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I Feel Like A Mouse Led Into A Trap.


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I'm confused. Is this about the same young lady and her family where you asked what was an appropriate gift to take with you to meet them? Or is this another one? You seem to change girlfriends alot.

I am confused, also. On 12 May he said: "At the moment I give the two daughters of my wife 50 Baht each occasionally. "

What happened over the last 40+ days; where did the wife go?

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I'm confused. Is this about the same young lady and her family where you asked what was an appropriate gift to take with you to meet them? Or is this another one? You seem to change girlfriends alot.

I am confused, also. On 12 May he said: "At the moment I give the two daughters of my wife 50 Baht each occasionally. "

What happened over the last 40+ days; where did the wife go?

In the G54 world, any girl that sticks around longer than the mandatory magic hour becomes a wife & you are thinking about wife number 86, which was about a dozen or so ago. Why what do you get up to in your average month? :D

Its a drama that never stops unfolding nor ceases to amaze!

Next chapter....G54 takes the bus upcountry with a three legged sheep to meet its parents :)

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I'm confused. Is this about the same young lady and her family where you asked what was an appropriate gift to take with you to meet them? Or is this another one? You seem to change girlfriends alot.

I am confused, also. On 12 May he said: "At the moment I give the two daughters of my wife 50 Baht each occasionally. "

What happened over the last 40+ days; where did the wife go?

In the G54 world, any girl that sticks around longer than the mandatory magic hour becomes a wife & you are thinking about wife number 86, which was about a dozen or so ago. Why what do you get up to in your average month? :D

Its a drama that never stops unfolding nor ceases to amaze!

Next chapter....G54 takes the bus upcountry with a three legged sheep to meet its parents :)

I think the 54 stands for his IQ. :D

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Kinda funny how so many farang take great pleasure out of not being able to fit into the local brand of condoms. I guess, atleast, you have that going for you.

I have no problem fitting them - as long as I push some socks down the sides.

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I'm confused. Is this about the same young lady and her family where you asked what was an appropriate gift to take with you to meet them? Or is this another one? You seem to change girlfriends alot.

I am confused, also. On 12 May he said: "At the moment I give the two daughters of my wife 50 Baht each occasionally. "

What happened over the last 40+ days; where did the wife go?

In the G54 world, any girl that sticks around longer than the mandatory magic hour becomes a wife & you are thinking about wife number 86, which was about a dozen or so ago. Why what do you get up to in your average month? :D

Its a drama that never stops unfolding nor ceases to amaze!

Next chapter....G54 takes the bus upcountry with a three legged sheep to meet its parents :)

I think the 54 stands for his IQ. :D

That’s been generous :D

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A no brainer dude it is a TRAP, at 32 years of age this lady BIO clock is running on empty, she needs to hookup with somebody/anybody quickly to help take care of that 13 year old and the rest of the extended family, best bet step back quickly, go sleep with another one(condom this time) leave no contact info and I bet you 5000 baht within a week to 10 days with no contact from you she will be looking to hookup with another unwise soul. BottomLine count your blessings and move ON. :D:D

Of course it's a trap but isn't every woman wanting a man doing something similar.

In this case, the lady (and her parents) are desperate, 32 with teenage kid. No thai(-chinese) man wants her. And as every woman knows (despite daily evidence to the contrary) the way to hold on to your man is getting pregnant.

You may well have won the lottery. Unfortunately, not everyone winning the lottery ends up happy.

Thank you forum experts who know so much about Thai culture. And, of course knowing women so well. Plus, on top of all that knowledge, you both sound like a right couple of charmers, just like the OP... :)

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A no brainer dude it is a TRAP, at 32 years of age this lady BIO clock is running on empty, she needs to hookup with somebody/anybody quickly to help take care of that 13 year old and the rest of the extended family, best bet step back quickly, go sleep with another one(condom this time) leave no contact info and I bet you 5000 baht within a week to 10 days with no contact from you she will be looking to hookup with another unwise soul. BottomLine count your blessings and move ON. :D:D

Of course it's a trap but isn't every woman wanting a man doing something similar.

In this case, the lady (and her parents) are desperate, 32 with teenage kid. No thai(-chinese) man wants her. And as every woman knows (despite daily evidence to the contrary) the way to hold on to your man is getting pregnant.

You may well have won the lottery. Unfortunately, not everyone winning the lottery ends up happy.

