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Airport Scam Spreads To Skytrain


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All this crap going on right now aimed at Tourists and Tourism could be part of a plot to discredit the current government in prepartion for the return of Mr. T

No worries on that. Toxin is probably laid up in a expensive hotel complaining about getting ripped off by Arabs in Dubai. I highly doubt he need do anything to to discredit this current government, they are doing a fine job of discrediting themselves.

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All this crap going on right now aimed at Tourists and Tourism could be part of a plot to discredit the current government in prepartion for the return of Mr. T

If he brings the rest of the A Team with him they'll soon sort all of LOS' problems out. Probably by building a battering ram or rocket launcher from sone spare parts they found in a garage.

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Another one to add to the list from http://www.lonelyplanet.com/thorntree/thre...hreadID=1800664

Warning for people travelling from Surat Thani to Ko Samui or Ko Pha Ngan

If you will be travelling to Ko Samui or Ko Pha Ngan via Surat Thani railway station please be warned of the following:

I made this trip three weeks ago and was robbed by employees of one of the shuttle bus services running between the railway station and Donsak ferry port (the departure point for ferries to Ko Samui and Ko Pha Ngan).

The bus involved was blue and white with mostly Thai script on the outside; the only words in Roman script were either 'Ko Samui' or Ko Pha Ngan'. An employee of the company, or someone in cahoots with them, hides in the luggage hold during the journey with a torch (flashlight) and goes through all of the bags, stealing any valuables. The driver makes at least one unscheduled stop (presumably for the accomplice to escape) and makes sure that the bus gets into the ferry terminal five minutes before the departure time, so that no-one checks their luggage until they're on the ferry. It was only when my partner and I were on the boat that we realised our bags had been thoroughly rummaged through and that items were missing.

Also, from speaking to other travellers, it seems that a taxi from the railway station to the ferry port might actually be a cheaper as well as a more secure option. We were charged 550 baht each for a combination bus / ferry ticket. We later found out that the ferry ticket alone is something like 220 baht, so if you can get a shared taxi for less than 330 baht you'll be saving yourself some beer money.

If you're travelling in the area, please warn other travellers of the above. In the absence of any recourse to the law (the local police were not very interested), I'd be pleased if I could at least save a few others the hassle of being robbed and hopefully help to put the offending company out of business too. Posted

23-Jul-2009 22:16

by: Thaigerwan


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Lonely Planet has been running news of that same scam for at least 15 years now, nothing new.

Are you suggesting that the scam has been running for 15 years? Pretty shitty if it has.

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So, this guy is a liar and Thai authorities don't lie?. Yeah right!

What ''lie' and what 'Thai authorities' are you talking about? Skytrain 'guards' are not 'Thai authorities', and as far as I can tell from the OP, nobody has asked BTS to comment on this case, so what 'lie' are you referring to? The whole thing is totally uncorrobarated - just one guy back in the safety of Denmark telling a story and getting his name in the paper. Believe it if you want - but if you use the BTS regularly at Siam Square you'll realise how unlikely this is. For one thing, the platform guards are usually on their own, they don't go around in big gangs; secondly, BTS staff are, on the whole, pretty polite and professional. Thirdly, how do you know this guy wasn't being a drunken arsehol_e, got taken to the guard room, then made up this little story instead? Fourthly, since the guards are not police, the only authority they have is to remove him from the station. Fifthly, why didn't he go and report it as soon as he was out of the guardroom to, say, the station manager, the ticket office, a cop on the street, his embassy, oh come on, if this was real..what would you do?

Like I said, I aint buying it. I can't remember what there is in the way of CCTV at Siam, but that's the only way I'd believe a tale like this.

Let us just hope that you are right.

Let us also hope, that if it happens again, it will be you, and not me.

And please do not forget that what might not happen to you, could happen to someone else.

The messenger of bad news is always at fault, and will be shot!

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Sounds more plausible that Mr Georgesen is scamming his local press - I don't buy this story at all.

Why he should do that??

