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Maxnet Latest Problems: Maxnet Answer


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^Hey webfact ..while you are here ..check this out ..what do you make of this?

http://www.dslreports.com/linequality/nil/2539377 about 10 mins ago.

I'll go on and read your links too, thx.

P.s what about my theory to it all ...plain mad? or some sense to it???

ooh Blimey WF, those links ! ...I will go through it as a learning experience but I'm tired aftet the all nighter last night ...will absord it and understand it tommorow LOL.

P.S. WF ..I have no splitter and line is for internet only ...house telephone seperate and TOT.

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^Hey webfact ..while you are here ..check this out ..what do you make of this?

http://www.dslreports.com/linequality/nil/2539377 about 10 mins ago.

I'll go on and read your links too, thx.

P.s what about my theory to it all ...plain mad? or some sense to it???

the results yesterday were much better. It looks to me there's some "testing" in progress.

Truss they try to solve the "too many hops" issue. They've got a problem.

And that seems to be the routing to California

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Thats true. Time of the day and weather conditions are major players...

But I have strong doubts one of those is the main culprit in this case:

down 0.18 mb/s - 0.94 /difference 0.76/ms

up 0.02 mb/s - 0.26 /difference 0.24 mb/s

Theres something more involved. And according to common Thai ISP behavior it can't be revealed

or even admitted 'yes dear customer, we've got a big problem and we ain't know how to fix it'

You know that story with losing the face.... blah blah blah

I will never forget what the Thai ISP's told their customers when ADSL started in Thailand.

"We will guarantee LOCAL bandwidth but NO guarantee for international bandwidth"

I trust this applies to this very day!

So, now someone has to find out what guarantee Maxnet is giving its satisfied customers...


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Check out the Line quality reports teccy's ....seems to be getting worse not better over last 2-3 days.



Plus West coast


East coast




Note also: why had the 'provider' dissappeared in window? This happened just yesterday and also can only get 112 IP's now ...nothing else. Also, even though the BKK fig is spot on ..Thai websites also V.Slow.

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Just goes on and on with Maxnet.

After the complete shut down of telephone and internet the big excuse now is the cable Fibre between Bangkok and Korat.

However after throwing away the Bipac router they gave me not quite true I still have.

After numerouse phone calls with staff who say thay can talk English and do not Know what a Dslam is after 10 minutes they all understand what it is. Why do they Lie so much customer service Stinks.

However after a lot of discussions they promise an Engineer will be with me the following day. OK acceted.

Next day comes no engineere al they had done was redused my download speed to 2MB.

I phone them and say why have you done that thats because you are to far away the engineer has told me.

Ok why has my service been good for 4 months at 3 mb and 2 months at 4MB did I put my house on the back of a truck and move it.

Now can not speak english agin telephone line goes dead. Phone back after not understanding English again after putting in some not nice Thai language I get the boss.

Now my problem generally is only when it rains.

He says he can speak english so I spell out my problem.

When no rain Signal to noise ratio down 11 up 35 Attenuation Down 45 up 31.5

Well within acceptable limits Bear in mind I use G.dmt. ADSL and ADSL2+ are crap even at 2MB.

Can you reset my connection. Cant do DSLAM problem!!!!

So I ask you cant connect to the DSLAM remotely goes quite. This has been 2 Hours on the phone. Ok I will send an engineer tomorow again. No engineer came yesterday why are you sending again. Never mind lets see if one turns up.

2 eventualy turn up at 4 PM internet working. Yes fine. Can you reset back to 4MB Engineer no to far away from DSLAM.

OK lets have a look at router I say. Attenuation still the same change to ADSL attenuation 52 Signal To noise 6.5 Engineer thats fine OK i say.

Now phone up and put onto 4 mb it will not work Engineer. Crap I say Ok he does I re configure router to D.GMT and low and behold signal to noise raito at 4M is 11 and Attenuation is is back down to 45 Perfect I say but its not the connection normaly its when it rains everything goes. OK he now says he understands My Thai wife is saying some realy bad things to this engineer so I have to tel her to stop.

Then I put on there suplied Bipac Router well he cant belive it. As I said crap.

So they agree to go and check some cables. Now 2 weeks gone no difference still the same as soon as it rains you loose the connection.

So now I have voice recordings and photos to take to there main office and will se what that does.

Bit of a long one this but need to get of chest.

I paid 18000 baht for a cable to be installed so I could have internet access. I have proof that they are using the cable for other subscribers and the connections are twisted and wraped in insulation tape. The insulation tape has now come undone. What do they expect.

Does make me laugh because everytime you phone they try to make out its your problem.

Considering they installed the phone lines which I payed for dont ask how much you will laugh. My problem can only get Maxnet round here.