Thank you forum experts who know so much about Thai culture. And, of course knowing women so well. Plus, on top of all that knowledge, you both sound like a right couple of charmers, just like the OP... :)

Didnot you know Eek..? gods gift to wo... oh well never mind


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In many ways I find this an amusing morning but it does have its serious side.

Having now returned from the new lady friend's mothers house, I am feeling wary and somewhat bemused.

The lady in question has seen me for the last 4 days.(She is on 10 days holiday). Day 3 we went to bed and made love after she asked me if I want to 'make babies'. I did not take it literally - more fool I.

But the condoms I had purchased a while ago were too darn small. So in the height of passion we made love anyway (yes, yes, I can hear some say,' You should not have.') But when you are both naked in bed and fully aroused......

Anyway, she is happy the condom did not fit. Tells me now she is hoping we will have a baby. Refuses the 'morning after' pill.

Wants more of the same so we can make babies. :D

Looks like a Vasectomy for me :D

Now to the other part.

After the long awaited dinner at mothers, I am at the mother's house this morning for a full discussion, at their request. And to make sure all is understood by all parties involved I have a trusted lady friend with me who speaks English / Thai fluently. I have been here before with a lack of understanding by one party or another. I wanted no mistakes this time in translation.

On the one hand Mother tells me she is happy to give me her daughter. Wants no money. Nothing. Even tells the daughter she can move in with me now and do her own laundry at my house. (This is a family that has money. Have houses. Has land. Family that has good shops in BKK, Pattaya and other places, also salons that make money. Sisters educated at University.) Not the sort of reaction I was expecting from the mother, to be honest.

The daughter explains she does not want a house, a car, land, a m/c from me. Wants nothing but honesty, monogamy and love from me. Wants to pay her own way and for WE to share and buy things together. Wants we to have a shop or similar to make a few Baht. That she is not like the 'other women' I have known.

This sounds too good to be true. Have I found myself a woman who is not 'on the make' ?

LOL An hour later the discussion takes a new turn.

Mother wants to know when will I marry her daughter? How much will I give to marry the daughter?

Wait a minute!!

Earlier she says she will give me her daughter for nothing. Now asks how much for her daughter.

Over the course of the next hour the subject of marriage is brought up so many times it is incredible. Yet I have seen the daughter a total of 6 times.

I explain that it takes time for love to develop. Takes time to know someone. Takes time to have trust.

'You no love my daughter?'

'You like have sex with my daughter, why you no make marry?'

What? :D

Seems the daughter has told mother we made love the other day. Not only that, she has proudly told her father and her sisters that we made love. :)

Whatever happened to discretion? Is love making not something that is kept reasonably quiet about, or at least not shouted from the rooftops to the whole family the same day it happens?

I thought it was only some Farang men in Farang Land who bragged like that.

Now the discussion turns to babies. How many babies will we have? Mother likes being a grandmother. Takes care of 3 babies now and wants more around. Wants our babies to care for.

Next thing I know I am holding the youngest one. Oscar. 2 months old. <deleted>??? Are they trying to get my male maternal instincts going or something?

This is not some 20 year old woman we are talking about. She is a very beautiful 32 year old with a 13 year old son. Works for her sister in BKK but desperately wants to move back to he home town yet there is little work.

Her husband died in a car accident after 5 years of marriage and mother says that I am the first boyfriend to set foot in mothers house since.

Thankfully the mechanic phoned and said he needed to see me about my car. It was a good excuse to have to leave.

As I said, I am feeling somewhat bemused at the moment.

On the one hand I feel like a mouse led into a trap, yet on the other hand......


RUN get out now while you still can!

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Having read a few of your threads, i'm surprised you're not dead yet. What an idiot.

I know. I guess it was my upbringing.


I wasn't talking about you, but the OP. He's an exploiter of women from everything I've ever read from him. Takes and takes and then wonders why they turn on him.

Me oh my, thats a bit harsh isnt it??!!

After reading his comments about the condoms being to small it seems he has a LOT to give..hehe

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Let's be clear about this. These decent families may have houses/land/businesses, but they also carry massive debts and in the current economic meltdown . . . . you know what I mean.

Great post OP, I love it when people are open and honest about the bonkers situations they (like me) get themselves into.


Well, you can never tell what is going to happen, or be said in these situations.

Sometimes they do feel like a situation comedy.

We will always have some posters who will disbelieve this sort of thing happens, but it is certainly not my first time of been there and done that.

As for the actual wealth of the family, I am sure I will never know for certain, yet looking around inside the large house at the furnishings and everything else that was therein, I get the feeling they are not poor, though 'face' as ever, is number 1.

