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My Skype Call Quality Has Deteriorated.


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I used to get great call quality most of the time. Now it is not possible to hold a conversation as the connection is so bad. I have anti-virus software and have ran anti-spyware software too. Has anyone else any idea what could be causing my problem?


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Yes, I get the exact same problem now, its simply because of the deteriation of the quality of the internet here. Its just lousy at the moment as everyone will attest and only getting worse. Nothing we can do about it either really as skype needs at least a decent connection in order to process the calls, without this quality it will be like the old analog phones whilst dialing international line, i.e. garbled voices, 2 or 3 second delay on hearing reply, etc.

All we can do is live in hope that the internet will get better - fat chance of that I know but we can hope, eh!!


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Are you talking about like in the last week?

if so, then YES, I am with TOT as well. The main issue seems to be upload speeds all around. Downloads seem to be doing ok, but uploads die and stall and creep all the time since about 1 week ago and that makes Skype calls nearly impossible.

someone wake up somchai and tell him to flip back on the switch please...

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IMHO it is not Skype which is the culprit for the deteriorating quality but the ISP + your ADSL package!

According to some reports from North America and Europe this problem seems to be (almost) unknown to Skype users...

I can confirm a I have a crisp clear connection and I suspect this has something to do with the SME package I use.

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Actually I found Skype to Australia and US (from Thailand) is usually ok but to Europe and UK is virtually useless so I think it has something to do particularly with the peering between Thailand and Europe. Anyway their phone-out charges are no longer very competitive, check out VOIPdiscount, much cheaper rates, free to call landline phones in many countries, even mobile in some (UK and Thailand).

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