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Post-spaying Behaviour

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The stray bitch who lives on the beach in front of our house gave birth to litter of puppies in June last year. In an effort to be good citizens and reduce the number of unwanted dogs in Thailand we paid to have her neutered three months later. In February she came into full sexual season. Every male dog for some distance around keeping us awake all night and her mating with several of them. No pregnancy followed of course but now, in mid July she is having exactly the same sexual urges and responses again, the second time since she most definitely and absolutely had "everything taken away".

We always thought that a full spaying operation, including ovary removal, eradicated all hormonal activity completely and the bitch would have no sexual urges or activity of any kind thereafter. We were most definitely wrong!

Our question is, is this post-neutering sexual behaviour common? Will it continue to happen twice a year for the rest of this bitches' life? Is there anything we can do to prevent it ever happening again?

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The stray bitch who lives on the beach in front of our house gave birth to litter of puppies in June last year. In an effort to be good citizens and reduce the number of unwanted dogs in Thailand we paid to have her neutered three months later. In February she came into full sexual season. Every male dog for some distance around keeping us awake all night and her mating with several of them. No pregnancy followed of course but now, in mid July she is having exactly the same sexual urges and responses again, the second time since she most definitely and absolutely had "everything taken away".

We always thought that a full spaying operation, including ovary removal, eradicated all hormonal activity completely and the bitch would have no sexual urges or activity of any kind thereafter. We were most definitely wrong!

Our question is, is this post-neutering sexual behaviour common? Will it continue to happen twice a year for the rest of this bitches' life? Is there anything we can do to prevent it ever happening again?

How odd...spaying is supposed to remove all heat symptoms. I have a spayed bitch - no heat at all. Are you seeing the dog-mounting behaviours i.e. they mount other dogs just to show who is the top dog?? Some male dogs do try to mount my bitch sometimes, but I don't think it's sexual, it's to show he's the top dog.

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The stray bitch who lives on the beach in front of our house gave birth to litter of puppies in June last year. In an effort to be good citizens and reduce the number of unwanted dogs in Thailand we paid to have her neutered three months later. In February she came into full sexual season. Every male dog for some distance around keeping us awake all night and her mating with several of them. No pregnancy followed of course but now, in mid July she is having exactly the same sexual urges and responses again, the second time since she most definitely and absolutely had "everything taken away".

We always thought that a full spaying operation, including ovary removal, eradicated all hormonal activity completely and the bitch would have no sexual urges or activity of any kind thereafter. We were most definitely wrong!

Our question is, is this post-neutering sexual behaviour common? Will it continue to happen twice a year for the rest of this bitches' life? Is there anything we can do to prevent it ever happening again?

How odd...spaying is supposed to remove all heat symptoms. I have a spayed bitch - no heat at all. Are you seeing the dog-mounting behaviours i.e. they mount other dogs just to show who is the top dog?? Some male dogs do try to mount my bitch sometimes, but I don't think it's sexual, it's to show he's the top dog.

Thank you for your reply.

This is definitely sexual. During the last 5 days we have seen at least two different males mount her in a full copulation, with the link between the two continuing for at least 20 minutes. One of them has performed at least once a day, usually in the evening. There at least five other local male dogs hanging around continually looking for a chance. The aggression and scrapping between them all is at a very high level, not to mention the noise during the night.

We should point out that there are three other bitches in the immediate vicinity of our house who have all been spayed and they exhibit no such behaviour patterns.

Life is not very peaceful and, in fact, rather distressing at the moment.

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this condition is due to some ovarian tissue remaining after the surgery. The veterinarian must have left part of an ovary behind and it leads to this complication. So the heat cycles will continue as if she was not spayed but no pregnancy will result.

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this condition is due to some ovarian tissue remaining after the surgery. The veterinarian must have left part of an ovary behind and it leads to this complication. So the heat cycles will continue as if she was not spayed but no pregnancy will result.

Thank you for that info. We are taking her back to the vet this afternoon!

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To correct this means doing an exploratory of the abdomen. Another general anesthetic and probably a larger incision. I hope your veterinarian is experienced. it can be tricky to find. Pick a reputable veterinarian to do this exploratory. I would hate to put your dog in danger .

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I had exactly this experience once with a stray cat I took in. After the obvious signs of heat set in I went back tio the local vet armed with diagrams and the Thai words for "uterus" and "ovary" and asked him what exactly he had done. He told me he had removed only the uterus and seemed surprised that I would have expected him to have taken the ovaries too...or that I felt this situation to be a problem.

I was subsequently told by the vet who went in for the second surgery to remove the ovaries that this is sometimes done with feral animals apparently in the belief that removal of the ovaries would make them insufficiently aggressive for feral life, and it may just be what that rural vet was used to. Seems cruel to me, since they will keep going ionto heat with no relief.

Anyhow I lerarned the hard way that if you are going to have an animal spayed by a rural vet in Thailand you need to specifically ask what the vet intends to remove and be sure that it is a vet comfortable doing a complete oopho-hysterectomy.

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here we have the opposite: they take the ovaries but leave the uterus (we had a cat abort in front of her child owner after being spayed cause one of hte vets i work with prefers this method, and she was pregnant and he hadnt checked for some reason -- usually he does....). and in dogs the vets prefer that the bitch get pregnant and then take out the whole thing w/ovaries...

with gelding horses sometimes we even would ask to leave some of the tube leading from the testicle (cant remember name) so that the horse keeps his stallion like height and crest and some of the 'hot' temper of the stallion for show/work....



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