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Chroic Fatigue Syndrome


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:) Hi to all..living in phuket,living with grade 6 Chronic Fatigue Syndrome...Have had 10-12 years and have been involved with aus doctor writing a paper on the illness, so am well informed on it ,but welcome input from other genuine sufferers, just to talk with another who actually understands the hel_l of an existance we have ..The most debilitating and devestating illness known....yet understood by very,very few and support is near non-existant...would especially welcome people from phuket, maybe a quiet get together sometime.. Edited by DEM
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I'm sorry to hear this.

Though if you don't mind, can you answer a few questions for me?

1) How can you tell the difference between CFS and say depression?

2) How can you tell the difference between CFS and perhaps not having a deficiency of some sort in your body?

I ask because I often wonder if I have the same. I have ZERO energy most of the time no matter what I eat or do. I just feel spent all the time.

With that said, I have no problems with people, don't try to avoid them (usually - heh) and I don't feel depressed. I just feel tired.

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I'm sorry to hear this.

Though if you don't mind, can you answer a few questions for me?

1) How can you tell the difference between CFS and say depression?

2) How can you tell the difference between CFS and perhaps not having a deficiency of some sort in your body?

I ask because I often wonder if I have the same. I have ZERO energy most of the time no matter what I eat or do. I just feel spent all the time.

With that said, I have no problems with people, don't try to avoid them (usually - heh) and I don't feel depressed. I just feel tired.

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:) Hi... This is not an easy ask for me to inform you on...CFS is awhole body illness and being tired and/or depressed are but two of maybe forty symptoms of CFS and diagnosis is a long process basically of testing for near every other illness that is testable,if none of these tests are positive and then you meet a few other criteria...the diagnosis may well be CFS...It is a mental as well as physical combined thing and the only known illness where mental effort,[ such as me typing this reply] leaves one immediately physically drained, and vice-versa..me simply walking up a flight of steps, while physically draining also leaves me "vacant' mentally...but too much to tell you here. I recomend this particular site to go to, and should answer your query.Sincerly hope you simply have a "TREATABLE " ailment and not CFS........ :D Go to..prohealth.com/me-cfs/symptoms.cfm

Though if you don't mind, can you answer a few questions for me?

1) How can you tell the difference between CFS and say depression?

2) How can you tell the difference between CFS and perhaps not having a deficiency of some sort in your body?

I ask because I often wonder if I have the same. I have ZERO energy most of the time no matter what I eat or do. I just feel spent all the time.

With that said, I have no problems with people, don't try to avoid them (usually - heh) and I don't feel depressed. I just feel tired.

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Thankyou Dem for posting this topic.

I suffered from CFS in Aust for over 10 years and as a result of many years of legal battle with insurance companies, have been assisted and hindered by many doctors having been through so many tests and consultations with Professors to doctors hired by lawyers to discredit the illness and me as a lazy guy who is perfectly well, blood tests show nothing is wrong.

I am now living in Chiang Mai and substantially recovered as a result of chinese medicine , which worked for me but I know has not for others as we are all different which is why this illness is so hard to diagnose or treat.

I would be very happy to assist you in anyway I can Dem I have an awful lot of knowledge on CFS based upon my legal battles so please contact me if you like.

Good luck to all those people who suffer from CFS be assured that if you keep trying you wont necessarily be cured but something will eventually work for you as it did for me.

Lastly CFS is not depression, in fact depresssion can occur as a result of CFS , from my knowledge & the affect it had on me specifically CFS is more like MS or Alzheimers in that it is a chemical imbalance in the brain which leads to the significant number of symptoms that exist in a person.

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Having suffered severe Heavy Metal Poisoning, I have always thought that is what CFS really is... Remember its a "syndrome", which basically means no one has a clue what it really is.. so keep an open mind and throw away all these "titles' they give it.. grade 6 etc.. its just bullsh*t.

I couldnt walk some days, I slept 20 hours a day, I couldnt think and had problems with low level noise. The sound of water lapping at the beach or a

plastic bag being scrunched would turn me crazy.. It was 100 times louder than usual on my ears.

I would also be over emotional and felt like I was dying some days and then the next day I would feel a little better and gain more hope... then the next it was back to hel_l.

It was only last year that I finally found a way to "cure myself" and would advise you to look into this also... I purchased Detoxamin, which is a suppository EDTA. I purchased 3 tubs from the office in Bangkok and took it over the course of 6 months.. 30 suppositories, one taken every second day.

