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Mistaken Identity


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"Have you ever bothered to reason as to why men who have interacted with

asian ladies lose all interest in European / American womenfolk?"

Quite frankly, I couldn't give a ######, because it is not "all" men as you are fond of saying, but mostly men that I wouldn't have the slightest interest in anyway. Especially not those that refer to Asians as "Orientals".

There are plenty of good men in the West that don't racialize their attractions, or need to come all the way to a developing country to find a mate. So my attitude is the more of you that leave, the better. Don't forget to close the gate behind you. :o

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Personally, don’t think that such experiences  contain a sexual connotation .

As a  person  who has visited Thailand, and most countries in Asia, very many times, my very strong  impression is that after a male  farang , or other equivalent male,  has gotten to know  Thai and other oriental ladies,  they have very little affinity left  for  European,  American, or western European,  members of the fair sex.

“Are you Russian? “ was  probably  not a pick up line , but arose from genuine curiosity regarding your nationality.

How often  is one asked the question : “where you come from?” by people of both sexes ; when in LOS? Such questions are not pick up lines,  but arise from a superficial desire to know a bit more about a person. 

You should  understand that unlike in England and in western Europe generally, it is not a sin to smile at, or be pleasant to, a stranger when  in Thailand.

A question such as “Are you Russian?”  is hardly harassment. An appropriate response would have been : “No,  I’m British / American / Western European” – that will scare off anybody

I'm aware that in Thailand people try to be friendly and are genuinely curious about where you come from. It's one of the things that I love about this country. I sometimes find that while sitting on a bus that the person sitting next to me starts asking questions, usually to try and practice their English, but in this instance the guy followed me down the street and up the stairs to the BTS station and had to say 'excuse me' a few times to get my attention. He definately wasn't just a curious guy wondering where I was from. This has happened to me before and it has never been Thai guys, only Indians for some reason. Also, if you're going to ask if someone is from a particular country, Russia, is a strange one to pick. As far as I'm aware not a lot of tourists come from there. Why not Britain, USA, Sweden or Australia for example as I understand that a lot of female tourists who come to Thailand tend to come from these countries.

Save your breath, Puddleduck. Why waste time to respond to someone with such insensitivity?

Edited by meemiathai
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OK I must fill you in on what happened yesterday!

Me and Lola were sitting outside Siam Discovery having a smoke and a chat. This bit of a wierdo guy strolls up to me and says 'Are you Russian, are you Russian?' in a wierd accent!

Now it may be true that this guy was indeed Russian, but he was definatly wierd, so was he looking for a fellow Russian or was he checking me out??

When I said 'No' he asked 'Where you from?' and I just said 'Goodbye!' and off he went!

Anyhow we had a good laugh, as we've both read this topic! :o

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OK I must fill you in on what happened yesterday!

Me and Lola were sitting outside Siam Discovery having a smoke and a chat. This bit of a wierdo guy strolls up to me and says 'Are you Russian, are you Russian?' in a wierd accent!

Now it may be true that this guy was indeed Russian, but he was definatly wierd, so was he looking for a fellow Russian or was he checking me out??

When I said 'No' he asked 'Where you from?' and I just  said 'Goodbye!' and off he went!

Anyhow we had a good laugh, as we've both read this topic! :D

Good one Shola.

Next time, just to prove your theory, say "Yes" and see what happens next...


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OK I must fill you in on what happened yesterday!

Me and Lola were sitting outside Siam Discovery having a smoke and a chat. This bit of a wierdo guy strolls up to me and says 'Are you Russian, are you Russian?' in a wierd accent!

Now it may be true that this guy was indeed Russian, but he was definatly wierd, so was he looking for a fellow Russian or was he checking me out??

When I said 'No' he asked 'Where you from?' and I just  said 'Goodbye!' and off he went!

Anyhow we had a good laugh, as we've both read this topic! :D

Good one Shola.

Next time, just to prove your theory, say "Yes" and see what happens next...


Dam.n it! Should have done that!

Mind you he was defo wiieeerd! :o

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Always wear a T-shirt with a slogan saying ' I come from England ' so all the poor muppets will just bugger off  :D

Eeeer :D I think perhaps that might just have the complete opposite effect, I will more than likely attract the heckles of muppet English blokes on holiday! :o

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Here in Sukhumvit area Russian hooks outnumber their farang lady counterparts. I think that farang ladies should expect to get approached if they hang out around here. I think they enjoy that anyhow

Only a man would think such an idiotic thing.

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i live in pattaya and i'm often taken for a russian prostitute. i once lived in a district in korea where there were a lot of russian prostitutes and it happened there too. while people will sometimes ask 'are you russian' (and it's definitely a question asked with a specific intention in mind), usually it's just a look - and you can feel exactly what it means, whether it comes from a thai woman, thai man or foreign man (foreign women don't come into it). a motorcycle taxi driver dropped me off and asked me 'you go? for money?'! i gave him a tip! in korea i was followed through the subway by a man who repeating 'moscova lady, moscova lady' and then sat down next to me..still repeating it. after i called him a 'pabo' and changed cars, he must have realised his mistake because he came and apologised in front of everyone, saluted and bowed!

if i go out in something strappy, it happens. if i go out in jeans and one of my husbands t-shirts, all the thai men say 'narak jang' and i get smiles from everybody!

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Well, it happened again for about the 4th or 5th time since I've been in Thailand.  I was getting my ticket at the BTS station when an Indian guy followed me and asked me if I came from Russia.  It was about 4 in the afternoon and I was dressed just to go shopping so I don't know what made him approach me.  It's happened before in places such as CM2 and bedsupper club that I was approached and asked if I worked there.  The first time it happened I didn't understand what the guy meant and I said 'yes, I work in Bangkok as a teacher'.  The guy asked me how much did I go for!  I can understand if it happens in a place like CM2 where so many of the girls are 'working girls' but I think I should be able to do my shopping without being harrassed by perverts.


