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Bring her to the USA on a K-1 Visa, then get married.

It's faster and you get her here before she meets someone else that can pay the Sin Sod. That married Visa can take years to get, costing you thousands in time and money.

Once she starts working, let her send money to the village.


well she is not looking to meet any other but i know what your saying. so if i file the K-1 visa she can come and marry here? people told me she needs 500,000 tb in her bank to show she can cover the trip thats $15000 who needs that much? I live in the US and i dont need that lol yes it would be nice buuuut....

is there anything im just not seeing? to tell you the truth this is not about being married, its about our time and as most know it will take alot of time to come up with that money. so how do i get the time i need that she needs together if she is here as we both want we can start twords a better future together not in 10 years but now ASAP....

please help me ... i cant watch her cry any more

That's just not true. What I believe the people are referring to in that case is if she were seeking to visit the US by tourist visa (a non-immigrant visa), and the money in her bank account is not a guaranteed element to a successful application for a tourist visa. Regarding a K-1 visa (an immigrant visa) application, the financial responsibility is all yours. You would be her 'sponsor'. It is usually quicker to go the K-1 visa route rather than a marriage visa. Your problem however is not with her mother. It's with her. If you want to make things easier, see if you can get her out of her mother's home into her own place pending the K-1 visa process. If she agrees it will be an indication if she is truly committed to a future with you. There are plenty of threads outlining K-1 visa process. If you are sincere, but of equal importance, if she is sincere, then you just have to go through the legal steps. Barring something that would prevent her from immigrating, i.e. a criminal background, or disease (although this restriction is subject to waiver), you are pretty much guaranteed that she can immigrate to the US if you qualify as a sponsor. It has nothing to do with paying or not paying her mother, or anyone else for that matter.

i will look into that asap thank you so K-1 visa is my best answer? sorry i dont know too much about this and its abit hard to understand oh and she does not live with her mother she lives in a dorm for woman and works at a bank. does that help at all? about how long does it take to get them to approve the K-1 visa?

i will just have to read up on it.

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Bring her to the USA on a K-1 Visa, then get married.

It's faster and you get her here before she meets someone else that can pay the Sin Sod. That married Visa can take years to get, costing you thousands in time and money.

Once she starts working, let her send money to the village.


well she is not looking to meet any other but i know what your saying. so if i file the K-1 visa she can come and marry here? people told me she needs 500,000 tb in her bank to show she can cover the trip thats $15000 who needs that much? I live in the US and i dont need that lol yes it would be nice buuuut....

is there anything im just not seeing? to tell you the truth this is not about being married, its about our time and as most know it will take alot of time to come up with that money. so how do i get the time i need that she needs together if she is here as we both want we can start twords a better future together not in 10 years but now ASAP....

please help me ... i cant watch her cry any more

That's just not true. What I believe the people are referring to in that case is if she were seeking to visit the US by tourist visa (a non-immigrant visa), and the money in her bank account is not a guaranteed element to a successful application for a tourist visa. Regarding a K-1 visa (an immigrant visa) application, the financial responsibility is all yours. You would be her 'sponsor'. It is usually quicker to go the K-1 visa route rather than a marriage visa. Your problem however is not with her mother. It's with her. If you want to make things easier, see if you can get her out of her mother's home into her own place pending the K-1 visa process. If she agrees it will be an indication if she is truly committed to a future with you. There are plenty of threads outlining K-1 visa process. If you are sincere, but of equal importance, if she is sincere, then you just have to go through the legal steps. Barring something that would prevent her from immigrating, i.e. a criminal background, or disease (although this restriction is subject to waiver), you are pretty much guaranteed that she can immigrate to the US if you qualify as a sponsor. It has nothing to do with paying or not paying her mother, or anyone else for that matter.

Im reading up on the K-1 but can i ask? can she still get a work visa in the US after she comes?

it does not say... oh and about the money problem just popping up like it did well i did not know until after i asked her to marry me that there was a doury.... trust me i did not take is so well when i found out...

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Dear Richard.....I take it your real names is Richard.....I will call you Dick for short.


The problem you have here, is when you walk like a duck and squark like a duck, people start to think you are a DUCK.

Having said that, you are 28 years old, or so you claim to be, I suggest you wake up to yourself and get real. If by chance you are not trolling, you should NOT pay any money & see how long ur gf sticks around because at a guess I would suggest she will hit the road before the ink dries on the visa application form.


:) Mods, do your thing P L E A S E!

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