Are you familiar with Western tabloid press? People make up all sorts of rubbish just to get their "15 minutes of fame" (= attention) or to get paid for their story.

Thailand is an easy-mark right now - what's the betting the next story will be someone claiming the flight crew of a Thai Air plane forced someone into a toilet at 30,000 feet and relieved them of 10,000 baht for not wearing their seat belt....

Please, don't give them any ideas.

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I think Mr Georgesen, tourist that he is, is a bit confused as to what constitutes Siam station. His story would make perfect sense if he was talking about the men in brown lurking on the overhead bridge connecting MBK to Siam discovery. They are indeed Thai government officials, and they are definitely in the cigarette butt business. I have seen with my own two eyes how they go for any tourist smoking, while conveniently overlooking the Thais obstructing the walkway with the counterfeit junk. They have even set up a table on the overhead bridge where they can issue "fines".

Anytime you see a foreigner smoking, soon you will see a thai cop following or calling ahead to one of his cohorts. They are posted every 50 meters in the tourist areas.

2,000-10,000 each time.

There are hundreds of them doing this thru out the city in tourist areas. Each one of them nabbing several each hour. Thats a huge sum and powerful people involved.

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Another one to add to the list from http://www.lonelyplanet.com/thorntree/thre...hreadID=1800664

Warning for people travelling from Surat Thani to Ko Samui or Ko Pha Ngan

If you will be travelling to Ko Samui or Ko Pha Ngan via Surat Thani railway station please be warned of the following:

I made this trip three weeks ago and was robbed by employees of one of the shuttle bus services running between the railway station and Donsak ferry port (the departure point for ferries to Ko Samui and Ko Pha Ngan).

The bus involved was blue and white with mostly Thai script on the outside; the only words in Roman script were either 'Ko Samui' or Ko Pha Ngan'. An employee of the company, or someone in cahoots with them, hides in the luggage hold during the journey with a torch (flashlight) and goes through all of the bags, stealing any valuables. The driver makes at least one unscheduled stop (presumably for the accomplice to escape) and makes sure that the bus gets into the ferry terminal five minutes before the departure time, so that no-one checks their luggage until they're on the ferry. It was only when my partner and I were on the boat that we realised our bags had been thoroughly rummaged through and that items were missing.

Also, from speaking to other travellers, it seems that a taxi from the railway station to the ferry port might actually be a cheaper as well as a more secure option. We were charged 550 baht each for a combination bus / ferry ticket. We later found out that the ferry ticket alone is something like 220 baht, so if you can get a shared taxi for less than 330 baht you'll be saving yourself some beer money.

If you're travelling in the area, please warn other travellers of the above. In the absence of any recourse to the law (the local police were not very interested), I'd be pleased if I could at least save a few others the hassle of being robbed and hopefully help to put the offending company out of business too. Posted

23-Jul-2009 22:16

by: Thaigerwan

'in' "cahoots".......I love that word. It really sets the scene for a hilarious, imaginative

story. and I love the part about the guy who crawls down into the luggage hold with a flashlight. That probably did happen!!!its great! It's like the GREAT TRAIN ROBBERY except on a bus in Thailand! WARNING....watch out backpackers!

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All this crap going on right now aimed at Tourists and Tourism could be part of a plot to discredit the current government in prepartion for the return of Mr. T

:) If the scams are comin thick and fast with a relatively conservative government in power,

imagine what will happen if whacko-thacko gets back in!!



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All this crap going on right now aimed at Tourists and Tourism could be part of a plot to discredit the current government in prepartion for the return of Mr. T

:) If the scams are comin thick and fast with a relatively conservative government in power,

imagine what will happen if whacko-thacko gets back in!!



It wouldn't be so bad if the official authorities (THE GOVERNMENT)had something to say about it immediately after the stories broke.

The scams are becoming internationally famous, but where is the tourism minister making a statement to the international press? Sticking their head in the sand just allows these dam_n stories to gain their own momentum and casts the authorities in a light which suggests that they can't prevent them (not very good publicity) or that they don't care (even worse).

