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Maxnet Latest Problems: Maxnet Answer


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hmmm - pretty terrible, all the errors

Bandwidth Down/Up(kbps) 2048 / 481

SNR Margin Down/Up(dB) 12.5 / 8.5

Attenuation Down/Up(dB) 21.0 / 36.1

Power Down/Up(dBm) 19.3 / 11.3

CRC Down/Up 482/ 19502

FEC Down/Up 40121/ 21300

HEC Down/Up 1566/ 0

It's very common to see lots of FEC errors on an interleaved ADSL connection, so there's nothing to worry about.

The errors you should be concerned with are CRC and HEC errors.

HEC = Header Error Checksum is caused by: (1) physical line trouble; (2) speed is too fast for your line conditions. Do you experience any 'lag' while browsing? A large number of HEC errors will cause connection dropouts and re-syncs.

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I've gone round and round with this issue. I currently have the 5mb Indy package at just over 1000/mo. I previously had the cheap Indy package at 600. Both are worthless for overseas connections.

I've decided to try the 2mb Premier package at 1090/mo, because I've seen the posted speeds from other members that it is somewhat stable. (although nowhere near the promised speeds).

I've spoken with TT*T customers service. They've said that all farangs want the premier package because it has priority to the int'l gateway and overseas servers. Indy is useless in all its forms.

Who knows what to believe. I'm changing over to Premier 2mb on Monday. I'll let you know. It's the same price as Indy 5MB which is totally useless.

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Okay... next round: WHAT ELSE CAN WE TRY TO DO?

I don't want to sit here and wait, if they are able to fix the problem in 2, 5 or even 10 years. So I'm going to test other options, even if many of you say that they don't work...

I think one of these options COULD be to update/change the Maxcrement account — BUT, and this is the most interesting question, update/change in which direction...?

In other words, there are two possibilities to update/change the account:

1. An ordinary update — for example from

"Indy" 3072/512 (590 Bhat) to "Indy" 5120/512 (1000 Baht)

2. Not an ordinary update, but a change from "Indy" to "Premiere" — for example

"Indy" 3072/512 (590 Baht) to "Premiere" 2048/1024 (1090 Baht)

And this brings us to the main question:

If we WOULD believe, that an update/change could bring us more speed and quality which decision WOULD be the better one:


For me it would be helpful to hear some more expierences and voices from members in the area around Pattaya.

I remember that Phil wrote, that his "Premier" account is working now a LITTLE BIT better than in the last weeks. What is with other members around Pattaya... :)

Remember Premier is not so much about speed. As Maxnet state on their website

Indy blocked for things like smtp on port 25 outbound, bit torrents throttled/blocked, less international bandwidth

Premier has less contention ratio 5:1, indy is around 30:1

Saying that the current tests show international both about the same for downloads, guess they cant even get that right, how they manage a manual routing protocol like BGP is beyond me when a Cisco CCIE course is more than most would get paid in 1 year at Maxnet.

Between My GPRS on DTAC, My Premier Maxnet and my Blackberry service on AIS, something is always working at least. The Blackberry service from AIS is superb!

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Well my 3072/512 Indy package is just about useless. I am pissed off that it once worked fine but now it is shit and TT&T wants to upgrade me to Premier so i can get what I use to have at 590 but now must pay 1090 to get something that MIGHT work.

This is the most irritating point in this never ending problem story: "Once it worked fine"... and they would never tell their customers what happened that it works not fine anymore — even if they would know it. :D

I've gone round and round with this issue. I currently have the 5mb Indy package at just over 1000/mo. I previously had the cheap Indy package at 600. Both are worthless for overseas connections.

I've decided to try the 2mb Premier package at 1090/mo, because I've seen the posted speeds from other members that it is somewhat stable. (although nowhere near the promised speeds).

I've spoken with TT*T customers service. They've said that all farangs want the premier package because it has priority to the int'l gateway and overseas servers. Indy is useless in all its forms.

Who knows what to believe. I'm changing over to Premier 2mb on Monday. I'll let you know. It's the same price as Indy 5MB which is totally useless.

This was exactly the kind of information I was looking for.

Thanks a lot!!!!

So I don't have to make the test with updating to "Indy" 5120/512. :D

Remember Premier is not so much about speed. As Maxnet state on their website

Indy blocked for things like smtp on port 25 outbound, bit torrents throttled/blocked, less international bandwidth

Premier has less contention ratio 5:1, indy is around 30:1

Saying that the current tests show international both about the same for downloads, guess they cant even get that right, how they manage a manual routing protocol like BGP is beyond me when a Cisco CCIE course is more than most would get paid in 1 year at Maxnet.