Anyway TOT no better from what I have read Thailand has not got use to do it properly the first time then its cheaper in the long time. Mind you most of the Western world is the same.

Bye for now.

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Well ..It's that post 1.30 am time again !

San Fran 1.50am thai time


Like I said before: Switch off 1.30 am ...switch on to 'garbage setting' 9.30 am. CHECK IT OUT FOR YOURSELVES.

"Do you ever get the feeling you're being cheated?" Johnny Rotten, early 80's.

Yup quick, wonderful, U.S. good good good ....Lol and now I'm off to bed most like other users.

Stop changing yer DNS's and stop messing around with yer comp ...best advice: SWITCH ISP PROVIDERS

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So now I have voice recordings and photos to take to there main office and will se what that does.

Save yourself the time and aggravation. Nobody will give the staff a rucking, no matter how richly deserved. Nobody gives a shit, and very very few Thai managers will risk upsetting the staff. The lunatics are absolutely in charge of the asylum.

What drives this is the numbers game. If you have 1000 customers and 100 are complainers, just ignore them or fob them off with some old <deleted> and keep advertising for another 100. Out of those 100, only 10 will be complainers, let them go and advertise for another 10 and so on. In general, Thais do not complain so there is no real incentive for these muppets to get better at the service thing.

The reality in Thailand is that Thai service sucks. It is all about getting the money. Once the money is in the pocket then delivery and service are pretty much optional. For this reason, you should never lend money to a Thai. They don't mean to be the way they are, they have just never been taught about responsibility and obligation outside of the family. As Napoleon said, try not to attribute to malice what is adequately explained by incompetence.

The other reality in Thailand is that they do not consider telling lies to be telling lies, they are just making the relationship 'smooth' (well, their side of the relationship anyway). Thais loathe aggravation; it generally means they have to think and do some work and they don't like to do that. Doing a good job simply is not on their radar.

Sorry my friend but the sooner you get used to this the sooner you can start building a strategy to minimise the aggravation and learn to love the things in Thailand that are not diminished by the legendary Thai incompetence.

Odd how it generally doesn't seem to be the same upcountry... at least, I have found the upcountry Thai to be a whole different and much more enjoyable thing.


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Glad I found this thread. Saves me another wasted phone call I suppose.

I've always felt that Maxnet didn't have enough 'bandwidth' to go round at peak times . Peak times I'd say 0800 to midnight , and especially at weekends and bank holidays but accepted that due to the cheap price and it is getting quicker over the years. I went from half a meg to 3 meg in the last couple of years and I'm out in the sticks where they say I can't get 3 meg. So I'm generally happy with Maxnet. But my service has got very slow this last month.

Anyway this morning 7am ish getting 3 meg to International servers. Now I'm getting 256 kbps to international servers and 1 meg to servers in bangkok. Seems to me the International 'gateway' is having serious problems , can't cope at peak times. Don't know how it works exactly but I do have a networks background of sorts so I suspect some of the International lines are down or they don't have enough of them. or maybe they haven't paid the Bills ;-)

Wasn't there a similar problem last year when an undersea fibre optic line got damaged ?

Anyway, I guess we're going to have to live with it for a while

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Well, as another user 'ikebukro5' kindly pointed out in a 'new thread on the same topic' "9.30 AM onwards".

Everyday it is the same for me, and seems for others too. Now, today, it's the same case. Nope can't access my fave site in U.S. again but everynight 1.30 AM to 9.30 AM (if i'm awake) I check it and it's fine 100% + all the other stuff I normally use as in good speed opening pages/downloading etc. This condition appears now to have lasted about 19 days.

West Coast today ...(Last night 1.50AM :1.81 DL 0.21 UL 255MS Ping)


East Coast today (Oh dear ..Mmm what happen??)


It seems to me that the International rusty farmgate is fine and that they are deliberately limiting use betwen 9.30am and 1.30am, 16 hours of 'garbage setting'. I've offered a theory to this previous.

A message for David Brook from his recent post: 'Thai's DO complain' just as my neighbour did last week and yes he was quite angry with the Maxnet engineers ...a bit of 'jai roon' ness. Also David, your observations may have some base at to what Thai's are about, but please don't paint broad brushstrokes about what Thai culture is or not (your paras 3 and 4). I believe this is in the 'forum rules' TY.

Good luck to all ...I'm off to see the manager tomorrow ...let's see what happens LOL ...I'll try to be 'jai yen' this time LOL

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I'm also having the same bandwidth issues out of the country. I've got 4/1M Premier in Pattaya, I just tried speedtest to Penang and saw that it first peaked to more than 1Mbit/s and then got throttled to about 700kbit/s. No such throttling to Bangkok, the ADSL and net until there is fine, it's the international gateway. The news of TT&T almost being bankcrupt makes me wonder, if they have paid their bills to their networking partners or not (I believe they currently use SingTel's lines after Thailand, judging from the traceroutes to Europe and US). Would explain why they have to throttle the bandwidth. If this thing continues, I'll just downgrade my package.

