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Malaria Strain Resists Drugs, May Threaten Millions, Study Says


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Just as ya thought it was safe to go in the ocean - good morning Vietnam

If HINI didnt scare the heebee jeebies out of ya - this surely will. Get the flit guns out


July 30 (Bloomberg) -- Malaria is becoming resistant to the most powerful drugs available in Southeast Asia, as the World Health Organization races to stop the spread of the strain that could be "disastrous" for global malaria control.

Treatments derived from artemisinin, the basis of the most effective anti-malaria drugs, took almost twice as long to clear the parasites that cause the disease in patients in western Cambodia as in patients in northwestern Thailand, according to a study published today in the New England Journal of Medicine.

The delay in parasite clearance times shows the drugs are losing their power against the disease in Cambodia, the study said. The failure of artemisinin-based treatments would be "disastrous" for global efforts aimed at curbing the death and disease wrought by the malady, said Arjen Dondorp, who led the study at the Mahidol Oxford Research Unit in Bangkok.

"There is no question that this is resistance to artemisinin," Carlos Campbell, a malaria expert with the Seattle-based Program for Appropriate Technology in Health, or PATH, wrote in an editorial accompanying the study. "History warns us that it will intensify and spread unless containment steps are taken."


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