This comedy carried on last night - the reason I have not been on line much.

Some will love this :)

The lady in question is off to BKK today so decides she wants to spend the night at my place last night. No warning at all. She just turns up.

'I'm hungry'. (Hungry? Isn't that Thai for horny???)

Nope she is hungry for food. Looks in my fridge and my cupboards and turns her nose up at what is on offer and sits down on the sofa all grumpy. (Yet I live as one and I cook for myse;f, but this falls on deaf ears).

Off out to grab her a 'snack' to keep her content.

She complains the house is too hot but I have the fan on full blast and I am cool enough.

You no have Thai movies?? - nope I don't watch them.

You only have iced tea, coffee, water and pepsi to drink? What you want? Champagne?

I put a 'Terminator' DVD on. - 1 success. She loved that.

Next, it is bed time. 30 minutes beforehand I go up and put the aircon on, Set it for 25 deg C.

Into bed she gets. Fully clothed (the Thai way). Under the quilt. And then complains it is way too hot !!

A kiss goodnight? Not on you Nellie - or mine and certainly no kiss on hers :D

The aircon clicks off on the timer and she wakes me up to tell me to put it back on.

Morning I get her up at 6 a.m. 'Good Morning.' says I.

Grump grump in return.

I took her home in good time to get the mini bus to BKK - thankfully.

Got a phone call saying, 'I no enjoy last night.' - Really? I'd not have guessed.

In return I sent a text - 'Well, you no happy? You can stay in BKK. Goodbye' :D

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Having read a few of your threads, i'm surprised you're not dead yet. What an idiot.

Takes one to know one, darling.

But it is all good fun here in LOS coming up against many of these woe of men :D

Have you never met these types of women? There are enough of them :)

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Let's be clear about this. These decent families may have houses/land/businesses, but they also carry massive debts and in the current economic meltdown . . . . you know what I mean.

Great post OP, I love it when people are open and honest about the bonkers situations they (like me) get themselves into.


Well, you can never tell what is going to happen, or be said in these situations.

Sometimes they do feel like a situation comedy.

We will always have some posters who will disbelieve this sort of thing happens, but it is certainly not my first time of been there and done that.

As for the actual wealth of the family, I am sure I will never know for certain, yet looking around inside the large house at the furnishings and everything else that was therein, I get the feeling they are not poor, though 'face' as ever, is number 1.

This comedy carried on last night - the reason I have not been on line much.

Some will love this :)

The lady in question is off to BKK today so decides she wants to spend the night at my place last night. No warning at all. She just turns up.

'I'm hungry'. (Hungry? Isn't that Thai for horny???)

Nope she is hungry for food. Looks in my fridge and my cupboards and turns her nose up at what is on offer and sits down on the sofa all grumpy. (Yet I live as one and I cook for myse;f, but this falls on deaf ears).

Off out to grab her a 'snack' to keep her content.

She complains the house is too hot but I have the fan on full blast and I am cool enough.

You no have Thai movies?? - nope I don't watch them.

You only have iced tea, coffee, water and pepsi to drink? What you want? Champagne?

I put a 'Terminator' DVD on. - 1 success. She loved that.

Next, it is bed time. 30 minutes beforehand I go up and put the aircon on, Set it for 25 deg C.

Into bed she gets. Fully clothed (the Thai way). Under the quilt. And then complains it is way too hot !!

A kiss goodnight? Not on you Nellie - or mine and certainly no kiss on hers :D

The aircon clicks off on the timer and she wakes me up to tell me to put it back on.

Morning I get her up at 6 a.m. 'Good Morning.' says I.

Grump grump in return.

I took her home in good time to get the mini bus to BKK - thankfully.

Got a phone call saying, 'I no enjoy last night.' - Really? I'd not have guessed.

In return I sent a text - 'Well, you no happy? You can stay in BKK. Goodbye' :D

The place is bonkers and you need to be bonkers to live here. :D

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Next chapter....G54 takes the bus upcountry with a three legged sheep to meet its parents :)

OK now that was funny.


Your obviously one very sick perverted unit if ur laughing at my jokes & best we NOT meet up next time ur in Bangers, could end up rather nasty :D

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Next chapter....G54 takes the bus upcountry with a three legged sheep to meet its parents :)

OK now that was funny.


Your obviously one very sick perverted unit if ur laughing at my jokes & best we NOT meet up next time ur in Bangers, could end up rather nasty :D

A 3 legged sheep? Now that is kinky. I like kinky. Can't beat a bit of sheepshaggin :D

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Incredible post.

