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Airbus Having A Bad Time Lately.


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Crash: Yemenia A310 near Moroni on Jun 30th 2009, impacted ocean

By Simon Hradecky, created Tuesday, Jun 30th 2009 06:21Z, last updated Tuesday, Jun 30th 2009 08:36Z

A Yemenia Airbus A310-300, registration 7O-ADJ performing flight IY-626 (dep Jun 29th) from Sana'a (Yemen) to Moroni Hahaia (Comores) with 147 passengers and 11 crew, disappeared from radar while on approach to Moroni about 6 minutes prior to estimated arrival at around 1:30am (Jun 29th 22:30Z). The airplane was on the outbound leg of the instrument approach and during the turn back towards the runway, when it disappeared.

On Tuesday morning (Jun 30th around 05:00Z) a boat discovered debris of the missing airliner in the Indian Ocean. There are no sign of survivors, several bodies have been sighted.

The airline reports 142 passengers and 11 crew. The Comores Foreign Ministry said however, that number was incorrect and 147 passengers were on board. The airplane had departed Sana'a with a delay of 90 minutes at 21:30L.


Airbus not having one of their best years.

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Yemen jet crashes in Indian Ocean


"The cause of the crash is not clear. A French minister said faults were found on the plane during a check in 2007.

"The A310 in question was inspected in 2007 by the DGAC [French transport authorities] and they noticed a certain number of faults. Since then the plane had not returned to France," Transport Minister Dominique Bussereau was quoted as telling French TV.

"The company was not on the black list but was subject to stricter checks on our part, and was due to be interviewed shortly by the European Union's safety committee."

The airline Yemenia is 51% owned by the Yemeni government and 49% by the Saudi government.

From: http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/africa/8125664.stm


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If a major airliner crashes it's almost certainly bound to be an Airbus or a Boeing. The very fact that the numbers of crashes are so low means that the statistical sample is too low to attribute the problem to either manufacturer, especially since most crashes turn out to be human error.

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If a major airliner crashes it's almost certainly bound to be an Airbus or a Boeing. The very fact that the numbers of crashes are so low means that the statistical sample is too low to attribute the problem to either manufacturer, especially since most crashes turn out to be human error.

I couldn't agree more.


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I'm in no way finger pointing it's just that Airbus is in the lime light lately with all sorts of problems. (Check the entire site in the OP link) Qantas have had quite a number of mentions lately the latest being a return to Heathrow with one of their new A388's having a windscreen failure.

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Yemenia Officials confirmed at 09:00Z, that one survivor has been found and recovered. Later they described the survivor as a three year old child.

A little bit of good news


FYI - According to UK press this airline was on a watch list in France (but not banned). The specific plane was in fact banned from french airspace due to failed inspection(s).

Cross winds on landing - 2nd landing attempt too low over the water.

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Keyword is maintenance. ( As a mechanic point of view, myself I know very well ) Although this A310 was an old bird, doesn't mean it should have crashed. Human failure can offcourse also occur, this we can't help.

I agree that maintenance is a key word in the Airbus problem but also I have done alot of flying and Airbus in my past experiances is a far inferior aircraft compared to the Boeing. You really do not have much of a choice in aircraft when flying depending on your time schedule but If i had a choice it would always be on a Boeing aircraft.

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I have done alot of flying and Airbus in my past experiances is a far inferior aircraft compared to the Boeing

Based on what?

These kind of sweeping statements based upon nothing are simply rubbish.

Does either brand have an statistically inferior safety record? No. Do either has significantly more mechanical issues than the other, or Bombardier, or Embraer for that matter? No.

So exactly what do you base this comment on?

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Keyword is maintenance. ( As a mechanic point of view, myself I know very well ) Although this A310 was an old bird, doesn't mean it should have crashed. Human failure can offcourse also occur, this we can't help.

I agree that maintenance is a key word in the Airbus problem but also I have done alot of flying and Airbus in my past experiances is a far inferior aircraft compared to the Boeing. You really do not have much of a choice in aircraft when flying depending on your time schedule but If i had a choice it would always be on a Boeing aircraft.

I suppose you determined that by the colour of the toilet seat,

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I agree that maintenance is a key word in the Airbus problem but also I have done alot of flying and Airbus in my past experiances is a far inferior aircraft compared to the Boeing. You really do not have much of a choice in aircraft when flying depending on your time schedule but If i had a choice it would always be on a Boeing aircraft.

May I ask how many different Airbus and Boeing have you flown with how many hours as PIC ? Or was your experience posted based as a passenger or Troll ? :)

Edited by asia_pilot
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Keyword is maintenance. ( As a mechanic point of view, myself I know very well ) Although this A310 was an old bird, doesn't mean it should have crashed. Human failure can offcourse also occur, this we can't help.

