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I am not certain if this should be posted here or in the Technology forum,if the wrong forum Mods please move.

I used to download the VAF1 form in a PDF format to my computer(in the UK) and use Adobe "Typewriter" to fill it in and then send it to my partner to take to the VFS for submission.Working on the theory that the ECO would find a neat typwritten form easier than my scrawl.I could also save it and the next time we needed it, I could just update the relevant parts, as most of the basic information remains the same.

It now seems that the form you can download has had the ability to fill in the boxes disabled or removed and all you can do is print it out and fill it in by hand, not even cut and paste.I know you can fill it in online but it is more practical for me to do it this way.

Has anyone else encountered this problem, or is it just me? and does anyone know of a way that I can do this. I have searched things like the adobe website with no luck.

Thank you


Google for "PDFILL Editor" and download. You will have to pay around $20 for it, but it will allow you to save filled in documents, retrieve to :) edit both the form and filled in fields, move stuff around, and delete filled in data. It's a little hard to use but a whole lot cheaper than Adobe Professional.

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