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Soi Dogs Acting Aggressive


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I'd have to say most soi dogs haven't bothered me. But in the last week, there has been two incidents I've found frightening. I was exploring some side streets, when I came to a dead end. I simply turned around, walked the other way, and behind me heard a dog howling. It was a very ugly thing... and didn't think much of it, turned around, and kept walking... thinking "I could take it" if I needed to. Then, I heard a bunch of barks. Like 5 or so dogs came running towards me. My first instinct was to run away, but then I remembered "never run from a dog unless u want him to chase you do." So I stayed calm, and simply walked away. But the pack of dogs were running at me, baring their teeth, and way too close for comfort. Luckily, I didn't have to fight them.

Then, yesternight me n my girlfriend were walking home on a different street when the same thing happened. I made the mistake of staring at one of the dogs, and then a bunch of them came and started barking at us. They followed us a ways.

Now, here is my question.

What do you generally do to make sure these dogs

a) do not bite you

:) stay away!

And, if worse comes to worse, what can I have in my possession that is small and light weight which can fend them off? I thought of buying pepper spray and an extendable baton in my backpack. Are there places in Bangkok which sell these?

Thanks in advance for the replies! I am def. not a big dan of these soi dogs... I find them dangerous!

You're not wearing that bunny outfit in public again are you?

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I've always fantasised about having a set of darts on me when confronted by these vermin. Let them get in real close them let 'em have it.

Darts come in a holder that is small enough to fit in your pocket. After they have run off you can pick them up. Those that are stuck in a dogs butt i'd happily loose!

Can you imagine when those agressive barks turn to squeals of agony? It would be bliss! :)

Is it just a dream or would it work?

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Interesting replies so far. I'd have to say I am still leaning towards pepper spray and a baton.

Seriously considering gettin em!

And it is legal to carry them around here?

Nope, they are considered as weapons and we are not allowed to have them... Now, if you are out for an evening stroll, a large cane, 1M long would do the trick... I have seen many Thais use them on children and dogs (same thing for them I guess)...

I just stop and take one step against them, then I try to kick them, that usually does the trick for me... I am a large person and size is intimidating.. .Now, I would not advice walking down a dark soi alone...

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Now, if you are out for an evening stroll, a large cane, 1M long would do the trick... I have seen many Thais use them on children and dogs (same thing for them I guess)...

That's a very ordinary statement to make. I hope it was just a throw away line made in jest.

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I'd have to say most soi dogs haven't bothered me. But in the last week, there has been two incidents I've found frightening. I was exploring some side streets, when I came to a dead end. I simply turned around, walked the other way, and behind me heard a dog howling. It was a very ugly thing... and didn't think much of it, turned around, and kept walking... thinking "I could take it" if I needed to. Then, I heard a bunch of barks. Like 5 or so dogs came running towards me. My first instinct was to run away, but then I remembered "never run from a dog unless u want him to chase you do." So I stayed calm, and simply walked away. But the pack of dogs were running at me, baring their teeth, and way too close for comfort. Luckily, I didn't have to fight them.

Then, yesternight me n my girlfriend were walking home on a different street when the same thing happened. I made the mistake of staring at one of the dogs, and then a bunch of them came and started barking at us. They followed us a ways.

Now, here is my question.

What do you generally do to make sure these dogs

a) do not bite you

:) stay away!

And, if worse comes to worse, what can I have in my possession that is small and light weight which can fend them off? I thought of buying pepper spray and an extendable baton in my backpack. Are there places in Bangkok which sell these?

Thanks in advance for the replies! I am def. not a big dan of these soi dogs... I find them dangerous!

small squirt gun with ammonia in it. Blast in the face with that and I guarantee you none of those soi dogs will bother you.

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The ploy of bending down to pretend to pick up a rock usually works, and I’ve seen thais do it as well. Although if it doesn't work and there in no actual rock handy you're kinda screwed.

I know people who carry pepper spray, but never knew someone who used it. Seeing as I walk with a cane which is more like a baseball bat I am rarely troubled by soi dogs other than them barking as I pass. Also not being buddhist, I’d have no problem clubbing a soi dog (or someone’s pet dog too for that matter) dead on the spot if it became to aggressive.

I've used the rock strategy before-it usually works but its best to actually have a few rocks on your person. Pepper spray works, especially if you get them in the eyes. If they can't see you, they can't bite you :)

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In the states people at cattle auctions use an electric (4000 volt), fiberglass prod to move some of the animals. A 1 meter cattle prod would also be good walking stick. It would also work equally well on a drunk and unruley Somchai. :)

I don't know about Somchai, but I certainly would apply the cattle prod on drunk and unruly farangs.

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I was bitten by a soi dog about month ago! In a nut shell was walking into a bar in suttisan and there were 3 or 4 dogs asleep near the entrance as u see all the time. Anyway didnt see a thing just felt this pain in me leg and screamed like a school girl, dog ran away straight away. At this point i was overcome with rage and with blood running down my leg chased after the scumbag, it ran half down the street then just sat there looking at me! Anyway 6 rabies needles later at a cost of 3k and thank buddha i seem to be ok. I agree though can be scary when approached by a pack of dogs best advice reach for the nearest weapon at hand and trust ur instinct if u think its gonna go 4 ya get in der 1st and give it a good smash!

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in vietnam or in korea they don't have any problem with soi dogs.

McDognald's is the solution :D

No thanks, Ronald.

You can keep that Big Mahc. :)

And what about our cheesehuahua burger,it's in promotion today :D

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in vietnam or in korea they don't have any problem with soi dogs.

McDognald's is the solution :D

No thanks, Ronald.

You can keep that Big Mahc. :)

And what about our cheesehuahua burger,it's in promotion today :D

How do you feel after one of those?


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I've got scars all over my body from dog bites. Most happened when I was a kid who didn't know how to react. Most often it is just a single bite, but once it was an honest attack by a pit bull. I had to strangle that dog to death to get him off my leg. The owner was screaming at me an I told him he was next... and I meant it.

I've had all sorts of street dog confrontations in Thailand, but they never worry me. On the few streets where I know the nasty ones live I just carry a meter long length of green bamboo. It's heavy enough to brain any dog and still light enough to carry. I'm used to dealing with nasty critters that can hurt me and have learned how to deal with them.



3. Face the animal and slowly BACK away, but give off the body language than you DO mean business.

4. NEVER, EVER go onto THEIR turf! Even a dog that is running away from you will turn and attack when it gets on its own territory.

5. Let sleeping dogs lie.




But you won't ever have to worry about this dog...


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Prevention is better than cure, so to speak.

After living in Thailand for many years and having been attached by feral dogs on my motorbike twice, I have learned it is best not to venture into small Soi`s after dark, unless travelling by car or in an enclosed vehicle.

Where I live inside a Soi 50 kilometres outside of Chiang Mai, I would never walk outside my main gate by foot at night.

The only way to be stay safe is to realise this is Thailand and never walk into unknown territories at night.

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You were exploring small side streets? Where do you think you are? You're lucky you weren't raped and murdered let alone bit by a few cuddly pups. I suggest you use more common sense and act more safe.

As already stated you are spouting out and out utter crap! I have been in some very remote places and never worried 1 iota. I feel a dam_n site safer here than back in south London. As for the soi dogs I have found them all to be cowards. Stop and make a move towards them and they are off. If they get too close a good kick sends them packing. Don't let posters like this put you off this beautiful country. I have ridden all around this country and never had anything but help and consideration. LM maybe you need to take your mummy out with you when you venture further than the 7 / 11 :)

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