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Coffee Shops - Charging For Wifi


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One can only assume that you must run a business yourself handing out freebies to freeloaders? Or perchance are you just a tightwad "customer" looking for freebies?

I WAS the owner/operator of a Restaurant with WiFi back in the states. Unlike most establishments in CM, I actually managed my network by setting up a declining time/bandwidth ratio which reduced the amount of bandwidth a customer could use as the time they used it grew longer. After 4 hours, it would take about 10 minutes to load your email.

Of course, it's much easier to just buy the technolodgy to lure people in and then act like a d*** when they take you up on your offer, but I figured I would actually actively manage my business...

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I'm sure there still are places where you can sit all day with your head buried in a computer, but personally, I wouldn't want those customers in my place, but that's a pub. Nothing to do with revenue, it's just that I find it irritating to have someone sitting there not socialising or interacting with anyone. Maybe that's what it is - it annoys the staff?

Please tell me the name of your pub so I can avoid it. Being able to sit and enjoy a quiet soda or coffee without the requirement of forced interaction is high on my list of priorities.

Just as a matter of interest; do you fine offenders, beat them up, or just toss them out into the street?

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I'm sure there still are places where you can sit all day with your head buried in a computer, but personally, I wouldn't want those customers in my place, but that's a pub. Nothing to do with revenue, it's just that I find it irritating to have someone sitting there not socialising or interacting with anyone. Maybe that's what it is - it annoys the staff?

Please tell me the name of your pub so I can avoid it. Being able to sit and enjoy a quiet soda or coffee without the requirement of forced interaction is high on my list of priorities.

Just as a matter of interest; do you fine offenders, beat them up, or just toss them out into the street?

Have you ever watched Faulty Towers, would be a good laugh to be in a pub run by Basil LOL

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I'm sure there still are places where you can sit all day with your head buried in a computer, but personally, I wouldn't want those customers in my place, but that's a pub. Nothing to do with revenue, it's just that I find it irritating to have someone sitting there not socialising or interacting with anyone. Maybe that's what it is - it annoys the staff?

Please tell me the name of your pub so I can avoid it. Being able to sit and enjoy a quiet soda or coffee without the requirement of forced interaction is high on my list of priorities.

Just as a matter of interest; do you fine offenders, beat them up, or just toss them out into the street?

Belive it or not, that would be against forum rules. Advertising.

It got me into a lot of problems last time ... the exact same scenario!! :)

If you like to sit quietly with your head buried in a computer then that is fine by me, but I did purposely avoid installing WiFi for the reason I stated. Someone even offered to pay for the installation of it for me. I just decided that I didn't want it. No offense intended to those people that want it, I just decided it wasn't for me or my pub, and avoiding interaction isn't high on the list of priorities of most of my customers. 

There are plenty of pubs in Chiang Mai. Some with loud music , some with loud bar-girls but there are also plenty of quiet pubs too. I'm sure you can find somewhere that suits you. I doubt if a busy pub is the place for you to sit sipping soda, playing on your computer.

As regards to your last statement - you shouldn't take things so personally. 

Edited by KevinHunt
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I'm sure there still are places where you can sit all day with your head buried in a computer, but personally, I wouldn't want those customers in my place, but that's a pub. Nothing to do with revenue, it's just that I find it irritating to have someone sitting there not socialising or interacting with anyone. Maybe that's what it is - it annoys the staff?

Please tell me the name of your pub so I can avoid it. Being able to sit and enjoy a quiet soda or coffee without the requirement of forced interaction is high on my list of priorities.

Just as a matter of interest; do you fine offenders, beat them up, or just toss them out into the street?

Have you ever watched Faulty Towers, would be a good laugh to be in a pub run by Basil LOL

With a 'No Riff Raff' sign, too. :)

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One can only assume that you must run a business yourself handing out freebies to freeloaders? Or perchance are you just a tightwad "customer" looking for freebies?

I WAS the owner/operator of a Restaurant with WiFi back in the states. Unlike most establishments in CM, I actually managed my network by setting up a declining time/bandwidth ratio which reduced the amount of bandwidth a customer could use as the time they used it grew longer. After 4 hours, it would take about 10 minutes to load your email.