We all know that scams go on, but in many places, conducting a proper investigation provides tourists with the feeling that something is being done to make the situation better.

It isn't good enough for the world outside to really start believing that the reaction to this kind of thing is "TIT, handle with care".

These are not Walking Street scams.

The apparent random accusation of people on the street who are then forced under threat to hand over money is an issue that will spread itself around the world and discourage a lot of people from coming here.

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A danish citizen was arrested at the SIAM SKY TRAIN STATION in Bangkok recently! The guards accused him of throwing a cigarette on the ground.

Only problem: the guy works in a hospital and is a non smoker and said he had nothing to do with the case. The dane was brought into a room and he was not allowed to go untill he paid Bth 10,000 to the security guards.

Here is the link. The story is from yesterday, it is in one of the biggest newspapers in Denmark. http://politiken.dk/tjek/rejser/asien/article755129.ece

This is a newspaper that do NOT run gossip-stories.


"I was allowed to leave, that was the most important".

Anesteciatist Nils Georgsen from Copenhagen warns against being extorted money from Thai governement employees.

This warning coinsides with more countries wanting to investigate whether tourists have illegally been accused of shoplifting in Bangkok International Airport - after which they were forced to pay large amounts to be allowed to leave the country.

For Georgesen it went all wrong while he was waiting for a train at Siam Skytrain station, during a visit to Thailand's capital.

"I didn't suspect anything. All was quiet. Then, suddently a skytrain security guard came and pointed at a cigaret but on the platform", Nils Georgsen explans. Smoking is not allowed on the station. But despite the explanations from the Danish tourist that he is a non-smoker and that he he didn't shrow anything, he was still escorted to a guard room and surrounded by security guards.

Had to pay on the spot

They wanted money. They demanded 10,000 Baht. "This was no joke. They were very threatening. I tried to explain that I am a non-smoker, but they wouldn't budge. They just wanted money" explains the Danish anesteciatist.

He tried to call the tourist police but the guards didn't allow him to. In stead he managed to negotiate the amount down to 2000 Baht. "I was then allowed to leave. Thas was the most important'

See the travel warnng on the ministry of foreign affair's website (external link).

He has since tried to protect himself, when he visit Thailand, and is very careful about access to money, if it should go wrong again. And he do understand why these things happen.

"They are dead poor and must daily watch rich tourists. Obvisouly it makes something click in some people"

Tourists must pay at the Airport

Georgesen was on the other hand very surprised to hear that similar events have taken place at the Bangkok International Airport where visitors from several countries have been extorted large amounts to avoid prison, after being accused of shoplifting. "It is food for thought. It's the main portal to Thailand" he says, and worries that it will affect the Thai tourist industry, which is already in decline.

This happened to me last year.

In my case I had a cig outside mbk on the train level and on finishing looked around and found some rubbish in a corner where I threw my smoke.

Was stopped by guards and they asked my wife for 2000 baht. I told my wife the bas---ds can arrest me Im not paying but in the end she gave them 100 after some haggling.

Why the hel_l is the thai government so incapable of dealing with issues such as this. All it would need is a weel publicised edict stating that the guards cannot do this and to report incidents to regular police.

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Sounds more plausible that Mr Georgesen is scamming his local press - I don't buy this story at all.

This happened to me last year at the skytrain level outside MBK.

I finished a cigar before going into mbk and on looking around founs some rubbish over the barrier with a small box, put my cig into box but was then stopped by guards as the wife and I were making way to mbk.

They wanted 2000 baht and I told the wife that I would rather go to jail than pay the bas---ds. Evenyually she paid them 100 baht.

Why the hel_l cant the thai government simply issue an edict telling people not to pay and to report these issues to regular cops.

By the way I have no idea if these guards were from skytrain or shops.

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It's not hard to find out which guards these were and they should be made an example of and they should be on the front of every newspaper in the country for having brought shame to the country.

If these guards are not fired immediately there is not hope for a resolution to this behaviour.

Don't announce a crackdown just get the job done and prosecute these people with extortion.

