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Nice Moo Bahns In Chiang Mai


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We are looking at potentially moving to Chiang Mai. I'm currently looking into the housing side of things, I like the idea of a Moo Bahn for now and have looked at the following places online;


Karnakok 2

Koolpuntville 12

I was wondering if anyone knew of any other similar developments and would really like to hear of anyone with experience of any of the above.

Looking to be fairly close to Chiang Mai and within easy commuting distance to Lanna International School.


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We are looking at potentially moving to Chiang Mai. I'm currently looking into the housing side of things, I like the idea of a Moo Bahn for now and have looked at the following places online;


Karnakok 2

Koolpuntville 12

I was wondering if anyone knew of any other similar developments and would really like to hear of anyone with experience of any of the above.

Looking to be fairly close to Chiang Mai and within easy commuting distance to Lanna International School.


try Home In Park, Baan Nai Fan and Lanna Pinary Home all in Canal Road and easy access to the Lanna International School

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Thanks, I'm ideally looking to buy and don't want a pre-built house (i.e I choose a plot and house style and then they build it). I will check out those developments.

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Not to "nitpick" but it seems that you are looking for a krongan baan and not a moo baan.

Yep thats nitpicking - 99.9% of people use the word Moo Bahn in this situation.

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Yep thats nitpicking - 99.9% of people use the word Moo Bahn in this situation.

But yep, Elektrified is right, and it's nice to hear the proper term being used. If 99.9% of the Farang are calling fried rice, fried noodles, would that make it right ? No.

The krongan baan deal is that it literally means 'housing project' and can also then be translated as 'housing development.' It's just one little word that can help make a major distinction because...

Moo Baan just means 'collection of houses,' which we call a 'neighborhood.' Everywhere there are houses, be it a development or many stand-alones in a given area, that then constitutes a moo baan.

So when somebody who knows little or no Thai speaks to someone who does, like TO A THAI, THE PEOPLE MOST LIKELY TO BE HELPING YOU ON YOUR HOUSE HUNT !! They won't know what you mean. Don't you hate when you go around asking ppl in Thld for something and you're like 'Geez! Why don't they understand me ?!' Well, here's a case where learning 'krongan' can really help you and them.

Otherwise you are basically telling them you don't want some mtn-side, by-yourself-house, but would like to live near where there are other people. That's a big difference.

So.... as they say in Thai, 'Up to you...'

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Please use another thread for your cause, its already taking up 1/2 the thread.

FYI a search on google for Krongan Baan gets about 160 results worldwide whereas Moo Baan nets nearly 1/2 million. I'm not trying to be dictionary specific for the sake of it, I'm looking at getting information on the internet.

I believe most of the people who will be able to help me on this forum, understand what I mean and are actually not Thai, I'm not walking the streets asking villagers at this point.

Back to the Thread.

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Like I said Benjie-san, up to you.

As I wrote just last night in a very super similar thread, there's a mag out there available locally that's glossy, got pix of all the DEVELOPENTS, and an awesome fold out map in every issue. The map allows you to coordinate which dev's might be more advantageous to you relative to Lanna Int'l. I believe it's called 'Chiang Mai Home.' It's available on most mag n newsracks that carry other home, property n furnishings type mags.

So there's two pearls for ya. Good luck.

And btw..... most krongans will let you select the model and give you a fairly accurate idea what it'll cost to build. But then there's alot of inspecting to be done b4 you make your final contract payment and accept the house if you want the little paint splatters and crooked woodwork fixed. Also, when you realize that the balcony they give you fits only one person standing, say, and that you'd rather be able to sit outside n read on a deck chair under an umbrella, the little extension of length n width - an any other small adjustments you make to their plans, is where they really get ya. Otherwise you get alot of Thai-style 'it looks good' and 'yes, it's a such-n-such' but whether it's actually functional or not is a whole other issue. So be prepared to follow your project most diligently.

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Hi, Yes I can't seem to find this magazine in Phuket anywhere.

I already have a home in a development here in Phuket so know of some of the pitfalls and that slight changes to the plans would most likely need to be made.

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Yep thats nitpicking - 99.9% of people use the word Moo Bahn in this situation.

But yep, Elektrified is right, and it's nice to hear the proper term being used. If 99.9% of the Farang are calling fried rice, fried noodles, would that make it right ? No.

The krongan baan deal is that it literally means 'housing project' and can also then be translated as 'housing development.' It's just one little word that can help make a major distinction because...

