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Tiger Temple


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Whatever the realities of the place, I would take anything CWI say with a pinch of salt. They aren't the international animal welfare charity they claim to be, but if anything are a money raising organisation who may be putting some of it into animal welfare to maintain their charity status.

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I wasn't particularly looking forward to seeing the tigers before I went there, and after I did I would never go back. They were far too subdued (yes I know it would be highly dangerous if they weren't), I don't know if it's cos they are made to lie with the full glare of the sun and barely any shade or sedated, but I felt very uncomfortable. Also I wasn't too happy about the way the guides grab your hand, practically dragging you to each tiger and pushing your hand onto the tiger itself.

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Tigers would normally sleep during the heat of the day and cats tend to sleep after a meal, so it's not that unusual for them to appear subdued. I bet if you went back at 7pm it would be a different story.

I went 3 years ago. It was 300b to go in and 100b to have you photo with the tigers. There was a meal available for a donation. It was local food left out in the warm, but I didn't get sick.

I also took a load of pics of the cubs.

Highlight of the day was probably the taxi driver offering his hand to a cub and getting bitten..

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I am not questioning your expertise infact I support the freedom for animals to live in the wild , but tigers and dolphins monkeys etc have been in world zoos and safaris all over the world for many years.

If these animals are trained correctly and cared for then let it be and go after the people who kill animals for ivory , skins etc.

And as I said before there are to many armchair critics that do nothing more than pass comments.

ok let me put it another way.

There should be zoo's in this world for one reason and one reason only.

That is to safeguard and stop the extinction of a species. If that involves the charging of people to view them that is ok. We know that keeping animals is expensive and the costs have to be found somewhere.

But no where in the book of rules does it say sedate or abuse.

There is another important reason for zoos: Education.

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I have been 4 or 5 years ago. Had the photo in the lap for free. didnt think the tigers where drugged.

Have heard a lot of talk about the mistreatment etc. I DO NOT KNOW THE FACTS.

However Jeff Corwin is a huge personality in the Animal world with his TV series etc etc. He went to Tiger Temple. Again I do not know the facts. However I would be AMAZED if such a high profile person would go to a place like this and speak VERY highly of the Abbot with out checking the place out first. JUST my guess.

Make of that what you will.

ALSO my understanding is the tigers where saved from the paochers trade, I doubt anything the monks do will be worse than what would have happened.


PS the website in the OP no longer works?? www.Kanchanaburi-info.com/en/saiyok

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