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Crop Support Prices

Gary A

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I just copied this from the Bangkok Post;

Several governments in the past have campaigned for crop price guarantees as an important measure to increase the incomes of rural households.

But a study by the TDRI recently found that farmers received only 40% of public money used for such projects, with millers and general corruption accounting for the rest. The study also points out that the benefits are confined to rich farmers who can produce rice in excess of their consumption and sell it.

No help for the small poor farmers for sure.

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I just copied this from the Bangkok Post;

Several governments in the past have campaigned for crop price guarantees as an important measure to increase the incomes of rural households.

But a study by the TDRI recently found that farmers received only 40% of public money used for such projects, with millers and general corruption accounting for the rest. The study also points out that the benefits are confined to rich farmers who can produce rice in excess of their consumption and sell it.

No help for the small poor farmers for sure.

Wake up, Gary. Give us something new. Are you sure the farmers get all of the 40%??? This is too good a fraction for Thailand.

Ooops!... Didn't mean to bash thais this time. Check out UN, UNESCO, and African AID...

Where do you think the money goes?... All of the so called 'HUMANITARIAN HELP' to refugees, displaced people, Africans, Palestinians, etc. etc. When the TV screen shows starving bloated kids and emanciated adults, - look for well fed men in uniforms carrying guns, who guard them.

Do you know how much rice or bread'n'water you can buy for the cost of theese guns, ammo and uniforms?

So, WAKE UP, or go back to sleep. Your concern has been noted. :)

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