Between My GPRS on DTAC, My Premier Maxnet and my Blackberry service on AIS, something is always working at least. The Blackberry service from AIS is superb!

For me this is the most important point for changing to "Premier".

Just visiting international websites with international news, etc...

Alls the other stuff, like downloads, radio, and TV is a kind of entertainment, which is not sooooooooo much important for me.

Sorry for the stupid question, but what is a "Blackberry service on AIS"? :)

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Sorry for the stupid question, but what is a "Blackberry service on AIS"? :)

Blackberry mobile devices are different to most in that they require streaming data, so push services work to the device, it also seems to be a lot faster than GPRS is normally, its like always connected data service and the network knows about your mobile and can push to it.

Its great for being mobile with msn, skype, gps, googlemaps, browser.

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Well my 3072/512 Indy package is just about useless. I am pissed off that it once worked fine but now it is shit and TT&T wants to upgrade me to Premier so i can get what I use to have at 590 but now must pay 1090 to get something that MIGHT work.
I've gone round and round with this issue. I currently have the 5mb Indy package at just over 1000/mo. I previously had the cheap Indy package at 600. Both are worthless for overseas connections....

That brings me to another horrible idea:

Could it be possible that the problems with all "Indy" accounts are 6-8 weeks ago intentionally created by "Maxcrement" (...perhaps by reducing the international bandwidth) to force foreign customers to change their "Indy" accounts into one of the more expensive "Premier" accounts...?!?! :D

That would explain why it worked before fine... :)

Edited by zenobit
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I am also in Korat on the 3mb Indy package and was always having great speeds until a few weeks ago. What I have noticed during the last day or two is that I am also starting to get less speed locally which had been stable until then. Overseas speeds seem to have gone a bit faster during the last 24 hours. When I check now I see overseas speeds faster then domestic ones???? Does this make any sense?





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I've gone round and round with this issue. I currently have the 5mb Indy package at just over 1000/mo. I previously had the cheap Indy package at 600. Both are worthless for overseas connections.

I've decided to try the 2mb Premier package at 1090/mo, because I've seen the posted speeds from other members that it is somewhat stable. (although nowhere near the promised speeds).

I've spoken with TT*T customers service. They've said that all farangs want the premier package because it has priority to the int'l gateway and overseas servers. Indy is useless in all its forms.

Who knows what to believe. I'm changing over to Premier 2mb on Monday. I'll let you know. It's the same price as Indy 5MB which is totally useless.

This was exactly the kind of information I was looking for.

Thanks a lot!!!!

So I don't have to make the test with updating to "Indy" 5120/512. :D

At first I'd like to welcome myself to your great forum! :) I have read some stuff from here earlier, but only now registered...

Just wanted to say also I'd like to hear your and everyone else experiences after this kind of change. I'm currently using Indy 4096/512 package and even though speed test shows fine results (picture beneath) this sucks a lot. It's kinda useless if trying to do example my works like playing online poker. Normally this kind of playing doesn't even request much speed from connection, but it looks like this connection makes some small disconnections (or something/tell me what, but I can connect those poker servers only from time to time) all the time making playing truly impossible. Also browsing international web pages isn't faster at all than example using some basic shared 1mb wifi connection in some hotel... Anyway some torrents I have got downloaded very, very quickly even 400kb/s, but only in very morning as usually those speeds are 10-30kb/s. I guess it's a huge difference where the server is located where you want to be connected, but anyway this doesn't make much sense for me... I have been told or more like I have heard rumors that even upgrading this connection to 10mb/1mb wouldn't necessary help at all but maybe even vice versa, because the biggest problem is Thailand's poor phone lines generally. And quicker ADSL would only mean more disconnections as lines aren't just quality enough for those speeds? Can there be any truth behind this? But anyway, let me know are those premier packages any stable and reliable and how long it takes to make this change... Any information is highly appreciated.


Overseas speeds seem to have gone a bit faster during the last 24 hours. When I check now I see overseas speeds faster then domestic ones????

At least doesn't happen here (Chonburi). Overseas speeds are much slower than domestic according to that same test.

Edited by Tongling
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I'm IT manager for several companies in Koh Samui and from my previous experience is TTT has the best lines all over here to international routes. The past months i getting always good speed to our webhosting and voip servers in the US, 5mbit at peak times to Vegas seems good to me with a 6mbit line in a pretty hard environment like an "end of the world" location here... We have E-Mail/SMS alerts on our hotspots and servers, pinged always from US to Thailand and we only have few minor issues and only for a short time of periods, they fixed automatically in some seconds or minutes.

