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Farang Informers


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... the police obviously knew this was happening and sent the farang in so he is the one to blame.....

Blame? Was that a slip of the pen (typing finger)? You make it sound as though this was a bad thing for the farang to have done. :o

to blame for the arrest,

when i used to work in the gogos we all paid the police, the police do not want this situation changed, its one h.ell of a lot of money each month, blaming the arrest on the farang is an easy way out for all the thais involved.

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The Situation is a vile one. However the only blame here lies with the bar owner for taking on an underage girl. You can't blame punters as much as you would like to Doctor John.

I wonder how did this Farang Volunteer know this girl was only 15???

I feel that there is more to this than meets the eye which will probably never see the light of day.

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a farang went in an a gogo bar in pattaya and secretly took some photo's of the showing; the girls dancing nud_e :D

next he went back to the police station to dob them in, then police arrived and arrests were made :D

what would you do with a prick like that, or was he maybe a volunteer tourist police :D

do we now have to watch our arse, wherever we go :D

Although I am against the snitching,what you forgot to point out was,it was 2.30am,one of the girls was 15,another 17,and they were in the middle of a show.

The laws have been relaxed in Pattaya,which is great for a lot of us who like a late drink,but it looks like this bar was taking the P***,and was oviously targeted for this reason

It was the Hot and Cold go-go,by the way.

thanks for the info, as i do not approve of underage gals i can see your point :D

however if farangs are prepared to do this, what else they might dob you in for :D

so now they will dob you for no workpermits, overstays, vagrancies, underage sex etc. :o

i agree with dr john, with farangs you are on your own, real sad that you really can't trust even your own mates anymore :D

Put it into perspective - they had underage girls in a sex show - you should be getting angry about that.

There's no reason to think the same person that did this would grass you up for no work permit.

Anyway - from your list of crimes....

For overstays & work permit issues - keep your mouth shut - no-one will know. Then you can't be grassed on. Loose lips sink ships.

Vagrancy - go back home to your family & sort yourself out.

Underage sex - 100% deserve to be grassed up & locked up. No need for it.

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The Situation is a vile one. However the only blame here lies with the bar owner for taking on an underage girl. You can't blame punters as much as you would like to Doctor John.

I wonder how did this Farang Volunteer know this girl was only 15???

I feel that there is more to this than meets the eye which will probably never see the light of day.

I dunno really, if lewdness and prostitution is illegal in Thailand and farangs are travelling 1000's of Kms to engage in such acts, then is there no accountability for breaking Thailands laws?

Its tricky, but for instance, if I was walking down some street in LA and got talking to a hooker and negotiated with her and went to a hotel room, and it was a sting operation and she was a cop, I would be busted for violating the law, even though I was set up by a cop.

Thailands drug laws are well known so only the foolish do Class 1 drugs in Thailand, the risk is just too high for many, Thailand also has laws saying that prostitution is illegal, but thousands of farangs travel to Thailand to pay for sex, but they are breaking the law, and if a 15 year old girl was doing a show in the UK or USA and the police raided the place, do you think the customers would sent home by the Police with an apology for spoiling their night?

I think the only way to stem Sex tourism is to stop the sex tourists coming in the first place, and if that means putting laws into place where they are liable to arrest, then so be it. These guys think that they can do anything they like once they are outside their own country, it's about time this was stopped.

A bit draconian maybe, but stern measures are needed to curb the tide of scum floating into Thailand on a regular basis. :o

Edited by Doctor John
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na, i dont agree with that dave and rdn, this is something farangs shouldnt get involved in if they value their lives, ........i really believe that farangs are risking their lives when they grass up a thai bar owner and cause him to lose his livelihood,.......this is something for the thais to sort out and not for farangs to get involved in..