Of course, it's much easier to just buy the technolodgy to lure people in and then act like a d*** when they take you up on your offer, but I figured I would actually actively manage my business...

So your business was so successful that you can't afford internet in Thailand? That aside you were using your own system to offload freeloaders but you don't want it done to you. No business will begrudge you using their wifi if you are spending a reasonable amount, just don't do the sit on one coffee for hours expecting free wifi.

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I'm sure there still are places where you can sit all day with your head buried in a computer, but personally, I wouldn't want those customers in my place, but that's a pub. Nothing to do with revenue, it's just that I find it irritating to have someone sitting there not socialising or interacting with anyone. Maybe that's what it is - it annoys the staff?

Please tell me the name of your pub so I can avoid it. Being able to sit and enjoy a quiet soda or coffee without the requirement of forced interaction is high on my list of priorities.

Just as a matter of interest; do you fine offenders, beat them up, or just toss them out into the street?

Belive it or not, that would be against forum rules. Advertising.

It got me into a lot of problems last time ... the exact same scenario!! :D

If you like to sit quietly with your head buried in a computer then that is fine by me, but I did purposely avoid installing WiFi for the reason I stated. Someone even offered to pay for the installation of it for me. I just decided that I didn't want it. No offense intended to those people that want it, I just decided it wasn't for me or my pub, and avoiding interaction isn't high on the list of priorities of most of my customers. 

There are plenty of pubs in Chiang Mai. Some with loud music , some with loud bar-girls but there are also plenty of quiet pubs too. I'm sure you can find somewhere that suits you. I doubt if a busy pub is the place for you to sit sipping soda, playing on your computer.

As regards to your last statement - you shouldn't take things so personally. 

Do you include assumptions with your service? Where do I mention anything about computers?

BTW, there seems to me to be a significant difference in "avoiding interaction" and "forced interaction" .. except perhaps in your pub.

As regards to your last statement - you shouldn't take things so personally.

LOL! I think it's pretty apparent who has taken this issue "so personally" :)

Edited by klikster
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I run a backpackers hostel and cafe in Scotland at the moment it is high season I provide free wifi for people staying in the hostel and a computer in the cafe for non guests that we charge 75 pence for 15 minutes ,on average I have to tell four people a day to bugger of because they come in with their laptops thinking they can use my wifi for free and not buy any food or drink :)

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I was in Chiang Mai recently for a few days , just returned back to Bangkok .

I really tried hard to find a free wifi place but no luck , I had to pay to use it.

Since I have a lot of work on Internet I need to get connected at least 2-3 hours every day.

Finally I found a coffee shop that charged 25 Baht for an hour and that was fine with me.

In central Bangkok its very easy to find free WiFi so I was a bit surprised .

I have to admit that I'm one of the customers that buy a coffee and sit down for 2-3 hours, but the good news is, I always return to the same place for another coffee so at least I'm a faithful customer...

Edited by balo
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Free Wifi at coffee shops has always been a way to bring in the business. I have never understood why pubs and restaurants would offer it because at a pub or bar you are either eating or drinking and if you are not then you'd better... be playing pool or doing something else.

A coffee shop is a place to relax and sometimes to do business. With the large proliferation of coffee shops in Chiang Mai I'm guessing that maybe the business is getting thin and thus they are looking for alternative revenue sources. Good for them. If an Internet shop can offer you internet and sell you a drink or a coffee then why can't a coffee shop charge for internet?

That being said if I wanted to have a tea and use the internet I would give my business to the free shop.

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I run a backpackers hostel and cafe in Scotland at the moment it is high season I provide free wifi for people staying in the hostel and a computer in the cafe for non guests that we charge 75 pence for 15 minutes ,on average I have to tell four people a day to bugger of because they come in with their laptops thinking they can use my wifi for free and not buy any food or drink :)

obvious question,but why dont you password protect yr wifi access? :D

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I run a backpackers hostel and cafe in Scotland at the moment it is high season I provide free wifi for people staying in the hostel and a computer in the cafe for non guests that we charge 75 pence for 15 minutes ,on average I have to tell four people a day to bugger of because they come in with their laptops thinking they can use my wifi for free and not buy any food or drink :)

Amazing :D I would never have associated "Scotland" with the word "free" :D

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I'm sure there still are places where you can sit all day with your head buried in a computer, but personally, I wouldn't want those customers in my place, but that's a pub. Nothing to do with revenue, it's just that I find it irritating to have someone sitting there not socialising or interacting with anyone. Maybe that's what it is - it annoys the staff?

