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How Many Tattoos Do You Have?


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Ever hear the expression, "Dont call me sir, I work for a living."

Hmmm... I guess if someone has Semper Fi or USMC tattooed prominently on their forearm or bicep thats gonna close some doors? NOT

I just seem to meet alot of guys with ink... always a good topic for conversation.

How many doctors, lawyers, professors, engineers, etc. have you ever seen with a "Semper Fi or USMC" on their forearm? Not many I suspect and it seems to be the enlisted men that have tattoos not the officers as they know in white collar professions they are frowned upon. As I said I have nothing against them I am extremely opened minded and don't care how much metal someone puts in their face or ink they have but society in general looks down on it, it's a shame people are so shallow and reject the idea of individuality but that is just how it is. All of that being said not one Thai person that I work with has ink any place evident nor did any of the staff I worked with in the USA. I do know of one female lawyer in the USA my wife worked with who decided to get a tattoo on her leg, she had a promotion coming and she deserved it, after being tattooed she was promptly limited to office work and put in an uncomfortable position until she finally quit, the truth was no one wanted to see her leg art when she wore a skirt, and chances are it would have influenced the judge and jury

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sad to see so many people here still judge a book by it's cover.

so shallow.

i have twelve tattoos,traditional sak yants.

some were done when i was a monk,some where not.

I don't have a personality disorder,and i have never been in trouble with the law,and i treat all people with respect regardless of there personal choices.

should i ever run a business i will judge people by there performance rather then there appearance.

my wife is thai also and she has no tattoos and she dislikes mine, fortunately she is not so shallow and looked beyond my tattoos,and took the time to get to know me.

because of needless stereotypes same of you may have lost potentially good staff and more importantly good friendships and relationships.

Have to agree with you here ,its each to their own, and I would have no opinion of you either way if I saw your tattoos , but I am afraid for ME an tattoo on a woman turns my guts over ,, it never fails to amaze me how some Thai women are trying to make themselves look so much like the women from the west that their ex bfs,/ husbands are prepared to travel half way around the world to escape from

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A tattoo is often, but not always, a sign of a person with low status in life and often connected to poor education. We all know that. Do you see many doctors, lawers, civil engineers and other university graduated etc tattooed? Well, some may have gotten their tattoos when they were young and not so thoughtful......but a tattoo can be removed.

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Tattoos typically indicate a personality disorder.

There isn't one good reason to get one, but dozens of reasons not to.

Have to agree with you post but we do all have choices.Personally i think they look gross and after many years,when your skin shrivels they look even worse.Nothing turns my stomach more,when i see old geezers with loads of tatoos and trying to show them off under their rolls of skin and hairs urghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

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Painful and uggly IMO. Would never have a gf with tattoo. Doesn't look very nice when get older. Nature created people beautiful, why mess with nature?

If you are here in Thailand, and intend to stay for a while.

I hope you remember your last paragraph.


The chance of meeting someone that has had some "work" done increases all the time here.

Especially nose jobs are "in" here.

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A tattoo is often, but not always, a sign of a person with low status in life and often connected to poor education. We all know that. Do you see many doctors, lawers, civil engineers and other university graduated etc tattooed? Well, some may have gotten their tattoos when they were young and not so thoughtful......but a tattoo can be removed.

How do you know this?

Personal experience?

I believe we must try to see how the world is, and not used to be.

People with tattoos are not only jail birds or drunken sailors anymore.

I know, for a fact, a few executives, directors, and managers, with not only one, but loads of tattoos.

One of the Managers we had, actually has a full body suite tattoo. Needless to say maybe, but his hands and face is NOT covered. He always were a business suite, and I accidently noticed one day he visited us, when he reached for a cup of coffee.

I asked him after the meeting, and he told me.

One of the Executive directors in the Company I work for has a lot of tattoos.

By the way, the organizationI work for has about 120-125 000 employees world wide.

I am what one might call at the middle level in the company.

In the management level in my division.

I have a few tattoos, and I have a few years at school as well.

I personally know a business lawyer here in Thailand with a lot of tattoos. He finished off his law education (all the way to Doctor).

Several of the people I know, or have met, with tattoos, have higher University education.

But there is one difference sometimes. Many of them do not see the need to show their tattoos to everyone.

A tattoo is normally a personal thing, so you might not always know who has a tattoo or not when you meet someone..

Strange how some of the members with NO tattoos try to highjack a thread that was mainly aimed at the members with tattos.


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I know a young stupid chavvy but nice girl in England who had her daughters name tattoo'd on her foot !

How i laughed when i saw it.....

But its okay i doubt she will move from her 5 miles radius of born/school/work so she will not be offending many Asians in Devon!

Me personally i am clean but i have walked into tattoo parlours to have a browse but could never decide on a good one. However, I do fancy a huge Hannuman Monkey God tattoo'd across my chest but the misses will have none of it and says this tattoo will cause problems because one day i will think i am him and it will be dangerous for my life!

Do you think tattoos can change peoples behaviour? I certainly believe people react differently when looking at someone with tattoos.