You are such a macho man, how can any woman resist you, that's when you are not busy typing on this forum about how great you are, I read back your posts,. your actually pitiful, your women must be very poor and needing your pension money.

Why on earth would you post such things if it's true ? Pls tell me.

Stroking your own ego to strangers on an anonymous internet forum ? Sad or not ?

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Incredible post.

You are such a macho man, how can any woman resist you, that's when you are not busy typing on this forum about how great you are, I read back your posts,. your actually pitiful, your women must be very poor and needing your pension money.

Why on earth would you post such things if it's true ? Pls tell me.

Stroking your own ego to strangers on an anonymous internet forum ? Sad or not ?

Let's hope it is just his ego he's stroking! :)

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Incredible post.

You are such a macho man, how can any woman resist you, that's when you are not busy typing on this forum about how great you are, I read back your posts,. your actually pitiful, your women must be very poor and needing your pension money.

Why on earth would you post such things if it's true ? Pls tell me.

Stroking your own ego to strangers on an anonymous internet forum ? Sad or not ?

like everyone else on earth..G54 will make his bed and sleep in it..his life style is not for me..I'm too bloody sensitive and hate hurting women..so i just found one good one for me and settled down and don't fool around..maybe G54 will feel and do the same..but somehow i doubt it :)

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Next chapter....G54 takes the bus upcountry with a three legged sheep to meet its parents :)

OK now that was funny.


Your obviously one very sick perverted unit if ur laughing at my jokes & best we NOT meet up next time ur in Bangers, could end up rather nasty :D

Hi there if you are talking about Changers & Bangers in C/M please give Jack my best when you visit next from Graham & So (Gray ham ) see him soon. Tar mate. This is such a funny post.

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In many ways I find this an amusing morning but it does have its serious side.

Having now returned from the new lady friend's mothers house, I am feeling wary and somewhat bemused.

The lady in question has seen me for the last 4 days.(She is on 10 days holiday). Day 3 we went to bed and made love after she asked me if I want to 'make babies'. I did not take it literally - more fool I.

But the condoms I had purchased a while ago were too darn small. So in the height of passion we made love anyway (yes, yes, I can hear some say,' You should not have.') But when you are both naked in bed and fully aroused......

Anyway, she is happy the condom did not fit. Tells me now she is hoping we will have a baby. Refuses the 'morning after' pill.

Wants more of the same so we can make babies. :D

Looks like a Vasectomy for me :D

Now to the other part.

After the long awaited dinner at mothers, I am at the mother's house this morning for a full discussion, at their request. And to make sure all is understood by all parties involved I have a trusted lady friend with me who speaks English / Thai fluently. I have been here before with a lack of understanding by one party or another. I wanted no mistakes this time in translation.

On the one hand Mother tells me she is happy to give me her daughter. Wants no money. Nothing. Even tells the daughter she can move in with me now and do her own laundry at my house. (This is a family that has money. Have houses. Has land. Family that has good shops in BKK, Pattaya and other places, also salons that make money. Sisters educated at University.) Not the sort of reaction I was expecting from the mother, to be honest.

The daughter explains she does not want a house, a car, land, a m/c from me. Wants nothing but honesty, monogamy and love from me. Wants to pay her own way and for WE to share and buy things together. Wants we to have a shop or similar to make a few Baht. That she is not like the 'other women' I have known.

This sounds too good to be true. Have I found myself a woman who is not 'on the make' ?

LOL An hour later the discussion takes a new turn.

Mother wants to know when will I marry her daughter? How much will I give to marry the daughter?

Wait a minute!!

Earlier she says she will give me her daughter for nothing. Now asks how much for her daughter.

Over the course of the next hour the subject of marriage is brought up so many times it is incredible. Yet I have seen the daughter a total of 6 times.

I explain that it takes time for love to develop. Takes time to know someone. Takes time to have trust.

'You no love my daughter?'

'You like have sex with my daughter, why you no make marry?'

What? :D

Seems the daughter has told mother we made love the other day. Not only that, she has proudly told her father and her sisters that we made love. :)

Whatever happened to discretion? Is love making not something that is kept reasonably quiet about, or at least not shouted from the rooftops to the whole family the same day it happens?

I thought it was only some Farang men in Farang Land who bragged like that.

Now the discussion turns to babies. How many babies will we have? Mother likes being a grandmother. Takes care of 3 babies now and wants more around. Wants our babies to care for.

