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I Love Today In Chiangmai


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Btw, did anyone notice the tag for this thread? :D:)

That squirrel gave his life that we might meet with the good fortune that has been ours (except for the star-crossed kangeroo, poor lad) these last couple of days. I think he deserves all the recognition he's getting. :D

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And Al Pacino's nose knows cappuccinos.....

As a small child, did you find entertaining the question, 'What noise annoys an oyster?'

Nope, never heard that one before Razza. But now that I'm a big child I do find it mildly entertaining.

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well i am sure chaigmai is a wonderful place when you have been there a while and understand how the place runs , but for me its a shit hole got of the train my mobile phone taken by some one cleaning the cabin arrived in a hotel room that they double booked ,went for a walk nearly died on the fumes and then to put the cream on the cake had my visa cared scammed at the mall .

Sorry to hear that. In all the time I've spent in Chiang Mai I've never had any problems at all. But, luck DOES seem to run hot and cold. Maybe I'm due for a down turn and yours can only get better. Thirteen years ago when my second wife left me with her psychotic, schitzoid, druggie son I thought my world had come to an end. Then, 10 months later I came to Thailand and my whole life changed for the better. I've never looked back without counting my blessings.

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Forgive me, it won't last long, but if I might just slip discreetly back on topic for a moment, I've been thinking again today that the 'rainy season', which like so many labels captures a truth at the expense of hiding many others, is actually one of my favourite times in Chiangmai. The light is just amazing, don't you think? I started this topic talking about the clouds and light, but I'm back to them, because I think they define this season and are so beautiful but I've never heard anyone speak of them as constituting a magical part of Chiangmai at this time of year. Just a little while ago, I was looking at the sky to the north of town, and there was a great dark, really dark, patch of cloud and, from it to the ground below, the same darkness. That is, of course, it was raining all get out there or, to borrow an image suggested by the poem I quoted earlier, it was raining cats and dogs. Anyway, there was that, but then at the same time just off to the left (from the angle I was watching, I mean, but geographically at a point much further south) Doi Suthep was partially wrapped and covered in clouds too, but these were much lighter, and positively white where the sunlight was piling on to the other side of them, with gaps through which the uninterrupted sunlight spilled through quite intensely, erupting vegetal greens and other colours on the mountainside. What a contrast! I think it's marvelous. And that's what I mean by some of the truth that is denied by a term like 'rainy season', which, to me anyway, evokes only the rain and hints at none of the rest of this amazing stuff.

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I started this topic talking about the clouds and light, but I'm back to them

Since I was rude by going off topic previously perhaps this will help make up for it. :) Taken just a few minutes ago from my back yard.

post-566-1247140557_thumb.jpg post-566-1247140599_thumb.jpg

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Btw, did anyone notice the tag for this thread? :D:)

That squirrel gave his life that we might meet with the good fortune that has been ours these last couple of days. I think he deserves all the recognition he's getting. :D

Maybe some of you might want to know how he's doing...


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With this talk of love and happiness, dead squirrels and cats I thought I might add this sad tale.

My 5 year old son has a dog, a rabbit, a turtle, numerous fish and his beloved cat which he has named Kitenee. He absolutely adores this little creature and I must add I am also very fond of all his animals and particularly Kitanee with the short Asian cats tail.

Anyway, 3 nights ago Kitanee decided it was time to go outside to do what cats do in SE Asia at 3 in the morning, where we live more than likely not on a squirrel hunt, so begrudgingly I dragged myself out of bed to let poor pussy out.

Well we haven't seen Kitanee since and the little fellah is heartbroken, he is constantly asking when she will come back and looks through the windows in the hope she will be there waiting to be let in. It really hurts to see my little boy so sad about the loss of his friend to the extent that I have tears in my eyes every time Kitanee's name is mentioned. We've been out, my wife, son and I, wandering the neighborhood searching and asking if anyone has seen out little friend but to no avail.

Hopefully she has just gone out for a few days of friendship with a local Tom, but I've got serious doubts and feel that Kitanee has come to an untimely end.

Sorry to bore you all with my little story but I'd like to share it with some who may consider me a friend.

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If she isnt neutered she may well just be going out on an adventure. Another thing is cats being curious she may have gotten herself locked up in a garage or similar by accident. Why not make up a few posters with her pic on it..maybe even a small reward? Well..I will keep my fingers crossed that she will turn up complaining her dinner is late like nothing ever happened. :)

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Since I was rude by going off topic previously perhaps this will help make up for it. :D Taken just a few minutes ago from my back yard.

You were no such thing, Tywais, but the pictures are great, so it more than doesn't make up for anything. :)

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Eek is right, Blinky the big question is, has your cat been sterilized? If not, was she yowling or being very overly affectionate before her disappearance? If so, then your kitty will soon be momma kitty.

If not, then posters are a good idea. Ask around the neighborhood as well. My dog went on an adventure once and nobody thought I was too crazy for searching for him.

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Our kitty vanished for 3 or 4 days and the girls went up and prayed to a Buddha on Doi Suthep. The next day he walked in the door soaking wet and covered in chemicals, but very alive.

