such as the USD or the Euro but I was wondering what people thought about the Thai Baht.  The economy here in Asia and Thailand has been quite strong as opposed to the rest of world.

I was not thinking of investing directly (bank account), but more so in an indirect fashion such as the purchase of property.

Now is the time to sell Baht and property.

On what do you base this judgement, Harmonica?

For Baht discussion please refer to (if interested) to Baht and USD threads.

As for property, see chart of Property Index for Stock Exchange of Thailand (SET) below:


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Switzerland, a small country with limited resources, has

conceptualized, planned, and

implemented a rational security policy which provides maximum effect with minimum

expenditures. ...

Limited Resources??????????????

Switzerland is literally FLOATING on the most beautiful resource there is in the world...

MONEY :o , Billions, Billions, Billions and Billions of Foreign Money..

Without the 'banksecret', Switzerland would be a poor country.


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Switzerland, a small country with limited resources, has

conceptualized, planned, and

implemented a rational security policy which provides maximum effect with minimum

expenditures. ...

Limited Resources??????????????

Switzerland is literally FLOATING on the most beautiful resource there is in the world...

MONEY :o , Billions, Billions, Billions and Billions of Foreign Money..

Without the 'banksecret', Switzerland would be a poor country.


Some "banksecret" -- after ratting on hundreds of thousands of Americans and making a deal with the IRS; violating their oath -- &lt;deleted&gt; 'em. -- with their $10/cup of coffee & $14/sandwich -- hope the Germans & Belgians invade them and export their Capuccino to LOS, hehehehehe :D

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Switzerland, a small country with limited resources, has

conceptualized, planned, and

implemented a rational security policy which provides maximum effect with minimum

expenditures. ...

Limited Resources??????????????

Switzerland is literally FLOATING on the most beautiful resource there is in the world...

MONEY :o , Billions, Billions, Billions and Billions of Foreign Money..

Without the 'banksecret', Switzerland would be a poor country.


Some "banksecret" -- after ratting on hundreds of thousands of Americans and making a deal with the IRS; violating their oath -- &lt;deleted&gt; 'em. -- with their $10/cup of coffee & $14/sandwich -- hope the Germans & Belgians invade them and export their Capuccino to LOS, hehehehehe :D

For 1% of the loot, I'm willing to pick up my old profession again :D

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Switzerland, a small country with limited resources, has

conceptualized, planned, and

implemented a rational security policy which provides maximum effect with minimum

expenditures. ...

Limited Resources??????????????

Switzerland is literally FLOATING on the most beautiful resource there is in the world...

MONEY :o , Billions, Billions, Billions and Billions of Foreign Money..

Without the 'banksecret', Switzerland would be a poor country.


Some "banksecret" -- after ratting on hundreds of thousands of Americans and making a deal with the IRS; violating their oath -- &lt;deleted&gt; 'em. -- with their $10/cup of coffee & $14/sandwich -- hope the Germans & Belgians invade them and export their Capuccino to LOS, hehehehehe :D

For 1% of the loot, I'm willing to pick up my old profession again :D

Which was? :D

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That determination remains alive today ... Within 48 hours, the Swiss

can field an army of

more than 600,00 men ... War supplies, medical supplies and food

supplies are meticulously

stored in more than 100 kilometers of tunnels ... obstacles ...

We tremble in fear at the thought of those Swiss going commando , cheese and chocolate bullets dripping from their over-laden leder hosen.... :o

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Switzerland, a small country with limited resources, has

conceptualized, planned, and

implemented a rational security policy which provides maximum effect with minimum

expenditures. ...

Limited Resources??????????????

Switzerland is literally FLOATING on the most beautiful resource there is in the world...

MONEY :o , Billions, Billions, Billions and Billions of Foreign Money..

Without the 'banksecret', Switzerland would be a poor country.


Some "banksecret" -- after ratting on hundreds of thousands of Americans and making a deal with the IRS; violating their oath -- &lt;deleted&gt; 'em. -- with their $10/cup of coffee & $14/sandwich -- hope the Germans & Belgians invade them and export their Capuccino to LOS, hehehehehe :D

For 1% of the loot, I'm willing to pick up my old profession again :D

Which was? :D

" Advisor " :D

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