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Australian Visa For Having A Baby In Oz

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I am just looking for some information or advise.

My spouse and I are going to have a baby, and i would like to have this baby in Australia, for several reason. We are not married but we have travel to Australia together before and returned. This time my spouse was offered a 3 month visa in which time we stayed for 1 month.

I am just wondering if anyone has any advise for a visa application to do this. We are initially looking only to have the baby in Aus and stay for several months to get all things settled.

Should we get married or will be seen in the wrong context? or is there a special visa for this type of thing

Any help or advise would be appreciated.


Khun Aus

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khun aus, lets get a few things straight, I'm not being the heavy but you have to get the terminology right.

your SPOUSE is your wife be it common law or by marriage, conditions apply for common law or de-facto in Oz.

if you intend to travel to Oz and your spouse is heavily pregnant, the airline will refuse to carry you.

post some more details and advice will follow.

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If she is already obviuosly pregnabt, then there is going to be a whole lot of added extras you are going to have to prove. Firstly, who do you think is going to pay the medical costs?

There is a check box on tha application form which asks if you expect to need any medical services while in Oz. ticking yes, the next question is who is paying?

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If she is already obviuosly pregnabt, then there is going to be a whole lot of added extras you are going to have to prove. Firstly, who do you think is going to pay the medical costs?

There is a check box on tha application form which asks if you expect to need any medical services while in Oz. ticking yes, the next question is who is paying?

You are Oz ... you are :o

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If she is already obviuosly pregnabt, then there is going to be a whole lot of added extras you are going to have to prove. Firstly, who do you think is going to pay the medical costs?

There is a check box on tha application form which asks if you expect to need any medical services while in Oz. ticking yes, the next question is who is paying?

You are Oz ... you are :o

I dont think so

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If she is already obviuosly pregnabt, then there is going to be a whole lot of added extras you are going to have to prove. Firstly, who do you think is going to pay the medical costs?

There is a check box on tha application form which asks if you expect to need any medical services while in Oz. ticking yes, the next question is who is paying?

You are Oz ... you are :o

I dont think so

The health system has been changed to accommodate peeps on visitors visa's then. ?

I don't think so

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My son was born in OZ in 83 and has got an American and an Australian birthcertificate and passport. I do believe that this has changed in Australia and this is no longer valid. My son had to go through some hoops to get his declared "grandfathered" but in the end accomplished that. This said, I don't think it works that way any longer.

My now ex wife and I are American and this is why I posted.

Edited by Kringle
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khun aus, lets get a few things straight, I'm not being the heavy but you have to get the terminology right.

your SPOUSE is your wife be it common law or by marriage, conditions apply for common law or de-facto in Oz.

if you intend to travel to Oz and your spouse is heavily pregnant, the airline will refuse to carry you.

post some more details and advice will follow.

Oops yes a error on my part and meant to write defacto but spouse popped in to my head...oh well never mind.....thanks for pointing out my terminology and not answering the question very helpfull.


Khun Aus

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Kringle thank you for the on topic response, appreciated.

As for Bronco, on these boards all you seem to do is jump to conclusions, nit pick at grammar and spelling and seldom provide any input of any value than to you self, if you have no constructive advice, please go post on another thread or board. Being a non Australian yourself seems a like a troll to make another genuine post turn into a forum war.

I am Australian, and for you to jump to other conclusions based on one post only, only confirms my statement above.

I am aware of the medical cost issue and not using the Medicare system but a private, and so do not need advice on that topic thank you, but do not know about visas, which is why i posted.

I thank anyone who has some advise or comments that are constructive.


Khun Aus

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KhunAus I don't think that bronco was nitpicking and he has always been a wealth of information to a lot of people. But in order for anyone to help more information is needed.

How pregnant is your partner? Because i have heard that airlines won't take a pregnant lady over 7 months. Should check with the individual airlines for this.

I was thinking the same thing. Bring my thai girlfriend over and have baby in australia. But have decided to have baby in thailand because of the cost involved and also didn't think the visa would have been approved. Baby would get au passport but you can't prove the baby is yours until the baby is born. So i didn't think imigration would like a baby without a parent whom was an australian citizen themselves. Puts immigration in a sticky situation. So with this logic i thought it would have been denied. But i may have been wrong.

Have since learned that my baby will get au passport straight away after a blood test. As it is my baby also. Also eligible for the $3000 baby bonus. Now just have to wait for missus to get visa to come to australia which will be after baby is born.

Hope this helps

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My son was born in OZ in 83 and has got an American and an Australian birthcertificate and passport. I do believe that this has changed in Australia and this is no longer valid. My son had to go through some hoops to get his declared "grandfathered" but in the end accomplished that.  This said, I don't think it works that way any longer.

