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  • 2 months later...

Not at the moment we are in Canada, we have a house there, until after the Olympics but we have a house also just out of Phayao. On 1202 just opposite the Army Camp on the road to the temple. We will be back in late February or Early March.

  • 3 weeks later...
Hi there,

I am not living in Mae Chai, but in Phan.

Not far away.

I am an 43 old german guy, who loves riding motorcycle.

Contact me, if you want.



hi traveller

im from england 41 old

me wife is from mae chai

we spend christmas there

hopefully moving there soon

speak soon carl

  • 3 weeks later...
  • 4 weeks later...

I live in Thajumpee, just outside of Phayao. On the road from Wat Anaylo going towards Mae Chai. You can email me at {deleted}

(PM member for personal contact info)


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