So the reason I post is it might be true the problem was between BKK and Korat because in Samui we felt nothing about it.

About the DNS issues I reckon to use Opendns because the TTT DNS servers are always failing for us and the SMTP also had several issues and we need to use alternative ports as well.

The other usable connection for years was CAT telecom but the last weeks they also gone very slow, hopefully just a minor problem temporary. I had TOT line for 4 years before and the overseas internet was very slow and the pings are always out after 10s for a sec. This not a big issue for a normal user but the servers, hotspots, internet radios, voip calls and SSH tunnels are too sensitive and needed a reliable solution.

If possible the best way is to get a 6mbit line and share it with neighbours trough wifi (even for km-s with the right equipments) and share the costs of the higher package because the higher price gives you a different, not really used dedicated pool with good speed even daytime. This packages most people cant afford to pay it, they choose the cheap promotions packages or the famous premier 2-3mbit ones and the pool is full already.



I adventured problems after I returned from germany. I am with Maxnet/TT&T. Six weeks ago, Skype worked, FTP worked. Today FTP to my German server works slow, Skype is scrambled. The reason: Maxnet sold more and more internet accounts, thus the bandwidth of the international lines, which they have to lease, are not sufficient anymore for these 3m accounts with no priority at all, and are congested most of the time. They Maxnet/TT&T have to buy more bandwidth, but for those companies profits are more important than customer satisfaction.

In my case Maxnet offers 3m down and 0.5m up, which is sufficient, but only up to Bangkok, Macao and Hongkong when using Skype, Germany not any more.

I remember a situation in Macao, where the company named CTM, which has the monopoly for all fixed telephone lines and the internet, provided a "first class" connectivity within Macao and the neighbouring Hongkong. But CTM did not invest in the lease of more international bandwidth. One day, the big companies in Macao stood up, complained, and threatened the local government to move to Hongkong, if there is no improvement of the international bandwidth provided.

The government then forced CTM to increase the bandwidth considerably. The 6 million dollar(US) investment reduced their corporate gains from 55 million dollars to 49 million dollars in that year.

The problem persists and will not change, it is pure corporate greed!

Top countries download/upload: Thailand Nr.67/55. That speaks for itself.

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Speeds are still terrible. The Bangkok server is not listed on Speedtest.net at the moment. The closest one is in Penang. And my ISP is not showing. (look images below) ????



Edited by Jimbo
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Speeds are still terrible. The Bangkok server is not listed on Speedtest.net at the moment. The closest one is in Penang. And my ISP is not showing. (look images below) ????



try this one for a local server


Last Result:

Download Speed: 1649 kbps (206.1 KB/sec transfer rate)

Upload Speed: 77 kbps (9.6 KB/sec transfer rate)

TEST TIME:: Sunday July 19, 2009, 02:29 PM


Last Result:

Download Speed: 1598 kbps (199.8 KB/sec transfer rate)

Upload Speed: 107 kbps (13.4 KB/sec transfer rate)

Latency: 534 ms

Sunday, July 19, 2009 17:29:36

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Stop Moaning and get yourselves a decent package you tight bastards!!!!!!! :)



4mb Premier Package from TT&T about 2500Baht per month

I reckon the minimum you need for a half decent connection in Thailand is the Premier 2mb connection which is around 1000Baht per month.

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Stop Moaning and get yourselves a decent package you tight bastards!!!!!!! :)



4mb Premier Package from TT&T about 2500Baht per month

I reckon the minimum you need for a half decent connection in Thailand is the Premier 2mb connection which is around 1000Baht per month.

Looks like you do not run a charity with a tight budget and priorities.

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Stop Moaning and get yourselves a decent package you tight bastards!!!!!!! :)



4mb Premier Package from TT&T about 2500Baht per month

I reckon the minimum you need for a half decent connection in Thailand is the Premier 2mb connection which is around 1000Baht per month.

Mine is 2mb Premier, but the upstream has a problem and the errors are running wild, its about half the speed showing in the router now for upstream as to when they installed it, last mile cable fault for sure.

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Aside from the Disconnection every 5 minutes.

I thought mine would have been better..


You call this an Internet Connection?

Please, and I urge everybody to check their lines "noise" expressed in db. In my case - I am not a technician - it took maxnet 1 and 1/2 years to finally relocate my internet line to hang freely and NOT close to any powerline. This caused electromagnetical interference and thus resulted in a dampening of my line.