There was a time when people did something because it was the right thing to do, irrespective of what might happen to them.

rdn, yes but in our own home country, here we are purely guests, whether it be a 3 month or 1 year visa, the thai police know every single bar that is showing, but they are selective over the ones they charge or close, now the onus is on the farang that grassed the bar up rather than the police who knew it was showing and arrested them.

ok underage is extremely serious and wrong, but the thai police if they had the bottle could have raided it themselves and took the blame rather than getting some dumb farang to go in and take pics and then call them when the show is starting so he gets the blame for the arrest, it is purely the thai police protecting there income...

you are absolutely right here, i was in a beer bar on walking street last night and the manager there told me -as i told him the girls in his bar were old bags- a number of bars to go to find 15-17 yr old girls, all on walking street :D

i then when on to lucifer's and meanwhile was followed by a volunteer on, my way there, when i spotted him he quickly turned around and then eyeballed me all the way to lucifer's <deleted> :o

I will never bow down to a farang volunteer copper, i respect what they do IF they help the tourists, I talk to them if they talk to me but as soon as the authority bit comes out then bo**ocks, I don't do anything to warrent a problem anyway but i watch the way some of them put on their SWAT gear and march around frowning at everybody :D

As mentioned before they leave my bar alone (i think they've been told to) On a social basis they are very welcome, coming in to check up= NO :D

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It would be nice if law enforcement were, occasionally, consistent in Thailand, but it never will be. With its well-known associations with the underground, I'd say the police's farang informers are taking the biggest risks themselves. That said, I guess there's not much harm done if they clean things up a bit- assuming, of course, that their own houses are not made of glass. In that case, the shattering sound will be particularly pleasing to the masses.


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The Situation is a vile one. However the only blame here lies with the bar owner for taking on an underage girl. You can't blame punters as much as you would like to Doctor John.

I wonder how did this Farang Volunteer know this girl was only 15???

I feel that there is more to this than meets the eye which will probably never see the light of day.

I dunno really, if lewdness and prostitution is illegal in Thailand and farangs are travelling 1000's of Kms to engage in such acts, then is there no accountability for breaking Thailands laws?

Its tricky, but for instance, if I was walking down some street in LA and got talking to a hooker and negotiated with her and went to a hotel room, and it was a sting operation and she was a cop, I would be busted for violating the law, even though I was set up by a cop.

Thailands drug laws are well known so only the foolish do Class 1 drugs in Thailand, the risk is just too high for many, Thailand also has laws saying that prostitution is illegal, but thousands of farangs travel to Thailand to pay for sex, but they are breaking the law, and if a 15 year old girl was doing a show in the UK or USA and the police raided the place, do you think the customers would sent home by the Police with an apology for spoiling their night?

I think the only way to stem Sex tourism is to stop the sex tourists coming in the first place, and if that means putting laws into place where they are liable to arrest, then so be it. These guys think that they can do anything they like once they are outside their own country, it's about time this was stopped.

A bit draconian maybe, but stern measures are needed to curb the tide of scum floating into Thailand on a regular basis. :D

Perhaps some of these punters were just in the go go bars doing research as you have done before. :o

How do you know that these people in the go go bar were any different to you and more importantly how would the police know?

Would you consider it fair if you were caught in a go go bar and deported and named and shamed because it's a situation that could occur to you as you have been to go go bars before?

Do you think that the Thais are as much to blame for prostituion as farang? I would hope so, or your view seems very biased.

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Perhaps some of these punters were just in the go go bars doing research as you have done before. :o

How do you know that these people in the go go bar were any different to you and more importantly how would the police know?

Would you consider it fair if you were caught in a go go bar and deported and named and shamed because it's a situation that could occur to you as you have been to go go bars before?

Do you think that the Thais are as much to blame for prostituion as farang? I would hope so, or your view seems very biased.

The life of a humble researcher is sometimes risky, it's a cross I have to bear. :D

Do I think the Thais are responsible for Thousands of Farang sex tourists boarding planes across the world to travel to Thailand to exploit a situation with people who find themselves in a financially vulnerable position?

