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Transfuring Money To Buy A Property

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You need a bank account here in LOS to make the transfer in to. You DO need to transfer the funds in you're local currency and allow the bank here to convert to baht. You do need to fill out a form here stating the reason the funds are being brought in.

I'm sure others will cover the aspects I missed and have more suggestions

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I am from New Zealand and looking at retireing in Phuket and buying a house, sick of-6 deg , Is there any do's and dont's in transfuring money to Thailand???

Graham :)

Longball was correct. In fact, the document you would have to complete at the bankm(preferaby prior to transfering the funds) s known as a T-33 document. Once it has been generatd, you will receive ths document. Keep it in your safe, because if yo ever sell your property, you will be allowed to transfer that same value ut of the country again, without any problems.

However; there are a number of things you need to be aware of, viz., if you ae "buying" a property (as you say), on what basis are you planning to do this ? Via a Co., Ltd. structure ? - Via a Thai wife, or girl-friend ? Have you (or a reliable lawyer) completed a properly conduced Due-Dilligence, before any money changes hands

Cut a long story short; there are may potenial pitfalls within this entire process and you would be wel advsed to get profesional help to lead you through this mine-field scenario. The golden rule is "If you can afford to lose your money and/or property: Just Do It !" - If you can't; GET PROPER ASSISTANCE ! !

PM me if you would like the full-story.



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