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One can’t read it without activating the alternative, phonetic pronunciation of ‘Phuket’. Clever!

Yeah that's really mature. What if we started calling Malaysia's capital for Cock-ala-Humper or something like that, and we would see the entire muslim population burn flags, blow up our embassies and boycot our respective countries products.

Shame on AirAsia.

One can't read it without activating the alternative, phonetic pronunciation of 'Phuket'. Clever!

Yeah that's really mature. What if we started calling Malaysia's capital for Cock-ala-Humper or something like that, and we would see the entire muslim population burn flags, blow up our embassies and boycot our respective countries products.

Shame on AirAsia.

Balls! That's s cracker. Phuket, where the bloody hel_l are ya?

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