Moo Baan just means 'collection of houses,' which we call a 'neighborhood.' Everywhere there are houses, be it a development or many stand-alones in a given area, that then constitutes a moo baan.

So when somebody who knows little or no Thai speaks to someone who does, like TO A THAI, THE PEOPLE MOST LIKELY TO BE HELPING YOU ON YOUR HOUSE HUNT !! They won't know what you mean. Don't you hate when you go around asking ppl in Thld for something and you're like 'Geez! Why don't they understand me ?!' Well, here's a case where learning 'krongan' can really help you and them.

Otherwise you are basically telling them you don't want some mtn-side, by-yourself-house, but would like to live near where there are other people. That's a big difference.

So.... as they say in Thai, 'Up to you...'

Let's talk about what is really silly. Two Farangs that know enough Thai to insert one Thai term into an English sentence. On this site it is okay to use the words "neighborhood" and "development". LOL

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Neighbourhood could mean anywhere and development could mean condo etc... I thought I'd made it pretty clear, we refer to Thai built housing developments that are an enclosed neighbourhood as Moo Baans down here in Phuket. Moo Baan is simpler than writing all of that and having to explain that I dont mean Condos or a plot in a rice field in the middle of nowhere.

Please - can we keep this on topic.

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Kenalder - careful dude. Just because you may have a loose grip on Thai, doesn't mean we're all in the same boat. There are a few of us here who do business in Thai all the time, even on the phone or document translations.... just something to aspire to. And you get there one word at a time

Up to you.

And K.Benjie since you're in Phkt, which I didn't realize, you might have to go hit a Thai bookseller like DK books, or even better See-Ed at they're dealing particualarly to the Thais. mags like the one I spoke of distribute to other major city mkts because they know they might reach the odd Farang on the lookout to relocate, and more so hit the wealthy Thais who dream of a CM country home with fresh mtn air. It is very common for ppl in Phkt or BKK to hold a second home for vacation escapes up here. Also, I didn't mention, but the mag will also have advertorial articles on most of the developments and web addresses as well. if you don't speak Thai take along your designated translator and when she explains that it's a shiny mag about CM property with a giant area map and such, you'll likely be pointed to the right section of the magazine rack.

See, I'm picky about words, but I'm on your side !

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I do find it strange that the term "Krongan Baan" has only ever been mentioned by you two guys in the history of the entire internet. A search on the phrase in google or other search engines only brings up your posts here on Thai Visa, so it can't be a phrase that's widely used in English.

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I do find it strange that the term "Krongan Baan" has only ever been mentioned by you two guys in the history of the entire internet. A search on the phrase in google or other search engines only brings up your posts here on Thai Visa, so it can't be a phrase that's widely used in English.

We're just being conscientious is all. I have to think overngiht of some more examples, but this happens all the time when a Farang thinks they're calling something what it is, and they're actually wrong. In this case a development is a subset of a neighborhood, not all neighborhoods being developments.

But this is a case where it would amaze you what the Thais were actually talking about if you knew what they were really saying n calling things. And don't get me wrong, I have a biiig way to go to get to the level of fluency I'd like, but I understand alot more than the average bear. This is just a tip. And maybe it's just me n Elektrified (and also Winnie da Kwai) taking on the whole Farangdom of da Kingdom (Sysyphus, anyone ?), but c'est la vie. This is how ppl get to know

I don't have a Thai keyboard with me here in the US at the moment, but in some other thread I once posted it in Thai... if you ran that thru google, I bet you'd find a gaggle.



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But its still only you two in the whole world who have ever mentioned that phrase anywhere on the internet, So maybe you have the English translation wrong or something because that's not a phrase anyone outside the two of you are using. In the meantime I will continue using Moo Bahn, so that people understand me :) .

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Earlier you had mentioned that you had a look at Koolpuntville 12. That is a little farther out of town. In fact I consider it as far as Home in Park - not sure if that is true though, it is only my perception and one reason why we did not choose Home in Park. I wanted to be in a Moo Ban fairly close to the city and my wife wanted security. We chose Koolpuntville 10, which is just off the intersection of the middle ring road and the new San Kampaeng highway. Whilst most lots have been sold there may be a few larger ones left. From here it is 10 minutes to the airport and various shopping venues. City centre can be reached within 15 minutes and up to about 25 during rush hour, of course always dependent on traffic.

There is another development from Koolpuntville, which is called The Athena - I believe that is Koolpuntville 14. It is along Mahidol road, about half way between the airport and Koolpuntville 10. It therefore would even be closer to the city.