I believe that your son will still have Australian citizenship. True, the law was changed in 1986 so that after that date only children born to legal residents could get Australian citizenship. But if your child was born before 1986, they will get - and still have - Australian citizenship by virtue of birth on Australian soil, regardless of the immigration status of the parents.

A good link for this is http://www.immi.gov.au/facts/90citizenship.htm

See half way down that page under the 'citizenship by birth' heading.

Also eligible for the $3000 baby bonus. Now just have to wait for missus to get visa to come to australia which will be after baby is born.

Wow, is it true that an Australian child born overseas is eligible for the baby bonus...can you elaborate how you apply for it? thanks.

Edited by samran
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I checked out the DSS website a little while back and it indicated that you had to reside in oz for at least 6 months of the year to be elligable for any benefits. ie Baby bonus,Family allowance etc.

If there are any tv members that have differant info please let us khow!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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$3000 Maternity Payment

A few months ago i was pondering whether to have the baby in Australia or Thailand.

Centerlink Quoted that it did not matter in which country the baby was born just that the hospital concerned fill in some paperwork.

Can't seem to find the papers. But will go again on monday and get a copy.

The payment is handled by the Department of Families/Family Assistance Office

Eligibility for Maternity Payment

Maternity Payment is payable to:

    * A parent of a baby if the parent meets all other eligibility criteria at any time within 13 weeks of the baby's birth; or

    * A parent of a stillborn baby if the parent would have met all the other criteria if the baby had not been stillborn; or

    * A claimant who is entrusted with the care of a newborn baby if the claimant meets all other eligibility criteria within 13 weeks of the baby's birth and if the claimant is likely to continue to have care of the child for no less than 13 weeks; or

    * A claimant who, before a baby is 26 weeks of age, has the baby entrusted to their care because the claimant will be adopting the baby, provided the claimant meets all other eligibility criteria within 13 weeks of the baby coming into the care of the claimant.

The other eligibility criteria for Maternity Payment are generally that:

    * the claimant and the baby must meet Australian residency requirements(1)

    * the claimant must be legally responsible, either alone or with another adult, for the day-to-day care, welfare and development of the baby(2); and

    * the claimant must satisfy tax file number requirements(3); and

    * the claimant must lodge an effective claim within 26 weeks of the baby's birth or, in the case of adopting parents, within 26 weeks of the baby coming into their care.

Full story here

They have now extended it to adopted children as well.

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khun aus, lets get a few things straight, I'm not being the heavy but you have to get the terminology right.

your SPOUSE is your wife be it common law or by marriage, conditions apply for common law or de-facto in Oz.

if you intend to travel to Oz and your spouse is heavily pregnant, the airline will refuse to carry you.

post some more details and advice will follow.

Oops yes a error on my part and meant to write defacto but spouse popped in to my head...oh well never mind.....thanks for pointing out my terminology and not answering the question very helpfull.


Khun Aus

ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooohhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!! get you, saucer of milk for miss kitty!

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Hi Again.

OK just to clarify a few point's which i should perhaps done earlier (sorry).

My GF is 2 months pregnant, and so if we were to pursue the "baby in Australia" scenario then i think we still have time.

The main reasons for wanting to have the baby in Australia as well as the excellent medical services, is the support and family that are there. Whilst we do have friends and family here in Thailand it is of a different level, and in Australia we can get help and advise more easily than we can here (family etc)

I can see the costs would not be that great having the baby here in Thailand and we have thus far only visited the biggest and best hospitals.

I also did hear that the baby would automatically be an Australian citizen once born...so it is nice to hear it again, and confirm that thank you.

I am thinking if we have the baby in Thailand , we will also at some point want to move to Australia or go to Oz for a length of time, and i am not sure if it will be easier before or after the birth.

It is also very interesting to here about the baby bonus and how it applies in our situation and i shall look into that more thank you.

As for my comments earlier, i appologize, it is just i have seen to many threads be flamed into off topic rants.

Thankyou for your advise so far

Khun Aus

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Khun Aus

Congrats , on the bubby on the way:) I also thought it would be alot easier to have my pregnant spouse fly to Aussie and have the baby. But, ended up having our daughter in Thailand. I would say costs here are alot cheaper , three or four nights in a private room(hotel) (caesarain) medicine treatment ect which was very proffesional for 20,000 baht. Compare this to a private hospital in Australia . But then again, taking a newborn back to Australia would be stressful

I am not sure if your baby 'automatically' becomes an Aussie citizen if born in LOS until it is on paper after a visit to the Aussie embassy.

Anyways, best of luck to ya

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$3000 Maternity Payment

A few months ago i was pondering whether to have the baby in Australia or Thailand.

Centerlink Quoted that it did not matter in which country the baby was born just that the hospital concerned fill in some paperwork.

