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A few nights ago I noticed quite a large lump on my dogs rump. I assumed it was an abscess. It was about 5 inches across, and came to a peak like a flat volcano. I noticed a red "bite" mark but didn't think much of it.

I was out in the garage later that night and and saw a big black scorpion near where my dog had been laying earlier. I wasn't sure if he had been stung, but there was not much I could do, as it was about 11pm.

In the morning, he was hot all over, the swelling was larger, but the biggest telltale was that he was slobbering very badly, basically dripping from the mouth.

He still had his appetite and he didn't seem to be too bothered. I called the vet and they came over before lunchtime. They gave him some antihistamine, anti-inflammatory and another shot (forget what it was) - 3 in total. By the next day he was better and the swelling had gone down. We did ice it many times during those 2 days.

My dog is a solid 40kg and has been bitten by snakes twice and lived, so he's a tough old boy.

Vet said a sting from a black scorpion could possibly kill a smaller dog or a child. There is not antidote for a scorpion bite.

I took a few photos that night...but did not kill it.

But I do give my shoes a good shake out every morning now.



Its actually a Heterometrus spinifer or Asian Forest Scorpian but they are very similar to the African Emperor Scorpion.

....and they're nasty little vermin.


Last rainy season, which was unusally wet, found this little black critters finding their way into our kitchen area....where, in the early morning dark, we had to cross an area of the floor to find a light switch. Every morning we'd have a couple.....made for interesting and careful navigating in the darkened kitchen.


Jeezus, snakes scorpions centipedes I read about all the time being in people's houses!

We're about to move to a rural area where each of the above are probably more prevalent.

Gotta be sure my life insurance is paid up because I will without a doubt suffer an immediate cardiac arrest the FIRST TIME I come face to face with one of these lovely creatures in my home. Lord God Almighty !!!


"an immediate cardiac arrest the FIRST TIME"

no, u won´t :)

you geht used to them, i wanted to pack myself in a tupperware lunch box the first year - now i just ask myself how long it´s ago the last snake was here...they avoid you more than you them :D


I wouldn't want to be stung by a black one but according to my wife the little brown ones have a much more painful sting. She is afraid of centipedes and small brown scorpions but has no problems with the black ones. She even brought one in the house one day to show it to me. She had it sitting on a bamboo fly swatter. It just sat there and didn't seem bothered by the ride.

"an immediate cardiac arrest the FIRST TIME"

no, u won´t :)

you geht used to them, i wanted to pack myself in a tupperware lunch box the first year - now i just ask myself how long it´s ago the last snake was here...they avoid you more than you them :D

Not sure I agree. In Thonburi I was leaning on a tree one day talking with some monks at some off-the-beaten path temple and they suddenly noticed a poisonous snake slowly inching its way down the tree trunk toward my hand.

In the States I have run into two rattlers, two copperheads, and several non-poisonous snakes that made absolutely no effort to either get away or attack, although they clearly sensed me/us and were wary.

Jeezus, snakes scorpions centipedes I read about all the time being in people's houses!

We're about to move to a rural area where each of the above are probably more prevalent.

Gotta be sure my life insurance is paid up because I will without a doubt suffer an immediate cardiac arrest the FIRST TIME I come face to face with one of these lovely creatures in my home. Lord God Almighty !!!

Now you might understand why traditional Thai homes are built above any surfaces. Modifying one's home to combat the surrounding environment is your best friend.

Jeezus, snakes scorpions centipedes I read about all the time being in people's houses!

We're about to move to a rural area where each of the above are probably more prevalent.

Gotta be sure my life insurance is paid up because I will without a doubt suffer an immediate cardiac arrest the FIRST TIME I come face to face with one of these lovely creatures in my home. Lord God Almighty !!!

Now you might understand why traditional Thai homes are built above any surfaces. Modifying one's home to combat the surrounding environment is your best friend.

One of our Thai friends has quite a clever way of at least keeping the creepy crawlies out. His house is surrounded by a small moat. The moat is stocked with guppies, so that keeps the mozzies down.

Jeezus, snakes scorpions centipedes I read about all the time being in people's houses!

