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Great Burgers

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There is a super burger place in All Seasons (Ruam Rudi). It is called The Garage and serves a dozen or so different kinds of burgers. Last night I had a lamb burger with a chicken breast. This is one of the restaurants that is found on Chef XP (Internet order, home delivery).


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There is a super burger place in All Seasons (Ruam Rudi). It is called The Garage and serves a dozen or so different kinds of burgers. Last night I had a lamb burger with a chicken breast. This is one of the restaurants that is found on Chef XP (Internet order, home delivery).

you can see from the photo that the burger comes with a slice of cheap processed cheddar cheese. and the lamb patty looks burnt! I have seen much better burgers than this one.

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The Burgers at Bedrock in Ban Phe are very good, especially with real Aussie beetroot.

Whereas one chap is mixing-up his words by trying to think of the phrase "Contradiction-In-Terms" here's another diluted individual, who associates BEETROOT with "A GREAT BURGER" . . . . . . Ugh !

In Aussie & K1W1 lands, you know a bit about Rugby and Cricket, but PLEASE, don't confuse the exact science of Great Burgers with the hapless attempts of the latter in your countries ! ! !

I shall never forget my first "Hamburger" in N.Z.; purchased from a "Take-Away-Shop" (another yakki phenomena !). On the large menu-board, a wide choice of "burgers" was featured.So; being very hungry (NO; not bloody "peckish" ! !) I ordered a Bacon, Mushroom and Cheese Burger. Once I got outside (it is expected to consume your "prize" while walking around on the sidewalk, preferably in your 'walking-shorts' (again: yakki !) and took the first bite, I noticed straight away that they had forgotten the main ingredient, namely the patty of meat; i.e. THE BURGER in the Hamburger . . . . I walked back into the shop and explained my problem to them. "Oh; if you want a meat-patty in your burger, it will be charged as an EXTRA ? ? ? ? ? ? ?

So; c'mon Aussies & Kiwis; stick to the stuff you know and know this: sticking BEETROOT into a HAMBURGER is pure sacriledge ! ! In the US and Canada, the mere suggestion of this insane practice will get you instantly shot ! And rightfully so, because you will be known as HAMBURGER-TERRORIST ! !



Edited by jaapfries
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There's also The Garage" at Centralworld. I've been meaning to give them a try.

Indeed, Aussie burgers are a bit different. I remember a corner shop in Bondi that sold chips and a burger called "The Lot". It had all sorts of fixin's, including an egg, sunny side up, and beetroot. I went for the fries, but couldn't bring myself to try the burger.

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The Burgers at Bedrock in Ban Phe are very good, especially with real Aussie beetroot.

Whereas one chap is mixing-up his words by trying to think of the phrase "Contradiction-In-Terms" here's another diluted individual, who associates BEETROOT with "A GREAT BURGER" . . . . . . Ugh !

Sorry, I'm a big, fat, red blooded American and I very much enjoy beetroot on a burger. Don't argue about it, try it, It is good.

I can remember the first time I heard of putting pineapple on pizza ond the idea sounded repulsive, but the real thing was quite delish.

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There is a super burger place in All Seasons (Ruam Rudi). It is called The Garage and serves a dozen or so different kinds of burgers. Last night I had a lamb burger with a chicken breast. This is one of the restaurants that is found on Chef XP (Internet order, home delivery).

Yum Yum, on my merry way. :):D:D:D:D:D:D

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It never ceases to amaze me..........You come to Thailand ,they have such a varied selection of good tasty food & all you can talk about are burgers.....Some sad characters about,thats for sure.

while i agree with you a bit nookie, please bear in mind that a great number of TV people have been here a long while so it is naturally to talk about foods from home.

surely a thai in the usa for the equiv amount of time would do the same concerning fav thai food.

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It never ceases to amaze me..........You come to Thailand ,they have such a varied selection of good tasty food & all you can talk about are burgers.....Some sad characters about,thats for sure.

Sorry to bore you newbiebear, but why are you looking at a thread with a title like "Great Burgers" if you are so above it all? :)

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All you guys got a lot to learn

the best Hamburgers come from Hamburg

the best Frankfurts come from Frankfurt

and the best French Fries come from France :)

and the best Tom Yum comes from a Tom, but I guess that is another subject. Speaking of Burgers, I imagine at that big 4th of July party near emporium this weekend there will be some burgers to be had.

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Another burger thread. Sigh.

I thnk it's time to open a foie gras discussion.

The French--at least in the South Pacific islands--have a way of serving up a burger like no other: They don't use simple ground beuf of course, but steak! Yaass real steak, fried to perfection and cut in small bite size bits, layered into a baguette with Dijon, mayo, onion if you like, AND, get this, French fries!!!! YES, your fries, your meat and trimmings all come nicely packed in a baguette ready to chow down.

Positively delicious of course. :)

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It never ceases to amaze me..........You come to Thailand ,they have such a varied selection of good tasty food & all you can talk about are burgers.....Some sad characters about,thats for sure.

NEWSFLASH - Many people on this forum have been in Thailand for years, some even decades. Most people enjoy eating a wide variety of food. I love Thai food but I do not want to eat it 3 times a day, 365 days a year.

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It never ceases to amaze me..........You come to Thailand ,they have such a varied selection of good tasty food & all you can talk about are burgers.....Some sad characters about,thats for sure.

NEWSFLASH - Many people on this forum have been in Thailand for years, some even decades. Most people enjoy eating a wide variety of food. I love Thai food but I do not want to eat it 3 times a day, 365 days a year.

Agreed! I have lived in Bangkok since December 1999. Though I eat Thai food most of the time I sometimes even order a Mac.

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It never ceases to amaze me..........You come to Thailand ,they have such a varied selection of good tasty food & all you can talk about are burgers.....Some sad characters about,thats for sure.

NEWSFLASH - Many people on this forum have been in Thailand for years, some even decades. Most people enjoy eating a wide variety of food. I love Thai food but I do not want to eat it 3 times a day, 365 days a year.

Agreed! I have lived in Bangkok since December 1999. Though I eat Thai food most of the time I sometimes even order a Mac.

........and some of us are here in spite of the local food, not because of it

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It never ceases to amaze me..........You come to Thailand ,they have such a varied selection of good tasty food & all you can talk about are burgers.....Some sad characters about,thats for sure.

NEWSFLASH - Many people on this forum have been in Thailand for years, some even decades. Most people enjoy eating a wide variety of food. I love Thai food but I do not want to eat it 3 times a day, 365 days a year.

Agreed! I have lived in Bangkok since December 1999. Though I eat Thai food most of the time I sometimes even order a Mac.

To suggest that people who live in Thailand should eat only Thai food is clearly absurd.

That said, to my mind the only sacrilege committed by the OP is to drink Wine - any Wine - with a Hamburger!

Not entirely serious there!


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It never ceases to amaze me..........You come to Thailand ,they have such a varied selection of good tasty food & all you can talk about are burgers.....Some sad characters about,thats for sure.

I know it's only July.....Can I nominate this as the dumbest post of the year?

Really dumb.

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It never ceases to amaze me..........You come to Thailand ,they have such a varied selection of good tasty food & all you can talk about are burgers.....Some sad characters about,thats for sure.

That post is just par for the (de) course (y)


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To suggest that people who live in Thailand should eat only Thai food is clearly absurd.

That said, to my mind the only sacrilege committed by the OP is to drink Wine - any Wine - with a Hamburger!

Not entirely serious there!


I tend to agree with you, but with the caveat that a nice glass of home-made sangria with bbq-grilled burger on a hot summer's day sure hits the spot!

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