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1 Year Nonimmigrant O Multiple Entry

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I'm an American xpat married to a native thai lady living and working in Udon. I've got a yellow book, a work permit, 800k bht in the bank, my wife and I have combined income of 40k bht, but unwisely I have a 3 month single entry visa that expires Sept 25 2009. Please advice best way to obtain a 1 year multiple entry so I don't have to sleep in Vientiane, Laos every 3 months to get a new visa.

Thanks in advance for your advice,


Edited by saplaieelee
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Have you tried to extend your stay one year for work or wife? That is the normal procedure for someone working/staying here. If you qualify you would do that after August 25.

If you need multi entry visa you have the choice of B for work or O for wife (which also allows a work permit to be issued). Most, if they have choice, go for O as it would not end stay if job is lost. But even if job were lost on B you can immediately leave and return with a new visa so not a big issue.

B issue will require passport and full company paperwork. KL is a good place to apply.

O issue will require marriage certificate and copy of wife ID card (good to have home register of hers and note asking for visa) and should be able to show a bank account with 20-100k in it for the multi entry. Again KL is a good choice.

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Thanks much, Lopburi3 for the reply and useful info.

I have not yet tried to extend, trying now to be prepared for that eventual trip. I want an O marriage VISA, not a B.

I'm guessing KL is Kuala Lumphur. I'm a good plane ride from there. As an American would I need a VISA to enter KL? Vientaine, Laos is much more convenient, only an hour+ car ride for me.

Do you know about this embassy, whether they're likely to give a 1 year nonimm. O assuming I have all the needed docs? I have marriage certif. wive's ID copy, 800k in thai bank, etc.

Thanks again,


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Thanks much, Lopburi3 for the reply and useful info.

I have not yet tried to extend, trying now to be prepared for that eventual trip. I want an O marriage VISA, not a B.

I'm guessing KL is Kuala Lumphur. I'm a good plane ride from there. As an American would I need a VISA to enter KL? Vientaine, Laos is much more convenient, only an hour+ car ride for me.

Do you know about this embassy, whether they're likely to give a 1 year nonimm. O assuming I have all the needed docs? I have marriage certif. wive's ID copy, 800k in thai bank, etc.

Thanks again,


Is there some reason you can's apply for a one year "Extension of Stay" as suggested above? It isn't a visa, it's an extension of your permitted to stay period, you wouldn't have to leave every 90 days, but just do an address report.

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You should be able to get a single entry O in Laos. That would be good for 90 days.

Then you can apply for a one year extension at immigration in Nong Khai.

I think KL was mentioned for a multiple entry visa, which you don't need if you want to extend for a year because of marriage.

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The visa type does not matter. When you extend it is for wife or business. Starting with the B visa makes no difference - a non immigrant visa is all you need for the spouse extension of stay. You appear to meet the requirement for extension of stay before your visa expires (unless the money was put in the bank this week). All you need is 400k in bank account for two months to obtain one year extension of stay. You can extend your current stay 60 days to visit wife if not enough time. So there is not need to leave country or obtain a new visa.

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Just off on a slight tangent......why is KL or Perth usually mentioned for visas.

When I used to do a tourist visa run I would go to Kota Bharu,an hours bus ride across the Malaysian border,there is/was a Thai consulate there.

Is this not good for the issue of multiple entry non immigrant visas??

Just wondering why I never see it mentioned in the many threads I have managed to read on this matter.......is it gone??

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For several reasons. Few people go there as the transport is not convenient or particularity safe; the area it is located in is not on the main tourist route; the town does not condone or cater to the activities of some travelers and the Consulate has become rather selective in visa issue (like Penang now).

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Beechguy's suggestion ought to be the best choice for you I recon as you are already in Thailand and therefore don't have to leave the country. Go to the nearest immigration office and apply for an extension of stay based on marriage with a Thai citizen. Ensure that the 800,000 baht you currently have in the bank is in your name and not a joint account. You will need a minimum of 400,000 baht in your own name to get a one year's stay as you joint income doesn't count. One can no longer use joint income as a qualifier, it has to be your own so you hade better opt for 'the money in the bank option'.

Bring along photos of you and your wife at your home and a map showing the location of the house in addition to the other required documents.

Once the stay is approved you need to report at the immigration every 90th day plus minus 7 days. And don't forget to purchase a re-entry permit at the same time as it will allow you to leave Thailand and return without loosing your status. Re-entry permits are available with a single entry and multi-entries.

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Thanks much, Lopburi3 for the reply and useful info.

I have not yet tried to extend, trying now to be prepared for that eventual trip. I want an O marriage VISA, not a B.

I'm guessing KL is Kuala Lumphur. I'm a good plane ride from there. As an American would I need a VISA to enter KL? Vientaine, Laos is much more convenient, only an hour+ car ride for me.