Hey sister .. next time, knee the pest in the burdoobees. You know where. I get that alot from Indian guys who somehow manage to get their shoulders or elbows or forearms near my chest. in tube stations or when they are queuing up behind or in front of me for the ATM machines or at a supermarket check out.


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  • 4 months later...
Well, it happened again for about the 4th or 5th time since I've been in Thailand.  I was getting my ticket at the BTS station when an Indian guy followed me and asked me if I came from Russia.  It was about 4 in the afternoon and I was dressed just to go shopping so I don't know what made him approach me.  It's happened before in places such as CM2 and bedsupper club that I was approached and asked if I worked there.  The first time it happened I didn't understand what the guy meant and I said 'yes, I work in Bangkok as a teacher'.  The guy asked me how much did I go for!  I can understand if it happens in a place like CM2 where so many of the girls are 'working girls' but I think I should be able to do my shopping without being harrassed by perverts.


Hey sister .. next time, knee the pest in the burdoobees. You know where. I get that alot from Indian guys who somehow manage to get their shoulders or elbows or forearms near my chest. in tube stations or when they are queuing up behind or in front of me for the ATM machines or at a supermarket check out.


The best thing I learned in self-defense classes taught to women and girls is to grap the balls and sqeeze until you feel bubbles. The pain will be too much, he'll most likely pass out, if not he still won't be able to do anything, so you would have plently of time to get away.

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I must admit, I thought BKK to be a pretty safe place for farang women - that is until last Saturday night.

I was walking home down my soi off Sukhumvit Road at around midnight when something caught my eye. I went back to check it out only to find a Thai man jump up out of the hedge openly fondling his nether regions. He had a huge grin on his face and seemed to enjoy the fact that I had spotted him. :o

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The best thing I learned in self-defense classes taught to women and girls is to grap the balls and sqeeze until you feel bubbles. The pain will be too much, he'll most likely pass out, if not he still won't be able to do anything, so you would have plently of time to get away.

Bubbles.. nerdsick3le.gif

I've got pains just reading that....


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Kath70, if you had been walking at night in London or New York, or Manchester or wherever and had seen something suspicious, would you have walked back to check it out? Jeez you girls must grow up and realise Bangkok is not some bounty bar tropical advert full of people who want to assist you in getting home to your guest house.

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never been mistaken Identity as a hooker b4..

jsut sometime was grabbed by phycho men..what i did? just slap them

sometime men ask me for phone number or dinner with idiot converstion as .."hi, we met us last week b4 right?" it happend while i was shopping .. just said" hey ..try to make smarter conversation ...." (obviously i 've ever never met him/em b4)

sorry Im a mean girl


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Sometimes stupid tourists think that all Thai women are hookers, sameway that some Thais think all white men are punters! I think that women who carry themselves in the appropriate manner and avoid getting themselves in foolish situations are unlikely to be regarded as hookers. Although I can guarantee you that my girlfriend has been mistaken as a hooker by Thai and Farang men and women purely because she has a white boyfriend. So sad.

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Sometimes stupid tourists think that all Thai women are hookers, sameway that some Thais think all white men are punters! I think that women who carry themselves in the appropriate manner and avoid getting themselves in foolish situations are unlikely to be regarded as hookers. Although I can guarantee you that my girlfriend has been mistaken as a hooker by Thai and Farang men and women purely because she has a white boyfriend. So sad.

unbelieveable , but its fact, i met one German-Italian expat he said 80% of woman in TH are hooker.. i wanna laugh till pee ..but i cant coz i was upset :o

well i think sometime guys judge women here from look ..if u are dark, short,chubby ,isarn face,flat nose,big jaw..so you are a HO :D

sound idiot hah? lol (funny in sametime)

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I think that women who carry themselves in the appropriate manner and avoid getting themselves in foolish situations are unlikely to be regarded as hookers.

I am really sorry, but this is one of the most stupid things that have been said in this forum so far.... Ok, so what you are saying is that technically if we get asaulted it is our own fault??? That we didn't carry ourselves in an appropriate manner?!!! There are, unfortunately, still man that think this... Have you read the posts before you posted your 50 cents??? The posters said there were shopping, wearing normal clothes when things like this happened... And hey, even if we were wearing mini skirts... that gives no man the right to grab our a... or do anything the like. Gee, I can't believe this...

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Zata, it is a common male misconception that rape is somehow about sex, that a woman is just too sexy or inappropriately dressed and that is what leads to her rape. Men will rape little old grannies in their beds, so clearly rape is not about sexual appeal but it is about sexual power.

And toni, don't you find it a bit umm, ironic that you are unhappy that your Thai girlfriend is perceived as a prostitute but a farang girl who is seen as one is done so because she is inappropriately dressed? You don't find that a tad, say, hypocritical at all?

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Kath70, if you had been walking at night in London or New York, or Manchester or wherever and had seen something suspicious, would you have walked back to check it out? Jeez you girls must grow up and realise Bangkok is not some bounty bar tropical advert full of people who want to assist you in getting home to your guest house.

Give me a break Toni157.

Did I say I saw something suspicious - NO

Did I say I needed assistance getting home - NO

I was merely passing on, in a woman friendly environment, something that happened to me. What if what "caught my eye" was someone hurt that needed MY assistance.

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my Thai wife and I are staying in Kuala Lumpur. All the girls in bars we go to assume that she is "working", including any Thai girls.

we dont mind, she just chats to them and they realise their mistake. They are often rather sweet about it

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