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Gecko In Goo, Loses Half His Arse, But Is Saved


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Sawasdee Khrup, Tee Vee Friends,

This late morning, after I gave up trying to sleep, I went into the kitchen to top-up my insomnolent half-corpse with a jolt of Mother Kali's own Divine-Bean-Milk.

I found that I had left about 250 ml. or so of soy-milk sit out overnight in a large, open, 1 liter plastic container, and while spanking myself mentally, looked down to see the state of this neglected entheoleguminalctose.

Behold : a tiny reptile head appeareth in a thick white muck !

At first I thought was a little tiny green snakeling, but then, as I eyeballed closer, I could see was a little gecko. And he (she ?) was alive.

How to save ? I thought would be easy just take some toilet tissue and gently reach in surround the gecko, squeeze ever-so-gently and lift out.

Turns out the white mucous was not parting with its prize. It clung his body !

I considered the idea of rinsing out the whole container, but thought that would probably drown the gecko.

So I went in the shower area with the container, and tried the toilet tissue thing again with a bit more pressure this time.

He came out he did, my captive gecko, but festooned with a large tail of the white muck which (my mind boggled) actually stretched out almost a meter before it said goodbye to its gooey mother.

Okay, I paused, thinking it should now be easy to clean off the goo from the gecko ... at least easier.

About this time said gecko was wriggling and his wriggles could barely move his sticky overcoat. It was sticking to him with the same tenacity that he could stick to a ceiling. My mind boggled again : "could this, too, be the Coriolis effect at play in the fields of the Lord," I thought to myself.

Several wipes with fresh toilet tissue produced some results, and finally, trying to keep his head out of water, I rinsed him careully.

By this point he was real stirred up.

I took him outside after the last wipe-down and when I opened the toilet tissue I held him in, I saw his tail had come off.

And there was a lot of tail gone there. A bloody stump his poor arse looked. Which didn't worry me : I know from childhood about lizards and chameleons "dropping tail" in case of crisis, and that they do regenerate, unlike either my sorry human arse, or my less sorry orang ass.

My cat, meanwhile, was watching all of this with great interest since : for kitty : geckoes, or anything small that moves, is obviously divine manna from cat-heaven. The miracle of prey, toy, and food, all-in-one.

So I did this awkward dance of trying to restrain the gecko in my hand while getting kitty put back in the house and the door shut. Now both kitty and gecko were unhappy with me.

I thought to myself : "this gecko has been through a lot; if he survives one day he'll tell his children of the evil-white-demon-who-won't-let-you-go, and they will tell their children, and throughout the ages the old geckoes re-telling this story will conclude, as his audience is on the edge of their seats : 'so, remember, sometimes it may be un-necessary to lose half your ass, but in case of doubt perhaps you are better off to do so."

And then, I imagine, some little gecko, eyes bigger than his head, will ask the shy nervous question : "is the evil white demon everywhere ?" And the old gecko will puff up slightly enjoying his moment in the spotlight and answer : "of course, I have met and escaped from the white demon myself."

And some other gecko will pipe-up and ask : "and how many times have you lost your arse ?" And a nervous gecko twitter will be accompanied by a simultaneous bobbing of all the gecko heads, but one.

The old gecko will look bemuse, then confused, and then, somewhat shame-facedly, reply "Too many times ... too many tmes to count."

And there will be a silence then :

Like this : ...

best, ~o:37;

p.s. I remain puzzled why this particular soy-milk turned into stretchy stuff rather just soured. And I am not planning to back to the street vendor I bought it from who is not the one I usually buy from. Epoxy milk I don't need to drink.

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:) Many thanks, o:37, for that great story. Hey, maybe that little gecko shat himself when he fell in the soy-milk, based on having had similar stories told to him in his youth, and the resulting introduction into the soy-milk of the non-soy material caused a chemical reaction of some kind? Anyway, you are a kind orang.
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:) What a wonderful story! But, more so in how it was written. Thank you for sharing :D


Hmm..quite strange about the soy milk..some kind of glutinous fat? o.O

edit: I know regular warmed milk would always get that yucky thick goo on top of it..maybe soy milk does similar (was your milk warm before?).. just clutching at straws here really. Hmm..talking of straws, maybe next time you leave the milk out, a straw might help the next unfortunate gecko! (Actually..Im guessing tho was a jing-jok lizard? Arent these guys a bit smaller than a gecko? But..details not important :D so nvm)

Edited by eek
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And you actually EAT that stuff? :D:D:D Did you ever think what it does to YOUR insides? :)

Great story by the way. I could picture it all. I rescue all sorts of critters including snakes and spiders. It's hard to believe that I am also a hunter.

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