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Academy Fantasia 6


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Anyone follow and watch Academy Fantasia 6 on TV in Thailand ? If you do, please consider voting for Tabby. That's my niece.

Is there a way I could vote from outside Thailand ?


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Anyone follow and watch Academy Fantasia 6 on TV in Thailand ? If you do, please consider voting for Tabby. That's my niece.

Is there a way I could vote from outside Thailand ?


Nothing personal but I would suggest to you that less than 1% of TV members watch this crap. But good luck to your niece.

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hey, thats a bit unfair, alot of my neigbours (wives mainly) watch and follow this. I will give your niece a worthy mention mate. mai me pan ha krab!

Is she any good though?

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hey, thats a bit unfair, alot of my neigbours (wives mainly) watch and follow this. I will give your niece a worthy mention mate. mai me pan ha krab!

Is she any good though?

do your neighbors wives play around on TV? I see true promoting it in 3D, thought it was bad enough in two dimensions. JK.

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Anyone follow and watch Academy Fantasia 6 on TV in Thailand ? If you do, please consider voting for Tabby. That's my niece.

Is there a way I could vote from outside Thailand ?


Tabby has a spectacular voice range - I hope she goes far. She was given immunity by the judges last week when she was one of the three people up for elimination.

Unfortunately, if you don't have a True Move SIM card, I don't think you can really vote from overseas. They have no online voting option.

The 3D sucks terribly - the idea is cool but the synchronization is thrown off each time the 3D comes on - personally I hope they get rid of it.

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Thanks for voting for my niece Tabby. I watched her for the first time on the internet last week. I didn't know she could dance and sing like she did. Too bad I can't vote for her somehow. She wore the wrong dress for the song she sang but my sister (Tabby's mom) said Tabby had to wear whatever they chose for her to wear. less than 1% of TV members watch this crap ? You're wrong.

Its very popular there, I hear.

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Happy for your neice, but karaoke should be a jailable offense.

My ears bleed. There's a reason most people aren't singers, dancers and musicians.

People get paid good money to weed through the morass to find talent. There's no way in hel_l I would willingly, voluntarily listen to people try.

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Thanks for voting for my niece Tabby. I watched her for the first time on the internet last week. I didn't know she could dance and sing like she did. Too bad I can't vote for her somehow. She wore the wrong dress for the song she sang but my sister (Tabby's mom) said Tabby had to wear whatever they chose for her to wear. less than 1% of TV members watch this crap ? You're wrong.

Its very popular there, I hear.

AF is really something primarily for Thai people, and I'd venture the majority of people on TV are expats who generally won't watch this stuff unless their relative or neighbor is involved, or their kids watch it (like me).

That said, it is extremely popular in Thailand (mostly Bangkok and Chiang Mai) - and now that the concert is also shown on Channel 9, it is picking up popularity in other parts as well.

As for the costume - unfortunately, she gets no say. But she's not being judged on costume so nothing to worry about.

I haven't heard what she's singing this week either, so no idea how she's getting along. But she has the quality to become a very good singer with some fine tuning - though I guess that's to be expected as she did study music or singing at university in the US...

The rest of you, be kind - you aren't forced to watch this show, and if you think this is simply karaoke you are sorely mistaken - they went through over 1000 hopefuls to get down to the final 12. Many of the girls have excellent voices - can't say the same for the boys though, so perhaps this is the year a female will finally win AF.

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Sadly, Tabby got the least votes this week and was eliminated. She didn't have one of her better weeks on the stage, although she wasn't bad.

But she still has one of the better voices amongst the girls - she'll still have some opportunities as a member of the AF6 crew, as they still all have contracts with True Music.

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I don't think any of the 60 or so "singers" from the previous five seasons made it big in the real world, despite UBC heavily promoting them.

Maybe there's nothing wrong with their singing, it's just that UBC is not in the music business, kids should go to Grammy or RC if they want to be professionals.


I don't think they should be jailed for bad singing, though. I think they should have their vocal cords surgically removed, and neutered, too.

I'm trying to fight my prejudice against karaoke, but I'm having a hard time here.

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The rest of you, be kind - you aren't forced to watch this show, and if you think this is simply karaoke you are sorely mistaken - they went through over 1000 hopefuls to get down to the final 12. Many of the girls have excellent voices - can't say the same for the boys though, so perhaps this is the year a female will finally win AF.

My GF watches it so a the very least I have to listen to it.... *shudders*.

A week or so ago she was watching it and I got the impression that the singers where doing playback, is it just me? There seemed to be a problem with the audio and at times it sounded like a CD skipping.

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Having seen and heard here performers dance, sing and play music instruments awfully wrong countless times, even at big concerts, it is always amazing, that the Thai audience really never cares about that. Everyone swings to the music and has fun. :)

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Having seen and heard here performers dance, sing and play music instruments awfully wrong countless times, even at big concerts, it is always amazing, that the Thai audience really never cares about that. Everyone swings to the music and has fun. :D


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I don't think any of the 60 or so "singers" from the previous five seasons made it big in the real world, despite UBC heavily promoting them.

Depends on what you call "making it big" - many have released albums, some more than one, many of them are also on TV and doing commercials.

None of them have risen to international status, if that's what you mean.

Last week there was a problem with the synchronization which involved the new 3D experience. It was fixed this week but they are still doing really stupid graphics on the screen.

On the whole, this year's AF is terrible compared to previous years - the stage sucks, the choreography is poor, and the 3D is irritating. The commentators were being exceedingly kind, which really bothers me.

My kids aren't happy with the show either - I told them to put their money where their mouth is by posting on the AF forums if that was the case.

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but she is still being the True singer though. :)

I do not like watching True Academy Fantasia when they are all in the house because it is way too drama, but do not mind watching the weekend show.

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