Please tell me the name of your pub so I can avoid it. Being able to sit and enjoy a quiet soda or coffee without the requirement of forced interaction is high on my list of priorities.

Just as a matter of interest; do you fine offenders, beat them up, or just toss them out into the street?

Boy Klikster, You seem like a piece of work....... not only a cheap charlie for wanting free wifi, as your god given right, and no sense of obligation on your part, but also you seem to be very lazy.....

You want to know the name of KevinHunts pub, then get up off your lazy rear end and go out and look for it, rather than wanting somebody just give it to you.

While your looking maybe you can find a place that will give you free food and coffee, and pay you for your , no doubt, much demamded presence.

If and when you do find Kein's place, please do not be confused by the sign not reading Salvation Army.

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I'm sure there still are places where you can sit all day with your head buried in a computer, but personally, I wouldn't want those customers in my place, but that's a pub. Nothing to do with revenue, it's just that I find it irritating to have someone sitting there not socialising or interacting with anyone.

Please tell me the name of your pub so I can avoid it. Being able to sit and enjoy a quiet soda or coffee without ... forced interaction is high on my list of priorities.

Just as a matter of interest; do you fine offenders, beat them up, or just toss them out into the street?

Believe it or not, that would be against forum rules. Advertising.

It got me into a lot of problems last time ... the exact same scenario!! :D

If you like to sit quietly with your head buried in a computer then that is fine by me, but I did purposely avoid installing WiFi for the reason I stated. Someone even offered to pay for the installation of it for me. I just decided that I didn't want it. No offense intended to those people that want it, I just decided it wasn't for me or my pub, and avoiding interaction isn't high on the list of priorities of most of my customers.

There are plenty of pubs in Chiang Mai. Some with loud music , some with loud bar-girls but there are also plenty of quiet pubs too. I'm sure you can find somewhere that suits you. I doubt if a busy pub is the place for you to sit sipping soda, playing on your computer.

As regards to your last statement - you shouldn't take things so personally. 

Do you include assumptions with your service? Where do I mention anything about computers?

BTW, there seems to me to be a significant difference in "avoiding interaction" and "forced interaction" .. except perhaps in your pub.

LOL! I think it's pretty apparent who has taken this issue "so personally" :)

I have no idea what 'forced interaction' is, so I can't debate that point. Interesting priority, nonetheless.

If you are so intent on avoiding my place and interaction with my customers (forced or not) you can PM me for the name and directions.

It will go something like this - Don't go to down this road, don't turn left at the lights, don't go through the next intersection,............

I don't care what everyone else says about the people like you, on Thai Visa Chiang Mai, I think you're great. :D  

Edited by KevinHunt
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I know this is getting a bit off topic but what is with this issue of forced interaction and interaction avoidance anyway??

If having to socialize with someone is such a painstaking concept then there is an easy solution....STAY HOME!..it will be cheaper and you wont have to run the risk of socialising with those of the human race who are obviously "under" you!!...

To Kev: Good on you for bucking up against these bludgers,freeloaders,cheap charlies and anti-social buggers...Business is business,coffee shop the same, a pub is a pub...to go to drink and socialize NOT get a blo8dy haircut!..(although im suprised they dont want you to provide that for free as well) :D

Maybe you should adopt policies like pubs in other countries...you walk in,you buy 1 drink minimum...you go to the toilet,you buy 1 drink..not just come in and scan the menu for the cheapest item so you can use the ammentities,tv ect then scamper off out the back door....

and to think i felt like a bludger for buying a starbucks coffee just so as to have a peep at the bangkok post :)

Id like to see the cheap charlies go to places such as on Bourbon st,New Orleans, where for such behaviour you would possibly earn the pleasure of being bounced out the door!!

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I know this is getting a bit off topic but what is with this issue of forced interaction and interaction avoidance anyway??