I agree that maintenance is a key word in the Airbus problem but also I have done alot of flying and Airbus in my past experiances is a far inferior aircraft compared to the Boeing. You really do not have much of a choice in aircraft when flying depending on your time schedule but If i had a choice it would always be on a Boeing aircraft.

I was talking about the lack of time to do good maintenance, not that Airbus is bad :D

It is often showed in NTSB records how in 85% the research about the cause of the crash came back to lack of decent performed maintenance, or the company was pushing the mechanic to literally " keep silent " because the plane had to go in the air with passenger, thus $$. :)

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It is often showed in NTSB records how in 85% the research about the cause of the crash came back to lack of decent performed maintenance, or the company was pushing the mechanic to literally " keep silent " because the plane had to go in the air with passenger, thus $$. :)

Do you have a source for this?

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I agree that maintenance is a key word in the Airbus problem but also I have done alot of flying and Airbus in my past experiances is a far inferior aircraft compared to the Boeing. You really do not have much of a choice in aircraft when flying depending on your time schedule but If i had a choice it would always be on a Boeing aircraft.

May I ask how many different Airbus and Boeing have you flown with how many hours as PIC ? Or was your experience posted based as a passenger or Troll ? :)

I have flown thousands of hours on both - my preference has always been for Boeing. Can't put my finger on why but give me a 777 any day over a A330 or 340.

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Yemenia Officials confirmed at 09:00Z, that one survivor has been found and recovered. Later they described the survivor as a three year old child.

A little bit of good news


FYI - According to UK press this airline was on a watch list in France (but not banned). The specific plane was in fact banned from french airspace due to failed inspection(s).

Cross winds on landing - 2nd landing attempt too low over the water.

Can I ask why you quoted me with this comment? :)

My only mistake here was quoting an early bulletin, the girl turned out to be 14, still good news if there is any to be had out of this.

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Some consider the Mercedes as the finest car built but they still occasionally break down. A machine is a machine. The more complicated, the more things that can go wrong. As far as aircraft, I think they are amazingly safe as long as they are maintained according to the standards of the manufacturer.

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I agree that maintenance is a key word in the Airbus problem but also I have done alot of flying and Airbus in my past experiances is a far inferior aircraft compared to the Boeing. You really do not have much of a choice in aircraft when flying depending on your time schedule but If i had a choice it would always be on a Boeing aircraft.

May I ask how many different Airbus and Boeing have you flown with how many hours as PIC ? Or was your experience posted based as a passenger or Troll ? :)

I have flown thousands of hours on both - my preference has always been for Boeing. Can't put my finger on why but give me a 777 any day over a A330 or 340.

That's fair enough, I find the 777 extremely comfortable. IMO Boeings seem to have more character to them in their design, (as Airbus intentionally designs aircraft for commonality) but for anyone to label one or the other as inferior as a previous poster did is ludicrous.

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I agree that maintenance is a key word in the Airbus problem but also I have done alot of flying and Airbus in my past experiances is a far inferior aircraft compared to the Boeing. You really do not have much of a choice in aircraft when flying depending on your time schedule but If i had a choice it would always be on a Boeing aircraft.

May I ask how many different Airbus and Boeing have you flown with how many hours as PIC ? Or was your experience posted based as a passenger or Troll ? :)

I have flown thousands of hours on both - my preference has always been for Boeing. Can't put my finger on why but give me a 777 any day over a A330 or 340.

That's fair enough, I find the 777 extremely comfortable. IMO Boeings seem to have more character to them in their design, (as Airbus intentionally designs aircraft for commonality) but for anyone to label one or the other as inferior as a previous poster did is ludicrous.

I find the A330 inferior to the 777. Can't speak about the mechanics / inner workings that keep them in the air, but a close examination of the cabins and the 777 has better build quality to my eyes. Not sure if that is reflected elsewhere on the aircraft.

Would be interesting to hear what pilots think of both aircraft.

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The VP of the Comoros Isles said on FranceTV24 last nite that, amongst other options, they were considering filing a wrongful death lawsuit, based on negligence, amongst others. The issues are that France has known about certain Airbus related safety problems since 2007, but had not done anything about them.

He also said "It could have been easier for us if France had communicated to us the list of Airbus planes not good to fly, which is not the case,"

The pitot tubes, a known problem in the previous wreck, are also suspect. The young 12 year old, sole survivor arrived back in Paris, they didnt mention the type of aircraft.


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