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Advice About Documentation For Non-immigrant Visa

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Hi everyone,

I am hoping I can optain a non-immigrant multible entry visa.

It really would make everything a lot easier for me because I live in Thailand almost full time.

But how to do it?

The good things.

I am a danish national and I am currently in Denmark for the next month or so. I also hear that the consulate here can be reasonable when giving out visas.

On top of that I will also have a brand new passport since my old one is to expire soon. That way the consulate will not see all my tourist visas.

But I dont know what kind of Non-Immigrant visa to ask for. I also dont know what kind of documentation they might ask for.

I just need to be better prepared.

Any advice for when I apply?

Thank you very much in advance.

PS. I do not work in Thailand.


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You are looking for a Multi Entry Non O Visa. Reason to visit friends. Not many Consulates will issue this for that reason.

If you fail in Denmark. Try Hull UK. Stuttgart Germany or Amsterdam. You can apply by post. Look at there websites.

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Visiting friends is legitimate grounds for a non-imm O?

Yes - depending on the consulate. I've certainly gone that route via the Hull consulate (UK). Sometimes worth taking these published requirements with a pinch of salt............... TIT. :)

To the OP: if your Danish consulate won't grant a non-Imm "O' on that basis, try a call to Alan Taylor at the Hull consulate. Not sure what he'd do about issuing visas to a non-UK national but I do know he does everything he can to be helpful to those applying. If he says "yes", you should be able to do it in just a few days by express mail.

Contact details at http://www.thaiconsul-uk.com/

Edited by Steve2UK
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Ok, thanks.

So what if I say something like (the truth as it happens) I will be visiting friends, my girlfriend and looking into the possibility of starting a business in Thailand.

Would that be ok? Or is it just down to the consulates mood that day?

Is there anything else I can do to make it easier for the consulate to approve the visa?


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You have to use a Consulate that accepts that reason - officially it was removed from MFA website years ago so now it is normally only a handful of Honorary Royal Thai Consulates that will accept and they do not normally advertise it.

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Ok, thanks.

So what if I say something like (the truth as it happens) I will be visiting friends, my girlfriend and looking into the possibility of starting a business in Thailand.

Would that be ok? Or is it just down to the consulates mood that day?

Is there anything else I can do to make it easier for the consulate to approve the visa?


Agree with Lite Beer and (the ever-encyclopaedic lopburi3 :) ). Best not to mix reasons. I got my first non-Imm 'B' when "looking into starting a business" was an MFA-listed reason. I got my second one after they had removed it (and the consulate website specifically stated that it was no longer a valid reason to get a 'B'). Get the right consulate and it all follows from there.

@ JannikOJ: Lite Beer seems to have good reason for thinking that Hull will issue to you as a Danish national (EU etc?) - so call (for preference) or e-mail Alan Taylor there. He really is exceptionally friendly and helpful - and always in a good mood. :D

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