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Are All Men Having Trouble With Their Sex Life?,


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Chances are, these 'problems' aren't any more in abundant than they we're 100 years ago. Classic American social engineering combined with marketing. This is uniquely relevent as it applies to the Medical-Pharmaceutical Industrial Complex Mafia. The fabricated and make-believe ailments, conditions, and syndromes are a way of life for most of the accepting public. Easily taken in.....

Actually, no. Erectile dysfunction is caused by the same thing that causes heart disease - plaque buildup in the arteries. Since the population has been getting ever fatter these past 30 years or so, we would expect both heart disease and erectile dysfunction to increase. Fat and cardiovascular disease are both caused by sugar, flour, corn syrup, trans-fats, alcohol and other junk food.

But I think you're right about there being a Medical-Pharmaceutical Industrial Complex - I imagine it is closely allied with the Agri-business-Junk Food-Tobacco-Alcohol Complex. The latter makes us fat and sick, then the former sells us "health care". Of course, governments are at the top of all this...

Edited by dumbnewbie
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old age brings on a longer duration which is what keeps my lady singing in the morning .

dam_n, Dumball, it's good to see you still alive :)

Was away on a trip to Canada , been back a while and still on my second honeymoon , absence helps make some things stronger , more alive than ever , getting off the booze whilst there certainly had a hand I'm sure .Bloody expensive place to live any more , especially the food , difficult to keep up my fruit and veggie regimen . Nice to be missed for whatever reason , thanks 'mahtin' .

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Aside from the pleasure these pills have given untold millions of men (either men who could not previously achieve an erection or from recreational users bound to maximize a night's pleasure) and the women who were able to enjoy their effects, the pills have had a very significant effect on the price of endangered animals, and through inference, is probably helping to save them.

One report I read stated that the black-market cost for a tiger carcass in China pre-viagra was about $50,000. A few years after viagra use was common, the price of a tiger had fallen to about $10,000. THe main reason is that one of the most compelling reasons for the consumption of animal parts in Sino-based societies was for increased sexual performance. And expcet for the placebo effect, consuming the wide variety of animal parts had essentially no impact on sexual performance.

So when the average Chinese man seeking a boost had a choice for a $10 tiger misture which did not work or a $1 viagra tablet which did work, it is not too hard to figure out which one came on top.

There are still many perceived uses for the various animal products in Sino-based cultures, but the sexual aspect of it has been trmendously reduced. And that has lowered the demand for these animals, thereby lowering the monetary worth of them.

It has been my contention for quite some time that there should be a statue of a big blue pill out in fron of the World Wildlife Fund headquarters in Gland. Perhpas nothing else has contributed as much to the conservation of wildlife.

I've said exactly the same thing many times, bonobo. We know that ground up rhino horn and bear's gall bladder isn't going to work (other than mentally) but if what I hear is correct, where Cialis and Viagra does, then I'd guess the market for dried animal parts should slow down considerably.

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Are all men having trouble with their sex life? What's with all the ads for Viagra and Cialis?

Maybe it's just the sports channels I watch on TV but there seems to be an over abundance of advertisements offering sex pills for men. I see ads for Cialis, Viagra, something called Extends and a few others

I keep getting emails offering products to enlarge my penis. I think they must have a hidden camera in my bathroom.

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That one is easy to answer

NO :D whos perfect :)

personaly only have one problem

is there a drug that can reduce my sexual appetite

my poor wife ( most girls would be happy to have a hubby that last more than the 3 - 5 minutes )

but i spose 1 hour + a day can become to mutch for any woman :D

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Are all men having trouble with their sex life? What's with all the ads for Viagra and Cialis?

Maybe it's just the sports channels I watch on TV but there seems to be an over abundance of advertisements offering sex pills for men. I see ads for Cialis, Viagra, something called Extends and a few others I've never heard of before. Is there some problem with modern men? I thought that is what beautiful women were for... to keep men interested. The men's sex pills ads seem to have taken over from the ones about women's monthly problems. On top of that there seem to be ads for all sorts of pharmaceuticals to alleviate some imagined or real problem that people supposedly have.

Are the pharmacy companies taking over the world?

People have been taking aphrodeziacs for centuries, chocolate, rino horn, etc.. so nothing is unusual except the availabilty of advertising. And the occasional 4 bargirls at the same time!!! Just joking.......

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I took viagra once a 100mg tablet.

Very funny really because you are hard but not horny.

It is not an aphrodisiac so is really only suitable for people with erectile dysfunction.

Are there any true aphrodisiacs out there apart from some delicious young booty?

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