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Tattytam, Tick will attached themselves to a person so be careful, also I know of one person who ended up with a tick infestation in their house as the ticks were falling off the dogs & then attaching themselves to the walls, furniture etc. In the end they had to move out & have the whole house sprayed & cleaned & throw out most of their soft furnishings. Urgh

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with all the mass of ticks we already had in the house and also crawling on me and on the bed etc. never one had attached itself to me or my boyfriend.

having the house sprayed with a fogger and a chemical called responsar worked best so far and you don't have to move out of the house or throw away anything, only leave the house for one hour or so. anyone heard of that chemical or tried it?

as I wrote in another thread:

'ticks are transmitting blood parasites which can lead to life threatening diseases after some time, so the ticks have to be eliminated. though most dogs here got the bloodparasites,it just seems that 'farang' dogs can't cope with them as well...

normally I could fight the ticks with putting neem oil lotion on my dogs once a week but 3 weeks ago some hundreds of eggs must have hatched and it was a real plague. got someone who sprayed the house and garden with a certain insectizide which does no (?) harm to pets and the dogs got ivermec injections. one day later the ticks were gone but the procedure has to be repeated after 15 days and then you should be free of ticks.

make sure always check your dog after walks so it can't bring back a new family of ticks! annoyed.gif'

tattytam, the idea with the plastacine is good :o , have to try that as well - if any of these #@%&* ever dare to come back here. I always have a jam glass with some whiskey around and drown them in there...


Thaiboxer, glad to read that your mate is on the mend.

Some good info has emerged from this thread.

Thanks to all who have contributed so far. :o

Keep it coming........ I like learning!

Are there any online vets who help out for free?

Avian vets are thin on the ground in LoS!

got someone who sprayed the house and garden with a certain insectizide which does no (?) harm to pets and the dogs got ivermec injections. one day later the ticks were gone but the procedure has to be repeated after 15 days and then you should be free of ticks.

Elfe, are you in Samui, and if so can you tell me where you would go to arrange to have the chemical spray done? And what are ivermec injections?



Oh and the plasticine wasn't me, I just wrap them in toilet paper and flush them away.. :o

Hope your dog is feeling better Thaiboxer

Edited to say, Don't know how I managed to log on with a new user name! This post is written by Tattytam!!


cydomectin, ivomectin, IVOMAC is a brand name ... the ones from spain are not so effective , the french brands worked better in my experience, but ask random chance since he raises cows in thailand.....

any place that sells vet stuff for cows, etc have ivomec, its under the skin injections (oral doesnt work well with dogs) ; never inject in horses, only oral; you can buy it as pour on wormer or sterile solution and then the percentage dose is different... there is also a big leeway of overdose (very low poison level); useful on rabbits etc against scabies.... we do every 10 days; vet here doesnt recommend for dogs, it works better on bovines, ovines caprines (cows sheep goats etc)... vet here still recommends dusting with opigal or acritin (carbomate powders also used on chickens etc).....and the proticall or frontline.....


Dr Somsak on the Chaweng ring road just near the Lotus is the vet to see on the island. There is also the Samui dog rescue center but they are there to help strays.


hi tam!

the petshop in ban makham close to nathon does the sprayings. just ask the lady who owns the shop, she will explain everything to you. if you wish i can pm you her phone no. you can also get ivermec from her. ivermec is injected or in form of tablets available, every vet will tell you it's necessary for heartworm protection, another deadly parasite which is contracted through mosquitoes. my dogs get ivermec injections every 3 months, it's cheaper than the monthly tablets. it's also good against demodex and any skin parasites like ticks. the ticks die when they suck the blood of a dog who got evermec. as bina says it's not dangerous and the dosage can be increased if your dogs has ticks.

and don't flush the ticks away, they still survive and start reproducing in another place! best is to drown them in a glass you can close or burn them.


sbk, there are two more vetclinics here on samui now, one is opposite the fair house beach resort on the main ring road. it's the Samui Animal Clinic, not as busy as dr. somsak and aslo open on sundays. I can higly recommend the vets there, they did great jobs in surgery of some of my cats and dogs already. the dog rescue advertises with free neuterings of cats and dogs, but you still should give some donation. so it's not much saving anyway and also am not sure about the vets there, I can only recommend dr. somsak and the fairly new Animal Hospital I already mentioned.


thaiboxer, how's your dog going? hope he's well improving, all the best again! I know about these sleepless nights... :o


Wow, great info and contributions in this thread.

