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Moo Baan - What Are The Parking Rules


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I wouldn't advise any of the more aggressive suggestions being offered here - that's only likely to lead to more trouble, particularly if your offender is somehow connected to the police. If polite requests are being ignored, you could try doing what a taxi driver

in my soi does:- he puts 4 big old dirty tyres down on each corner of the space that he parks in. Anyone that wants to move them is going to get real dirty.

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buy a shitty beat up old banger and leave it in the parking space outside your house, then see them try and park. I like the idea of the tyres but someone still has to move them for the OP to park, and I am sure he doesn't want to get covered in dirt

Seriously talk to them and ask them to be considerate sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't.

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To go back to the topic :

If the townhouse is rented, go talk to the owner and tell him ur gonna cancel the contract cause you cannot park your car.

I guess he will try to find a solution for you A.S.A.P.


...and someone knows... however if nothing happens I would move on... especially as there are other parking spaces... but it's your's, someone wants to *@^& you mightily, the Thai way with a smile and a wai!

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Don't quote me, because I am not an expert on Thai etiquette or social tactics....but it strikes me that the OP could park HIS car in someone else's driveway and suffer the consequences......then, in the future, when he exacts the same action on an offender, he can rightly claim that that was what he had been taught to do.

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In the Moo Baan I live in, noby parks in front of other people's house or only exceptional for a short time. The street should be free to park for anyone... at least were I come from in Europe... but it seems that front of the house is equal to "belongs to the house" so i don t park in front of other houses and nobody parks in front of mine... :)

This brings me to a remark... can street vendor (food) place a table in front of their booth (that is on the pathway) in the street so that nobody can park there? Customer eat inside the shop and not even on the street...

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If the townhouse is rented, go talk to the owner and tell him ur gonna cancel the contract cause you cannot park your car.

Reckon this is realistically the best approach considering where we are, although I'd be tempted to fly off the handle, wipe dog shit on my face in front of them before nutting them. Making out you're totally crazy is sure to keep em at bay :)

buy a shitty beat up old banger and leave it in the parking space outside your house, then see them try and park.

Another good one but would probably be tough to move it when he wants to park himself :D

The pooyai baan is worth a go but if any one of them is connected in anyway, you don't stand much chance.

The bollards are also good but you can bet your bottom dollar some old doris will run into them and hit you up for mega bucks.

I'd say do not touch anyone's car... it's sure to backfire.

How about parking a motorbike there when you're gone or perhaps a dollop of strategically place chang poo?

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Do you rent the house or the road in front of the house, or have you paid for access that is now blocked?

Personally id just ask them to move it or park elsewhere when i next speak to them politely.

Same stuff happens all over the world so same etiquette applies if you OWN the space or access tell them if not ...... well you will have to accept this and park elsewhere.

Not worth arguing about.

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I don't think it serves any purpose acting lke a galah....unless you want the situation to get worse.

Install one of these if the landlord gives the OK. You can remove it when the lease is up.


Don't forget the security fasteners.


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happened a lot in front of my house. my mom came home one day and got so pissed off she purposely crashed her car into the back of theirs. nobody wants to park in front of the crazy farang lady's house after all. gotta love heavy duty fenders....

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had the same problem with my neighbours, who seemed to have claimed the spot in front of my house. it's a narrow soi so once someone parks there, it's difficult for my car to get in or out. So I'd HOOOOT until someone moves their car so I can drive in/out. they'd always smile as they move their offending vehicle away. anyway, they did not get tired of this routine but I found it tiresome, so I decided to park in that very spot in front of my house everytime, eventhough I could do so in my own driveway. after a while ( a couple of weeks perhaps), i noticed nobody would park there anymore, as if they realised I had claimed that spot for myself! happily, nobody parks there now and I still put my car there every now and then just to remind everyone that it's MINE :)

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The answer was "farang here you are in thailand, if ur not happy go back in ur country" :D

So what to do, fight for a parking place ? No, nothing to do except putting 1 Kg of sugar in the tank discreetly :D:)

Pls see post above.

Nobody EVER replied me this way. Pls stop being sorry to exist, or do it in an other country.

Is that your Thai half replying :D:D ?

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To go back to the topic :

If the townhouse is rented, go talk to the owner ...

I guess he will try to find a solution for you A.S.A.P.

I think that's the best idea. Chances are you can get your problem solved without further grief and aggravation. Rather than just sitting back and collecting your money each month, landlords should be expected to help resolve problems like this. It's good business.

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You have hit a raw nerve. I live in a moo bahn as well--single unit houses, room for 2 cars in the driveway (one in front of the other) and ne parked on the street in front of the house. At the end of my soi, inside the moo bahn, is a small park area, so nobody lives there and there's room for 5 or 6 cars.

Nobody parks in front of anybody elses house, except mine, and it's constant. And they tend to act quite insulted when I ask them to move their vehicles. The neighbors next door even park so the back end of their car partially blocks the driveway making it either very difficult or impossible to get out. Very annoying.

The only reason I can think of for this very rude and unnecessary behavior is to let me know where I am on the pecking order.

Best of luck and let me know if anything works.

Ive found many Thais extremely childish when confronted with anything they dont like, seems to me many of them have never had any discipline at all and so do excaly what they want. Sadly not many other Thais will complain about them so they keep on with doing exactly what they want.

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It seems as though I am the odd one out here.

Whilst only a selfish idiot would park in a way to block someone else’s gate, as far as I am concerned all other curbside space is “first come first served” – I do not see how you acquired any right the space when you bought (or rented) the house.


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It seems as though I am the odd one out here.

Whilst only a selfish idiot would park in a way to block someone else's gate, as far as I am concerned all other curbside space is "first come first served" – I do not see how you acquired any right the space when you bought (or rented) the house.


I agree with you, Patrick. In principle, this is exactly how it should be. In practice, at least in my soi, my thai neighbours seem to treat the space in front of their houselike their own. When I moved in, I bought one of those nice black rubber trash bins with a lid and put it out in front of my house, on the other side of the street (the other side is just a long wall running the length of the soi, no houses) just like everyone else. Then my neighbour complained that it was kind of blocking her parking space (she parks half across the front of mine and her house, its a pretty cramped soi - aren't they all!)

Seeing the problem, I moved the bin down a ways to a place where no one can park and is out of everyone's way. Sure enough, two hours later some guy comes banging on the door jai rorn mark mark about how we couldn't leave it there cos it was opposite his house (even though his own bin was there, too). I explained why I put it there, but he didn't give a flying hoot about my other neighbour's problem, so we had to move it back. You guessed it - later that day my neighbour is back again complaining about her parking space. In the end, we reached a compromise but it still makes parking difficult for her.

Personally, I think the guy who got all jai rorn had nothing to complain about, I couldn't care less what's on the other side of the street from my house - its the other side of the street for godsake, but to him perhaps it was the ultimate insult to have some farang's dustbin parked on the other side of the street!

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