Do you know about this embassy, whether they're likely to give a 1 year nonimm. O assuming I have all the needed docs? I have marriage certif. wive's ID copy, 800k in thai bank, etc.

Thanks again,


Is there some reason you can's apply for a one year "Extension of Stay" as suggested above? It isn't a visa, it's an extension of your permitted to stay period, you wouldn't have to leave every 90 days, but just do an address report.

Sorry for the late reply.

The only reason is ignorance. I didn't know about extensions. Thanks for explaining. Nobody I've talked to in Udon has mentioned this.

stgrhe says, ensure the 800,000 bht in the bank is mine. It is mine. He also says 400,000 bht is minimum. So is he saying I don't need to keep 800,000 but just no less than 400,000? If so then I can move some over to wife's and start earning some interest!

What do you do to prove your address? Is it just the yellow book, photos of house with my wife and me and a map to my house, or is there more I need to have?

At what point during the 3 month visa period do I apply for an extension? My visa expires Sept 25.

Are you familiar with Nong Kai Immigration office, that's where I'll be going?

Thanks much for your help,


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Why do you want a Multi Entry? Do you often travel outside of Thailand?

If the answer is no, then get a single from the Immigration office

Thanks for the response. No i don't plan on leaving Thailand this year. I thought having multiple entries would be more convenient when I dealt with renewing my visa. But now based on what members here have said it sounds like I need to extend my original visa and not get a new visa. That would be great if I was able to just go to nong kai immigration and extend for 1 year and then return only to prove I still live here.

Does that sound right to you?

Thanks for your help,


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You mentioned the 800k (which is the normal retirement requirement) so he advised you only need 400k or over in your name. So yes, you can move excess into another account when you like. Also the 400k only has to be in the account two months for first extension and three month for later extensions - so be sure to have at or above that level for the required time before each application. Once approved you can go lower until three month prior again.

You should make application with 30 days or less remaining on current visa stay. Your house paperwork should be fine. Wife will need her ID card and blue book where she is registered as living (usually parents).

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You should be able to get a single entry O in Laos. That would be good for 90 days.

Then you can apply for a one year extension at immigration in Nong Khai.

I think KL was mentioned for a multiple entry visa, which you don't need if you want to extend for a year because of marriage.

Thanks for your response. So for a single KL is not necessary, that's good news. Would I need to get a new single O in Loas before I can apply for a 1 yr extension or can I just extend at the Nong Kai immigration office my original visa? It expires Sept 25.

Thanks again,


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The visa type does not matter. When you extend it is for wife or business. Starting with the B visa makes no difference - a non immigrant visa is all you need for the spouse extension of stay. You appear to meet the requirement for extension of stay before your visa expires (unless the money was put in the bank this week). All you need is 400k in bank account for two months to obtain one year extension of stay. You can extend your current stay 60 days to visit wife if not enough time. So there is not need to leave country or obtain a new visa.

Thanks for the explanation. So it sounds like I only need to wait 2 months past when I put 400k in the bank. Actually 400k+ has been in this bank non stop since May '08 before we were married. My balance has never dipped below 800k since I opened it. We were married in july 08. Do you think then my wait period is already past and I can go Nong Kai immigration anytime before my visa expires to extend it? It expires Sept 25.

Thanks for your help,


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The visa type does not matter. When you extend it is for wife or business. Starting with the B visa makes no difference - a non immigrant visa is all you need for the spouse extension of stay. You appear to meet the requirement for extension of stay before your visa expires (unless the money was put in the bank this week). All you need is 400k in bank account for two months to obtain one year extension of stay. You can extend your current stay 60 days to visit wife if not enough time. So there is not need to leave country or obtain a new visa.

Thanks for the explanation. So it sounds like I only need to wait 2 months past when I put 400k in the bank. Actually 400k+ has been in this bank non stop since May '08 before we were married. My balance has never dipped below 800k since I opened it. We were married in july 08. Do you think then my wait period is already past and I can go Nong Kai immigration anytime before my visa expires to extend it? It expires Sept 25.

Thanks for your help,


If the account is in your name only, that should be ok. You can go anytime around August 25th to start the application process.

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You mentioned the 800k (which is the normal retirement requirement) so he advised you only need 400k or over in your name. So yes, you can move excess into another account when you like. Also the 400k only has to be in the account two months for first extension and three month for later extensions - so be sure to have at or above that level for the required time before each application. Once approved you can go lower until three month prior again.

You should make application with 30 days or less remaining on current visa stay. Your house paperwork should be fine. Wife will need her ID card and blue book where she is registered as living (usually parents).

Great info Lopburi 3. So now I know 400k 2 months fist time, 3 months after. That won't be a prob. And apply with 30 days or less remaining. So that'll be begin Sept.

When I apply in Nong Kai for the 1 yr extension, if they approve do I get the extension that day or is there a wait?

