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Advice Needed Concerning Property Settlement Land And House In Phayao.

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Hi all, my thai defacto wife of 15yrs recently packed her bags and left, has another guy.

My problem is indirectly, i have supported her family over this time, a new house 2 million B to build and 5 parcels of prime rice land in her name.

Now she is attempting to claim 70% of my assets including the family house here in australia. My plan is to travel to phayao soon and gain copys of her land titles and try to valuate the propertys. I also want to sit down with her family and sort the divorce out thai style.

If anyone has any ideas concerning how to get land deed copys or knows of a good lawyer in the region greatly appreciated.



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Hi Davo. Wow , What a mess. I genuinly feel for you . I can just imagine what your going through.

Ok , Chiang Rai lawyers are not worth even considering. They know people who know people etc etc and the chances are you wont get a fair deal.

The other problem with the lawyers here is that the ones I have met do not know the law, they just get by on the odd dispute that they handle.

My advise is to get a lawyer from back home who specialises in Thai law and preferable someone NOT Thai . Then you will stand a far better chance of having someone who really does know the law and can run rings around the clowns here. It would be cost effective to do that considering what you could lose.

As for you lady doing what she is trying to do, is what they have all been brainwashed into doing when the right time comes, screw you for everything they can get . You have had 15 years to wait for it to happen , many here lose their souls within a few months but one thing for sure , every single foreigner living here with a girlfriend or wife that has property or land put in their name, funded by the farang , are on tenterhooks waiting for it to happen I am sure. Those who can sell up and get their money back are far and few and I know if I could sell up , I would be off and running like hel_l.

I wish you good luck.

Also , if you are planning to see her family here, I would take a lawyer with you or ask the tourist police to escort you and protect you while you are there. This is a service that they do when asked.

When there is a possibility of the Thai family of her gaining so much , they will what they can to secure it , regardless of what relationship you have had with her family. YOU are nothing to them and even after 15 years you will never be accepted as part of the family , anyone who disagrees with that are nieive.

Good luck and take care.

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Ask a local who is well known to you to go to the land dept. point out the relevant titles on the cadastral map (shows the shape and location of all titles in the area) and play nice with the officials, to get the copy you are looking for. It can be done but they might need 'encouragement' which is best handled by another Thai

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Thankyou for the replies I like the idea of taking the tourist police for negotiations but i doubt that would be possible. Quicksilva hit the nail on the head it is my plan to take 2 locals of high social status to the land department and try for copys of title.

The funny thing is trying to explain the situation to them, "wife finish with you how she can take house australia". The valuation of the thai property i think will be a hurdle but if i can show the property exists and is in her name it will help heaps.

Thanks again


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