We're about to move to a rural area where each of the above are probably more prevalent.

Gotta be sure my life insurance is paid up because I will without a doubt suffer an immediate cardiac arrest the FIRST TIME I come face to face with one of these lovely creatures in my home. Lord God Almighty !!!

Get yourself a cat. Mine does an excellent job of battling the snakes, giant centipedes, scorpions, gorilla-sized spiders, and anything she can get her chops around. Cat's will know when something scary is in the house long before you will. She even hoovers up the roaches and geckos (unfortunately the geckos).

Jeezus, snakes scorpions centipedes I read about all the time being in people's houses!

We're about to move to a rural area where each of the above are probably more prevalent.

Gotta be sure my life insurance is paid up because I will without a doubt suffer an immediate cardiac arrest the FIRST TIME I come face to face with one of these lovely creatures in my home. Lord God Almighty !!!

Now you might understand why traditional Thai homes are built above any surfaces. Modifying one's home to combat the surrounding environment is your best friend.

One of our Thai friends has quite a clever way of at least keeping the creepy crawlies out. His house is surrounded by a small moat. The moat is stocked with guppies, so that keeps the mozzies down.

Clever Thai. Always.

Jeezus, snakes scorpions centipedes I read about all the time being in people's houses!

We're about to move to a rural area where each of the above are probably more prevalent.

Gotta be sure my life insurance is paid up because I will without a doubt suffer an immediate cardiac arrest the FIRST TIME I come face to face with one of these lovely creatures in my home. Lord God Almighty !!!

Get yourself a cat. Mine does an excellent job of battling the snakes, giant centipedes, scorpions, gorilla-sized spiders, and anything she can get her chops around. Cat's will know when something scary is in the house long before you will. She even hoovers up the roaches and geckos (unfortunately the geckos).

This seems more like it, we have not had an incident since we had our siamese, in fact the other day there was huge rat with its brain missing in the garden, our cat is so docile/placid its hard to imagine he did it, but ill bet he did,. :)
Jeezus, snakes scorpions centipedes I read about all the time being in people's houses!

We're about to move to a rural area where each of the above are probably more prevalent.

Gotta be sure my life insurance is paid up because I will without a doubt suffer an immediate cardiac arrest the FIRST TIME I come face to face with one of these lovely creatures in my home. Lord God Almighty !!!

Get yourself a cat. Mine does an excellent job of battling the snakes, giant centipedes, scorpions, gorilla-sized spiders, and anything she can get her chops around. Cat's will know when something scary is in the house long before you will. She even hoovers up the roaches and geckos (unfortunately the geckos).

Our cats catch snakes and bring them in still alive to show us! Yesterday we had a squirrel, a snake and a frog brought in all within half an hour! But then we have got 6 cats! :)


Jeezus, snakes scorpions centipedes I read about all the time being in people's houses!

We're about to move to a rural area where each of the above are probably more prevalent.

Gotta be sure my life insurance is paid up because I will without a doubt suffer an immediate cardiac arrest the FIRST TIME I come face to face with one of these lovely creatures in my home. Lord God Almighty !!!

Now you might understand why traditional Thai homes are built above any surfaces. Modifying one's home to combat the surrounding environment is your best friend.

One of our Thai friends has quite a clever way of at least keeping the creepy crawlies out. His house is surrounded by a small moat. The moat is stocked with guppies, so that keeps the mozzies down.

My Granddad, who lived in South Texas and New Mexico most his life, said he had each leg of his bed in a pot of water, and his boots/shoes upside down on a rack.


Scorpions aren't dangerous in Thailand. Just like bee stings. Okay unless you suffer an allergic reaction and go into anaphylactic shock. Sure it was a Scorpion? A centipede might be a more likely suspect. Stay away from those at all costs. Very painful.

  • 8 months later...

post-61254-1272814469_thumb.jpgThought you might be interested in this pic of me and an Asian Forest Scorpion and a centipeede I got close and friendly with. Both have a nasty bite and sting. The scorpion is is naturally quite aggressive but the sting is like a bad beesting - the centipeede is worse. This scorpion, like most animals was fine as long as I didn't try to harm it.


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