If having to socialize with someone is such a painstaking concept then there is an easy solution....STAY HOME!..it will be cheaper and you wont have to run the risk of socialising with those of the human race who are obviously "under" you!!...

To Kev: Good on you for bucking up against these bludgers,freeloaders,cheap charlies and anti-social buggers...Business is business,coffee shop the same, a pub is a pub...to go to drink and socialize NOT get a blo8dy haircut!..(although im suprised they dont want you to provide that for free as well) :D

Maybe you should adopt policies like pubs in other countries...you walk in,you buy 1 drink minimum...you go to the toilet,you buy 1 drink..not just come in and scan the menu for the cheapest item so you can use the ammentities,tv ect then scamper off out the back door....

and to think i felt like a bludger for buying a starbucks coffee just so as to have a peep at the bangkok post :)

Id like to see the cheap charlies go to places such as on Bourbon st,New Orleans, where for such behaviour you would possibly earn the pleasure of being bounced out the door!!

mcDonalds stores in Australia asked the goverment to help pay for toilet cleaning etc, as so many use them and don't buy anything.

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Coffee shops aside for a minute, it might be a better idea to just walk into any internet café and setup a mobile office there if the individual needs an online connection for hours at a time on a regular basis?

Some of you might already know this, but you can even grab a cup of coffee and a snack in many of these purpose built cafes too. This way, those folks who want to relax in those nice coffee shops with comfy chairs, can then interact with people in the real world (as opposed to those in the virtual world), and enjoy socialising without having to wait for Oscar and his mobile office to move over or on!


Edited by Drew Aitch
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Coffee shops aside for a minute, it might be a better idea to just walk into any internet café and setup a mobile office there if the individual needs an online connection for hours at a time on a regular basis?

Some of you might already know this, but you can even grab a cup of coffee and a snack in many of these purpose built cafes too. This way, those folks who want to relax in those nice coffee shops with comfy chairs, can then interact with people in the real world (as opposed to those in the virtual world), and enjoy socialising without having to wait for Oscar and his mobile office to move over or on!


Obvious solution however the title created by the OP is "Coffee Shops - Charging For Wifi" perhaps the OP wears a tarten kilt?

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Coffee shops aside for a minute, it might be a better idea to just walk into any internet café and setup a mobile office there if the individual needs an online connection for hours at a time on a regular basis?

Some of you might already know this, but you can even grab a cup of coffee and a snack in many of these purpose built cafes too. This way, those folks who want to relax in those nice coffee shops with comfy chairs, can then interact with people in the real world (as opposed to those in the virtual world), and enjoy socialising without having to wait for Oscar and his mobile office to move over or on!


agreed, ive been to the one in airport plaza, 3rd floor? doing some browsing online with coffee whilst the gf was happily adding to the nations GDP figure :)

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My restaurants have unlimited wifi with a purchase of 150 baht of food or drink. Some people complain and/or ask for a discount. Some people stay also 6/8 hours, some more people, thinking to be clever, come the next day and I can see them sitting not so far outside the restaurant, usually on the floor, trying to connect their laptop without any luck (my staff change the password every day). Some of those guys come back in the restaurant, some just come to complain why we change the password!

PS: my cat telecom adsl is 2 mb/800 kbite, only for customer.

The world is full of cheap charlies :)

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My restaurants have unlimited wifi with a purchase of 150 baht of food or drink. Some people complain and/or ask for a discount. Some people stay also 6/8 hours, some more people, thinking to be clever, come the next day and I can see them sitting not so far outside the restaurant, usually on the floor, trying to connect their laptop without any luck (my staff change the password every day). Some of those guys come back in the restaurant, some just come to complain why we change the password!

PS: my cat telecom adsl is 2 mb/800 kbite, only for customer.

The world is full of cheap charlies :)

Hence the 'No Riff Raff' sign proudly posted at some of Chiang Mai's finer establishments.

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I don't understand why there so many failed pubs for sale in CM by bitter old farangs...

We had to walk 10 miles through the snow wearing flipflops to get free WIFI when I was your age!smiley-char124.gif

Only 10 miles? You were lucky...... and flip-flops? Bl**dy luxury. We [etc etc].........

(OK - you know the rest)

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