A danish citizen was arrested at the SIAM SKY TRAIN STATION in Bangkok recently! The guards accused him of throwing a cigarette on the ground.

Only problem: the guy works in a hospital and is a non smoker and said he had nothing to do with the case. The dane was brought into a room and he was not allowed to go untill he paid Bth 10,000 to the security guards.

Here is the link. The story is from yesterday, it is in one of the biggest newspapers in Denmark. http://politiken.dk/tjek/rejser/asien/article755129.ece

This is a newspaper that do NOT run gossip-stories.


"I was allowed to leave, that was the most important".

Anesteciatist Nils Georgsen from Copenhagen warns against being extorted money from Thai governement employees.

This warning coinsides with more countries wanting to investigate whether tourists have illegally been accused of shoplifting in Bangkok International Airport - after which they were forced to pay large amounts to be allowed to leave the country.

For Georgesen it went all wrong while he was waiting for a train at Siam Skytrain station, during a visit to Thailand's capital.

"I didn't suspect anything. All was quiet. Then, suddently a skytrain security guard came and pointed at a cigaret but on the platform", Nils Georgsen explans. Smoking is not allowed on the station. But despite the explanations from the Danish tourist that he is a non-smoker and that he he didn't shrow anything, he was still escorted to a guard room and surrounded by security guards.

Had to pay on the spot

They wanted money. They demanded 10,000 Baht. "This was no joke. They were very threatening. I tried to explain that I am a non-smoker, but they wouldn't budge. They just wanted money" explains the Danish anesteciatist.

He tried to call the tourist police but the guards didn't allow him to. In stead he managed to negotiate the amount down to 2000 Baht. "I was then allowed to leave. Thas was the most important'

See the travel warnng on the ministry of foreign affair's website (external link).

He has since tried to protect himself, when he visit Thailand, and is very careful about access to money, if it should go wrong again. And he do understand why these things happen.

"They are dead poor and must daily watch rich tourists. Obvisouly it makes something click in some people"

Tourists must pay at the Airport

Georgesen was on the other hand very surprised to hear that similar events have taken place at the Bangkok International Airport where visitors from several countries have been extorted large amounts to avoid prison, after being accused of shoplifting. "It is food for thought. It's the main portal to Thailand" he says, and worries that it will affect the Thai tourist industry, which is already in decline.

Edited by steffi
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The Police rent the footpaths to vendors selling porn, copyright material, bars etc.

These vendors use the pathway for trash bins but a foreigner will pay up to 10,000 baht if they flick a but onto this filthy footpath.











They are defrauding hundreds of tourists a day.

Been doing it for years.

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Is the box a cash register location for traffic violators or tourist information bay.?

Neither. The writing on the top of the kiosk says "Place to Pay the Fine for Littering". Aside from the fact that the kiosk should have an English langauge sign so that tourists would get the idea, I don't see how this is a scam.

It's illegal in most Western counries to drop litter, including the UK. The post above is misleading. The street where all the rubbish is not the same as the street where the kiosk is. Did it occur that one benefit of this practice is to keep the area looking respectable for other tourists? Is there any litter in the photos where the tourists are being fined?

No. It looks like apretty nice place to spend your holiday.

So the policy works.


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A danish citizen was arrested at the SIAM SKY TRAIN STATION in Bangkok recently! The guards accused him of throwing a cigarette on the ground.

Only problem: the guy works in a hospital and is a non smoker and said he had nothing to do with the case. The dane was brought into a room and he was not allowed to go untill he paid Bth 10,000 to the security guards.

Here is the link. The story is from yesterday, it is in one of the biggest newspapers in Denmark. http://politiken.dk/tjek/rejser/asien/article755129.ece

This is a newspaper that do NOT run gossip-stories.


"I was allowed to leave, that was the most important".

Anesteciatist Nils Georgsen from Copenhagen warns against being extorted money from Thai governement employees.

This warning coinsides with more countries wanting to investigate whether tourists have illegally been accused of shoplifting in Bangkok International Airport - after which they were forced to pay large amounts to be allowed to leave the country.

