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Today for the first time since commencing using gmail I am recieving constant error messages stating that the service is temporarily unavailable. The exact messages vary but the gist is the same.

Up until now I have been very satisfied with gmail.

Is anyone experiencing similar difficulties today?

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Wolfie many thanks.

I have just tried again and voila! Bob's your uncle and it works.

However for at least a good half hour all I got were various error messages about unavailablity from Google - my first experience of this kind since signing up with gmail.

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No problems for me, except that my Maxthon browser won't open it (as it is based on IE, which on my machine is v5. IE won't open it either)

My guess is that it is a DNS name resolver issue - many common sites have this problem, especially Yahoo. There's a thread about it from a few days ago.

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I always thought Gmail was not based on IE - with them being arch rivals as such...

Not quite sure what you mean their Wolf. I presume that my problems with opening gmail with IE and (IE based) Maxthon are because I use the old version 5. something - that comes standard with W2K. Firefox opens my gmail with no problems. Doesn't gmail use some kind of interface that it uploads to your machine for viewing mail, instead of being a regular web page? Seem to recall some thread about that a while back. If that is indeed the case, it maybe that problems are due to activeX or javascript restricions in the security settings.

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I sometimes get a "time-out" error using Outlook Express - but I've set my time-out to be very short (30 seconds) because I know that once gmail doesn't respond, it won't respond no matter how long you wait. So I just cancel the error message and get the mail again. This just happened a minute ago - got the first 6 emails, then a time-out. So I cancelled the time-out message and picked up the remaining ten emails.

Gmail used to be a lot worse with these time-outs for me, but I rarely get them now - except for a minute ago.... Sod's law.

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I have noticed Gmail to be very slow in fetching my mail in Outlook. This is fairly consistent over the last month. Seems like their servers are slow or something. Much slower than my Yahoo or other 2 email accounts which always finish first.

I have it set up for a POP acct in Outlook OK

Incoming server: pop.gmail.com

Outgoing server: smtp.gmail.com

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anyone got it working with POP3 yet?

Works fine for me using Outlook. Did you remember to set your account for POP3 access? There is a confirm or something on the web site that you may have missed (I did the first time) and without that being set you can not use POP3.

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