Now, not considering the insufficient bandwidth, I am not disconnected any more, and my down- and upload speed improved. Check your modem for those values.

Downstream Rate: 4096 Kbps

Upstream Rate: 512 Kbps

Downstream Margin: 31 db

Upstream Margin: 28 db

Downstream Line Attenuation: 18

Upstream Line Attenuation: 10

These Values are IMHO, the worst you can accept. I am 4km away from the next node.

May be someone can explain better than I do.

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Aside from the Disconnection every 5 minutes.

I thought mine would have been better..


You call this an Internet Connection?

Please, and I urge everybody to check their lines "noise" expressed in db. In my case - I am not a technician - it took maxnet 1 and 1/2 years to finally relocate my internet line to hang freely and NOT close to any powerline. This caused electromagnetical interference and thus resulted in a dampening of my line.

Now, not considering the insufficient bandwidth, I am not disconnected any more, and my down- and upload speed improved. Check your modem for those values.

Downstream Rate: 4096 Kbps

Upstream Rate: 512 Kbps

Downstream Margin: 31 db

Upstream Margin: 28 db

Downstream Line Attenuation: 18

Upstream Line Attenuation: 10

These Values are IMHO, the worst you can accept. I am 4km away from the next node.

May be someone can explain better than I do.

That looks "pretty good"

Attenuation = distance to the exchange, the higher the value the further away you are.

ADSL maximum line speed estimator

Something is out of control.... you've got an almost "perfect" stream others...

Edited by webfact
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Aside from the Disconnection every 5 minutes.

I thought mine would have been better..


You call this an Internet Connection?

Please, and I urge everybody to check their lines "noise" expressed in db. In my case - I am not a technician - it took maxnet 1 and 1/2 years to finally relocate my internet line to hang freely and NOT close to any powerline. This caused electromagnetical interference and thus resulted in a dampening of my line.

Now, not considering the insufficient bandwidth, I am not disconnected any more, and my down- and upload speed improved. Check your modem for those values.

Downstream Rate: 4096 Kbps

Upstream Rate: 512 Kbps

Downstream Margin: 31 db

Upstream Margin: 28 db

Downstream Line Attenuation: 18

Upstream Line Attenuation: 10

These Values are IMHO, the worst you can accept. I am 4km away from the next node.

May be someone can explain better than I do.

Mines a bit worse

SNR Margin Down/Up(dB) 11.8 / 6.0

Attenuation Down/Up(dB) 21.0 / 35.6

Signal-to-noise ratio compares the level of a desired signal (such as music) to the level of background noise. The higher the ratio, the less obtrusive the background noise is. A bad line is like going from listening to someone talk in a quiet room to trying to hearing them at Lucifers Disco.

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Aside from the Disconnection every 5 minutes.

I thought mine would have been better..


You call this an Internet Connection?

Please, and I urge everybody to check their lines "noise" expressed in db. In my case - I am not a technician - it took maxnet 1 and 1/2 years to finally relocate my internet line to hang freely and NOT close to any powerline. This caused electromagnetical interference and thus resulted in a dampening of my line.

Now, not considering the insufficient bandwidth, I am not disconnected any more, and my down- and upload speed improved. Check your modem for those values.

Downstream Rate: 4096 Kbps

Upstream Rate: 512 Kbps

Downstream Margin: 31 db

Upstream Margin: 28 db

Downstream Line Attenuation: 18

Upstream Line Attenuation: 10

These Values are IMHO, the worst you can accept. I am 4km away from the next node.

May be someone can explain better than I do.

Mines a bit worse

SNR Margin Down/Up(dB) 11.8 / 6.0

Attenuation Down/Up(dB) 21.0 / 35.6

Signal-to-noise ratio compares the level of a desired signal (such as music) to the level of background noise. The higher the ratio, the less obtrusive the background noise is. A bad line is like going from listening to someone talk in a quiet room to trying to hearing them at Lucifers Disco.

May be they have wrapped your Internet line around a power cable?? Who knows??

Therefore the more noise you have, the more attenuation you do need, to keep the line going. But it definitely slows your connection down. But let me tell you, as Madnet has a monopoly at the place where I am living, I cannot change my provider.

I always told them (Madnet): "What would you do? You see a beautiful Mercedes Benz, candy-red, conolly seats, in my showroom. You pay cash to have it delivered within four weeks. And after four weeks, I deliver a stupid Toyota to you. Everybody at Maxnet understood this, but they could not come up with a solution up to today. But I heard zillions of " May pen rais" meanwhile. This company just sucks.

