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Is It Legal In Thailand? Shooting Porn


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I have a big question, and hope someone with real knowledge will be able to answer this.

Bottom line , Is it legal to shoot porn in Thailand. From Video to hardcore photos.

I see it everywhere. Really feel sorry for some of these girls, that have no choose but to do it for the money. I mean it's one thing to do a short time or long time. But to be plastered all over the Internet doing hardcore stuff is another.

Some of this stuff is so humiliating it's just not right to take advantage of these girls, guys and LB's

Anyone have any true facts, not really looking for the "hel_l yea" answer.

If so or if not who if anyone is in charge of this?

exporting it as well?

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good guess sub.

discussion of illegal activities is against forum rules and why you would come into the ladies forum to ask such a question is really beyond all ken.


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