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Last week I was hovering down around 60k. its recovered a bit since but on a 1 MB package this is well beyond the bounds of what is reasonable. if i have the pleasure of meeting some True execs I plan to carry out a bit of involuntary (for them) rectal surgery.

I will also suggest they start offering free dial up modems as an option with their hi- speed internet accounts.


I was wondering whether I was the only one. Just today True's internatinoal speed dropped dramatically for me. Used to be around 450k (I use 512k) all the time, but today was hovering around 20-40k.

True's giving me some BS about "a lot of users", but I'm not using the home package, so they can't give me that reason. Anyways, they're looking into it. I haven't seen any complaints on the Thai ADSL board, so I'm guessing only the high-price packages are affected.

PS I tried the bandwidthplace test just now... 3 minutes into the test, and it was still running. My status bar shows 5k/sec transfers.


is it just me or its the fact that ive not used the adsl for like 2 weeks...

i use true adsl at work and at home in bangkok and havent experienced such low speeds...

did you ppl stop all other internet activities before...

could be that the bandwith of the server hosting the speed test is sad...

reffer to http://www.adslthailand.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=11422

thailands total internet bandwidth is cloging!!! so u switching to dial-up wont help much...


devil dog, it just happened today. No, it's not because of the bandwidth at the server hosting the speed test, since I've tried with several test sites, and also have monitored speeds via other transfer methods (http, ntp, p2p, etc). All are less than 8kbytes (around 64 kbits). Yes, nothing else is running, or using the bandwidth (you can press ctrl-alt-delete and look at the bandwidth graph).

My line is not the problem, since testing with True's own server give a full 512k. We're not using the home package.


The same as what Firefoxx said above goes for me as well. It's so typical to blame the user first, but we're seasoned users and know better than to trust just one test at one site. Believe me, it's a crawl today, when normally on Sundays it's flying.

Perhaps True is "hogging" the bandwidth for some promotional exhibitions in some areas in Bangkok (I'm across from the True Tower on Ratchadapisek Road).


bandwidth problems on a sunday....

seems a lota thai ppl now use adsl at home too,...

the ISPs are keepin on giving out adsl connections without thinking of the bandwidth....the total international bandwidth of thailand is only around 3600 mbps.....<deleted>!!!!

there must be a requirement for atleast 100 times that...

the total international bandwidth of true is only 1358 Mbps....


for your P2P to work really well, there should be some way to users in thailand to transfer among themselfes.....

any coders here could shed light....

explanation by malus is totally justified.....could be in that promotional exhibit they have set up kiosks for free internet for potential customers to try out the adsl speed first....and they have alloted all of their bandwidth there.....c'mon 1358 mbps is too low....im sure true has over 5,000 customers on the 1Mbps scheme alone....what abt the 256, 512....or even 2mbps and 4 mbps???


Thing is, I'm prepared to accept the "many users" BS for people using the home package. The home package supposedly has a share ratio of nearly 50:1. However, melus and I aren't using the home package, we're using more expensive packages with 20:1 share ratios. Not only that, I would even accept the BS if the speed dropped around 50%, but this is a drop of 90% from typical, over the course of a single night.

I don't live anywhere near the True tower, but I'm still getting bad speeds.


gettin an average of 1.2mbits a sec today on the 2.5mbit package, the QoS is still a total bag og <deleted> though. I need to switch to the @true2m for connection critical apps :o


It's around 10:45pm now, and the connection has improved a bit. The tested speeds are now between 100 and 200k, but still a far cry from the usual 400-500k.


I am not sure you are right to blame TRUE.

I have TOT and the same senario applies.

One day blazingly fast , the next day it looks like a poor dialup link.

Saturday I was trying to download a 6Mb file and it was predicting more than 1 day for the download, which is a joke on a 1Mb line.

Internal bandwidth on the TV fileshare is quite good.

I suspect CAT are the culprits.


For comparison purposes, from the island of Saipan, Verizon 512/256 ADSL bandwidthplace.com test:

Communications 246.9 kilobits per second

Storage 30.1 kilobytes per second

1MB file download 34 seconds

Presumably the bandwidth here is limited by the width of the pipe that connects us with the rest of the world.

At work we have a 256K fractional T1 direct to the mainland (from MCI) and the throughput there is worse than it is here at home with ADSL. I tested it Friday using bandwidthplace and got 230 kbs.


CAT is the culprit.....there should be an effort made from the ISPs to have more direct link to international internet exchanges (eg true has 45 mbps link to korea not thru CAT)

I feel CAT is too much of a hassle for the government to manage...it should be given to the private sector....they would surely see profits in increasing the bandwidth....


asia infonet is TRUE...


Studying the map would say that KSC might be a good bet. They seem to have the biggest direct international bandwidth(meaning not through the CAT) at 155M, followed by Loxinfo at 90M.

Studying the map would say that KSC might be a good bet. They seem to have the biggest direct  international bandwidth(meaning not through the CAT) at 155M, followed by Loxinfo at 90M.

Until you understand that most of that bandwidth is probably used by ABAC. I have quite them twice in the past on dial up accounts for poor service and changing conditions mid-stream.

If you want to complain here are the email of TRUE MD [email protected] and the MD os Asianet [email protected] Tell them your problems and how TRUE compares to ISP's in your home country.

if i were to compare true to isp in my home country then it would have praises for true...no comparasion....so i better keep shut regarding the comparison....

neways tx for the email addresses... will surely give them a piece of my mind...


Firefoxx mentioned improvement after 10 PM last night and I also noted a great deal of improvement. During day Sunday my average was about 60-80 on 512 circuit but sometime between 9-10 went to about 250. Assumed the kids in bed for school Monday. Today have had full 512 or better speed all day. But I know that can't last. :o


its awsome....

which speed test do u use? wonder what it would show on my current 28.8 kbps connection...hehe...

URL would be helpful...

The all famous McAfee..... test.

The all famous McAfee test

Same page as the first pic in this thread ....

Replace the '0150' with '0600' or '1500' or '3000' for more tests.

Just for fun .. how long does it the 3mb test on 28.8k? Mine: 16 seconds/1.465 mbs

(10:25 pm).

the results frm my dtac gprs on xda ii...

150.005 KB

Time Elapsed:

30 seconds

40 Kbps

(5 KBps)

faster than dial up on this stupid line...which gave around 26.5 kpbs....


Most b/width testers are un-reliable to say the least. Can you trace to the server in question? You might then be able to identify if you have a local contention issue or an international peering point issue (by far the most likely culprits).



Sniffdog, I really tried to let the matter lie. As you see, I didn't respond to your insult in the last thread. I never referred to it again. You still want to dig this up?

The test works for me, reliably. It also works for plenty of other folks. If you find some loophole (like using proxies or an incompatible browser) so that it doesn't work for you, it's totally fine by me. I'm not going to let this deteriorate into a senseless degrading flame war.

Sniffdog, I really tried to let the matter lie.  As you see, I didn't respond to your insult in the last thread.  I never referred to it again.  You still want to dig this up?

The test works for me, reliably.  It also works for plenty of other folks.  If you find some loophole (like using proxies or an incompatible browser) so that it doesn't work for you, it's totally fine by me.  I'm not going to let this deteriorate into a senseless degrading flame war.

well.... .justify this....

i am on a dial up 54.6 Kbps.

we all know that approx 57 Kbps is the physical limit of the telephone line when using it with a traditional modem...

and trust me i am not playing around with any settings or stuff....

PS: the image is too large to be included in the IMG tag, so i have linked the URL...

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