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Aside from the Disconnection every 5 minutes.

I thought mine would have been better..


You call this an Internet Connection?

Please, and I urge everybody to check their lines "noise" expressed in db. In my case - I am not a technician - it took maxnet 1 and 1/2 years to finally relocate my internet line to hang freely and NOT close to any powerline. This caused electromagnetical interference and thus resulted in a dampening of my line.

Now, not considering the insufficient bandwidth, I am not disconnected any more, and my down- and upload speed improved. Check your modem for those values.

Downstream Rate: 4096 Kbps

Upstream Rate: 512 Kbps

Downstream Margin: 31 db

Upstream Margin: 28 db

Downstream Line Attenuation: 18

Upstream Line Attenuation: 10

These Values are IMHO, the worst you can accept. I am 4km away from the next node.

May be someone can explain better than I do.

Mines a bit worse

SNR Margin Down/Up(dB) 11.8 / 6.0

Attenuation Down/Up(dB) 21.0 / 35.6

Signal-to-noise ratio compares the level of a desired signal (such as music) to the level of background noise. The higher the ratio, the less obtrusive the background noise is. A bad line is like going from listening to someone talk in a quiet room to trying to hearing them at Lucifers Disco.

May be they have wrapped your Internet line around a power cable?? Who knows??

Therefore the more noise you have, the more attenuation you do need, to keep the line going. But it definitely slows your connection down. But let me tell you, as Madnet has a monopoly at the place where I am living, I cannot change my provider.

I always told them (Madnet): "What would you do? You see a beautiful Mercedes Benz, candy-red, conolly seats, in my showroom. You pay cash to have it delivered within four weeks. And after four weeks, I deliver a stupid Toyota to you. Everybody at Maxnet understood this, but they could not come up with a solution up to today. But I heard zillions of " May pen rais" meanwhile. This company just sucks.

Not all  internet in Thailand Sucks,  some of it just blows.  but if you stand beside it, it does nothing at all.

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I have had thesame problem as you for a long time, but now its back to normal again, with the exemption that i cant make international phonecalls via x-lite (SIP) or skype! Witch i could before this problem started a few weeks ago. The call either doesnt connect at all or ive got a like 5-7 sec delay in my calls. What could have happend when i got exactly (or even better ping) then before and thesame up/download speed.

Thank you in advance

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I have had thesame problem as you for a long time, but now its back to normal again, with the exemption that i cant make international phonecalls via x-lite (SIP) or skype! Witch i could before this problem started a few weeks ago. The call either doesnt connect at all or ive got a like 5-7 sec delay in my calls. What could have happend when i got exactly (or even better ping) then before and thesame up/download speed.

Thank you in advance

Another thread on SKYPE /TT&T problems here:


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How do you check the modem for the values?

Sorry im stupid. :)

Also, you should see the millions of twisted cables coming down my soi, I've got absolutely NO IDEA how they do it, its absolutely incredible. I took a picture of it once and showed people back home and they coulding believe their eyes. Some of the cables hang that low I could stand there and adjust my own line....<deleted>, no wonder nothing works, it shouldnt surprise any of us :D

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How do you check the modem for the values?

Sorry im stupid. :)

Also, you should see the millions of twisted cables coming down my soi, I've got absolutely NO IDEA how they do it, its absolutely incredible. I took a picture of it once and showed people back home and they coulding believe their eyes. Some of the cables hang that low I could stand there and adjust my own line....<deleted>, no wonder nothing works, it shouldnt surprise any of us :D

What brand and model of model do you have, most can be accessed from the browser if that's your default gateway, by default the username/password from TT&T is admin and TTT, from there the status page shows all in most.

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Wow ..my connection is 'half fixed' as of last night. When I say half fixed, that is because 'my fave site in US' is now accessable any time of day ...but my 2nd fave isn't. :D

Also, Thai web site load times have speeded up a bit also.

I really do think they have been doing some 'port blocking'/ 'specific website blocking'. I am no teccy but it all seems a bit fishy to me. Are they now in the 'process' of unravelling this mess? Let's hope so.

Just for those teccy's out there and recent Snr's etc. Mine are good and have been all through this 'problem period' ..thus I don't think that it is the 'problem' for many that we seem to be facing ....skullduggery at the big HQ ! We can all keep looking for the answers, but the answers lie with our beloved provider.

SNR 36.8 down 26.0 up Line atten. 5.0 down 5.7 up Pretty Good yeah? ... thus not the cause of 'problems'.

Good luck to you all, and your bill waivers, and your 1103 calls :)

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