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Anyone Else Having Problems With Ttt Internet Service?


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Hi Everyone,

For the past week or so, my internet connection with TT&T has been just terrible. It has been down, as in unavailable for several hours at a time on about three different days, and even when it is on, it is very difficult to get a connection to many sites, especially it seems to be the overseas ones?

To be fair, I ve had TT&T for a couple of years and its always been fine, but this last week has been just terrible. Can anyone say if its just me or have others had problems?

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I was just getting online to ask the same thing! Any server in SE Asia seems to be working well, but anything in the U.S. has been awful. Maybe another undersea cable has been cut. I called and complained and I see they bumped my speed up so I'm getting an extra meg free. That's great, but I'd rather be able to connect to 95% of the web sites I need to. I've noticed this for about 5 days now too.

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I called the call center and they didn't know anything as usual, so maybe I'll get a tech phone call today.

I find that very very hard to believe. The blantent lies that get told in this place, just to get you off the telephone astounds me.

If there were less people sitting at the call centre lying to the customers and more 'on the job' the internet would probably be working fine. :D:)

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Hi Everyone,

For the past week or so, my internet connection with TT&T has been just terrible. It has been down, as in unavailable for several hours at a time on about three different days, and even when it is on, it is very difficult to get a connection to many sites, especially it seems to be the overseas ones?

To be fair, I ve had TT&T for a couple of years and its always been fine, but this last week has been just terrible. Can anyone say if its just me or have others had problems?

I have the same !

I think they have problem whit the DNS server, tray to type in, and as DNS in you computer, it works for me.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I just had TT&T installed in my house yesterday. What a freaking mistake! I was sharing my neighbors TOT line and when I skyped with my parents in the USA every evening the connection was beautiful. But last night and tonight (after using my own TTT connection) we can't skype it is so bad. I want to shoot myself for picking TTT.

Would a DNS server have anything to do with using Skype? I wouldn't think so.

What to do?

I want to add that webpages (both Thai and international seem to load OK). But downloading files, Skype, torrents...all much slower (Skype unusable).

Edited by lukeskywalker
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If you check the Internet forum you will see what is going on...

Regarding Skype....I have Indy 3 MB and have not been able to use Skype for the one year now that I have had the contract with TTT/Maxnet.

There are mixed reports on the DNS issue (again see the Internet forum). On the advice of a TV member in Chiang Mai, I signed up for OpenDNS. For me it made no difference in speed whatsoever but it connected just fine. Then beginning last week sometime we were unable to connect to the Internet at all for 2 days. Finally, I ditched the OpenDNS and re-booted the router and have been connected since. I read in the Internet forum that TTT has blocked OpenDNS. But then some users reprted they could still use it..........go figure....TIT.

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If you check the Internet forum you will see what is going on...

Regarding Skype....I have Indy 3 MB and have not been able to use Skype for the one year now that I have had the contract with TTT/Maxnet.

There are mixed reports on the DNS issue (again see the Internet forum). On the advice of a TV member in Chiang Mai, I signed up for OpenDNS. For me it made no difference in speed whatsoever but it connected just fine. Then beginning last week sometime we were unable to connect to the Internet at all for 2 days. Finally, I ditched the OpenDNS and re-booted the router and have been connected since. I read in the Internet forum that TTT has blocked OpenDNS. But then some users reprted they could still use it..........go figure....TIT.

Here, I believe, must be the (very interesting) thread referred to:


It is also noted on the "Similar Topics" list below.

Edited by Mapguy
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I went to the Sansai office of TTT today and at first I thought they had closed up shop because even though I have been there several times in the past, I could not find the little office today. Well it turns out they are still there but have changed their name to 3BB Broadband or something?? I don't know what's up with that...

I thought I would give the Premier 3 MB package a free trial for a week and see if my connection improves or not (over Indy 3 MB). For 12 months now I have not been able to use Skype which is crazy since I was able to use it in every other country without problem. Of course they told me "all farang use Premier, Thai use Indy." We know that is simply not true. And Thais use Skype too, I know that. We'll see what happens....

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I went to the Sansai office of TTT today and at first I thought they had closed up shop because even though I have been there several times in the past, I could not find the little office today. Well it turns out they are still there but have changed their name to 3BB Broadband or something?? I don't know what's up with that...

I thought I would give the Premier 3 MB package a free trial for a week and see if my connection improves or not (over Indy 3 MB). For 12 months now I have not been able to use Skype which is crazy since I was able to use it in every other country without problem. Of course they told me "all farang use Premier, Thai use Indy." We know that is simply not true. And Thais use Skype too, I know that. We'll see what happens....

Please keep us informed!!!

I use Skype everyday to speak to my loved one back home and I just switched to TTT and cannot use it anymore. They can hear and see me perfectly but I cannot them. When I had TOT, it was beautiful.

Please let us know the outcome of your Skype tests?

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I use indy and its been fine up until the last few months... now its shit.. but my friend who uses premier is also shouting shit.... so.. I think over all there is a problem with TTT not with the packages. I hate to think its TTT trying to get people to upgrade...

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I sympathize, but you ladies and gents should high yourselves over to the excellent internet subforum, where you will find more freeware, tips on speeding up your Thai connection, and how to improve your security than you can shake a stick at.

Sorry, I'm listening to Jim Morrison of the Doors- amurican (sic) locution....

All users should consider a backup, or two. SOP. An ADSL connect, a wireless (WAN or Wi-Fi or 3G)- and an EDGE connection as well if possible.

As they say, don't put all your eggs in one basket.

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I sympathize, but you ladies and gents should high yourselves over to the excellent internet subforum, where you will find more freeware, tips on speeding up your Thai connection, and how to improve your security than you can shake a stick at.

Sorry, I'm listening to Jim Morrison of the Doors- amurican (sic) locution....

All users should consider a backup, or two. SOP. An ADSL connect, a wireless (WAN or Wi-Fi or 3G)- and an EDGE connection as well if possible.

As they say, don't put all your eggs in one basket.

Okay!!!!!! :) But you had better provide more help than the zippy insider code with your advice that lacks a specific clickable thread reference! Not that it would be altogether noticed in the cacophony that is TV Chiang Mai! Nor that you have any manuals handy!

Edited by Mapguy
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I sympathize, but you ladies and gents should high yourselves over to the excellent internet subforum, where you will find more freeware, tips on speeding up your Thai connection, and how to improve your security than you can shake a stick at.

Sorry, I'm listening to Jim Morrison of the Doors- amurican (sic) locution....

All users should consider a backup, or two. SOP. An ADSL connect, a wireless (WAN or Wi-Fi or 3G)- and an EDGE connection as well if possible.

As they say, don't put all your eggs in one basket.

Quite agree don't put all your eggs in one basket, after a week or two with Max Net problems i went out and bough a CDMA 7200 Bht from TOT works fine for me and have the advantage of using it any where in Thailand , i can wait until TT&T sort there probs out now

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So it's been about three days now since I went on the Premier 3 MB trial upgrade. I have been switching back and forth between the Indy account and this trial Premier account...

I would advise any Chiang Mai residents who are considering making the upgrade to save their money! I honestly can't tell the difference between the two. The Premier is just as slow and problematic as Indy. And I still can't make a voice connection with Skype. International websites are slow to load same as always.

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