Im not sure what you did for work or where you lived when you contracted this, but look at environmental reasons that could have poisoned you.. That being said, you can eat fish and get mercury poisoning or a tooth filling can also poison you.. It can even happen living in a smoggy city.. so there are to many reason why.. but.. I think Detoxamin will help you.. Its 8000 baht per tub, so for 24,000 baht, you really can start to feel better.

I went to many Dr's and was prescribed many drugs... none of them helped!

Autism is also being helped with EDTA therapy and has had some incredible stories come out on the net..

Ofcourse you can have EDTA via IV also and a place in Bangkok does that.. Id have to find out the Name though if you need it.

I wish you well, I actually thought I would die last year, I set my will in place, sold my house and business and moved to the farm... It is then I found a post on Thaivisa about Detoxamin and thought it worth a try.. Im super glad I did and I really owe my new quality of life to Thaivisa and a member who posted... Im just passing it on.

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My CFS was triggered by a series of infections and glandular fever , I was run down as well due to my work pressures and it all combined to cause the illness.

I agree with you Detox it is a syndrome and the trigger is different along with the symptoms for each person who suffers , I tried so many different drugs and therapies that cost a fortune but kept trying & found that chinese medicine worked for me nut I know it hasnt worked for other people,but when you feel so bad all the time anything is worth trying.

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:) WOW...To detox....reading your comment was like stepping back 10 years in time, but before i decide fully on how to respond to your posting, would you please answer one Question for me...What does your comment"I slept for 20 hours each day'' have to do with CFS.?

Fester471 thanks for your comment,as i said my doctor wrote a paper on CFS and did try TCM with no sucess, as you know everybody with CFS is different in symtomology and presentation....To all GENUINE sufferers of CFS...watch this space ...in days to come :D


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Tough luck.

I would just try to concentrate your time and thoughts on the positives in your life: the things you can do and enjoy, rather than the things you can't do.

With your illness that long I am sure, apart from medical help, you have considered environment, diet etc as well; in fact anything that might make you feel better.

I can't offer you a "cure" as I had CFS for 7 years and I learned after some years, and dozens of well-meaning suggestions, that nothing would work for me. These well-meaning helpers are really annoying, am I right? You are entitled to be annoyed, as you are the one suffering with the illness right now and they are not. If you don't want someone to give you a suggestion just tell them to shut up, I wish I had, I used to put up with lots of annoying suggestions.

However, have you tried... (Just joking!!! :) )

Whilst you are unwell, your fellow sufferers are your best friends, better than family and spouses who can't understand what it is like. Good luck chasing them up in Phuket and when you do, hang out with them as often as you can. (If you have the energy) could you get involved in Thai CFS medical or patient activities? I am sure they would benefit from a farang's presence and support.

I am in Chiang Mai, but might get down to Phuket later in the year. Happy to meet up.

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Remember, its a syndrome.... which means no=one has a clue what it is.

syndrome: n. A group of symptoms that collectively indicate or characterize a disease, psychological disorder, or other abnormal condition. url="http://www.answers.com/topic/syndrome"

CFS has been recognised as an illness in its own right by W.H.O at least 10 years..Your heavy metal poisoning is not CFS.

Grading has been introduced to make it easier for patients, carers, medics to understand the degree of disability each particular patient is suffering.

I posted this article for the benefit of and even stated.."would welcome input from other 'genuine ' sufferers.

Like i said my doctor with my help wrote papers on CFS and we were instrumental in finally having CFS patients in nz and aust receiving far better support from Commonwealth agencies..[ social security for one] I, like Fester have to fight every day with "Professionals" to get by,and to simply be accepted that we do indeed have an illness called chronic fatigue syndrome...and i did not want this posting to be highjacked by a non-genuine sufferer.

I have no doubt at all that HMP is a terrible...but curable ailment...infact DETOX i, on the advise of another "professional" had every single one of my perfectly good, but some old fillings, teeth "yanked' because"i've got HMP from mercury fillings"...guess what...CFS is not cured!!!!

Yes..fester, very much like MS,but M..S is recognised and supported, unlike M.E.

It is primarily a neurological illness, and as follows, as described as M.E, which is the correct term for what i have..I used CFS as more people may relate to that headline, than Myalgic encephalomyelitis!