Does this affect CAT as well ? I don't have access to their network right now, I wanted to get CAT in the first place but they didn't have service in my area at the time. If they're still up and running properly, maybe I'll go and find out what the situation now is.

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I can't see them deliberately limiting use during these hours, It would make no sense. they just don't have enough bandwidth during normal hours for some reason.

Good Luck with your search for the truth with the Manager. ;-)

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^Why thank you Jubby ...Like I said just a theory and seems to fit the rule, but 'it's just a theory ..no concrete evidence.

Jubby ...I don't expect the truth to be forthcoming (hasn't really been the case so far) ...just seeing the manager to refuse to pay for this month ...up to them what they do with me ...accept this or cut me off ...but I WILL stand my ground on this. I have got to the point with our beloved provider ..enough is enough. :D

Good luck everyone else and your wonderful experiences and good luck with your 1103 calls :)

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A message for David Brook from his recent post: 'Thai's DO complain' just as my neighbour did last week and yes he was quite angry with the Maxnet engineers ...a bit of 'jai roon' ness. Also David, your observations may have some base at to what Thai's are about, but please don't paint broad brushstrokes about what Thai culture is or not (your paras 3 and 4). I believe this is in the 'forum rules' TY.

Cheers for the feedback, though as I was quoting more or less verbatim from a published work (by a Thai psych) about Thai psychology... I doubt I will qualify for a righteous rucking for quoting what Thais say about Thais - even on Thai Visa which has its own commercial interests to look after.

You are right though, some Thais do complain but they are in a minority. By the way, we all generalise when we speak, we all *have to* generalise when we speak, it is what keeps communication working. Broad brush strokes are a part of life and one swallow doth not a summer make. This I happen to know about.

I do wish they would learn how to manage better though, even if that is another broad brush stroke. Life in Thailand is great in general (oops, another one!), but the prevailing competence level is a prevailing problem (and another one!).

Otherwise we wouldn't see so many complaints about it I suppose.

Let us know how you get on, I would be interested to see if jai yen yen does anything better than a kick up the ass. I could probably so with learning a bit more on how to motivate people to do their job.


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'We guarantee to send you a monthly bill'

Speaking of bills, I just got mine and there is a "ADSL rental fee" of 500 baht. Do they mean 500 b/month for that cheap piece of Chinese plastic they laughing call a router?????

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Last Result:

Download Speed: 633 kbps (79.1 KB/sec transfer rate)

Upload Speed: 31 kbps (3.9 KB/sec transfer rate)

Latency: 3797 ms

8 กรกฎาคม 2552 20:46:39

will this be the reason im having problems with my voip systems and msn video chat.....where its comes and goes some times its good some times its bad, any one else have these problems with voip on maxnet in Cm>?

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Went to Carefour Pattaya, no answer...lies right in my face as nothing is wrong although the office is full of people complaining...

Here is the email address of the manager over there, I emailed him but no answer yet, everybody please email him and whoever gets an answer please post over here.

K. Udomsakn

Carrefour Pattaya Maxnet Manager

//e-mail removed as per forum rules//

Whoever email him please PM me because I would like to know his response.

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Ty David ....I have 'jai yen' ed it this morning to try to get the bill waived from 20th June to 15th July (that is pay them for the 4 days of my period when the internet did work). The nice lady took down my details and assures me the manager will ring me back later this afternoon. Waiting with bated breath once more.

But like I said, up to them .... accept it or not, I ain't paying. Will keep you posted on decision !

Good luck to all and your 1103 calls. :)

Any others with a latest or excuses, future dates?

P.S.S: You sound as angry as me Ike ...GL but try Jai yen, I've done the Jai roon and get a blank on this LOL.

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Went to Carefour Pattaya, no answer...lies right in my face as nothing is wrong although the office is full of people complaining...

Here is the email address of the manager over there, I emailed him but no answer yet, everybody please email him and whoever gets an answer please post over here.

K. Udomsakn

Carrefour Pattaya Maxnet Manager

Whoever email him please PM me because I would like to know his response.

Was going to PM you, but I think the whole board should know the answer, he doesn't even answer emails.

Had a problem 3 months back when my internet packed up. Hours on the phone to 1103, getting cut off as everybody passed you around like a hot potato as once they realised a farang was on the phone no one wanted to speak. Eventually a technician came around, after 2 hours he told the missus (I was out as they never called to check first) the problem was with the internal wiring of my house (which I knew was total <deleted>) and we should get someone round to check.