For Georgesen it went all wrong while he was waiting for a train at Siam Skytrain station, during a visit to Thailand's capital.

"I didn't suspect anything. All was quiet. Then, suddently a skytrain security guard came and pointed at a cigaret but on the platform", Nils Georgsen explans. Smoking is not allowed on the station. But despite the explanations from the Danish tourist that he is a non-smoker and that he he didn't shrow anything, he was still escorted to a guard room and surrounded by security guards.

Had to pay on the spot

They wanted money. They demanded 10,000 Baht. "This was no joke. They were very threatening. I tried to explain that I am a non-smoker, but they wouldn't budge. They just wanted money" explains the Danish anesteciatist.

He tried to call the tourist police but the guards didn't allow him to. In stead he managed to negotiate the amount down to 2000 Baht. "I was then allowed to leave. Thas was the most important'

See the travel warnng on the ministry of foreign affair's website (external link).

He has since tried to protect himself, when he visit Thailand, and is very careful about access to money, if it should go wrong again. And he do understand why these things happen.

"They are dead poor and must daily watch rich tourists. Obvisouly it makes something click in some people"

Tourists must pay at the Airport

Georgesen was on the other hand very surprised to hear that similar events have taken place at the Bangkok International Airport where visitors from several countries have been extorted large amounts to avoid prison, after being accused of shoplifting. "It is food for thought. It's the main portal to Thailand" he says, and worries that it will affect the Thai tourist industry, which is already in decline.

This is a rebirth of an old scam. About 12 years ago the BMA has special police assigned throught areas demanding money from any tourist accused of littering. They would even walk along side of a tourist and dropcigaretts and than charge the tourist for droping a cigarett butt. At that time I was working in the TIME SQUARE building, these litter police were all up and down Sukhumvit, they didnot speed any foreign language only demanded money.

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I must be on the wrong site - I thought 'ThaiVisa' was for people interested in Thailand.

No Mate sorry to disappoint you.

Thai visa is a site where there are many 'experienced' expats that actually live in Thailand. Theres thousands of years in a collective total cruising the threads here telling their account of how things go down in the land of smiles.

If you want glossy brochures, slide down to the travel agent....now doubt they will be able to sell you something :)

Don't get me wrong, Thailand is a wonderful place with many wonderful people and its truely worth the visit, however when you pack to come on holiday make sure you don't forget your brain & all your common sense, which seems to be not that common these days. Goodluck and enjoy.


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Sounds more plausible that Mr Georgesen is scamming his local press - I don't buy this story at all.

The amount of greed, corruption, extortion - some by the govt - and the view that all Westerners are rich make this story very easy to believe. If TV asked everyone who was every "taken advantage of" while in LOS (Lack of Sanctions) the response would/could be mind boggling.

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About twenty years ago, walking across a street in San Francisco, an official looking woman (wearing a kind of uniform with some sort of badges) waved an Id. card at me and said that she was issuing me a ticket for j-walking. Before I could say anything the mate I was with (also from Northern Ireland) yelled "fuc_k aff!" ... which she did. He explained just 'another' (his words) scammer targeting tourists. Those bastards are everywhere (although not always wearing official uniforms!)

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Is the box a cash register location for traffic violators or tourist information bay.?

Neither. The writing on the top of the kiosk says "Place to Pay the Fine for Littering". Aside from the fact that the kiosk should have an English langauge sign so that tourists would get the idea, I don't see how this is a scam.

It's illegal in most Western counries to drop litter, including the UK. The post above is misleading. The street where all the rubbish is not the same as the street where the kiosk is. Did it occur that one benefit of this practice is to keep the area looking respectable for other tourists? Is there any litter in the photos where the tourists are being fined?

No. It looks like apretty nice place to spend your holiday.

So the policy works.


The photo of the trash in the street is Suk Soi 11, in the heart of the hotel district.

Go there any morning and it looks just like that. If fact the entire area is trashed every nite by the vendors...not tourists.

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