Myalgic encephalomyelitis is a systemic acutely acquired illness initiated by a virus infection which is characterised by post encephalitic damage to the brain stem; a nerve centre through which many spinal nerve tracts connect with higher centres in the brain in order to control all vital bodily functions – this is always damaged in M.E. (Hence the name Myalgic Encephalomyelitis.) The CNS is diffusely injured at several levels, these include the cortex, the limbic system, the basal ganglia, the hypothalamus and areas of the spinal cord and its appendages. This persisting multilevel central nervous system (CNS) dysfunction is undoubtedly both the chief cause of disability in M.E. and the most critical in the definition of the entire disease process.

The Hummingbird's Foundation for M.E..is probably the best, up to date and honest site...go look if you want to learn..

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Like you DEM I had ME & in fact I discussed with a well know Professor who helped me & is very dedicated to finding out the true cause of this illness that CFS was in fact a very poor name for our illness as it gives the wrong impression to those who know nothing about it. But in reality what words could you use to describe an illness that has so many symptoms that all seem unrelated & different for each sufferer, other than the common one of fatigue.

In the end frankly I dont give a <deleted> what other people think I got so sick of defending myself that I became very withdrawn but after a few years of feeling like this I basically tried not to discuss my illness with people who didnt beleive & we all know how many of those people there are about.

DEM I wouldnt dismiss the idea of heavy metal poisioning as there is a well documented court case involving Aust airforce mechanics who were required to clean the inside of F111 fighter jet fuel tanks without adequate protection & many got poisioned & in turn developed CFS from this , not ME as such as that is more viral related but they were very dibilitated & I know one of the doctors who helped some of these guys with their legal case against the govt.

Pecker I could not agree with you more about trying to look at the positives in your life, even though its so hard to do at times, but my immediate family were what kept me going & I am very lucky to have had that as I know many others dont.

Like you jagrif in the first few years I found great benefit from reading other peoples stories not just because I felt I was not alone but also that there was hope that I might improve or even recover, I still have my days but most of the time I can lead a very happy & normal life & moving to Chiang Mai from Australia has given me a new focus also & new life.

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This is a most useful thread, and as I have seen over the years a number of posts from TV members with CFS, I expect with time others will join in.

However have had to do some extensive editing to remove language that was outright flaming in nature. Members are reminded of forum rules, particulalry rule number 4:

" Not to flame fellow members.

Flaming will not be tolerated. 'Flaming' is defined as posting or responding to a message in a way clearly intended to incite useless arguments, to launch personal attacks, to insult, or to be hateful towards other members. This includes useless criticism, name-calling, swearing and any other comments meant to incite anger. " http://www.thaivisa.com/forum/boardrules.html

and also the Health Forum specific rules e.g.:

" 1. Civility and Compassion: the Health forum is, by its nature, a place where people seek information or help of a personal nature, often in the context of a serious and stressful problem. It is absolutely essential that they are able to do so without fear of ridicule or judgment. Forum rules regarding flaming etc will therefore be enforced with particular strictness. The level of banter that might be acceptable in other forums will not be allowed here if, in the opinion of the Moderators, it is likely to make other members uncomfortable or hesitant to post. " http://www.thaivisa.com/forum/Health-Forum...es-t224498.html

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FESTER..thanks for your last post, but mate..from a guy who has been involed in all sapects as i have, [doctors papers, social security etc, etc and like i said originally that i have 40 odd symptoms of ME that you dont really think that heavy MP has not been crossed off the list years ago.There is now a strict criteria for the diagnosis of ME...i WAS trying to promote awareness of the illness ME and i would not be doing this if i did not have ME

My prognosis was"This man is THE prime example of a full blown sufferer of ME", not HMP or any one of dozens of other relevant illness i was tested for.Like you say you can get Chronic Fatigue from HMP, but NOT Chronic Fatigue SYNDROME. This is a huge difference and the cause of many missinterpretations and why we must refer to it as ME..totally different ballgame. Mine is the Classic "post-viral" infection that led to ME, same as you.

Thanks again to you who understand and support others....me;; i'm gonna fade back into my sad little alone,, but for my lovely caring lady[who cant understand, but never doubts] lifestyle and forget this totally draining couple of weeks never happened..I DID TRY..but thanks to a couple of..

Good bye and goodluck Fester, Jagriff and Pecker...one day this nightmare will come to an end. All the Best maru

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Dem if you are still reading the forum I totally support what you are saying about ME as opposed to other causes and maybe it wasnt clear to me and others where you were coming from.

Please dont drop out from the discussion you started as it is vital that the people who understand what we go through have contact with each other and also provide support.

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