After a month I eventually managed to get them to call round again,( it was the same guys who forgot they had been here before and told me the problem was mine,) and proceeded to fix the problem in 10 mins.

Countless emails to icare (renamed by me as I not care) with no response, so I went to carrefour and made the complaint there. No acknowledgment from anyone so I went back when one of the girls told put me through to the elusive Mr Udom Sak on the phone who gave me his email address and sort it for me. Did he sort it? Nope, couldn't even be bothered to reply to his emails.

Eventually got my months refund, but not from Mr Udom Sak, but the girl in the shop who was sick with the sight of me!

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...Had a problem 3 months back when my internet packed up. Hours on the phone to 1103, getting cut off as everybody passed you around like a hot potato as once they realised a farang was on the phone no one wanted to speak. Eventually a technician came around, after 2 hours he told the missus (I was out as they never called to check first) the problem was with the internal wiring of my house (which I knew was total <deleted>) and we should get someone round to check....

The best way to stop them in their tracks when they try the argument of 'bad wiring', 'hot router', etc (unless they're correct!) is to do a local speed check. The best i've found, recommended by a maxnet technician, is here. It usually shows a higher speed than the actual maxnet test.

When you show that you can connect to sites within thailand at expected speeds, repeatedly and reliably, they can't really continue to place blame where it doesn't belong.

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AS to post this morning ....eer, eer ....nope no phone call back, thus the saga continues. Oh well onto tomorrow and let's see what happens ..going to their office at 4.00PM ..Mmmm.

Thai webs slow at mo' (TV some pages over 1 min to load)

3 speeds now (as Jubby is happy earlier) Mmm ...mine 8 in evening.

BKK its usual (looks good 98% of the time but still Thai webs slow)


West coast (seen worse, but ...mmm)


East Coast (OMG ..NOW THIS AIN'T FIXED !! ...except maybe 'fixed' b4 1.30 am as usual ..if you catch me drift LOL)


As a result, I'm shagged when it comes to int. access and 'patient' when using TV and other thai webs. :)

P.s> Still those speednet pages for last 4 or 5 days not showing 'provider' Mmm why is that ..anybody else checking on a 112 IP start address ...112 is all I get now since around Sunday (used to get 4 options of start IP ..Mmm)

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Some improvement in speed now, and: traceroute reveals that the traffic is now going through ntt.net's network, not that of singtel. Why have they changed the routing is unknown, but I suspect that there really are some financial problems between singtel and maxnet. ntt is routing through US to Europe as well, horrible ping times. Before maxnet "upgraded" their packages and started using singtel, the routes went through India and Egypt and were in fact much faster. Looks like every change is for the worse.

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Seems Maxnets latest trick is they have blocked opendns from being used, change back to obtain DNS automatically on a friends service to get him back working again, this seems to be only on Indy and not premier.

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Okay ... Yes a lot of users have encountered problems with Maxnet of late, whether they are indy or premier customers.

I have had numerous connectivity issues for 14 days (coincidentally since a local link went down 9.25 PM Sat 20th June). Slow loads inside and outside Thailand, cannot find page, line drops and disconnections etc.

I have had 3 engineer visits and one remote enginneer online (teamviewer), 9 X 1103 phone calls ...still the same.

Plumski in 'Maxnet DNS' thread (post 37) was told on 1st July that the internet would be fixed on 9th July.

I was told by a woman from the Phetchaburi branch (032 440013) at 12.46 today: "mii banhaa tuk tuk thii, ja gare banhaa ik song sapdaa"

"There is a problem everywhere and the internet will be fixed in 2 weeks." :)

So there's your answer, it seems we are all running around in circles of late and so there are probably no fixes that we can do ourselves if our beloved internet provider is buggered and knows it too.

My reply and should be yours too: I am refusing to pay them this month. Their service... is well... in a word 'excrement' :D .

Anybody else been told this or another 'future date' ?? LOL

Well, here we are on July 10 the there has been absolutely no improvement. For over a month mine has been going on & off like a whore's drawers. I went into a Maxnet store just for fun & was told they don't know about any problem or any solution. When are we going to start a picket? :D

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Firstly, to Brommers (and others) the last two lines in the last post are Brommers relpy, not my words. Please put outside the quotes if its your words TY

Brommer: "Well, here we are on July 10 the there has been absolutely no improvement. For over a month mine has been going on & off like a whore's drawers. I went into a Maxnet store just for fun & was told they don't know about any problem or any solution. When are we going to start a picket?"

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Same here, just getting worse and worse and Maxnet acts surprised when i call as if i'm the only one complaining. Promises to call back, never hear from them again.

It's essentially unusable at this point, 0.03 Mbits download for US sites, and this is on a 3 MB premier connection. Thai connections are faster than ever though.

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