Considering Lanna International School, you may also want to look into that area. There are quite a number of moo Bans down along Hang Dong road but some are definitely exposed to air traffic. Vehicle traffic is also a mess down there during rush hour. Besides Lanna International there are a number of other schooling opportunities, which you may consider.

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Hi Thanks for your input.

I brought up Koolpunt 12 on Google Earth and it's only 7.5 miles from the airport/Lanna school area, Looks like an easy drive (on Google Earth) as well. Koolpunt 14 is very expensive land, I'll take a look at the Koolpunt 10 location.

The main reason I'm considering Lanna is that it runs the British curriculum, so if I ever go back to the UK it should leave the kids in good stead.

BTW how is your home in Koolpunt 10? Do you have any advice for other buyers?

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But its still only you two in the whole world who have ever mentioned that phrase anywhere on the internet, So maybe you have the English translation wrong or something because that's not a phrase anyone outside the two of you are using. In the meantime I will continue using Moo Bahn, so that people understand me :) .

First of all that phrase as you call it has probably been mentioned on thaivisa dozens of times if not more.

Second, if you come to Chiang Mai you had better say that you are looking to rent in a krongan baan or you may be misunderstood. I think RTD explained the difference quite well in his last post. If in doubt, just ask a Thai to explain the difference to you.

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Yep its been mentioned a few times here by you guys , comes up only twice in a search on google - both times featuring you two.

I'm not looking to rent, I can speak Thai reasonably well after 8 years here and I'll have my Thai wife to translate if I get into difficulty. However I don't think I'll be wandering the villages asking people, I'll fact find here, elsewhere on the internet and with the magazine that was mentioned and I'll fly in and take a look at whats available.

My wife is sat next to me, she says you could use your way of saying it but no-one does, they just say Moo Baan - so lets put that to bed for now, it may be the anatomically correct definition, but nobody uses it.

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From Koolpuntville 12 to Lanna International 121 may be you best choice, it is one way to avoid rush hour traffic. The short stretch from the third (outer) ring road (121) to the second (middle) ring road is very busy in the morning and it is only a two lane road. It actually divides right at Koolpuntville 10. All the traffic from San Kampaeng flows along it, so rush hour is a challenge. Also Mahidol can be quite busy and has its fair share of accidents in the morning.

As for something to look for in Koolpuntville 10, it is the same as everywhere else. Some extra supervising will get the job done better. Do not expect the same quality detail as in the west, they are using cheap labour but you are also paying a lot less than in the west. Always keep in mind how the people, who are building your house, live themselves and it will give you some idea why things do not always work out the way you expect.

Do some forward planning as well as there are items, which are not part of the package but you may want to include them or prepare for them so it is easier to add or change in the future.

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I'm with RTD on this one. There IS a difference between a moo baan and a krongan baan.

Oh you guys are so boring...all need to show how smart U R. Thai call Kronggan or Moo baan + name for building a big group (crowded)of houses for sale . Keep moving , stop being silly fool & try not to comment Thai words , it's for Thai's talking not for Farangs so you need to get along whatever Thais say , just get the point and try to find what you want. And I'm sure you would love to live in CM. More than BKK nor PHK.

Remember "Do as Roman do When you are in Rome" So Live in Thailand & do respect Thais, don't look Thais down or you'd better come back to live in your own country(selfish + suck)

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Hi Thanks for your input.

I brought up Koolpunt 12 on Google Earth and it's only 7.5 miles from the airport/Lanna school area, Looks like an easy drive (on Google Earth) as well. Koolpunt 14 is very expensive land, I'll take a look at the Koolpunt 10 location.

The main reason I'm considering Lanna is that it runs the British curriculum, so if I ever go back to the UK it should leave the kids in good stead.

BTW how is your home in Koolpunt 10? Do you have any advice for other buyers?

Lanna school also has a very useful and in my experience, a prompt, safe and affordable minibus service to and from school in the Chiangmai area. Vey handy if you would like to choose an estate (diplomacy!) not too close to the school.

Regards Bojo

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We are looking at potentially moving to Chiang Mai. I'm currently looking into the housing side of things, I like the idea of a Moo Bahn for now and have looked at the following places online;


Karnakok 2

Koolpuntville 12

I was wondering if anyone knew of any other similar developments and would really like to hear of anyone with experience of any of the above.


Can highly recommend 'Home in Park', happy here and wouldn't wish to change.

Looking to be fairly close to Chiang Mai and within easy commuting distance to Lanna International School.


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