I hope that Kitenee walks in your door soon.

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This is so perfect! I can recite here my favourite poem of all time. It's called Crow Tyrannosaurus and reading it always makes a good day even better:

Creation quaked voices --

It was a cortege

Of mourning and lament

Crow could hear and he looked around fearfully.

Why thankyou dear Rasseru

In my neck of the woods it is winter time and cold (for Australia) and wet. Fortunately I have the open fireplace well stocked and my hovel mo matter how humble it be is warm and a cosy roost for this aging crow.

I have my Bodum coffee press at home and a commercial cappuccino machine at work so my cafeine needs are well supported.

I hope the good weather continues for you good folk back in CM and look forward to being home soon.


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Hopefully she has just gone out for a few days of friendship with a local Tom, but I've got serious doubts and feel that Kitanee has come to an untimely end.

Sorry to bore you all with my little story but I'd like to share it with some who may consider me a friend.

BB please keep us informed on your search for pussy


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I hope the good weather continues for you good folk back in CM and look forward to being home soon.

Actually, the weather today is better and thus, in a way, worse. It is a very blue sky day, with far fewer of the clouds that have been capturing my fancy recently. An unalloyed good feature is that the air seems very clean and fresh and particularly translucent.

We look forward to welcoming you home soon. Keep us posted.

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Given the particularly translucent air today, I was able to see Doi Inthanon this clearly from my balcony this morning. :)


A rare sight indeed, dear friend.

The diaphanous atmosphere is particularly conducive for the undertaking of outdoor activities.

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If she isnt neutered she may well just be going out on an adventure. Another thing is cats being curious she may have gotten herself locked up in a garage or similar by accident. Why not make up a few posters with her pic on it..maybe even a small reward? Well..I will keep my fingers crossed that she will turn up complaining her dinner is late like nothing ever happened. :)
Bummer, Blinky. I think eek's idea is a good one. Even if it does not get Kitanee back home, I think the two of you being busy working on it together would be a good thing.
Eek is right, Blinky the big question is, has your cat been sterilized? If not, was she yowling or being very overly affectionate before her disappearance? If so, then your kitty will soon be momma kitty.

If not, then posters are a good idea. Ask around the neighborhood as well. My dog went on an adventure once and nobody thought I was too crazy for searching for him.

Our kitty vanished for 3 or 4 days and the girls went up and prayed to a Buddha on Doi Suthep. The next day he walked in the door soaking wet and covered in chemicals, but very alive.

I hope that Kitenee walks in your door soon.

Thanks to all above for the good wishes and ideas. Kitanee hasn't been spayed due to lack of veterinarians within 100 kms of home, so hopefully she will return with a stomach full of paws and tails, that idea really appeals to my little fellah, not so much to the wife or I. We will continue with the evening walks around the area and hopefully someone will have some news. Fortunately, cats are not a favoured dish in our area.

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Sawasdee Khrup, All,

Khun Blinky : so sorry to hear of the missing Kitanee ! My cat, Khun Montarattnachompalongmeow na Chiang Mai, has not disappeared in a long time, but he is frequently in more than one place at once.

Khun Hulot : thank you for revealing the plot. may the dis-animate container that formerly held squirrel-essence rest in peace. may no cat dig him up and desecrate his tomb saying : "Alas, poor Yorick, I knew him well."

Last night about 3am when I went off on my soy bicycle-run, I was astounded by the clarity of the night sky with the just-early-waning moon. And (must be) Jupiter was so brilliant. Coming out of a programming trance lasting several hours I just stopped and stared : yes, "moonstruck." I felt the ghosts of all the Mother Goddesses moving all around me, hovering over the swollen russet Ping where their larval divine sprite children (Nang Fa) are just putting on some fat after birth (to protect them from any rogue Phiyanaak [Nagas]).

My usual vendors on Charoenmaung being absent (probably sold out), I bicycled down to the Talat Thong Kham the small market near Talat Sanphakoi where there is a very nice lady who charges five baht per bag of soy-milk ... but she is generous : three of hers yield near a liter compared to the average 290-320 ml. per bag. Her husband was busy preparing the rising dough for the kind of "inflated crullers" that are usually avaiable at all the soy milk stands : he was working with complete concentration, and I watched him fascinated for nearly ten minutes. There was a zen like quality of economy and absolute practicality in his movements as he kneaded the dough, sprinkled more flour on it, stretched it, cut it into a strip, slowly elongated the strip, went though the strip about two inches at a time stetching it further while patting it and kneading out any lumps. But there was also a dramatic quality in his movements, and a rhythm.

Like Khun Rasseru, I really like the rainy season here. I like the contrasts of several days of cloudiness and near constant rain, then real hot sunlit days, and then (still to come) the torrential downpours that only four years ago saw the small soi in front of my house turned into a river near one meter high with a current so strong you could barely bicycle or walk against it. But those are rare, those kind of floods, that reach this far from the Ping, I am told by the old-timers around here, in this neighborhood.

Noctilucent !

regards, ~o:37;

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