No. It would be like blaming the murder victim for being murdered.

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Perhaps some of these punters were just in the go go bars doing research as you have done before. :o

How do you know that these people in the go go bar were any different to you and more importantly how would the police know?

Would you consider it fair if you were caught in a go go bar and deported and named and shamed because it's a situation that could occur to you as you have been to go go bars before?

Do you think that the Thais are as much to blame for prostituion as farang? I would hope so, or your view seems very biased.

The life of a humble researcher is sometimes risky, it's a cross I have to bear. :D

Do I think the Thais are responsible for Thousands of Farang sex tourists boarding planes across the world to travel to Thailand to exploit a situation with people who find themselves in a financially vulnerable position?

No. It would be like blaming the murder victim for being murdered.

A lot of murder victims are to blame

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It's a bit of a chicken and egg question (which came first, the prostitute or the john?). But there MUST be some blame put on the Thais -- otherwise, who do you explain the fact that Thailand has become a huge sex tourism destination, while plenty of other countries -- many of them poorer -- have not?

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It's a bit of a chicken and egg question (which came first, the prostitute or the john?).  But there MUST be some blame put on the Thais -- otherwise, who do you explain the fact that Thailand has become a huge sex tourism destination, while plenty of other countries -- many of them poorer -- have not?

Attractive women , cheap accomodation, relative safety and acceptance, cheap air travel, it all makes Thailand available to even the humblest worker on a low wage.

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It's a bit of a chicken and egg question (which came first, the prostitute or the john?).  But there MUST be some blame put on the Thais -- otherwise, who do you explain the fact that Thailand has become a huge sex tourism destination, while plenty of other countries -- many of them poorer -- have not?

Attractive women , cheap accomodation, relative safety and acceptance, cheap air travel, it all makes Thailand available to even the humblest worker on a low wage.

You could say the same thing about Bali, Sri Lanka, India, China, Mexico, Guatemala, and many many other places that haven't let themselves become what Thailand has.

Add to the Thailand equation corruption, greed, lack of self-dignity, lack of ethics and morals, and a mercenary desire for conspicuous wealth on the part of the Thais involved in, supporting, and averting their eyes from the sex industry...and then perhaps you start to have the beginnings of an explanation. But to claim the Thais are the completely innocent victims of farangs' desire for sex with them is ridiculous.

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Dr. John - whether we like it or not prostitution is here to stay. Until the govt improves the economic position for all Thai(s) by providing good jobs then the situation will never change. I dare say even when that happens you are still going to have an industry for prostitution. We can scream all day and all night about sex tourists, thai customers and the supposed exploited but it wont change naught. Your best bet is to leave Thailand or ignore it before you have a stroke. :o

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Perhaps some of these punters were just in the go go bars doing research as you have done before. :o

How do you know that these people in the go go bar were any different to you and more importantly how would the police know?

Would you consider it fair if you were caught in a go go bar and deported and named and shamed because it's a situation that could occur to you as you have been to go go bars before?

Do you think that the Thais are as much to blame for prostituion as farang? I would hope so, or your view seems very biased.

The life of a humble researcher is sometimes risky, it's a cross I have to bear. :D

Do I think the Thais are responsible for Thousands of Farang sex tourists boarding planes across the world to travel to Thailand to exploit a situation with people who find themselves in a financially vulnerable position?

No. It would be like blaming the murder victim for being murdered.

I'm afraid you chose to misread the question.

I asked "Do you think that the Thais are as much to blame for prostituion as farang?"

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I agree with Crazy Daves comments about the police do know what is going on.

I only come to Pattaya at weekends and I can think of which gogo's have underage girls (and for the MOST part, they are NOT on Walking Street), which bars employ farang without work permits, Which characters are as big a villains as they come (and how all seem to be upstanding members of community/rotary types/donations to orphanages/paying for new police buildings etc).

The police DO know what goes on in Pattaya however for the most part they choose to ignore it.

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