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Opensource Windows (xp Compatible)


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For the people who know me, they will probably know that I'm not a Microsoft lover as some on this forum know. Anyway, I have a new challenge and this includes in 2 months a compatible Windows® XP/2003 operating system for free....

Take a look http://www.reactos.org/en/index.html

Currently the ReactOs beats all operating systems in boot time... It can run Adobe CS3 suits... It can do much things Windows XP and 2003 can, and has a freeware installer. Which let you download, and install opensource, free, software like (MS Windows) Firefox Internet browser.

MS Windows is a trademark of Microsoft corp

Edited by Richard-BKK
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I can understand that many many people are skeptic, therefore there is a VMWare image you can run in your virtual VMware system http://downloads.sourceforge.net/reactos/R...-REL-vmware.zip Download 33MB only...

And I two months I going to give the option for 10 Baht to all Thai computer builders....

Edited by Richard-BKK
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And I two months I going to give the option for 10 Baht to all Thai computer builders....

What does that mean? If this is the same thing I tried years ago, I'm pretty sure it's FOSS. Why would anyone give you even 1 baht?

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Completely not, ReactOS, is a fully functional, Windows® architecture designed by Microsoft from the hardware level, at its current form it already supports more software intended for the original MS Microsoft XP/2003 platform then any commercial or opensource product can offer.

This is not a Linux based system, and shares none of the Unix nor/or Linux architecture. Also no source of the Linux kernel or opensource version of BSB is used... This is a complete new project...

For anybody who want to file any copyright, Trademark or what ever Iḿ happy to answer all questions... Not forget to look the source first otherwise you can burn your fingers for a few Bath

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FOSS, is that still alive, did they in how long.... got any serious 32-bit Commercial Windows program working on anything what could run outside a theoretical base?

I cannot promote the use of any software developed by Microsoft, but you would be amazed what would work. Companies like Codeweaver and a few more would love the level of MS Windows compatibility but due to some limitations they will probably never reach it

We last week got some big support from Intel, who is a big supporter of opensource. But remarkable it did not released its MS Windows drivers as open-source, did not see this useful. The ReactOs project has now full access of everything Intel knows regarding MS Windows.

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The ReactOs project has now full access of everything Intel knows regarding MS Windows.

I think that would get some serious attention from MS as Intel surely has some information about Windows that they are not privy to share with just anyone. Perhaps Intel isn't sharing everything.

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The ReactOs project has now full access of everything Intel knows regarding MS Windows.

I think that would get some serious attention from MS as Intel surely has some information about Windows that they are not privy to share with just anyone. Perhaps Intel isn't sharing everything.

Indeed. The one thing that shut OS/2 down was when Microsoft withdrew Windows insider information from IBM.

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First we do respect Intelligent Property (IP), Copyright, and trademark laws and all we offer is well within the borders of the law worldwide. ReactOs only offers Mozilla Firefox Internet Browser for download, if with this installed you visit a Microsoft side and they offer Microsoft Internet Explore, and the END USER accepts the end user agreement, we cannot be responsibly. We can only say do not install Microsoft Internet Explorer or other Microsoft Software as it is likely illegal. Again we against the use of illegal software.

And this project came really to live when people who know a thing or two about MS Windows got involved... And I would like to ask if more people, especially people who truly understand Thai would help. The project really needs help on the Thai support side.

But for now any Westerner who installs it would find it very fast in the start-up (70% better then Windows XP) and remarkable similar in looks and functionality, able to run a good amount of Windows XP/2003 applications.. mostly faster then MS Windows XP.

Edited by Richard-BKK
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Firefox (Microsoft version) running the latest Adobe Flash plugin showing Live video.

Again we do not promote the installation of Internet Explore 7 or 8 on ReactOs, it would be a violation of copyright.

(also the not correctly display of fonts is due to copyright violation, but we where told that it was remarkable easy to install compatible fonts. (similar copyright free fonts are used by Codeweaver) ReactOs is researching that.


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I downloaded the VMware ReactOS virtual machine (only 33mb) and started it up. Snooped around some and then downloaded and installed Firefox 3.0 and then surfed a bit with it. So very much "Windows-like" that I had to keep reminding myself that it was NOT an MS product. Not ready for prime time, however, ReactOS does look promising.

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Rice King give us 2 months more, and before Windows 7 comes out I have an alternative for 10 Baht on CD, or free to download... (but maybe difficult to install on a new computer (therefore the 10 Baht media, printing, distribution)...

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VM as in Virtual Machine? ReactOs is a complete Windows compatible operating system, it doesn't need to be installed in a Virtual Machine environment.

The only reason why ReactOs has a Virtual Machine environment available is that people are always skeptic and first want to see how or what. With the Vmware image ReactOs is able to show people what it can do and how it looks without the need to reinstall the operating system.

ReactOs is real, it works and it is free as in freedom, and ReactOs is fast as in seconds to boot...

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Is this another VM story?


No it works in Virtualbox also.   I downloaded the small 34mb iso and made a drive in VB then mounted the iso in the virtual cdrom and was installed and running it in less then 5 minutes after the download was complete.   

Right about the xp feel to it.  It does need some add ons, that will start adding some time to the install.  

So is the downloader in there like a repo or does it just go to source?  I didn't bother downloading inside it yet, but everything works even the internet.  

I don't know what MS is going to say about this just the way it looks when running could be a problem.

Don't need to run this in a virtual environment but, I just didn't want to partition a drive for a test flight, a Dir is much easier to make.

Thanks guys,  I ll be following this one.

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