Thanks again,


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Beechguy's suggestion ought to be the best choice for you I recon as you are already in Thailand and therefore don't have to leave the country. Go to the nearest immigration office and apply for an extension of stay based on marriage with a Thai citizen. Ensure that the 800,000 baht you currently have in the bank is in your name and not a joint account. You will need a minimum of 400,000 baht in your own name to get a one year's stay as you joint income doesn't count. One can no longer use joint income as a qualifier, it has to be your own so you hade better opt for 'the money in the bank option'.

Bring along photos of you and your wife at your home and a map showing the location of the house in addition to the other required documents.

Once the stay is approved you need to report at the immigration every 90th day plus minus 7 days. And don't forget to purchase a re-entry permit at the same time as it will allow you to leave Thailand and return without loosing your status. Re-entry permits are available with a single entry and multi-entries.

stgrhe, thanks for the info. So it sounds like I don't need to go into Loas and that I just need to bring all my paperwork and photos to nong kai immigration and apply for a 1 year extension to be wife my thai wife. I am understanding this right?

Thanks again,


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The visa type does not matter. When you extend it is for wife or business. Starting with the B visa makes no difference - a non immigrant visa is all you need for the spouse extension of stay. You appear to meet the requirement for extension of stay before your visa expires (unless the money was put in the bank this week). All you need is 400k in bank account for two months to obtain one year extension of stay. You can extend your current stay 60 days to visit wife if not enough time. So there is not need to leave country or obtain a new visa.

Thanks for the explanation. So it sounds like I only need to wait 2 months past when I put 400k in the bank. Actually 400k+ has been in this bank non stop since May '08 before we were married. My balance has never dipped below 800k since I opened it. We were married in july 08. Do you think then my wait period is already past and I can go Nong Kai immigration anytime before my visa expires to extend it? It expires Sept 25.

Thanks for your help,


If the account is in your name only, that should be ok. You can go anytime around August 25th to start the application process.

So I'll go after Aug 25. You say start the process. How long does it take?



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You will need to take.

Marriage Certificate. Wife's ID Card and House Registration book. A letter from the bank showing the balance. Up to date Bank Book showing the same balance. Photo's of you and your Wife in and around your house. A map showing the way to your house. Your passport. Application Form. Passport size photo. 1,900 Baht Fee. Copies of every thing.

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They have also been requiring additional marriage paperwork recently to include a copy of the District Office marriage registration entry. Believe those getting married recently have received but those who married a few years ago may have to visit office again to obtain.

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They have also been requiring additional marriage paperwork recently to include a copy of the District Office marriage registration entry. Believe those getting married recently have received but those who married a few years ago may have to visit office again to obtain.

Not sure if that is being required at every office , but worth checking out.

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What is this 'House Registration book' please? We are apartment dwellors and I certainly ain't about to live in my wife's Mom's house.



My thai wife agrees with LB, every thai's address is listed in their blue book, even apt dwellers. Before she had a home, she lived in an apt in Udon and this apt address was in her blue book. In blue book they list owner's name and names of each resident. If someone moves away in the family they can keep their families residence or put their new address. This part she is not 100% sure of.


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Your age might be a factor also. I am 38 and was recently denied the extension because I don't have a work permit. They said that even though I have the 400,000+ in the bank, that because I am young I need to have a work permit.

Unfortunately, I will have to leave the country and get a multiple entry with one year extension. I just never understand why some immigration offices and officers do things differently. I have received the extension based on savings before, but as of today they denied me.

Please update on your experience in a few weeks.

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What is this 'House Registration book' please? We are apartment dwellors and I certainly ain't about to live in my wife's Mom's house.



My thai wife agrees with LB, every thai's address is listed in their blue book, even apt dwellers. Before she had a home, she lived in an apt in Udon and this apt address was in her blue book. In blue book they list owner's name and names of each resident. If someone moves away in the family they can keep their families residence or put their new address. This part she is not 100% sure of.


She can be 100% sure of it.

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Your age might be a factor also. I am 38 and was recently denied the extension because I don't have a work permit. They said that even though I have the 400,000+ in the bank, that because I am young I need to have a work permit.

When was this and where because it is totally wrong.

Work Permit and age have nothing to do with an extension based on marriage to a Thai National.

If you are going back to before November 08 savings in the bank would have been no use.

The rule has since changed.

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I can't edit my previous post for some reason. It wasn't that I was denied, I was just told that I couldn't extend based on the money when I go in 2 months. I talked to someone over the phone

a few weeks ago and that is what they said. Perhaps it was just some staffer who didn't know what they were talking about.

All of the immigration websites say what others have mentioned here.

I don't go for renewal for another 2 months,I will trust you guys. The people here are usually no better than the people who answer the phone at immigration.

They weren't so helpful when I called them. If it works for you guys, I will trust it when I go.

Thanks for the help guys.

Edited by newbie001
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