Can't seem to find the papers.  But will go again on monday and get a copy.

The payment is handled by the Department of Families/Family Assistance Office

Eligibility for Maternity Payment

Maternity Payment is payable to:

    * A parent of a baby if the parent meets all other eligibility criteria at any time within 13 weeks of the baby's birth; or

    * A parent of a stillborn baby if the parent would have met all the other criteria if the baby had not been stillborn; or

    * A claimant who is entrusted with the care of a newborn baby if the claimant meets all other eligibility criteria within 13 weeks of the baby's birth and if the claimant is likely to continue to have care of the child for no less than 13 weeks; or

    * A claimant who, before a baby is 26 weeks of age, has the baby entrusted to their care because the claimant will be adopting the baby, provided the claimant meets all other eligibility criteria within 13 weeks of the baby coming into the care of the claimant.

The other eligibility criteria for Maternity Payment are generally that:

    * the claimant and the baby must meet Australian residency requirements(1)

    * the claimant must be legally responsible, either alone or with another adult, for the day-to-day care, welfare and development of the baby(2); and

    * the claimant must satisfy tax file number requirements(3); and

    * the claimant must lodge an effective claim within 26 weeks of the baby's birth or, in the case of adopting parents, within 26 weeks of the baby coming into their care.

Full story here

They have now extended it to adopted children as well.

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$3000 Maternity Payment

A few months ago i was pondering whether to have the baby in Australia or Thailand.

Centerlink Quoted that it did not matter in which country the baby was born just that the hospital concerned fill in some paperwork.

Can't seem to find the papers.  But will go again on monday and get a copy.

The payment is handled by the Department of Families/Family Assistance Office

Eligibility for Maternity Payment

Maternity Payment is payable to:

    * A parent of a baby if the parent meets all other eligibility criteria at any time within 13 weeks of the baby's birth; or

    * A parent of a stillborn baby if the parent would have met all the other criteria if the baby had not been stillborn; or

    * A claimant who is entrusted with the care of a newborn baby if the claimant meets all other eligibility criteria within 13 weeks of the baby's birth and if the claimant is likely to continue to have care of the child for no less than 13 weeks; or

    * A claimant who, before a baby is 26 weeks of age, has the baby entrusted to their care because the claimant will be adopting the baby, provided the claimant meets all other eligibility criteria within 13 weeks of the baby coming into the care of the claimant.

The other eligibility criteria for Maternity Payment are generally that:

    * the claimant and the baby must meet Australian residency requirements(1)

    * the claimant must be legally responsible, either alone or with another adult, for the day-to-day care, welfare and development of the baby(2); and

    * the claimant must satisfy tax file number requirements(3); and

    * the claimant must lodge an effective claim within 26 weeks of the baby's birth or, in the case of adopting parents, within 26 weeks of the baby coming into their care.

Full story here

They have now extended it to adopted children as well.

$3000 sounds to good to be true.

The way i understand it you have to be living in Aust,and on a

permanent visa,the mother that is.

NB :o

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we had a baby last year..when we had the baby the wife was still on her spouse visa...you can still recieve the $3000 on a spouse visa..if you look at the centrelink website it says payment eligible to certain visas.the spouse visa is one of these(would say the de facto would be the same)all my misses did was take her passport to the centrelink office and they took a photocopy of it..also after the baby was born my wife(on a spouse visa) was recieving centrelink payments every 2 weeks(good country australia :D )

from my understanding you have up to 6 months after the baby is born to get the baby bonus..if your spouse doesn't have the requirements to recieve it..then the father can providing one of you is an australian citizen..

just a story off topic..a friend i work with..his daughter adopted a baby from korea..they told them the visa will be ready begginning of december..the baby was 4 months old..they ended up getting the visa 2 weeks ago..(bangkok embassy aren't the only ones who are slow :o )

the baby was 6 months and 2 weeks when he arrrived here..because the baby was over 6 months they missed out on the baby bonus

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just a story off topic..a friend i work with..his daughter adopted a baby from korea..they told them the visa will be ready begginning of december..the baby was 4 months old..they ended up getting the visa 2 weeks ago..(bangkok embassy aren't the only ones who are slow :o )

the baby was 6 months and 2 weeks when he arrrived here..because the baby was over 6 months they missed out on the baby bonus

Mean spirited penny pinching beaurocrats.

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just a story off topic..a friend i work with..his daughter adopted a baby from korea..they told them the visa will be ready begginning of december..the baby was 4 months old..they ended up getting the visa 2 weeks ago..(bangkok embassy aren't the only ones who are slow :o )

the baby was 6 months and 2 weeks when he arrrived here..because the baby was over 6 months they missed out on the baby bonus

Mean spirited penny pinching beaurocrats.

There simply has to be lines in the sand or the system/s would fall down.

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