Mods, can we turn this into a sticky for pet owners bringing farang dogs into LOS?

Would be nice and beneficial to warn pet owners ahead of time and protect their best friends.


As for my dog, this morning vet administered another dose of oxytetracyline. He is now alert , appetite is still not there (will not eat his dry dog food but will devour bbq'd chicken breasts :D ). Hips have no more paralysis. No fever and a blood test was taken, results on Mon. to see how his white blood cell count is. He had some diarheaa this morning but vet said was normal and nothing to worry about.

A checkup with further blood test will be done in 1 week's time. Frontline drops to prevent the ticks and Heartguard chewables will be started in a few days from now depending if his condition has stabilized...vet will assess. I will also enquire about the Ivermec injections as an alternative to Heartguard.

My many thanks to all the prompt and valuable contributions made by the members of this board. With all the due diligence, it has saved my dog's life. Vet was unsure if it was the Rimadyl or tick and originally she wanted to wait until the next day to administer the tick serum. By then, it might have been too late. With my insistence and picking her up in the middle of the nite on my motorbike, my dog will party for another day! :D Though she did not appreciate me racing back home with her on the back of my bike hanging on for dear life! Mai pen rai! :o

Again...many thanks to everyone here and I hope this thread will prevent or save another dog's life!


Thaiboxer1 :D

Wow, great info and contributions in this thread. 

Mods, can we turn this into a sticky for  pet owners bringing farang dogs into LOS?

Would be nice and beneficial to warn pet owners ahead of time and protect their best friends.


As for my dog, this morning vet administered another dose of oxytetracyline.  He is now alert , appetite is still not there (will not eat his dry dog food but will devour bbq'd chicken breasts  :D ).  Hips have no more paralysis.  No fever and a blood test was taken, results on Mon. to see how his white blood cell count is.  He had some diarheaa this morning but vet said was normal and nothing to worry about.

A checkup with further blood test will be done in 1 week's time.  Frontline drops to prevent the ticks and Heartguard chewables will be started in a few days from now depending if his condition has stabilized...vet will assess.  I will also enquire about the Ivermec injections as an alternative to Heartguard.

My many thanks to all the prompt and valuable contributions made by the members of this board.  With all the due diligence, it has saved my dog's life.  Vet was unsure if it was the Rimadyl or tick and originally she wanted to wait until the next day to administer the tick serum.  By then, it might have been too late.  With my insistence and picking her up in the middle of the nite on my motorbike, my dog will party for another day!  :D Though she did not appreciate me racing back home with her on the back of my bike hanging on for dear life!  Mai pen rai!  :o

Again...many thanks to everyone here and I hope this thread will prevent or save another dog's life!


Thaiboxer1    :D

Good to hear TBoxer! A TV topic with a happy ending! :D


Back in Aussie I had this problem fairly often one of the things we used to do, as well as vet treatment was to keep the dog rapped up in a wet blanket. Most of the cockies did thisand we used to remove ticks using eucalyptus oil or tea tree oil.


cockies = Cattle men

sheep men


i do not know if this info are good , but i get my dog to the vet everymonth for him to have a injection against ticks .

look ok to me .....

rarely i find ticks, between the paws is where the beggars hide ..


can ticks spead thru forums???

just found a bunch going up my wall; the boxers are getting 'protocalled ' this instant!!!!!


I have been using Frontline drops and heartguard once a month for my Rottie and it is very effective. Their is also a generic brand (less expensive) which is mostly used in kennels, to treat large amounts of dogs.

You will find that, Ticks come in waves....You will have a 'Tick Season" then they will disappear for a couple of months, then cycle starts again. The best prevention, and safety precautions for dog owners in Thailand (especially foreign breeds) is to administer;

a. Frontline drops/monthly

b. Heartguard chewies/monthly

c. Deworming tablets every six months

d. Shampoo every 10 days

Do remember to avoid bathing a dog after having used Frontline, for atleast 5 days. I find that taking the dog for a swim in the sea, will relieve skin conditions, repell ticks and fleas, relieve arthitric conditions. Your dog will surely thank you for it... :o

Thaiboxer, I believe you dog's immunity has been damaged due to his old age, long travel, climatic change, etc...You might want to boost his immunity with vitamins and also re-assure him, establish some fun habits and spend a lot of time with him, as you are doing.... :D

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