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Like many people we seem to have received (along with our bill this month), an application form for Internet. Well hang on we already have an acct. etc.

As their billing system can't remember what name it has been operating under for the past few months, it has become obvious they are moving companies, changing names - whatever.

From what I can gather about payment, their office now doesn't accept payment there and sends you off to pay at the bank - rather weird.

Anyway from what I can gather you won't be cut off if you don't send in the (application) form but you will miss out on any future promotions (ie upgrade of speed).

So with that tentative info I will send mine in and hope the future promotions don't include downgrade of speed!

Anyone have anymore on this. My info was from TT&T office and confirmed by their helpline - feel free to add.


Was also told the same as you but that there would be no upgrade for Premier (despite people clearly having one) although Indy subscribers continue to be upgraded and operate at potentially higher speeds.

About all one could expect from a bloated, second-rate service in this neck of the Asian woods to be fair. :)


Is this the Thai-only letter that was sent as registered mail and I had to go to the post office to pick it up? I couldn't make sense of it and have forgotten about it. How important is it to find the piece of paper and try to decipher it?


I changed ISP's this week to CAT telecom, when i went to cancel my maxnet they tried to charge me 2500thb even though i have been with them over 2 years, they said that the new company has started all the contracts again so I had only been with them 2 months. Needless to say the Mrs argued and asked to speak with the manager, in the end they just asked for my modem back and didn't charge me anymore.


Is CAT any good ?

I just changed to TOT and frying pan to fire. More stable connection i.e. does not cut out every 20 seconds but even slower than Maxnet for most of the time but at least half the price of maxnet's so-called Premier.

Also Yorkshire born and bred, not so strong or arm but bloody strong of head !

Is CAT any good ?

I just changed to TOT and frying pan to fire. More stable connection i.e. does not cut out every 20 seconds but even slower than Maxnet for most of the time but at least half the price of maxnet's so-called Premier.

Also Yorkshire born and bred, not so strong or arm but bloody strong of head !

Its still early days, but so far its been great. Its more expensive than maxnet at 2020thb a month, but they put a dedicated line in to your house and that is for the level 1 premier package. Like I say early days but so far so good.


Ive only got the 2MB pacakge, but its the premier package, the speed is alot better than maxnets so called 5Mb (even though speed tests never went above 3.5MB) package I had before and more important it works everytime i try to use it.


where did you go to get the CAT service organised? I have Maxnett and its just got so bad recently. TOT is outside the front of the moo bahn this morning pushing Gold Net by TOT but I gave up on TOT internet a few years and fear a bad experience again if I go back

where did you go to get the CAT service organised? I have Maxnett and its just got so bad recently. TOT is outside the front of the moo bahn this morning pushing Gold Net by TOT but I gave up on TOT internet a few years and fear a bad experience again if I go back

Their office is a big building on the super highway almost opposite Big C on the other side of the Highway. You can't miss it as it has the biggest satelite dish I have ever seen in the carpark.

Ive only got the 2MB pacakge, but its the premier package, the speed is alot better than maxnets so called 5Mb (even though speed tests never went above 3.5MB) package I had before and more important it works everytime i try to use it.

In the 1.5 yrs I had 'em whilst residing at the Tanawan, only once did the service go out. Called them on the phone and they told me "less than an hour " ..

In less than an hour, I was up and running, full speed.

Never had any problems......at all. :)


OK thks. Will try to check it out later today. Do they offer faster speeds than 2MB? Also you mentioned them running a new line, how much did it cost to get setup?


They do offer faster speeds upto 5MB I think, but not 100%, they said for what I need the 2MB is perfect and It seems to be right, im running 3 computers off it sometimes with no problems, the modem they give you has 4 ports. Regarding set up its free but if you cancel the contract within a year you get charged a months fee for the setup. Also after you discontinue the service they come to take the line out.

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