I remember working at a car show in England and a chap put his arm across the desk i was sitting at and he had some Thai writing on his arm which i looked at then read out loud! should have seen his face a f_cking picture! It was his Thai wifes name! he said so it does say that then!

i can't imagine having something tattoo'd on you that you cannot understand in a different language! seems a bit dumb to me..

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A tattoo is often, but not always, a sign of a person with low status in life and often connected to poor education. We all know that. Do you see many doctors, lawers, civil engineers and other university graduated etc tattooed? Well, some may have gotten their tattoos when they were young and not so thoughtful......but a tattoo can be removed.

I know heaps of professionals that have TATS!! :D I think your mindset is maybe 50yrs too late. :) Oh btw way I hold two advanced degree(s) and I am a professional myself. Personally I think less is more in regards to TATS, however I definitely don't look bad on anyone who wears them. Personal choice and up to them!

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My wife has none and we were together 6 months before she found out that half my body is covered. :D The first time she saw it she said that she could not stay in a relationship with me and called everything off. :D She called a couple of days later to tell me she still loved me but made me swear not to go further. :) I think she loves her low class husband :D

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Painful and uggly IMO. Would never have a gf with tattoo. Doesn't look very nice when get older. Nature created people beautiful, why mess with nature?

If you are here in Thailand, and intend to stay for a while.

I hope you remember your last paragraph.


The chance of meeting someone that has had some "work" done increases all the time here.

Especially nose jobs are "in" here.


U have problem people disagree with you? Dont accept people with other opinion? If all have same opinion, wouldn't be much interesting to read here, would it? Some people like tattoo, but the majority of people still do not have tattoo.

Been living here long time (decade+), and have no plan to leave. Not worry about "meeting someone that "had some work" as I'm happy married to a lady who dislike tattoo more than I do. If I was single, I would turn down a lady with tattoo simply because I think it shows bad taste. Nose job dont scream "give me attention" as tattoo do. Most can't been seen, unless they tell you. If tattoo is "so hot" why do so many people remove them later ? :)

Hope you remember your attitude if you intend to stay for a while. Learn to have a discussion where people disagree - without being personal. :D

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Couldnt think of anything more gross or off putting,, humping something with a tatttoo on it ,, so sexy and feminine a big skull and cross bones on its arms ( not ) Mabe thats why they invented Viagra to help people in this situation

Brad Pitt seems not to have a problem with La Jolie.

I'm not into tattoos, but I'd overlook Jolie's 13 or so too.

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My wife has none and we were together 6 months before she found out that half my body is covered. :D The first time she saw it she said that she could not stay in a relationship with me and called everything off. :D She called a couple of days later to tell me she still loved me but made me swear not to go further. :) I think she loves her low class husband :D

Brilliant! just fuc_king brilliant! I love it. "Her low class husband" who doesn't have a frightening disfigurement like you? Ha! Oi! Gotta love that little last dig...."low class"...hehe 'Kao mai dai!'

OK, alright...so all you tattoo dudes and chicks...what tattoos do YOU guys look at and say, "Mother of Christ!... you're gonna regret that puppy"?

My vote for the equivalent of a blazing neon sign on your forehead that says, "Dickweed!" is "tribal" tattoos. Those bastardized high school back-of-the-notebook doodles you did with a blue ball-point pen. How terribly original. Sort of the cool Mauri rip-off imitation version of Mickey Mouse ears.

When I see someone with those pathetic blotches I think, "Loser." Who doesn't?

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I know a young stupid chavvy but nice girl in England who had her daughters name tattoo'd on her foot !

How i laughed when i saw it.....

But its okay i doubt she will move from her 5 miles radius of born/school/work so she will not be offending many Asians in Devon!

OK Sanook2me, you've lost me, why would an English girl living in England be offending asians because she has a tattoo of her daughters name on her foot?


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Painful and uggly IMO. Would never have a gf with tattoo. Doesn't look very nice when get older. Nature created people beautiful, why mess with nature?

If you are here in Thailand, and intend to stay for a while.

I hope you remember your last paragraph.


The chance of meeting someone that has had some "work" done increases all the time here.

Especially nose jobs are "in" here.


U have problem people disagree with you? Dont accept people with other opinion? If all have same opinion, wouldn't be much interesting to read here, would it? Some people like tattoo, but the majority of people still do not have tattoo.

Been living here long time (decade+), and have no plan to leave. Not worry about "meeting someone that "had some work" as I'm happy married to a lady who dislike tattoo more than I do. If I was single, I would turn down a lady with tattoo simply because I think it shows bad taste. Nose job dont scream "give me attention" as tattoo do. Most can't been seen, unless they tell you. If tattoo is "so hot" why do so many people remove them later ? :)

Hope you remember your attitude if you intend to stay for a while. Learn to have a discussion where people disagree - without being personal. :D


you got me there.

Not sure how to respond.

I guess I can always say I am very sorry that I did not agree with you?


Seriously, come on!!

What you dont like is probably the way I write things, and not why I write it.


If that is the case, then I really am sorry if I act arrogant.

Again, it is just the way I write stuff.


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i have none. and my thai woman has none.

if she ever came home with one then she would no longer be my thai woman.

mindst you i said the same before she started smoking, before her slitty eye reduction op, nose job etc.

i didnt dissaprove of the the boob job though ;-)

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