Next thing I know I am holding the youngest one. Oscar. 2 months old. <deleted>??? Are they trying to get my male maternal instincts going or something?

This is not some 20 year old woman we are talking about. She is a very beautiful 32 year old with a 13 year old son. Works for her sister in BKK but desperately wants to move back to he home town yet there is little work.

Her husband died in a car accident after 5 years of marriage and mother says that I am the first boyfriend to set foot in mothers house since.

Thankfully the mechanic phoned and said he needed to see me about my car. It was a good excuse to have to leave.

As I said, I am feeling somewhat bemused at the moment.

On the one hand I feel like a mouse led into a trap, yet on the other hand......


welcome to true local culture

your next bill will be for the buffalo root canal

ask her to take some viteman supplements with a little "extra" inside ( careful of the doseage- you would have to pay out more if you killed her- but the fmaily would probabaly like that! consult a sympathic doctor) in them which will prevent the birth

she soulds like a a girl on the make, like most, cannot blame them, but do not buy into it

google the stuff you need to stop adding to the population

and again, careful that dosage

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In many ways I find this an amusing morning but it does have its serious side.

Having now returned from the new lady friend's mothers house, I am feeling wary and somewhat bemused.

The lady in question has seen me for the last 4 days.(She is on 10 days holiday). Day 3 we went to bed and made love after she asked me if I want to 'make babies'. I did not take it literally - more fool I.

But the condoms I had purchased a while ago were too darn small. So in the height of passion we made love anyway (yes, yes, I can hear some say,' You should not have.') But when you are both naked in bed and fully aroused......

Anyway, she is happy the condom did not fit. Tells me now she is hoping we will have a baby. Refuses the 'morning after' pill.

Wants more of the same so we can make babies. :D

Looks like a Vasectomy for me :D

Now to the other part.

After the long awaited dinner at mothers, I am at the mother's house this morning for a full discussion, at their request. And to make sure all is understood by all parties involved I have a trusted lady friend with me who speaks English / Thai fluently. I have been here before with a lack of understanding by one party or another. I wanted no mistakes this time in translation.

On the one hand Mother tells me she is happy to give me her daughter. Wants no money. Nothing. Even tells the daughter she can move in with me now and do her own laundry at my house. (This is a family that has money. Have houses. Has land. Family that has good shops in BKK, Pattaya and other places, also salons that make money. Sisters educated at University.) Not the sort of reaction I was expecting from the mother, to be honest.

The daughter explains she does not want a house, a car, land, a m/c from me. Wants nothing but honesty, monogamy and love from me. Wants to pay her own way and for WE to share and buy things together. Wants we to have a shop or similar to make a few Baht. That she is not like the 'other women' I have known.

This sounds too good to be true. Have I found myself a woman who is not 'on the make' ?

LOL An hour later the discussion takes a new turn.

Mother wants to know when will I marry her daughter? How much will I give to marry the daughter?

Wait a minute!!

Earlier she says she will give me her daughter for nothing. Now asks how much for her daughter.

Over the course of the next hour the subject of marriage is brought up so many times it is incredible. Yet I have seen the daughter a total of 6 times.

I explain that it takes time for love to develop. Takes time to know someone. Takes time to have trust.

'You no love my daughter?'

'You like have sex with my daughter, why you no make marry?'

What? :D

Seems the daughter has told mother we made love the other day. Not only that, she has proudly told her father and her sisters that we made love. :)

Whatever happened to discretion? Is love making not something that is kept reasonably quiet about, or at least not shouted from the rooftops to the whole family the same day it happens?

I thought it was only some Farang men in Farang Land who bragged like that.

Now the discussion turns to babies. How many babies will we have? Mother likes being a grandmother. Takes care of 3 babies now and wants more around. Wants our babies to care for.

Next thing I know I am holding the youngest one. Oscar. 2 months old. <deleted>??? Are they trying to get my male maternal instincts going or something?

This is not some 20 year old woman we are talking about. She is a very beautiful 32 year old with a 13 year old son. Works for her sister in BKK but desperately wants to move back to he home town yet there is little work.

Her husband died in a car accident after 5 years of marriage and mother says that I am the first boyfriend to set foot in mothers house since.

Thankfully the mechanic phoned and said he needed to see me about my car. It was a good excuse to have to leave.

As I said, I am feeling somewhat bemused at the moment.

On the one hand I feel like a mouse led into a trap, yet on the other hand......


Opinions .......... run like hel_l.

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